Saturday Scenery… and a Fishing Report?

A shot from yesterday to give you an idea of what it looks like ‘round here. As you can see, you won’t need your snowshoes. I call this photo “Silly Saturday Scenery” and dedicate it to Mark Raisler.


The river has been very quiet this week. I think we’ve done a shuttle or two each day, and I’ve seen the occasional wading angler here or there. But I’ve also driven from Craig to the dam twice and not seen an angler. Typical quiet right before the holidays. School got out today, and I expect a few more anglers this weekend and into next week.

With the lack of pressure, we don’t have a ton of feedback to base a fishing report on. Most anglers I’ve seen or talked to have been swinging streamers from their feet, and doing well. Water type and fly choice seems to be all over the place. As I stated earlier in the week, I believe the fish are still transitioning to the winter tanks. You won’t find them everywhere in every run, but you can’t really ignore anything either. That’s a tough task when the days are short.

I would spend most of my time concentrating on 5he heads of runs (at the drop off), but I would start a little higher than normal for December. We’re still picking them off in fast water. In quicker water I would lean towards flashier bugs like the Skiddish Smolt, Kreelex, Zonker (all colors), Shock & Awe, etc.. When you get to slower “tanky”water is switch to a leech pattern or bugger.

Dont hesitate to fish a deep tip. I’ve seen some pretty good fishing with full deep sinking tips recently (10’ T-8 or close). Seems like the fish are still in some faster water, but holding a little deeper than they were 2-3 weeks ago.

I haven’t talked to more than a nympher or two. All reports have been good using the normal December imposters. The Rainbow Czech, various Firebeads, Red Worms, Pink Lightning Bugs, Zebras, etc. Mayfly nymphs are still producing.

The nymphing trick is way more about where than what. Whenever reports are either “we killed ‘em”, or “it was tough” (what I’ve been hearing), the successful crew was fishing in the right spot and the unsuccessful was not. So if you’re not getting them, try some different water.

Weve had a pocket of warm air associated with Chinook winds hanging around for a while. It’s been chilly to our south, even in Helena. More so in Butte and Bozeman. In Craiglandia, it’s mostly been in the 40’s. Pretty comfortable for this time of year. We’re supposed to get a little snow this weekend, and as the high pressure breaks down it will cool down a little, but still comfortable for winter fishing. And the wind should lay down a bit next week.

Winter Down Low

The above image is not normal. It was taken yesterday morning looking upstream from Pelican Point. There should be ice jams and snow on the ground. When it’s real cold the river might be frozen over. Even on a warm and dry year, there should be some snow on those higher peaks and a little ice in those inside channels.

Not this year. Winter started great, but it’s been weeks since we have had any significant snowfall. Daytime highs and nighttime lows have been above normal. For the last few weeks it’s been jeans and sweatshirt weather. We have even had some smoke in the air this week from the fires in Southern California.

While we never root for drought conditions, it does create some unusual opportunities for anglers. On a typical year, fishing below Prewitt Creek would not be much of an option in late December. But for the next few weeks – according to the weatherman – you might find some good fishing on the lower river

The trout haven’t completely moved into the big, slow winter tanks yet, but they’re starting to. On some lower river stretches find8ng winter holding water can be difficult, and so can finding fish when the water temps are in the mid to low 30’s. With our unseasonable temperatures, you should still be able to find fish in shallow riffles.

As for access you can get on the water at Pelican Point, as well as from the “backside” on the Sheep Creek Road upstream from Cascade. You can do a nice short float from Prewitt Creek to Pelican Point, which has plenty of great Wade fishing water as well. The short days and often windy conditions in December mean that Pelican to Cascade is an unlikely option. You’ll be pushing a lot to get off before dark.

A swung fly (on a single or two-hander) is a great way to cover the broad runs on the lower river. Move fast and cover as much water as you can. Leech patterns are crushing it right now, but we always do well with flashy baitfish patterns around Pelican late in the year.

