Friday Foto Redux

Friday Foto Redux

After seeing the Headhunters Fly Shop Blog Friday Foto post Patrick emailed yesterday morning with this update on his fishing career. Unfortunately the full time part has been interrupted…

Patrick Speaks

Friday Foto Redux
Patrick rocking it Winter Rainbow Style
Thanks for the 15 minutes of fame, that was a truly great day of fishing. Thanks Mark!
I am still shaggy, a lot worse really. But you are 100% correct on the begrudgingly involved part. (Pat speaking of the currently employed life)


Here is the updated shag, with a major ling while ice fishing,(4 am, lots of whiskey) and another from the shores of the lower Madison which has become my go to slay spot. They’re no Mo fish, but casting to risers all winter is not so bad. 


Hope you are all doing well, take care and hopefully I will see ya sooner than later!
Thanks Pat for the update. We wish you all the best in the near and future future in shedding the day job and getting back to your roots. We encourage that behavior.

Montana Cinema – Thunderbolt and Lightfoot

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Who doesn’t love a movie that was filmed in your backyard? While Montana isn’t known as a location for motion picture filming, we have had a few excellent Hollywood productions filmed here. Of course you all know and make fun of “A River Runs Through It”. While it has been blamed widely for “ruining fly fishing”, and is the butt of many jokes amongst guides in the west, it really is a pretty good story and film. But you’ve seen it.

There are some other – and much better – films shot in Montana. A few of those were filmed right here in our backyard. My all time favorite “Montana Made” film is…

“Thunderbolt & Lightfoot”

Not many folks I meet have seen this one. I always think of it when I drive by the scenic overlook at Mt. Palace (which is every day). Watch the last scene of the movie and you’ll know why. Filmed in the greater Great Falls area in 1973, it stars Clint Eastwood and Jeff Bridges (how can you go wrong?). It was also the directorial debut for Michael Cimino, who’s next film was the “Deer Hunter” (another all-time favorite).

The story revolves around a bank heist, and who doesn’t love a “Bank Heist” flick? Eastwood, George Kennedy, Eastwood regular Geoffrey Lewis and Bridges make up the gang.

Here’s just one clip, featuring some great footage up near Augusta. While actor (and Eastwood regular) Bill McKinney is playing this crazy Hillbilly, I’m sure you could meet the real-life equivalent if you spend enough time hitch-hiking the back roads around here.


[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=””][us_separator show_line=”1″ line_width=”default”][vc_column_text]I’ll bet you thought all those bunny rabbits were going to die.

There’s plenty of other scenes featuring locations familiar to anyone who has traveled around the area. Wolf Creek, Augusta, Ulm, etc.  Almost worth watching just to see how many places you can identify.

“Thunderbolt & Lightfoot” was a critical success, and also gets an 86% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes. A movie well worth watching, and one that many Eastwood and Bridges fans may have missed (Bridges was nominated for Best-Supporting actor).

Headhunters Rating [vc_icon color=”custom” size=”xs” link=”” external=”0″ icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-star” custom_color=”#32beeb”][vc_icon color=”custom” size=”xs” link=”” external=”0″ icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-star” custom_color=”#32beeb”][vc_icon color=”custom” size=”xs” link=”” external=”0″ icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-star” custom_color=”#32beeb”][vc_icon color=”custom” size=”xs” link=”” external=”0″ icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-star” custom_color=”#32beeb”][vc_icon color=”custom” size=”xs” link=”” external=”0″ icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-star” custom_color=”#32beeb”] (a “must see”)[/vc_column_text][us_image image=”4110″ align=”center” size=”full” link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Friday Foto

Friday Foto

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]This shaggy cat lived on the banks of the Missouri River for a couple years.

And caught a ton of trout.

A throwback hunter and gatherer Patrick is back int eh work force, begrudgingly.

Trout bums seems to be few and far between. The real starving kind.

While Pat was not starving he did play the role perfectly.

Happy 2nd day of Spring on this Friday. It is supposed to be snowing today.

Doesn’t really feel much like spring to us. But, we know Mother Nature cannot hold out forever.

Only a couple more months.



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The Russell Art Show

Fish Art Originals at the Russell Art Show this Week-(end)

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Wayne Kolstad from the big city of New Richmond Wisconsin stopped in the store this afternoon and showed us some really cool one of a kind hand carved fish art.

Made of wood, blood, sweat and tears Wayne hand crafts these extremely realistic fish replicas.

The Russell Art Show
The original trout triptych.

Did you catch a big one this last year or you feel it in your bones that you got a big one in your fishing future? Wayne will knock out a knock off that will blow your mind.

