IF4 Film Fest in GF

IF4 Film Fest in GF


IF4 Film Fest in GF

Friday nite in Great Falls 730pm. The Do Bar.

Go check it. They serve beer and cocktails there. So pretty fun. With fishing videos too.


A trailer for met ’18 show. Focus.


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Friday Foto Swingin'

Friday Foto Swingin’

Friday Foto Swingin’ Good weekend for swinging flies. Weather? Variable. Standard. What’er you gonna do? Watch football? Tie flies. Nap on the couch. Organize flies? Clean fly lines. Surf the web. Plan your summer trip. Clean the garage? All of the above? It is mid January. Full winter depression should not set in for a … Read more

How to interpret water data or Realism: A sport most anglers want nothing of.

How to interpret water data or Realism: A sport most anglers want nothing of. The case in point today revolves around a couple charts that we see most often used by bloggers like HH and beyond. Below is an article about how to navigate through all the bullshit you may see on social sites and … Read more

Friday Foto

Friday Foto Warming here in Craig. Shelf ice around, but navigable. Check the boat ramps before doing anything too stupid. Come by the shop get a shuttle, fill the voids in your fly box, check out our Just Add Vise kits , and say hello to the HH gang. Have a happy first Friday of … Read more

It’s cold. Think warm thoughts.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] It’s cold. Think warm thoughts. I think it got to 10F. No wind though. Clear and bright. No wind though. We are in the treading water stage of the winter. It’s stale. Watched Hitchcock’s Rear Window last night. Wow! Great flick. Saw it many years ago but now through the lens of DVR it is … Read more

Merry Christmas from Headhunters

Merry Christmas from Headhunters of Craig Montana

Merry Christmas from Headhunters of Craig Montana Merry Christmas from Headhunters to all of you. We appreciate you all year long and we are all thankful for you and your families. Enjoy this time with your friends and families. Be thankful. Merry Christmas from the entire HH family John, Julie. Mark, Ben, Sara, Dewey, Derrick, … Read more

Linus and Lucy

One of the coolest Christmas Songs


One of the coolest Christmas Songs

Actually “Linus and Lucy” is the title of this tune. Composed by Vince Guaraldi the Italian Jazz Composer who composed most of the Peanuts animated television music.

I also dig Christmas Time is Here. The ethereal wispy yet flowing track that is spun throughout the christmas special.

The wikipedia link to A Charlie Brown Christmas Soundtrack.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1LUXQWzCno” video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPG3zSgm_Qo” video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I think Charlie Brown woulda felt better with a new fly reel. I know it makes some of the holiday angst go away.

Hope you got your Aluminum Christmas Tree up in the family room. They are all the rage.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

One of the great John Cusack Quotes


One of the great John Cusack Quotes

What do you want to do? Are you doing it? Did you have a crossroads decision at one point? We all did.

This is a fantastic scene with John Cusack in Say Anything 1989.

A great film if you like Cusack.

So, the quote. Think about it this holiday season. If you are ready to jump headlong into the fly fishing life, Headhunters Life, then drop the bomb on your folks this Christmas. Shortly after the New Year we will again be starting our search for 2018 employees. Get your resume up to date and be ready for when we ring the bell.

If you want to spend the summer with us and go back home to reality, we accept that. If you want to move to Craig full time accelerating your fly fishing advancement, we applaud that too. We have opportunities for you in ’18.

Until then, think about it. What would John Cusack do?

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Winter Down Low

The above image is not normal. It was taken yesterday morning looking upstream from Pelican Point. There should be ice jams and snow on the ground. When it’s real cold the river might be frozen over. Even on a warm and dry year, there should be some snow on those higher peaks and a little ice in those inside channels.

Not this year. Winter started great, but it’s been weeks since we have had any significant snowfall. Daytime highs and nighttime lows have been above normal. For the last few weeks it’s been jeans and sweatshirt weather. We have even had some smoke in the air this week from the fires in Southern California.

While we never root for drought conditions, it does create some unusual opportunities for anglers. On a typical year, fishing below Prewitt Creek would not be much of an option in late December. But for the next few weeks – according to the weatherman – you might find some good fishing on the lower river

The trout haven’t completely moved into the big, slow winter tanks yet, but they’re starting to. On some lower river stretches find8ng winter holding water can be difficult, and so can finding fish when the water temps are in the mid to low 30’s. With our unseasonable temperatures, you should still be able to find fish in shallow riffles.