Nymph rigs will be similar to the upper, but I’d be using the bigger stuff – Czech mymphs, worms, scuds, crawdads – more than midge stuff you might find productive near Holter Dam. They’re eating midges, and midges will work, but you likely don’t need to go that small unless you find a group of fish midg8ng in shallow water. As with streamer fishing, cover lots of water quickly until you find them.

Dry flies may be a player, and we’re still seeing some BWO’s here and there. Midge hatches are not typically very intense until later in the winter, but I would certainly have a few Griffiths Gnats on me. Some of my favorite winter dry fly water is in the big riffles between Hardy Rapids and Pelican Point. You access this stretch through Anderson Ranch/FWP access points from Sheep Creek Road.

Go explore and good luck.

Weekend Update

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Feels like there should be a few folks out on the Missouri River searching for trout this weekend. Really nice temperatures with winds forecast to be around 10-15 mph (not bad at all this time of year). I’m guessing there be a few guys camped at Craig in this nice weather, and a few beers knocked back at Joe’s and Shotgun Annie’s this weekend. The new Craig sewer system is done and the construction work is even over. Nice and quiet with a chance of very good fishing…

The Missouri is still on the shift after the bump in water flows last week. I can also feel a drop in water temperature. Not a sudden or drastic one, but as its now down into the 38° range, your feet can feel that its cold. Those two factors are pushing the fish into deeper water, but they haven’t moved all the way down into the winter tanks. They are still favoring a decent current, so I’d suggest looking at the heads and bailouts of long runs.

The black leech is still my best pattern. Sara and I spent a few hours floating from the Dam to Wolf Creek yesterday with Russell Schmidt from G. Loomis. Finding and catching fish was pretty easy on the two-hander, and the deeper tips outfitted the lighter ones. The Leech was money, but we also caught fish on some smaller buggers. As usual for this time of year, the Rainbows we caught were all big.

But this Leech isn’t the only fly producing. Medium sized flashy patterns are starting to work well (about a month later than normal). Whitney Gould and Mike McCune were out yesterday and reported some good action on the Shock & Awe, a slender baitfish pattern tied on a tube (available at the shop). Kreelex, Foxy Clouser, Thin Mint, Brown Skiddish Smolt and Zonkers are also consistent patterns right now.

Streamer fishing from the boat is also good right now, and if you’re headed to the canyon make sure and rig up a 6 or 7 weight with any of the above patterns. You’ll usually not find me throwing huge articulated streamers on the Missouri, but if I was going to right now might be the time and the Canyon the place.

No clue on the nymphing report, I haven’t heard much in recent weeks. I suspect its pretty good if you can pinpoint the right current depth and speed. The typical Mo’ winter nymphs should produce. Think pink.

Bottom line… the weather is unseasonably warm, the scenery and light are spectacular right now, and the fish – especially the Rainbow Trout -are in fantastic shape and you’ll catch some of the largest fish you’ll catch all year. Time to hit it. Good Luck…[/vc_column_text][us_image image=”29300″ align=”center”][vc_column_text]Sara Roholt casts into big water with the new IMX Pro 11′ 11″ 4 weight.

Top of page G. Loomis sales rep. Russell Schmidt with a nice Missouri River buck.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Late November Missouri River Fishing Report

Late November Missouri River Fishing Report

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Thanksgiving Holiday Week in Montana

Thanksgiving Holiday Week in Montana

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Missouri River Trout Spey Report

Missouri River Trout Spey Report

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November Missouri River Fly Fishing Forecast

November Missouri River Fly Fishing Forecast

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Monday October 23rd Fishing Report

Monday October 23rd Fishing Report

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Thursday Fishing Report Montana's Missouri River

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Mid October Missouri River Fishing Report 10.12.17

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Playoff Fishing here on the Missouri River

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Missouri River Fishing Report September 26