Airbrushed and hand scaled with taxidermy quality eyes will keep you staring and admiring these one of kind fish carvings. Check out Wayne’s web site here.

I looked into his van and saw Walleye, carp, trout, panfish, crappie, muskie, a couple wandering ducks, and too many to list. My mind was blown. A full load of beauties headed to Great Falls this weekend for the Wild Bunch Show at the Hampton Inn.

Wayne will be set up at the Hampton Inn Wednesday 5-10pm Thursday thru Saturday 10-10. If you are indeed attending the Russell Art Show also called the Western Art Show you should see Wayne over at the Wild Bunch Show and Sale.

If you need to take a break for the day feel free to call the shop and we will get you into the saddle of a drift boat on the Missouri River.

Enjoy the weekend show as many have been traveling to Great Falls for this world renowned art event for over four decades. You may even bump into Wayne!

The Russell Art Show
You want one of these on your mantle? Your desk?


Spring Training Spring Fishing

Spring Training Spring Fishing.

Love spring. For some the favorite season of the the year.

The grass in becoming greener, the snow is less frequent, the refreshing smells of spring, smiles come easier, and we become comfortable enjoying the longer afternoons and rising temperatures.

The beer on the porch seems to add a spring in our step too! Soon, the BBQ will come out of storage and fire up!

Spring Training Spring Fishing

A pleasant time of the year for all. A time of year to find the pile of fly rods in the corner of the garage and dust it off.

I love Mariner’s Baseball and a number of you like your local teams as well. Peter is an A’s fan, Ben is a Boston fan, Ninch, Stipech and Matula are Detroit fans…who do you root for?

When the Pitchers and Catchers report to spring training I get excited. Excited for the spring baseball, for the daily games on the television, for the awakening of summer. Spring is the precursor to summer. The snowpack is foreshadowing a great water year. Great water years produce lots of trout based on the spawning recruitment. More water creates more habitat for insects.

It’s all good.

The rhythms of baseball and the rhythms of guide life have numerous parallels.

A daily game. Sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose. You play for the sake of playing. You truly enjoy the process, the skill sets, the luck quotient, the sun on your face, the camaraderie amongst fellow guides and anglers, the repetivenss of the cast, the beauty of the sport, the intricacies of the flies, the mechanics of the drift, the minutiae that fly thread coloration makes, the same damn ham sandwich, the opportunity to learn, the length of the Missouri River summer which lasts as long as the major league schedule, the privilege to experience this world class resource on a daily basis.

It’s all good whether it be Spring Training or Spring Fishing.

How are you looking and feeling this spring? Good? Get out the glove or get out the rod and begin to enjoy the season that is upon us.



Headhunters is again offering the Spring Special. Feel like getting your Spring Training started? $300 Guide Trips and lodging starts @ $100.


Craig Caddis Festival 2014

Craig Caddis Festival 2014

Craig Caddis Festival 2014 is coming. Saturday May 17th is the date. Always the 3rd Saturday in May. Spring opener here for Montana creeks and streams. The Dearborn opens on the 17th. All festivities start at 4pm this year with the parade, BBQ Contest, Live music, silent auction, hi-jinks, and the whole 9 yards. Will … Read more

Day 1 Spring Special

Day 1 Spring Special 2014

Day 1 has come and is nearly beyond us here on the Mighty Missouri River near Craig Montana. $300 Guide Trips through then end of April. Day 1 is past and Day 2 will arrive in the morning. We look forward to it. Rental boats out today too. The Project Healing Waters Boats have been … Read more

Precipitation Report & Runoff Predictions

Snotel Reports We’re really starting to cross the line between a “good” snow year, and a “big” snow year. The low spots in the state are in far western MT, where the lower Clark Fork and the Kootenai are at 98% of normal, with snow-water equivalent of 120% +/-. That’s the least amount of precipitation I see. … Read more

New Boat Smell

New Boat Smell | Spring Edition

New Boat Smell Adipose Flow Style with Headhunters Guide Nick Stipech today. Nick had previously rowed a RO Deville, then a RO El Camino. He is excited about his new purchase. We’ll see Nick on the water gliding expertly and effortlessly to awesome dry fly water. Spring brings out many new exciting fly fishing related … Read more

Newsletter Returns

After nearly a year of laziness – a new record for me – our eNewsletter has returned. We are aware that many of you look forward to our newsletter, and that it is the preferred platform for receiving the latest news. Those who are fans can look forward to more frequent emails in the future. … Read more

Day 1

Day 1

Headed out guiding this week as the March Madness begins. Jared has been out already and the rest of the Spring Gang, the Headhunters Crew, is trickling, dribbling into Craig. When do you want to make your arrival known in the fishing capitol of Montana? Day 1 | 2014 Still get pretty excited and nervous … Read more

Free Fly Fishing Trip

Cancer Donation Guide Trip Winner!

