Silly Sunday Scenery

Silly Sunday Scenery

A nice shot of Mountain Palace.

I haven’t posted one this last week have I?

A pic of MP, my favorite formation on the Mo, near here, in central Montana.

Mountain Palace brought to you today by Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service.

A good Free Spey Clinic yesterday. Some new blood, some old blood, and a couple instructors, and lots of success by the attendees!

Thanks for coming, see us again in February and March. The 7th of the month for both of these upcoming clinics. And, Gould/McCune on April 11 and 12. Sign up today.

More on this fabulous clinic tomorrow.

Happy Sunday and enjoy the football. Tie a few flies too…


Silly Sunday Scenery

Silly Sunday Scenery

Snow on the ground. More snow last night. More snow today.

Then it gets cold. Subzero man.

Happy Holidays.

There are a bundle of folks wandering around. Meaning more than 10, less than 20.

Stop in the only fly shop open today.



Enjoy the beauty of the river during the off-season.

It truly is a fabulous place.

Montana’s Missouri River.


Latest Catch

The most recent issue of Catch Magazine is out now. As usual, great imagery from Brian and Todd. Tarpon, trout and a bad dam in Chile. If you haven’t paid for the 1 year subscription, do it.

Catch ain’t the only eMag out there. We also like Flymage and This is Fly. If you’re a Caveman and like to flip real pages, check out The Drake or Flyfish Journal. I probably missed some other cool ones. It’s winter, so you have time to find them yourself…

Friday Foto

From Scumliner today. Mark is on vacation. Here’s more spey stuff (that’s all I’ve been doing for months). The so classic Rod & Coat Rack at the “Upfront” on the Grande Ronde at Heller Bar. The Upfront is the beach on the downstream side of the Grande Ronde/Snake River confluence. As you can imagine, a pretty productive spot. This rack and it’s nameplates signify the local crowd that gathers here daily. Usually, one of them is the “Mayor”. I don’t think fly fisherman are invited.

I wonder who “Winger” is. That’s a good handle. An even better name…

Silly Sunday Scenery

Silly Sunday Spey Scenery

Casting clinic yesterday at Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service.

Lots of folks casting, a ton of fellowship, and some fish were caught too.

Guide trips out today while the weather is cooperating. A few boats on the water using the only shuttle service in Craig. Quite a few wade anglers roaming the waters of the Missouri as well.

Enjoy fishing, napping, or watching football.

Or if you live here locally…all three.

Friday Foto

Friday Foto

Headhunters Fly Shop brigs you the weekly Friday Foto installment.

Beth qualifies for New Breed Chicks Rule as well. Beth is a guide here on the Mo who is gaining a strong following.

Not all that fishy around here this last week but the week ahead looks much more digestible with daytime temps in the tasty 40’s.

Swing Class tomorrow morning at 9am. John says he has been tweaking the morning presentation getting ready for a new year.

Folks out tossing flies into the waters of the Missouri yesterday, today, and through the weekend too.

Let us know if we can shuttle, inform, educate, or treat you to our fly fishing Christmas gift Nirvana.


Silly Sunday Scenery

Silly Sunday Scenery

Cold and snowy here @ Montana’s Missouri River.

The holiday weekend is nearly over. Good football on today. Better on your couch than here on the river right now.

Although we have seen a few anglers out there. Bearing it. Grinning?

Look at the forecast for the week ahead and plan accordingly. Warming as we move through the week.

Hope you enjoyed the holiday.

Check out the SIMMS Sale here. We got a bundle of other fishy stuff on sale too…

Montana spey fishing

Sunday Spey

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Ninch stretching it out on the upper river. He didn’t get one on this cast. It was the next.

The entire Headhunters crew has been out swinging with two-hands. A lot.

Try some swinging. You’ll like it. You can wear gloves. If you don’t twitch your fly, you can drink beer while you’re fishing. You’re uncle’s a swinger, right?[/vc_column_text][us_image image=”8198″ align=”center” size=”full” link=”” onclick=”lightbox”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Friday Foto

Friday Foto

November fly fishing on the Mighty Mo in the shadows of Eagle Rock.

Pretty good stuff and a pretty good time.

Bait anglers, swingers, and a few nymphers out on the river today.

We had a few folks in and drifting today down the Missouri River.

