Coolest Album Cover of the Week

Coolest Album Cover of the Week

Looks like a snapshot of Squeeky’s brain.

Cooler weather companies the Coolest Album Cover of the Week.

Really quite chilly yesterday. That in conjunction with the devilish north wind cooled off the top water toss it out there and catch a couple bite. Today warmer, and we will see what that brings.

Yesterday the first day in a long time, a couple strong months when we heard fishing reports that were not stellar. Good catch rates, but not goofy good like it has been. It was not a “10” day, it came in at a lowly 7.8. Nice fish were caught all over the place top to bottom on the river. IT really has been a fun and fantastic late summer-autumn session.

Tiny BWO’s litter the lower river int eh afternoons. Lots of fish gobbling them up tight tot he shoreline. Lots. Integrate that into your day if you like a good late afternoon dry fly bite.

Callibatetis still out. Trico’s? Yep. A good hatch coming off yesterday afternoon in the canyon of that persistent fall tan caddis. I would not hesitate to cast a few caddis over those Pseudo feeding fish. They eat that kind of stuff too.

Good drifts win the fight every time.

Do you want to be the Old Bull, or the Young Bull?

A strong drift trumps placement every time. Good drifts do not spook fish. Just because the fish rises in the pond beyond the seam does not mean you can catch it. Fish smarter. Do it.

Good drifts win the fight every time.

Fishing is good. Short leash nymphing is great. Weeds? Not really bad. I would like to say not really, but have to remember that most rivers don’t have any. And so therefor, yes weeds. Not bad for us.

It’s Saturday. A perfect day to plan your fall fishing trip with Headhunters. Call up 3 of your buddies and put something together. Sara is ready to get you into a neat river cabin for the week.  Or stay in Craig and walk to Joe’s for your nightcap.

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