Busman's holiday

Busman’s Holiday

Headhunters Busman’s Holiday. With a BBQ of course. The entire staff with some of our guides too allowed themselves a day of fun on the river. The shop was closed and we all had some fun living the dream. Lots and lots of food…Chimichurri Chix, Pork, Flank Steak, Jalo Poppers, Sausages, fresh homemade salsa’s, guac, … Read more

Off Air

Off Air | Monday August 19th

Employee Party for our fabulous staff. An all day affair loaded with, well…food, fishing, and fun. Closing in the mid season? Bold. Yep. That is how much we appreciate these gals and guys. Off Air | Monday August 19th Open again on Tuesday Morning August 20th @ 6am for coffee. And flies.

Silly Sunday Scenery

Silly Sunday Scenery

We like Trico’s. We got bunches. This is near the Bullpen. Actually, right in front of it. So, you don’t have to go far… Headhunters Closed tomorrow Monday for an employee party. See you Tuesday morning for coffee @ 6am.

Tricos Montana

Yah, the Trico’s must be done…

Kinda looks like they are done… Not. Spinner falls are bringing fish to the surface from Holter Dam to Cascade and many stops in between. They should be fishable for another couple weeks. The good news is the Psuedocloens are gaining strength. Until then, enjoy these Tricorythodes with friends, and beers.  

Montana Margaritaville

Montana Margaritaville – This Friday!

Headhunters is famous for it’s last minute events, and here’s the latest. Our good friend Ron Bartek is sponsoring the first annual Ron Bartek Margarita and Ice Cream Social. Ron loves Craig, Headhunters, the Missouri River and Margaritas. He claims he is an expert Margarita mixer. To add another cool element to the mix, Chef … Read more


Two Words | Twin-Kies!

Squeeky can sleep better tonight. And tomorrow night. You may not have heard, but this is a pretty big deal in SOL’s household. Shit, his lifestyle. Twinkies are back and better than ever. Smaller, and fewer calories. Just means you can wolf down 3, or 4. His fantastic wife Danielle saw them @ CVS Pharmacy … Read more

Underwater Rainbow Trout

Big Sky Photo Contest – Ended

Our Big Sky Photo Contest sponsored by our good friends at Howler Bros. has concluded. All images have been received, and the judging will now begin. With the use of the W.O.P.R. super computer and a couple of 18 packs, the Headhunters staff will now judge the winning photo. The winner will receive shwag from … Read more

Outdoor Retailer 2013

Outdoor Retailer 2013 is full of energy. Outdoor products from all over the world for the entire world have come to Salt Lake City for the annual summer extravaganza. Headhunters is here in force checking out the new products for the upcoming year. John, Julie, Sara, and Mark will be in attendance for another 24 … Read more

Friday Foto

Friday Foto

Local, regional, statewide legend Dave McKee floating the Mighty Missouri River. We love Dave and follow him down the river as often as possible. He loves it wen you fish on his”6″. This river is beautiful ad we never get tired of living amongst the breathtaking scenery. When we become complacent about anything, we begin … Read more

August Arrival

August Arrival

August has arrived and the weather is cooling. Hooray. Our guides are happy and some of them have a day or two of rest under their belts as we slow to a normal pace moving away from that frenetic July barrage of  bugs, fish, guests, and friends. John, Julie, Sara, and Mark are out of … Read more

Headhunters Blog Rising

We’re Back Like a Phoenix Rising from the Ashes.

The Headhunters website is finally back up. You’ll notice a few changes. Primarily, there is just one website at www.headhuntersflyshop.com. The blog is located within this site instead of at another. Secondly, there are no blog posts (or very few). Yes, tragically, they have been lost to cyberspace. Most importantly you now can get your … Read more

First Cast

First Cast | Bob Glassen

As we ease through summer we experience more difficult fishing.  August brings us fish that have been witness to many atrocities int eh last 2 months including being hooked. They get smarter. Honest. Or the alternative, we get dumber. Also a possibility. Bob Glassen this morning with this reminder about important factors in hooking fish…the … Read more