Stop in this weekend for a shuttle, a few flies, and a cup of Joe before heading out on the river.

It’ll be comfortable again on the river with comfortable air temps and light winds!

Silly Sunday Scenery

Silly Sunday Scenery

Wolf Creek Bridge in the snow.

It’s cold too.

The game changes tomorrow. We will be fishing.

See you swingers on the water.

Enjoy your Sunday. Today we stay inside one more day and watch football, tie flies, nap.

Hopefully see some fall for a couple weeks before the winter tide is too strong and overcomes us.

FREE Spey Casting Clinic Saturday December 6th. Sign up today 406-235-3447


Friday Foto

Friday Foto

Friday Foto this first full week of November shows us the last gasp of fall color.

While we still have a bit around the wind of the last month has taken its tool on the leaves here in the Missouri River Canyon.

Get on out here if you want to see some of the remaining color and make a few Montana memories of your own this November.




Wednesday Great Blue Heron

Thursday Great Blue Heron

We see the Great Blue Heron on Montana’s Missouri River corridor nearly daily. They do not go too long without a meal on this 4 season river. I’ve seen them get many fish. Juvenilles, teens, and a few adults. Once, a snake. Yep. They dig the reptiles.

Much of this information come from the cool site All About Birds Great Blue Heron. Check it here if you want even more information about the GBH.

Cool Blue Heron Facts

  • Thanks to specially shaped neck vertebrae, Great Blue Herons can curl their neck into an S shape for a more aerodynamic flight profile and to quickly strike prey at a distance.
  • Great Blue Herons have specialized feathers on their chest that continually grow and fray. The herons comb this “powder down” with a fringed claw on their middle toes, using the down like a washcloth to remove fish slime and other oils from their feathers as they preen. Applying the powder to their underparts protects their feathers against the slime and oils of swamps.
  • Great Blue Herons can hunt day and night thanks to a high percentage of rod-type photoreceptors in their eyes that improve their night vision.
    Despite their impressive size, Great Blue Herons weigh only 5 to 6 pounds thanks in part to their hollow bones—a feature all birds share.
  • Great Blue Herons in the northeastern U.S. and southern Canada have benefited from the recovery of beaver populations, which have created a patchwork of swamps and meadows well-suited to foraging and nesting.
  • Along the Pacific coast, it’s not unusual to see a Great Blue Heron poised atop a floating bed of kelp waiting for a meal to swim by.
  • The white form of the Great Blue Heron, known as the “great white heron,” is found nearly exclusively in shallow marine waters along the coast of very southern Florida, the Yucatan Peninsula, and in the Caribbean. Where the dark and white forms overlap in Florida, intermediate birds known as “Wurdemann’s herons” can be found. They have the body of a Great Blue Heron, but the white head and neck of the great white heron.
  • The oldest Great Blue Heron, based on banding recovery, was 24 years old.
  • Great Blue Herons congregate at fish hatcheries, creating potential problems for the fish farmers. A study found that herons ate mostly diseased fish that would have died shortly anyway. Sick fish spent more time near the surface of the water where they were more vulnerable to the herons.


  • Great Blue Herons live in both freshwater and saltwater habitats, and also forage in grasslands and agricultural fields, where they stalk frogs and mammals. Most breeding colonies are located within 2 to 4 miles of feeding areas, often in isolated swamps or on islands, and near lakes and ponds bordered by forests.



  • Great Blue Herons eat nearly anything within striking distance, including fish, amphibians, reptiles, small mammals, insects, and other birds. They grab smaller prey in their strong mandibles or use their dagger-like bills to impale larger fish, often shaking them to break or relax the sharp spines before gulping them down.

Nest Placement

  • Great Blue Herons nest mainly in trees, but will also nest on the ground, on bushes, in mangroves, and on structures such as duck blinds, channel markers, or artificial nest platforms. Males arrive at the colony and settle on nest sites; from there, they court passing females. Colonies can consist of 500 or more individual nests, with multiple nests per tree built 100 or more feet off the ground.


