December 1st. Snow.

December 1st. Snow.

A passing storm dropped a couple inches on us here in Craig.

Slow angling traffic. Just right.

Beyond booking, sending Christmas gift items, talking to you folks on the phone about hatch timing, and lots of Trout Spey conversations…here is the up to the minute Headhunters gang update.

Richard is putting up the Christmas lights on the shop. And telling Chicago snow stories.

Sara is merchandising. She is also dreaming of working her dogs and shooting a brace of Hun’s.

Ninch is “sardining” the fly bins.

Julie is booking 2019 guide trips, spring specials, Spey Especial, winter trips, along with conducting the rest of the orchestra. But she’s not ready to put a lid on 2018 yet. 1 more month. Lots of fishing to be done yet…

Jim is wanting for the shuttle crew to arrive. Again!

Derek is either trying to take a nap in the office reloading from his night job, or thinking about ways to trick out his new Adipose Flow.

Nichole is at home happily resting from the busy summer.

John is probably putting out yet another WordPress fire.

Dewey is glad he is not working at the shop this winter!

Reid is enjoying the solace of a winter in the canyon.

Ben is constructing, or demo’ing some remodel project. And playing with his kids.

Brett  is snowboarding. Happily.

Marty is pushing snow around Bozeman.

Max is crafting some venison stew, laughing, with the freezers full of game from a successful fall hunt.

Braden is staring at bugs, ID’ing, and the like. Also tying daily. Also Braden stuff. And planning meals for the month.

Lindsey is painting some sort of Indian and horse scene.

Parker is on his way to somewhere, anywhere, warmer.

Beth is planning yet another winter 2 or 3 month worldwide travel agenda including lots of saltwater fishing with her hubby Geoff.

Whitney has returned from her Steelhead guide season. She and Mike will be swinging the Mo fro the remainder of the winter. Casting lessons and Spey Especial available from Whitney this winter!

Brent is in the woods.

Nobody knows where Ryan is.

Chad is teaching children to be better people.

Shane is building furniture in his new workshop.

Kurt is keeping Sara on task. And hunting his ass off too.

Caldwell is building something or other.

Mondragon is fixing something, prepping for ice fishing, also wishing he was somewhere warmer fishing in sunny saltwater climes.

And you? How are you doing on this December 1st?

5 thoughts on “December 1st. Snow.”

  1. I am plugging away at my job Tuesday thru Saturday coming home after work and eating what ever fabulous meal Gigi has prepared for me after having my nightly bourbon and cigar of course. Been watching far to many Hallmark Christmas shows, the characters are starting to show up in my dreams. Doing some tying and getting caught up on some household projects so I can get back out and do some guilt free fishing. Merry Christmas to all the Headhunters crew.

  2. I just got out of my waders after having a pretty darn good day swinging some soft hackles on the Yakima in a light snow fall as well .Happy December and holidays to all the crew at HH hope to see you soon

  3. I’m planning my third and final trip to southern Argentina to fish Strobel Lake and shoot a few dove with a bud from New Jersey(?) in December of 2019. Everybody needs to put this on their trout bucket list!

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