Craig Trout Camp Open All Winter

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The entire Craig Trout Camp at Headhunters will be open for the entire winter for those who spend just as much time fishing the Missouri during swing season. The Rainbow & Brown, Craig House and Sutton Place will all be available at discounted winter rates from Nov. 15 – March 15.

  • Rainbow & Brown – $125/nt (2)
  • Sutton Place – $200 (4)
  • Craig House – $250 (4) – $350 (6)

Now you probably don’t have to book a cabin well in advance. But, we’ve had some of the cabins open the last few years, and our booking crew will tell you that there are times when everyone seems to try and book. Even in the winter. That’s why we have them open! So if you and your buddies have a plan, book it. It’s easy to change it later.

Also, remember that dining options get a little limited around here in the winter. Your best bet is to bring your own grub. The Craig House and Sutton Place have full kitchens. The Rainbow and Brown have mini-fridge/microwave setups. We do have BBQ’s that you can use to grill up some steaks – or Marks fav – hot dogs!

Call the shop to reserve or if you have any Q’s. 1-877-379-3597[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]