  • Great Blue Herons forage, usually alone, across much of the U.S. This largest of the North American herons wades slowly or stands stock still, peering into the water for prey. In flight the Great Blue Heron folds it neck into an “S” shape and trails its long legs behind, dangling them as it prepares to land or when courting. Breeding birds nest in colonies that can number several hundred pairs, where they build stick nests in trees, on bushes, or on the ground. If you visit a colony, look for elaborate courtship and pair-bonding displays that include a ritualized greeting, stick transfers, and nest relief ceremony in which the birds erect their plumes and “clapper” their bill tips. Pairs are mostly monogamous during a season, but they choose new partners each year. Away from the colony, Great Blue Herons defend feeding territories from other herons with dramatic displays in which the birds approach intruders with their head thrown back, wings outstretched, and bill pointing skyward. Gulls and even humans may also be a target of this defensive maneuver.


Friday Foto

Friday Foto

Friday Friday from your friends at Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service.

This is not a shot from today, or yesterday.

I thought if I put up a shot of what fall generally looks like Mother Nature might find it OK to follow suit.

Until then, 60’s, sun, and wind will have to do.


Silly Sunday Scenery

Silly Sunday Scenery | Just Duck Edition

A few years back we got flack for posting a banner image during construction of the bridge that followed this bridge.

But since this bridge is gone, history, in the archives…I wonder if we will get beef from folks who regard this locale sacred?

Silly Sunday Scenery is just that.

If you know where this bridge is, or was…don’t tell anyone.

See. The secret is safe.


P.S. I wonder how Lewis and Clark got under this bridge?


On another note. The weather is turning for the worse and we could not be happier.

Hopefully you are spending a little time on the river, this or your own, this coming week. Just a little time left before it may be too cold, football too god, hunting, or honey-do’s. Cast a few more times, duck out of the house one last time…

Trust me. I’m a guide.

Do it.


Tuesday in October

Tuesday in October | Red Shafted Flicker

Northern Flicker | Red Shafted Flicker

Flickers are fairly large woodpeckers with a slim, rounded head, slightly downcurved bill, and long, flared tail that tapers to a point.

Flickers appear brownish overall with a white rump patch that’s conspicuous in flight and often visible when perched. The undersides of the wing and tail feathers are bright yellow, for eastern birds, or red, in western birds. With a closer look you’ll see the brown plumage is richly patterned with black spots, bars, and crescents.

Northern Flickers spend lots of time on the ground, and when in trees they’re often perched upright on horizontal branches instead of leaning against their tails on a trunk. They fly in an up-and-down path using heavy flaps interspersed with glides, like many woodpeckers.

Look for flickers in open habitats near trees, including woodlands, edges, yards, and parks. In the West you can find them in mountain forests all the way up to treeline.

Silly Sunday Scenery

Silly Sunday Scenery

Looking for the rise form.

Eric Mondragon and angler Dave out for a day of fly fishing on Montana’s Missouri River.

The fall is a good time to get out.

Are you going to get out another time before we put on our snowy pajamas?

You should. Enjoy this Sunday. Fish if you can.

Friday Foto

Friday Foto

Fall colors in full effect.

The non-local locals are here in full effect.

Streamer fishing? Getting closer to full throttle.

Dry fly fishing? Not as much, but some afternoons are pretty killer.

Be there. Be here. Be present.

Then, and only then can you participate or even inundate yourself in Montana’s Missouri River Fall.


Friday Foto

Friday Foto

It is damn pretty here on the Mo’.

Eagles, Brown Trout, and you?

The fall colors are happening and the we just love the shorter days, cooler nights, and clean smelling air.

The weeds are fading, the bugs are hatching, and the fish are rising.

Lots of Eagles around the river.

Just like this one.

And, I like birds.

Happy Friday. Hope your weekend is awesome.

Friday Foto

Friday Foto

Friday Foto Eagle Edtion today this Friday the 12th of September.

Snow the last couple days. Sun today.

Look at  the weather and if you are of the fair weather type of angler you may want to come out sooner than later.

In previous years we have seen too warm a fall. Let’s hope we have something closer to normal. A little cool weather can get us off to the right start this fall.

Cross your fishy smelling fingers.

Have a great weekend and a great Friday!

Friday Foto

Friday Foto September Evenings

Friday Foto September Evenings

Getting on into the season and the days are shorter, the nights are longer, the mornings cooler, and the fishing pretty damn hot!

Will you be coming to the Missouri River this year?

We hope you are!