As for access you can get on the water at Pelican Point, as well as from the “backside” on the Sheep Creek Road upstream from Cascade. You can do a nice short float from Prewitt Creek to Pelican Point, which has plenty of great Wade fishing water as well. The short days and often windy conditions in December mean that Pelican to Cascade is an unlikely option. You’ll be pushing a lot to get off before dark.

A swung fly (on a single or two-hander) is a great way to cover the broad runs on the lower river. Move fast and cover as much water as you can. Leech patterns are crushing it right now, but we always do well with flashy baitfish patterns around Pelican late in the year.

Nymph rigs will be similar to the upper, but I’d be using the bigger stuff – Czech mymphs, worms, scuds, crawdads – more than midge stuff you might find productive near Holter Dam. They’re eating midges, and midges will work, but you likely don’t need to go that small unless you find a group of fish midg8ng in shallow water. As with streamer fishing, cover lots of water quickly until you find them.

Dry flies may be a player, and we’re still seeing some BWO’s here and there. Midge hatches are not typically very intense until later in the winter, but I would certainly have a few Griffiths Gnats on me. Some of my favorite winter dry fly water is in the big riffles between Hardy Rapids and Pelican Point. You access this stretch through Anderson Ranch/FWP access points from Sheep Creek Road.

Go explore and good luck.

Montana Upland Season

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Big Game hunting is finished but Upland-bird season is still going strong for many Montana sportsman, and the mild weather we’ve been having has created some great conditions for wing-shooters. Our upland hunting expert Sara Roholt can be hard to find around Craig this time of year. If she’s not in the shop (only 4 days a week in the off season), she’s probably following her dogs Waylon and Sturgill through the wide open country of eastern Montana, along with her husboyfriend and Missouri River guide Kurt Michels.

In this part of Montana, hunters like Sara employ pointing dogs while pursuing Hungarian Partridge and Sharptail Grouse. “Sharpies” are our native birds around here. Cool critters that evolved on the cold and windy prairie. These two species hold best for pointers, but if a Cock Pheasant gets up, he dies too. While most hunting takes place on private property, Montana’s excellent Block Management hunting program allows hunters to access a massive amount of private property. Sara has this program dialed, but also secures access using her wit and charm on other farms and ranches.

If you’re interested in learning more about upland hunting in Montana, and specifically how to gain access to private property, we do not recommend talking to Sara. She won’t tell you a thing.[/vc_column_text][us_image image=”29295″ align=”center”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Quiet Time

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Were heading into a few weeks that are typically quiet, but offer some great fishing. Thats OK. The Mo’ can use a break. We will still do 2 or 3 shuttles a day – more on weekends – and there are a few wading anglers around. Winter on the river is way behind schedule this year, so conditions are comfortable if you do want to go fishing. If you want to go skiing, conditions pretty much suck. According to the weatherman, were headed into 2 weeks of unusually dry and mild weather.

Speaking of winter arriving late, we had some pretty good BWO hatches Saturday and Sunday at our Trout Spey Clinics. Neither Mark or I can ever remember seeing BWO’s on the water in December. And they were the really big ones. If you can hit some clouds and diffused light, you should be able to find a few sippers. I’d be looking in the channels between the Dam and Jacksons Rock. A big Nymens or Last Chance Cripple should do the trick.

With the whole river open, the next few weeks should offer some great two-handed fishing. If you’re already set, the entire river is fishing. Even down to Cascade. If not, swing by the shop, grab a rod and give it a try. A handful of streamers and soft hackles is all you need. And were seeing a change in the fishes behavior this week. Moving out a little deeper and hunting some bigger flies. The Browns appear to be finished with the spawn.

If you’re a veteran don’t forget about our 2 PHW Adipose Drift boats, free to use by any veterans or active duty members of the armed forces. This is a great way to get out on the river with your brothers. Call the shop and reserve in advance.


Now, the rest of the month.

Now, the rest of the month.

