Slow Stuff Fishing Report

Asked Ninch what kind of fishing feedback he heard in the shop over the weekend… And I quote, “ Dudes that think they’re going to roll through ‘summer water’ and wreck ‘em are complaining about tough fishing. Dudes that are spending the time to decipher the slow s*** and moving in between those spots are … Read more

Soul Sunday Marvin Gaye What's Going On

Soul Sunday Marvin Gaye What’s Going On


Soul Sunday Marvin Gaye What’s Going On

Could listen to this Marvin Gaye song over and over.

Great message. Social commentary, not social media,  from Marvin Gaye that still holds water.

Soul Sunday here on the Headhunters Blog.

Cool and drizzling on the river today.

Spring has sprung. Lots of anglers out there. Still no access to the lower river boat ramps. Maybe next week.

Enjoy March Madness if you are so inclined. Tie flies. Clean fly lines. Clean all of your gear. I bet your rod and reels need a bit of attention too.

Just don’t get reel lube on the couch. It stains forever![/vc_column_text][vc_video link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]

UMOWA Event Tuesday Nite Windbag Saloon Helena MT

UMOWA Event Tuesday Nite Windbag Saloon Helena MT

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] UMOWA Event Tuesday Nite Windbag Saloon Helena MT See you in Helena for the Annual Windbag Upper Missouri Watershed Alliance Fundraiser with Rob and Halliday Quist 5pm til? Come on down and celebrate winter, the Missouri River, and live music. See you there![/vc_column_text][us_grid columns=”4″ orderby=”title” order=”ASC” ids=”32460, 32465, 31525, 19629, 21260, 31094, 9048, 11096″ … Read more

March 1st, more snow, weekend update

March 1st, more snow, weekend update

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] March 1st, more snow, weekend update [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]5 weeks of reasonably cold weather here in Craig along with February snow has kept us on our toes this past month. Actually it has kept us in wool socks and knee high boots. Stuffed full of hand and boot warmers! Tomorrow Saturday we are sort of open. … Read more

Gilman Grips Review

Gilman Grips Review We met Jeff Gilman this last fall. He brought over some demo oars coupled with his Gilman Grips. An exciting new grip. Yes, not much development in the oar grip arena the past 100 years. While we have had progress in blade design and shaft improvements we have not had any design … Read more

Office Xmas Party Sunday – Closed in the Afternoon

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Headhunters will be celebrating the Holidays with our staff tomorrow afternoon, Sunday Dec. 16, at our annual Office Party in an undisclosed location. We will be open in the morning until around 12 noon, so if you need a shuttle you better be in the shop before 10 or 11. If you walk in at … Read more

Weekend Update: Swing Report

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Fishing reports vary from good to great right now. Remember, it’s all relative in December. To most, a pleasant winter day on the river that brings 6-10 nice fish to the net is “great”. To others that’s just “good”. Either way, I think you can count on that kind of day right now. If you … Read more

Weekend Tip: Keep Those Hands Down

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Look at this picture and let it burn into your memory banks. For you spey junkies planning on hitting then river this weekend, here’s a tip. In fact it’s THE tip. This is without a doubt the #1 mistake that beginning (and intermediate & sometimes advanced) spey casters make: They let their hands and arms … Read more

2FER Tuesday SnowShoe Midge BOGO!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] 2FER Tuesday SnowShoe Midge BOGO! Headhunters Fly Shop weekly Online Buy One Get One Free give those flies away sale will be live at Midnight September 18th! 2FER Tuesday SnowShoe Midge BOGO! All day long Tuesday September 18th you can buy one SnowShoe Midge and Get One Free! All you have to do is head over … Read more

One Strong Dry Fly Suggestion...

One Strong Dry Fly Suggestion…

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] One Strong Dry Fly Suggestion… You gotta cast at the trout. You gotta. Well, only if you wanna catch ’em. #1 reason more folks don’t catch dry fly fish on the Missouri River? The angler is afraid to cast at the trout. Not just afraid, unwilling. Generally will not even try it once. One time. … Read more

Missouri River Sunday Fishing Report

Missouri River Sunday Fishing Report

Missouri River Sunday Fishing Report Missouri River Sunday Fishing Report brought to you once again by Headhunters Fly Shop in Craig Montana. Lots of anglers stop in stating that they read the blog and fishing report daily. We love to see the readers and anglers of the Mighty Mo. Just met Dan from Ohio. Awesome. … Read more

X Caddis Just Add Vise Video and Kit

X Caddis Just Add Vise Tying Video


X Caddis Just Add Vise Tying Video

A great fly for many rivers. Including the Missouri in June, July, August, and September. Just those four months.