The fishing is good, the fellowship is great, and all we are missing is you.

Happy Friday. See you this weekend using the net a lot.


Friday Foto

Friday Foto | Glacier National Park

Some random gorgeous stream in the GNP.

Lots of folks gracing the park this last week but it seems pale in comparison to the numbers they pack in Yellowstone Nat’l Park.

Damn pretty. If you want to take a day off after fishing for the last 12 days, then head on up to Glacier Nat’l Park.

Enjoy this Friday Foto and we will see you this cooler and wetter weekend ahead.


Friday Foto
Going to the Sun Road View


Silly Sunday Scenery

Silly Sunday Scenery

I think Brett sees a Unidentified Flying Object.

Or he thinks he does.

Or Just some Trico’s.

Or just too many days guiding.

Great mornings here on the Mighty Missouri . We dig August because of the the light pressure, the Trico’s, and hoppers in the water.

It’s hot, the nymphing sucks…but the fellowship is good amongst anglers. Fishermen are perpetual optimists.

Happy Sunday to you all!


Hatch Magazine Missouri River Rowdies

Hatch Magazine Missouri River Rowdies

Cool article and photo essay in the latex Hatch Magazine Online about your fly shop in Craig.

Chad Schmukler puts this great mag together with photogs and writers from around America and beyond. High quality photos and content make this a must read this summer…or winter if you are so inclined. Or just busy trying to fool those pesky Trico feeders. Anytime is great time to check out this blog style online fishing mag. Politics, destination pieces, tips, product reviews, and kick ass photo essays from gals like former Headhunters All-Star Jess McGlothlin.

Check out the 50 photos of Craig, it’s characters, and Headhunters Fly Shop.

Cool Chad and Jess. Nice work!

Check out the article here Hatch Magazine Missouri River Rowdies by Jess McGlothlin.

Friday Foto

Friday Foto

Your Friday Foto here on the fly fishing blog that contains daily content.

Not every post contains meat, but some do.

The fishing here on the Missouri River is still pretty fantastic. Good times in the morning hours and good times until the sun gets too high. Then she slows a nit. The evening bite? Not too great. You can yard in a couple if you give it your best shot.

Until tomorrow. Thanks for reading. TGIF. Hope you are fishing today. Or tomorrow.


Silly Sunday Scenery

Silly Sunday Scenery

A few characters from Montana Mike Ward of Adipose Boats and LG of America. Fishing with some cat outta Australia.

I guess he fishes a lot of salt and sets the hook pretty hard. Strip setting with 5X sometimes does not work. Actually never.

Real nice here on the Missouri River.


Enjoy your Sunday as these fellers break off a few more Trico sippers here on the Mo.


Less traffic this month. Should you come?

Friday Foto

Friday Foto

Friday Foto Trout Belly Edition today on the Headhunters Fly Fishing Blog.

Rising fish fill the river and this shot was captured yesterday in some sort of feeding frenzy.

Looks good for the weekend ahead. Are you coming to enjoy the trout sipping this weekend? If you are here, we’ll see you on the porch.




Wish you were here

Thursday Foto | Wish you were here

Morning, afternoon, and evening fishing on the Missouri.

It’s good.

Wish you were here.

Check out the last several posts on this very blog if you need to catch up, or get a primer for the near future.

All the bugs are here, the fish are happy, and we are too.

The water is falling gradually so the wade fishermen are excited about that.

The dry fly dudes are excited about the targets.

We, we are excited about you the guest. Let us know how we can help while enjoying your Missouri River trip.

July is a long one. Enjoy it. And, be nice to your neighbor angler.

4th of July Blues

4th of July Recovery

We have done it. The big 4th of July party here in Craig Montana is over. Over for another year.

Lots of folks around for the only big 4th of July host in Craig Headhunters Fly Shop with our famous Garlic and Onion Burgers and Kosher Dogs slathered in Kraut and mustard.

Our 7th Annual Fireworks display went off without too many hitches. No lost digits that we know of.

Thanks to John, Dewey, and Braden for again braving the elements, and explosives…a good show was pulled off after dusk.

The tiny fishing ‘burb of Craig survived yet another colossal party. If you have not been to Creaig for the 4th, you would really like it. Plan now for the coming year. It really is a lot of fun.