We want to thank everyone who donated to Jon and Shannon Hardy’s Boston Marathon fundraiser. Great job, Headhunters Community. Sixty-seven of you donated over $2800 for team Hardy, and Dana-Farber Cancer Research. Jon just emailed and he and Shannon pulled the winner from the hat. And the award goes to… Dan Kauffman, San Diego, CA. … Read more

Live the Dream

Live the Dream & Buy a Riverside Restaurant

Live the Dream and buy this riverside restaurant at Prewitt Creek. We loved this place, the Missouri River Inn the past couple years. Originally a road house, supper club, the place in the canyon to be, Bud and Joan Osterman owned this joint for generations. Then a few owner/management groups…and now you! The folks who … Read more

Piano Pat Sip & Dip Great Falls

If you have not seen Pat at the World Famous Sip & Dip Lounge in Great Falls yet, you need to. Set in a classic, stereotypical, gaudy Tiki Bar motif Pat is the star of the show. You would think that the Sip & Dip Lounge Mermaids would be the attraction, who doesn’t love mermaids, … Read more

Closed for the Frigid Weekend

Too damn cold for us. And you too. Temperatures below 0F make it silly for us to be in the shop…and for you to be on the river. Too damn cold. We will be open Monday morning @ 8am for all your Mo River needs. You can contact Julie both Saturday and Sunday @ 406/868-5473 … Read more

Friday Foto

Friday Foto | Trout Dogs

Headhunters Guide Jared Edens and a dog of Nick Stipech making chatting about the day. All trout dogs. Jared, Nick, the lab… Friday Foto | Trout Dogs The last day of fishing for a few days. Big storm is upon us with below 0F and wind included. We will be around today until the snow … Read more

State of the Missouri River

State of the Missouri River. Tonight in Helena!

The annual State of the Missouri River is tonight at Montana Wild in a presentation by Grant Grisak @ 7pm. Check out this presentation sponsored by Pat Barnes Trout Unlimited Helena Chapter. Please come join us on February 26, 2014 for the annual “State-of-the-Missouri River” presentation starting at 7pm at the Montana Wild facility located … Read more

Missouri River Fly Selection

Missouri River Fly Selection plus 400!

Spring on the Missouri River means greener grass, Midges, Baetis, streamer fishing, and movement at Headhunters Fly Shop. Did you just add 400 more fly bins? You changing the store again? Don’t you guys ever rest? Are you bringing in more Missouri River specific fly patterns? Yes, yes, no, and yes.   We are damn … Read more

Friday Foto

Friday Foto

Friday Foto from out here west of the Mississippi, east of the Continental Divide on Montana’s Missouri River. We are gliding through the winter happier than shit. Not many folks around this winter due to the extreme cold. Oh, and the incessant wind. The fog is lifting on our spring and folks are sneaking around … Read more

Flies for Rivers

Flies for Rivers

Flies for Rivers is a great site with some kick ass flies, for rivers. Mostly an east coast slant as Buck ties flies for rivers he loves. Buck lives in Boise and ties for his local rivers in the West. If you want to turn back the clock and fish some classic patterns, well tied … Read more

300 Missoiur River Guide Trips

$300 Missouri River Guide Trips | Headhunters Spring Special

Headhunters Fly Shop & Guide Service Annual Spring Special begins March 15th and runs thru April 30th. $300 Guide Trips with your favorite Headhunters Guides. Try on our LOG Trips for $495 with Captain Ryan McCourtney. Yep, Ryan says bring it on. “Fishing is just great in April and I want to introduce a few … Read more

Trout Bum 101

Trout Bum 101

So you wanna be a trout bum. The first thing I would tell you is to finish your degree and pursue a normal career. If you don’t want to go the smart route, and spend the rest of your life having a ball and chasing fish…then jump in with both feet! If you read the … Read more

5 Easy Winter Tasks

5 Easy Winter Tasks

Missouri River Winter Fishing today on the Headhunters Blog with 5 Easy Winter Tasks. while at home dreaming about fishing there are some tasks you can accomplish setting yourself up for the coming season. In many parts of the country you cannot fish all 12 months so you may need something to keep your mind … Read more