Tie it up and fish it. We like sizes 14, 16, and 18. How about a 20. Fish it over techy sippers in the morning on the Mo. It’ll work. They’ll eat.

This Craig Mathews fly continues to impress Squeeky. Low riding, visible, tasty.

Check out the video today on this hot Thursday.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”″ video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][us_grid columns=”4″ orderby=”title” order=”” ids=”11076, 10510, 10410, 11086, 10393, 11094, 32465, 32486″ post_type=”ids” no_items_message=”” items_layout=”shop_trendy” items_gap=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Missouri River Friday Fishing Report Headhunters Fly Shop

Missouri River Friday Fishing Report Headhunters Fly Shop

Missouri River Friday Fishing Report Headhunters Fly Shop All good and getting better. Well, meaning, the water is scheduled to drop this coming week. Yup. It’s gonna happen. Flows at Toston Dam of the Missouri River are dropping rapidly. 13K Thursday nite. Will be falling all weekend long. Look at the progress. Above is the … Read more

Missouri River Summer Solstice Report June 21st 2018

Missouri River Summer Solstice Report June 21st 2018

Missouri River Summer Solstice Report June 21st 2018 River flows came back above 15K this morning. The flows on the Dearborn are falling rapidly currently at the 3500 cfs mark. We expect to see the Dearborn flows continue to fall therefore the Missouri River below the confluence will be fishable again. Since the rain event … Read more

Spinning Wheels

What Goes Up Must Come Down


What Goes Up Must Come Down

The water is going up. It will come down.

In late June.

Blood, Sweat and Tears nailing Spinning Wheels today on the Headhunters Blog

Pretty funky. The tail end of this jam is the best.

I always wanted to be the trumpet player in one of these 70’s bands. You know I was Outstanding Music Student of my High School Graduating Class 1987. I played a mean trumpet. But I missed being an adult in the 70’s by about 10 years.


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Still some snow in the hills!

Still some snow in the hills! In the mountains too. Pooled up water everywhere here and there. I drove back from Kalispell today and witnessed winter. Yep, still alive and well on the westside of the divide. The image near Swan Lake Hwy. 83. Here? Yes. Bottom line is the mountains, hills, and flats have … Read more

March SPEY CASTING Madness

Spots available in March SPEY CASTING Madness Women’s Session

Spots available in March SPEY CASTING Madness Women’s Session Still spots open for the March 24 session. This Introduction to Women’s Spey Casting is presented by Whitney Gould, Sara Roholt, and Beth Langell. An all day affair filled with laughter, knowledge, casting, and fun! Call the shop today for additional information and to get yourself … Read more

Hump Day Fishing Report 1.31.18

Hump Day Fishing Report 1.31.18

Hump Day Fishing Report 1.31.18 Good times out there coasting into the beginnings of February. January is water under the bridge. Hooray. One day closer to spring. Bring loads of snow to the hills in February please. We could use a better water year than we have had in the past several years. Nymphing Report … Read more

Summer Dreams

Summer Dreams

Summer Dreams Variable weather here in Montana. This weekend warm and windy. Last week, hyper-cold and snowy. The week ahead? Looks like more snow, and some variable weather patterns too. What I do know about summer, is…more consistency. And warmer temps. And dry fly fishing. Those are a few of my Summer Dreams.

Montana Fly Shop Strong

Montana Fly Shop Strong


Montana Fly Shop Strong

Another cool video Fly Shop Strong Montana Edition today on the Headhunters Blog.

John takes part in this edition as Tim Rajeff wanders through Montana visiting ECHo dealers reminding us of why we love homegrown fly shops.

Enjoy this short today while you get rid of that Christmas hangover planning your next trip to the Motherland.

Montana Fly Shop Strong.