4th of July Recovery
Aftermath on the 5th of July
Friday Fishing Report and Foto

Friday Fishing Report and Foto

Dentist Joe releasing this fabulous Brown Trout this last week on a PMD Spinner. Awesome.

The PMD Spinner has been one of the stars this last couple weeks with it’s cousins the Cripple and the Emerger. Really great PMD hatches daily, with the weather tossing a monkey wrench in the mix occasionally. The rain can knock down the bugs…then we fish the Knock Down Duns. Not so bad.

Folks are still blind fishing with success. Lots. Come in and see us for the blind fishing cocktail of choice for the day. Adams, big ones, and ants of all sizes,a nd some other attractor stuff will work.

The PMD’s are hatching on the upper well withe the Caddis showing lower. A Yellow Sally Parade has not started as of yet but they keep threatening! Drakes?

Nymphing remains just over the top, per usual, with PMD’s, Sally’s and Caddis subsurface filling the fare. Any depth and sometimes many in one day will get you by. The fish are moving zones and may start deep, move into the secondary zone, then to the surface, then returning to the bottom again for the afternoon and evening session.

Some of the gang is staying out late for the last hour. It can be good. Early too?

Headhunters open early @ 630 am and open late as well for afternoon shuttles, flies, coffee, sungear, killer Logo’s hats and T’s, sunscreen, sun hats, BUFF’s, rain gear, and cool gift items for your family at home. See you this wonderful Montana Weekend ahead.


Silly Sunday Scenery

Silly Sunday Scenery

Silly Sunday Scenery from Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service in Craig Montana.

This juvenile Eagle resting on a limb downstream of Craig.

Regal Eagle.

The fishing is damn good. For those who like to dry fly fish.

There are some folks around.

See you this week for more scenery shots format he Mo.

Silly Sunday Scenery

Silly Sunday Scenery

Today’s Weather: Mostly sunny, with a high near 80. Southwest wind 5 to 7 mph.

Your Plan: Trout fishing on the Missouri River.

Your Attitude: Calm, at ease.

Enjoy the 3 day weekend. Sleep in tomorrow. Tuesday too. Blow off your boss.

Or if you are the boss, give yourself a raise.

Friday Foto Memorial Day Weekend Fishing Report

Friday Foto Memorial Day Fishing Report 5.23.14

Hooray for the weather, for the holiday weekend, for the trout.

All good things happening here in Craig Montana. Kicking off the weekend in the west!

If you are not coming this weekend, we certainly hope we see you this coming weekend, or for the hell of it, try the mid week. Take the week off. We’ll understand.

This last weekend with the Caddis Festival was awesome. But who could beat this weekend with the weather and the fun here in Craig. Check out the weather. Over 80F today!


Friday Foto Memorial Day Fishing Report

To keep you on track while packing for your trip tot he Mo, we have compiled a list of items to include when rolling up to Craig Montana.

Drift Boat. The flows are at the 8770cfs zone and we want you to have a great time. A boat will allow you greater freedom as the wade fishing is diminished with these spring release flows. No boat? Rent one from us! Try out the NRS IDB. You may like it. An Adipose Flow?   A Diablo Kayak? Yep, we got those too! Fun floating devices at Headhunters.

BBQ. Bring one of these if camping. Or visit Izaak’s. Open daily @ 3pm for cocktails, 4pm for dinner. Try the Nacho’s for a pile of goodness. Ribs for dinner. Home made ice cream for dessert. See Stevie or Claudia for a Moscow Mule!

Headhunters is rumored to have a Tube Steak BBQ on Saturday? You heard anything about that?

Rods. Bring fly rods. Lots of them. A streamer rod with a set of sink tips, a dry rod with a RIO Gold attached, and a Nymph rod with a RIO Indicator II line. Want to try a new rod for 2014. We got ’em! Demo a rod from Headhunters like a SAGE Method or One or Circa for those with dry fly aspirations. An Orvis Helios 2? A Sweetgrass Mantra Bamboo? You want one of those? Try before you buy at Headhunters.

Flies. Bring a boat load. Or get some additional hot flies from the shop. We’ve got the most comprehensive selection in Craig. Bar None! Scuds, Sows, FB’s, derivations of Mayfly nymphs that will blow your mind, caddis pupas and emergers, Midge Mania, dry flies like cripples and emergers for the March Brown emergence, and a vast selection of caddis dry flies as they are happening now and the invasion could come this weekend.