SIlly Sunday Scenery

Silly Sunday Scenery

The weather yesterday was just fantastic. Nicest day all winter. Or for quite some time! I think we touched 50F. It sure felt like it. And today? Should be nice, but the wind may come up! If you are coming, call first and we will give you wither the A-OK, or turn that truck around  … Read more

John Prine Whistle and Fish

John Prine Fish and Whistle

John Prine Whistle and Fish Video today on the Headhunters Fly Fishing Blog. John Prine is one of our favorites here in Craig Montana. A couple of our shop staffers, Ninch and Sara, love them some Prine. Today we are teaching Spey Casting at one of our free clinics. Whistle and cast, whistle and fish…both … Read more

Sunday Spey Clinic

Sunday Spey Clinic

A really cold day on the river, practicing 2 handed casting techniques. A number of folks showed and were interested. A lengthy classroom session with a couple hours on the water. Iced guides? Yes, but not enough to discourage us. Not at all. We have part 2 of the split session this coming Saturday. You … Read more

Jared Edens Poetry plus a Taco Recipe!

Jared Eden is a Headhunters Guide Exrta-O-Dinaire. I asked him if he had written poetry before. He said, “Nope. First poem.” Thanks for the Blog Jared! Old man winter sitting on the porch this morning.  I like poems, so I thought about giving writing one a try. The frozen H2o Its journey downward begins Born … Read more

F3T “50” Tarpon Teaser

A cool video coming to a theater near you. The F3T show will be rolling through Great Falls March 14th at the Hilton garden Inn. Save the date and come out to shed the winter doldrums, your Patagonia puffball, your pasty white skin…have a few beers ad enjoy the fly fishing event to kick off … Read more

Montana winter spey fishing

Spey Clinic Options for this and next week.

Cold weather continues to interfere with our Spey Clinics, and we’re planning on a second adjustment to this weekends clinic. We’ve just sent out email to those signed up, so check you inbox. Here’s the nuts and bolts: After moving the clinic from Saturday to Sun day, the weather forecast for both days has deteriorated … Read more

Lower River Fishing Report – Ice

Probably not the best stretch to float today, unless you happen to own one of these. In all seriousness, cold winters like we’re experiencing bring lots of ice to the Cascade stretch of the Missouri River. This winter is no exception. Floating below Prewitt – definitely below Cascade – would not be possible today. Slivers … Read more

Headhunters Winter Spring Calendar

Headhunters Winter & Spring Calendar

Lots happening in the near future here on the Missouri River. While Mother Nature never rests, although it is difficult to tell this week with air temps hovering below Zero, neither do we. The Headhunters gang is busy in the shop while getting you up to date on whats happening. Headhunters Winter & Spring Calendar … Read more

montana fly shop

Closed Today… too damn cold.

-21 this morning. Little chilly. We’re going to take the day off instead of forcing our staff to head to work. It’s not like you’re going fishing today. Maybe ice fishing. If you need to call the shop to make lodging or guiding reservations, no problem. Give Julie a call at 406-868-5473. She and I … Read more

Winter Guide Trips...

Winter Guide Trips…

Headhunters Guide Peter Skidmore coming up for air as he and his fiance, and a pile of locals remodel his house. Maybe Peter will stick around for a while as he establishes deeper roots. Peter is a highly regarded and booked Missouri River guide. The Spring Special has been announced and you can book Peter … Read more

Missouri River Trout Numbers High

Missouri River Trout Numbers High

Trout Number high again this year on Montana’s Missouri River according to biologists. We are looking strong. Real strong again with trout numbers high, average fish size high, and advance bookings high as well. Sara says get your friends together and make your plans now as June and July are real tight. Late July with … Read more

Ben Hardy Montana guide

Win a Free Trip with Headhunters guide Ben Hardy and Support Cancer Research!

Help cure cancer and go guided for free?  Sounds like a win win. You’ve got a guest blogger today ladies and gents, Headhunters guide Ben Hardy here (picture above), writing from the tropical Bahamas.  Here’s the deal. My younger brother Jon and his wife Shannon are running the Boston Marathon together on April 21. In … Read more

Missouri River

We can’t keep them off the Missouri River!

Lots of college kids here this week. Finals… While I don’t remember much of my finals week, I do remember wanting to fish, all the time. I would trick my self into tying flies instead of studying. I felt that moving forward in some direction was better than moving laterally or backwards! A bunch of … Read more

Friday Foto

Friday Foto | 2010 Flashback

A shot from the lower river. Awesome. Love the lower river. It’s damn nice. Differing characteristics make the Missouri a must. Yah, tell your wife you must come this summer. We can write a doctor’s note if that will help… Friday Foto. The only thing missing in this foto is you.