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Montana trout spey fishing

McCune on Trout Retrieves

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”″ video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]”Exactly how do you retrieve or work your fly?”

We still get this question A LOT. Spend a few minutes with our pal Mike McCune as he goes over a few of the techniques he uses while fishing for trout with a two-handed rod. And feel to free to change it up, or combine a couple of these techniques into your own home-brew retrieve.

You can also learn a lot while watching Mike cast.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Headhunters Fly Shop Winter Lodging Rates, Guide Trips, and more!

Headhunters Fly Shop Winter Lodging Rates, Guide Trips, and more! Headhunters Fly Shop getting into the winter swing here in Craig. Open daily for all of your winter fishing needs including lodging, guide trips, and spey info and lessons and gear. And more! While some of the shops in the canyon close here at Headhunters … Read more

Just Add Vise Video Kreelex

Just Add Vise Video Kreelex


Just Add Vise Video Kreelex

A got to have pattern for th winter on the Mighty Mo.

Summer too. But truly important for the next 6 months.

Come by and get yourself a Just Add Vise Kit, or call us and we will pop one in the mail for you.

Do it. A reward is behind every bunch of FLASH!

Tell them 7 wt. sent you.

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Coming Monday. Snow. Tuesday Too.

Coming Monday. Snow. Tuesday Too.

Coming Monday. Snow. Tuesday Too. Winter is on the way this fall. Monday and Tuesday we will have snow on the ground. Maybe a foot. BWO’s like that kind of weather. And some anglers do too!

East Bound and Down, Bandit, and Buford T. Justice Quotes


East Bound and Down, Bandit, and Buford T. Justice Quotes

All good here on the Mighty Mo this Sunday. Some crazy NFL ball on the TV, sunshine outside, and fall on our minds here in downtown Craig Montana.

So today we give you East Bound and Down, Bandit, and Buford T. Justice Quotes.

Burt Reynolds is boss. Jerry Reed can sing, and Buford T. Justice/Jackie Gleason is an inspiration to us all.

Enjoy. I know I did.[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”” video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”” video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”” video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Dead Drifter Sticker @ Headhunters of Craig

Dead Drifter Sticker @ Headhunters of Craig

Dead Drifter Sticker @ Headhunters of Craig Call us up @ 406-235-3447. Order Dead Drifter Sticker for 8 bucks. We stuff it in an envelope and send it to you. You stick it on… Why not get two. First run limited to 125 stickers. And we are under 100 already. The fishing is getting better … Read more

Longhorn Beetle Just Add Vise Video

Longhorn Beetle Just Add Vise Video


Longhorn Beetle Just Add Vise Video

A feller came in the shop and said he wrecked them on beetles. Just after Braden told same feller they did not eat the beetle that well here on the Mo.

Well…sometimes they do!

A perfect Murphy’s Law situation. You never know til you throw.

This is a great pattern that is often overlooked. Beetles rule![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”″ video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

I love Foam Hoppers

I love Foam Hoppers!

I love Foam Hoppers!   Foamies bro’.   Really all you need. Honest. These not so new fangled foam hopper patterns make hopper fishing pretty entertaining. They are so cool. And they mostly float. Not as high and visible as you think they may. But high enough for sure. Sure, I’m gonna get push back … Read more

A Father’s Advice to us all

Happy Father’s Day to all the dad’s out there in Blogland. Today we celebrate the institution of Fatherhood. Hooray for Father’s. Today a plea for boat ramp courtesy from a Father in the local neighborhood. We agree Josh. We can all do better on the water and at the boat ramps. Common courtesy is good. … Read more

May 30th Headhunters Fly Fishing Report Missouri River Montana

May 30th Headhunters Fly Fishing Report Missouri River Montana

May 30th Headhunters Fly Fishing Report Missouri River Montana All is well in downtown Craig Montana. Nothing to complain about here other than the slower than average dry fly bite. The nymphing is good and the streamer fishing…well nobody is talking about it so it must be either great, or crap. Water levels are currently … Read more


Tail Good fishing out there right now. The fishing report yesterday reflects the daily action and it held up yesterday. But not as many rising trout on the upper river because of poorly timed wind and sun. Today? Thunderstorms maybe in the afternoon while we start out chilly this morning with frost on the boats! … Read more