Sleeping bag. Don’t forget the sleeping bag and have to sleep on the hood of the truck. Not that I’ve ever done that. Check out our site for over 20 great canyon rentals!

Camera. Bring the camera for hero shots and for capturing the moment your buddy falls out of the boat.

Beer. Whiskey. If you space it, you can always pick up a 12 pack at Joe’s. Open daily @ 8am. And you know the rule. If you see me in the bar @ 2am, send me home.

Mini Bike. For hi-jinks around camp. If you need a shuttle, call us, stop in, or just send us an ESP message. Ninch can pick up on those type of things. He is very perceptive.

Wiffle Ball and Bat. For fun after fishing. Don’t throw out your casting arm. And definitely not your rowing arm!Or just come to the porch and hang.

Sunglasses and sunscreen. A sun shirt for good measure too. It’s gonna be real nice.

Smiles. Bring a bundle of them.

The cooler. A YETI. Full of the BBQ fixin’s, Budweiser, Gatorade for the hangovers.

A map of Craig. If you don’t have one stop into the shop and we will draw you one. Just get off on exit 234 and you should be fine. How do you know when you get Headhunters? Just look for the funnest fly shop in the world, and turn right.

Headhunters open all weekend @ 7am with a free cups of Joe for those in need. Open late til at least 8pm for evening shuttles, apres fishing hang, fly line cleaner, sun hats ,shirts, gloves, sunscreen, flies, free info, an ear to bend, smiles, boat wash, demo rods, boat rentals…







Sunday Scenery from Ben McNinch

Sunday Scenery from Ben McNinch

Sunday Scenery brought to us today from our very own fly guru Ben McNinch.

Ben caught this image mid eek down below his house.

They boys caught some fish too! Fishing with Headhunters Guide Nick Stipech.

We are just getting put back together after yesterday’s big event the 8th Annual Craig Caddis Festival. A post will follow tomorrow.

Fishing Report today.

Fun all week long here on Montana’s Missouri River.



Friday Foto

Friday Foto | Sara Spey Edition

Friday Foto today on the Headhunters Fly Shop Blog.

Montana’s best photo blog every Friday.

Sara Roholt, a Headhunters All Star learns from Mike McCune of international Spey Casting Fame.

Last weekend we hosted Mike and Whitney Gould here on the Missouri River and a cool dozen enjoyed learning with the pros. Thanks Mike and Whitney we will see you again in one year. You guys who missed this clinic this year cannot miss it next year!

Sara and Ninch got in on the action too to pass along their 2 Handed expertise this coming winter at Headhunters monthly Free Spey Clinics.

We got Spey Rods at the shop for Demo anytime for a mere $25. Come in and try one out this spring. The water is higher than normal, adnso you may want to try to get out a few more times with your 2 Hander before the real dry fly bite starts.

Friday Foto | Sara Spey Edition

Rules for taking better fishing pictures

10 Rules for Taking Better Fish Pictures

The 10 Rules for Taking Fish Pictures today on the Headhunters LFy Shop Fly Fihsing Blog.

We all love to have fish pictures from our trip. Why not take better fish pictures.

Below is a list of ways to get better photos and images of not only the fish you catch but the scenery and wildlife as well.

Also a few ways to reduce injury to the trout in the process.

