Dizzy Gillespie with this powerful lick Manteca.
If you like loud jazz, the stuff that makes you jive a bit in your car seat, the sound that makes you wish you had practiced you trumpet more a kid…you’ll like Manteca.
No soft adult contemporary shit here.
This is real.
As for our fishing? Nearly real. Good, but the lid has not come off yet.
Certainly not Manteca quality yet.
But still along shot from the Kenny G your girlfriend listens to…

Wiki says…“Manteca” is one of the earliest foundational tunes of Afro-Cuban jazz. Co-written by Dizzy Gillespie, Chano Pozo and Gil Fuller in 1947, it is among the most famous of Gillespie’s recordings (along with the earlier “A Night in Tunisia”) and is “one of the most important records ever made in the United States”, according to Gary Giddins of the Village Voice.[1] “Manteca” is the first tune rhythmically based on the clave to become a jazz standard.
Life wrote that Pozo was a “frenzied drummer”, “shouting incoherently” in apparent “bop transport”
Reminds me of some fishing guides I know…or clients.
Shouting incoherently.
This is a kick ass powerful tune. Enjoy it this Sunday. Rest now. Fishing season is upon us.
Not that big of a jazz-buff; but my girlfriend and I just danced around in our long underwear for the duration of that video. Nice work, Mark.
this is some of the best.. Happy Monday!
some of the best! Happy Monday