Chasing the Taper Trailer


Chasing the Taper Trailer

I do own a couple bamboo rods made by the boys at Sweetgrass Bamboo Rods. They are both great. Love to fish them.


I do like the action, the history, and the look of that sweet bamboo!

Most of the time I do throw a hyper fast dry fly stick. Most do on the Mo. The right tool for the job.

You cannot replace the fantastic feel of casting, hooking, and fighting a dry fly fed brown trout with that classic piece of history.

Enjoy the trailer today on the HH blog.

Damn cold this morning at -9F with a 6″+ compliment of snow fro this last dump. We have to all the way til tomorrow to receive our next dose of the white stuff. Our winter is strong and it looks like we will have a favorable water season ahead.[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”″ video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

3 thoughts on “Chasing the Taper Trailer”

  1. The great thing about bamboo rods is that they all have a history and often many stories to tell. Not sure if that’s the case the synthetic rods of today? There is a true craftsperson behind every cane rod produced – time, skill, passion, and integrity are all components of cane and the rod builder. I can say for sure I remember more of the fish caught on my 45 year old Madison or 6′ 4wt Bob Taylor than any of my new rods. One other thing about cane is it makes you slow everything down physically and mentally. The rod becomes part of you and you become part of the rod. Without that patience and connection the tool simply doesn’t work the way its is meant to work. To me bamboo represents the true essence of what the sport is all about. For me it’s not about ‘speed’, distance, flex pattern, technology or any of that stuff. Its about the joy and pleasure one feels when casting a line or fighting a fish and to do it with a tool hand crafted from nature makes it that much sweeter..

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