10 Rules for Taking Better Fishing Pictures

  1. Fish out of the water cannot breathe. The 1st rule. Take caste when you have the fish out of the water. 10 seconds is long enough. The best way to take photos is if you get out of the boat. If the fish drops while you are handling it the trout just drops into the water. That is a good thing. Fish in the bottom of the boat is not always a good thing. Eagle bait.
  2. Use the flash to eliminate hat shadows. We call it the magazine style. Lights up the fish and the angler. Fool around with it. You may have to underexpose the flash. If you can or know how to do that with your camera. Try it, you may like it.
  3. Show some dimension. Flat fish look flat. Angle the nose towards the camera. The fish has dimension now and can look better to the eye.
  4. Extend if you want it to look bigger. The fish will look larger if you extend your arms fully toward the camera therefore making your body look smaller and poof! big fish pictures. You friends may give you shit for employing this technique. But we don’t care, it’s your picture!
  5. Forget the background. We want to see the fish. Get separate scenery pictures.
  6. Take some scenery shots. You, and your wife, and your friends want to see something beyond just more 16″ Rainbow Trout shots. Pics of the mountains, eagles, muskrats, your drunk buddies, the restaurant, the bar, and some interesting things along the way. it makes your portfolio far more interesting.
  7. Keep your camera outside of the dry bag outside of the dry compartment. Keep it out so you can use it. Most, many, nearly all anglers protect their camera like it is one of their worldly possessions. Remember it cost less than the fly rod you are whipping around whacking off of the oar…so keep it in your pocket, on the gunwale, in the bow…OUT! Just do it and use your camera. Nobody ever got any cool shots with the camera locked under your seat. The best photographers use their cameras. They push the button a lot.
  8. When sending pics to your friends, family, websites for publishing make sure they are in focus. Out of focus images suck. Do not subject your friends to this kind of pain. They will all appreciate it.
  9. Experiment with the camera and different angles. Take picture looking straight at the fish, kissing the fish, releasing the fish, from behind, half in the water. Fool around and find your own style.
  10. Focus on the eyeball. I think I mentioned Brian Grossenbacher told me this. His wife told it to him. Focus on the eye of the fish and everything else falls into place.

There you have it. 10 Tips for Taking Better Fishing Photos. Use a few of them and you will improve. We all can improve. Use all of them and you can quit your day job and become a photographer…I think?

Enjoy fishing and recording your trip. It is fun to send photos to family and friends and reliving our travels throughout the years. Enjoy the trip and then enjoy it again.

Silly Sunday Scenery

Silly Sunday Scenery

Rain day on the Missouri River. Raining as I rose this morning and may continue all day long.

The tribes have jumped a bit in the last 24 hours and the Dearborn is tossing some mud our direction. Brown for a spell, maybe a mile, then it is OK. Fish caught below the Dearborn all day long as I polled a couple anglers pulling out at Prewitt Creek last evening.

Dearborn at 875cfs and the Little Prickly Pear is running a cool 433cfs this morning. This rain may add some more water to these tribs.

Other than that, everything is cool here. The fishing is good withe the dry fly being the least of our worries this coming week? Unless the BWO’s decide to put on a show. Which may happen? Maybe.

Enjoy the remainder of the weekend with playoff BB and Hockey.

Thanks for reading this very fishy blog. We appreciate it.

See you in Headhunters on your next trip to Craig.

Friday Foto

Friday Foto | Coming Home

Love this shot of the Wolf Creek Bridge.

How do you feel when you drive down this grade to the Missouri River?

I know that even today I still get jazzed when I get the first glimpse of the Missouri River fro this angle.

It is like coming home. Again and again.

We should see you soon in Craig after coming down this familiar grade.

Enjoy the weekend.


Soon. Missouri River Baetis

Soon. Missouri River Baetis

Baetis on the docket.


Have seen some movement and have seen some fish respond.

More on the way. Soon.

Your objective?

Be at the right place at the right time.

Your task?

Drift well.

We know you have the tools to achieve greatness.

Will you be with us in May to see this through?

We hope so.


Why do you think they call them Mayflies anyway?
Friday Foto

Friday Foto and Fishing Report

Lee straight outta Seattle Washington with this Bamboo caught Brown Trout.

Nice Lee. Headhunters Guide Nick Stipech put him on this behemoth yesterday.

As Lee was battling this Missouri River Brown Trout he turned to the guest in the back of the boat and said, “Maybe you oughtta reel in, I think this is a big one…”

Do you like big ones?

Friday Foto and Fishing Report

The fishing is just fine. Good reports from the Skwala blind dry fly fisheres as the catch rate varies daily. The small dry fly fans are getting some play as the Midge and BWO’s are willing to emerge this week. Everyday a little bit better. Soon…soon we will be enjoying dry fly action for a couple hours every afternoon. True to the Mo.

Nymphing is good to great with Pink still in the lead. Coming in and coming on strong is the BWO. PT’s, Little Green Machine’s, Lightening Bugs, Frenchie’s, Sparkle PT’s, S & M’s, BWO Bubbleback’s. Ninch has the bins stuffed full of mayfly nymphs and dries.You should take a look.