Now, the rest of the month. Headhunters Fly Shop Christmas Party last night. A great time had by all. We ate well too. A taco bar with 20+ side items to make your taco great. Carnita’s and Beef Barbacoa. Yum. Corona’s too. We finished up with Headhunters Fly Shop first Free Trout Spey session Saturday … Read more

Silly Saturday Scenery

Silly Saturday Scenery

Silly Saturday Scenery Matt Patterson fishing Thursday on the Mo. Matt was one of our first customers. Then he got married to Brittney, had a couple kids, and disappeared for years. Now he is back working on the local improvement project for the summer. He fished a ton this summer and re-discovered the river. But … Read more

Black Fly Day Sale @ Headhunters of Craig

Black Fly Day Sale @ Headhunters of Craig

Black Fly Day Sale @ Headhunters of Craig It’s coming soon. Starting Friday at Headhunters Fly Shop of Craig Montana. A big sale that includes deep discounts on some very popular items! SIMMS G3 Waders on sale at 50% off!  Abel Super Series reels on Closeout! 50% off remaining stock! SIMMS Freestone Wading Boots on … Read more

Thanksgiving Holiday Week in Montana

Thanksgiving Holiday Week in Montana

Thanksgiving Holiday Week in Montana Fishing all week long will be pretty terrific. Like John said a couple days ago the Swing Season is in full effect along with the catch rates pretty consistent. Calls all weekend long in regards to lodging in Craig for the Thanksgiving Holiday Week in Montana lodging. Some fishing towards … Read more

Winter Rewards Fishing the Missouri River

Winter Rewards Fishing the Missouri River Trout Spey casters up all the way from Big Sky. Bill, Jason, Rob, and Todd ventured up the state to the Mighty Mo to swing a few flies. And they were rewarded with nice Missouri River trout. Happy Sunday. It is snowing here, and damn cold. Several guide trips … Read more

Sunday Wind Day

Sunday Wind Day

Sunday Wind Day Windy today. Already gusts to 75mph. So, damn windy. You could watch football. Or you could just go. We are going. Advanced Fly Fishing School final day. We are going. First day of RIO/Sage industry trip. They’re going. Whatever you do, enjoy it. The colors here are wonderful this fall. But after … Read more

Swing Season 2017-18 is Here!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We’ve been swinging with our two-handers for a few weeks now, and we know a few of you have as well. In our brains, the 1st of November is the beginning of “Swing Season”, but as the weeds disappear from the Missouri River and the Brown Trout start to move, we can’t resist. Some of us have even been exploring further form home, using our Trout Spey rods to fish places we’re familiar with but haven’t approached down and across before.

Despite anemic runs of Steelhead, we’ve heard a few decent reports from the Clearwater/Snake/Ronde systems. If you’re headed that way in the next few weeks we wish you luck. Unfortunately, the State of Idaho decided to open a limited “kill” season for the handful of Steelhead that returned to the upper Columbia tributaries. That won’t help your success, but it may do further harm to a fragile resource. If you do catch a Steelhead, take care to land him quickly (not on the beach) and release him gently. Steelhead have enough problems already.


Right now things are pretty good for the swing. Water temps are right, and the drifting weeds have decreased to the point that you won’t be pulling your hair out. Both floating and sinking lines will work this time of year, and if you ever wanted to try and skate up a trout on an October Caddis, now’s the time. For streamers, we recommend sticking with our typically small and flashy Clouser’s, Kreelex’s, Skiddish Smolts and the like. Small Buggers like the Thin Mint are also a good call. If you need your fly to be bigger, stick to a heavy sink tip and bury that sucker between the Dam and Craig.

Most freestones in the region should be in play as well. Warm weather this week will keep the water temps on the Madison, Jefferson, Yellowstone, etc. in the right zone. Where you can target Bull Trout you may have some interesting options as well.


We will continue to offer our free Spey Clinics again this year. Like last season, we will be offering 1 day clinics on two separate weekends. The first clinics will be on December 2nd and 3rd. The second session will be February 10th and 11th. Sign up at the shop or call 406-235-3447. Space is limited to 12 students per session. We always have waiting lists for these clinics, so don’t sign up because you’re bored. Our free clinics are designed for those new to spey casting, so please don’t suck up a spot if you’ve attended in past years. We will likely be holding a few advanced clinics for more experienced casters, so keep your eyes peeled.

Clinic Details:

  • 9am to 3pm or later.
  • Pastries, Coffee and Juice provided.
  • 1.5 hour presentation and Q&A session. Remainder of the day is on-water.
  • Rods provided, but bring your own if you have one!
  • Demo lines available to use with your rod.
  • FREE!


Last season, we began to make the shift from light Steelhead gear to Troutspey gear, and we will pretty much complete that transition this season. While we will still carry a small assortment of “steelhead” rods (and a bigger assortment of lines), we will focus on Montana waters and the ultralight gear designed for them. The majority of the demo gear in the shop (and at our clinics) will be Troutspey rods and reels designed for <350 grains.

