Dudes First GoPro Video

Stephen Caldwell sent us this link to his buddy Kasey Halcro’s first GoPro video. It’s a big moment in every man’s life when he uploads his first YouTube video. Dreaming of viral!

Kasey is sharing some backcountry Cutty fishing with us in this film, and it looks pretty cool. Literally. Everyone needs to get a little elevation and get out of the heat this time of year.

I’m sure Kasey is also learning that anyone can hit “record” on the camera. It’s the dude that sits down to edit that wins. Kasey is using iMovie, but pretty soon he will move up to FCP X, or one of the other advanced editors. He will then quit his job and spend all day trying to figure out how to use all this fancy editing software, plus motion graphics, sound editing, creating tracks on Garage Band, etc. The journey has begun.

If you need a GoPro HERO3 adventure POV camera so you can make your own flick, call the shop. We sell ’em at Headhunters, along with all the cool accessories.

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