The streamer fishing is shitty. Pretty shitty. even with deep tips the fish are not all that excited about chomping on the big fly. Are we still trying? Oh yeah. You cannot keep the streamer contingent quiet for long.

The water is 8K+ and stable. It is over a few islands. The structure has not changed but some of our nymph lines have. It is fun to see more water as it makes us break down the subsurface shelf system and analyze the nymph game.

Water temps are 43F. Good bug zone for a daily show. Get out and pray for a non-wind situation and bust out the GINK. Do it.

Shuttles, flies, GINK, Shimishake and spray, fly lines, rental waders, rental boats, free info, tasteless free coffee. All daily @ 8am and open til late for your afternoon dry fly floats.

Thanks, and we’ll be seeing you.

Silly Sunday Scenery

Silly Sunday Scenery

Silly Sunday Scenery today on the Headhunters Fly Fishing Blog.

This sign at the top of Spring Creek exit I-15. Get off heading North 7 miles outside of Wolf Creek. IT parallels the Little Prickly Pear Creek. Damn pretty and pretty fishy too when she opens on May 17th. 3rd Saturday of May is our spring opener.

Until then we got shitty cold snow.

The weather has turned for the worse so we give you a happy sign. A sign into the canyon. A sign that the world is not ending and winter will leave us alone at some point.

The sign states on the left side “This recreation road meanders through scenic canyons and river valleys. The traveller will find opportunities for leisurely sight-seeing, frequent photo stops, picnicking, boating, and fishing.” 

Until then, we smile. Grin and bear it til the snow leaves us.

Snow Sunday, today. Monday? Monday brings temps in the 60’s again.

What a relief.

Happy Sunday to all of you out there in Trout Fantasy Land.

$300 Guide Trips continue…

Friday Foto Missouri river Spring Edition

Friday Foto Missouri River Spring Edition

Yes. The Spring Edition.

Thursday felt like spring. Sorta. This weekend promises to feel like spring. A lot.

Today brings us some sun. Saturday some sun. Sunday some sun.

Sunday the Orvis Guide Rendezvous in downtown Craig 4pm with a BBQ, casting comps, frivolity, fun, and some beer too. Lets cross our fingers for sun. Last year we had snow.

Today is also Headhunters Birthday. Yesterday we finished our 6th year. Today we begin our 7th year.

We’re having a ball enjoying everyday. We love meeting and developing long term friendships with you and your fishing family. Thanks for your support the last 6. We look forward to serving you for the next 16!

Thanks from all of us here at Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service from John, Julie, Mark, Ben McNinch, Sara, Peter, Ben Hardy, Jared, Nick, Brett, Ryan, Kurt, Beth and the entire Headhunters Crew.

Thanks again…

Friday Foto

Friday Foto

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]This shaggy cat lived on the banks of the Missouri River for a couple years.

And caught a ton of trout.

A throwback hunter and gatherer Patrick is back int eh work force, begrudgingly.

Trout bums seems to be few and far between. The real starving kind.

While Pat was not starving he did play the role perfectly.

Happy 2nd day of Spring on this Friday. It is supposed to be snowing today.

Doesn’t really feel much like spring to us. But, we know Mother Nature cannot hold out forever.

Only a couple more months.



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Friday Foto Fishing Report

Friday Foto Fishing Report

The water is up since the last report, since the last weekend, since the last snow and wind and rain events. Tonight? The Fly Fishing Film Tour stops into Great Falls at the Hilton Garden Inn @ 7:30pm. But the action gets t-rolling about 4:30pm with beers, contests, the best deals on gear all year … Read more

Friday Foto

Friday Foto

Friday Foto from out here west of the Mississippi, east of the Continental Divide on Montana’s Missouri River. We are gliding through the winter happier than shit. Not many folks around this winter due to the extreme cold. Oh, and the incessant wind. The fog is lifting on our spring and folks are sneaking around … Read more

SIlly Sunday Scenery

Silly Sunday Scenery

The weather yesterday was just fantastic. Nicest day all winter. Or for quite some time! I think we touched 50F. It sure felt like it. And today? Should be nice, but the wind may come up! If you are coming, call first and we will give you wither the A-OK, or turn that truck around  … Read more