We will also be adding a few more rod models in the shop this season, including rods from Gary Anderson Custom Rods (ACR) built in Rogue River, OR. Some have already arrived and more models are on the way.

Swing by the shop if you have any questions about spey rods, spey reels, spey lines, sink tips, leaders, shooting lines, or anything else. Our staff will be happy to help you get setup for the season.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Playoff Fishing here on the Missouri River

Playoff Fishing here on the Missouri River It is go time here. Playoff fishing here on the Missouri River. Excitement daily as we are headlong into the fall fishing period. And it is good! I sighted many real life BWO flies not he water yesterday. The first showing in any numbers that I have seen. … Read more

Winter Weather this weekend!

Winter Weather this weekend!

Winter Weather this weekend! Looking forward to it. Really liked the wet week we just had 7 days ago. 2″-4″ Friday. Bring it. The dry fly fishing pretty good. Pseudo rising trout are on the bite. The nymphing is sick. Streamer anglers keeping it quiet still. You should fish this weekend. Honest.  

Never Forget

Never Forget While we remember the brave souls of 9/11 we also keep in mind our local wild fire fighters here not only in Montana but all over the west. We are pulling for you out there. A fundraiser for the fire fighters on Saturday at Izaak’s with the Dead Tribute Band 710 Ashbury raised … Read more

Izaak's Log Jam 710 Ashbury

710 Ashbury @ Izaak’s Fundraiser for Wildfire Fighters Saturday September 9th

710 Ashbury @ Izaak’s Fundraiser for Wildfire Fighters Saturday September 9th 710 Ashbury playing on Izaak’s Log Jam Saturday September 9th. A Dead cover band. What is not to like. A Fundraiser for WildFire Firefighters too! Come on down and enjoy the band, bid on some cool items all helping the fire effort! Come on … Read more

Rain. The Cult. Video


Rain. The Cult. Video

A couple months without rain. We are ready. We need it!

Enjoy the Cult on the Headhunters Blog today. Rain. Here comes the rain…

This is foreshadowing, clairvoyance, telepathic. This video will bring rain.

Big party this weekend on Izaak’s Porch with the kick ass Dead Band 710 Ashbury at 6pm. That’ll be fun!

Let’s put out those fires too. Rain would help that. A couple inches would do the trick. Bring it.

Or that rain dance you do in your office. Do us a favor, do it often.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”https://vimeo.com/4567209″ video_related=”1″ video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Sara says SALE!

Sara says SALE! Day 2 upon us. Same fly pricing Sunday and Monday. Half Off flies! Call us up if you want our experts to load you up a few fly pucks full of your favorites. We will pop them in the mail after the holiday. BBQ again Sunday as Mark fires up the Traeger … Read more

Half Off Fly Sale @ Headhunters All Weekend!

Half Off Fly Sale @ Headhunters All Weekend! 50% OFF ALL FLIES ALL WEEKEND! 50% off all fly boxes. Demo Rod Sale. Sage, Orvis, Fenwick, ECHO, Loomis and more! Check out our selection of dry fly rods, nymphing sticks, and Trout Spey rods that gotta GO! Summer gear including fishing shirts, T’s, hats, sun protection, … Read more

Six Essential Flies For The Missouri River

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]A couple days ago, I was digging through one of my fly tying drawers and I found an old shuttle sheet. The shuttle sheet was dated December 29, 2015. On the back of it were scribbled several lists of six flies. The lists were made by some of the shop staff during a slow winter … Read more

The reason for the smoke is...FIRE!

The reason for the smoke is…FIRE!

The reason for the smoke is…FIRE! A bunch of fires to the NW of us here in Craig MT. The prevailing winds are SSW. No wonder! Check out the InciWeb site for up to date fire information. Maps, individual fires, containment, plans, images…all you need to know before hopping in your car roaming around Montana … Read more

October, September, Missouri River Montana

September is upon us, October coming soon!

September is upon us, October coming soon! Fall is on the way. Yep. But not before some more summer. Fall does not officially start until September and the Autumnal Solstice beginning the 4th week of this pivotal month. Water temperatures will be falling and the days will becoming shorter. We are looking forward to tearing … Read more

Labor Day Weekend Sale @ Headhunters Fly Shop

Labor Day Weekend Sale @ Headhunters Fly Shop Big Sale this weekend at Headhunters Fly Shop in Downtown Craig Montana. Help us clear out the summer wear and make room for the fall and winter gear. Is summer over? NOPE! ut it is time to start looking forward to cooler days and nights. And no … Read more