Missouri River Fishing Report September 26

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Hump Day Fishing Report Montana's Missouri River

Hump Day Fishing Report Montana’s Missouri River

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Missouri River Headhunters Weekend Outlook

Missouri River Headhunters Weekend Outlook

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Missouri River Monday Fly Fishing Report

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Headhunters Fly Shop Late August Blackfoot River Fishing Report

Headhunters Fly Shop Late August Blackfoot River Fishing Report

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Eclipse Missouri River Fishing Report

Eclipse August Missouri River Fishing Report

Eclipse August Missouri River Fishing Report Fished yesterday Craig to Spite Hill during the eclipse. Fished all by my lonesome. Nice. Ate plenty of smoked salmon, pistachios, and drank several pouches of Capri-Sun. It was perfect. Ddi the fish rise better during the shade, eclipse period? Nope. But it was surreal. Not a lick of … Read more

Missouri River Fishing Report

Missouri River Fly Fishing Report August 16th

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July 31 Missouri River Fishing Report

Monday Morning July 31 Missouri River Fishing Report

Monday Morning July 31 Missouri River Fishing Report Trico’s. Going good. Some mornings they seem to not get out of bed though. So, we hope they are getting after it as you are out on the water. Yesterday was a good day. Floated Craig to Mid Canon and lots of action. Less pressure from anglers allowed the fish … Read more

Time to Book Your Fall Fly Fishing Trip to the Missouri River Montana

Time to Book Your Fall Fly Fishing Trip to the Missouri River Montana It is coming up quickly. The fall months of September, October and November will be here shortly. Just getting into summer? Me too, but…but it will soon be over. And these wonderful long days will be a thing of the past. Seasons … Read more

Late July Missouri River Fly Fishing Forecast

Late July Missouri River Fly Fishing Forecast

Late July Missouri River Fly Fishing Forecast The best July we have had as far as dry fly fishing in some time. Honest. I have not den here as long as some, but longer than many and that is Squeeky’s personal opinion. John agrees as well. We were talking on the porch a couple days … Read more

Friday Foto Night Vision

Friday Foto Night Vision

Friday Foto Night Vision Good times last night on the ‘ol Missouri River. It’s good in that evening slot. Night vision is worth it! But, bring Mosquito repellant! Skittering caddis was my game. The Weilenman’s CDC and Elk seemed to do the trick. Threw a Spruce Moth for a while with success too. A Translucent … Read more

Mid Week Missouri River Update

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Mid Week Missouri River Update River dropping to 4100 cfs today. Lets hope it stays at least that level. We need it for the remainder of the summer. Keep those water temps down. Only time will tell how it will go down. Dry fly fishing is great. Nymphing is great, specifically at the dam. … Read more

Depth Perception Scumliner Media July on the Mo!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Depth Perception Scumliner Media One of my favorite shoots, and one of my favorite Scumliner Media videos. Ben Hardy, John Arnold, and Mark Raisler out for a evening quickie on the Mo Mid July 6 years ago. Fun. Evening fishing is solid. Go fish. BBQ tonight in front of the shop. Izaak’s closed on … Read more

Missouri River July Fly Fishing Forecast

Missouri River July Fly Fishing Forecast July Fly Fishing Forecast July 6th and all is well. We have made it through the busiest month of the year, June,a nd have emerged on the other side with the hop of continued summer hatches and sunshine. And sunshine we will have this week ahead. Looks like very … Read more

Mid Week Missouri River Fishing Report June 28th

Mid Week Missouri River Fishing Report June 28th

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Mid Week Missouri River Fishing Report June 28th We’ll give you the bulleted list today on the Headhunters Fly Shop updated fly fishing report for June 28th. Lots of folks around and sunny skies have all smiling. If you have not made your reservation and think you want to come on out and enjoy? … Read more

June 26th Missouri River Fishing Report

June 26th Missouri River Fishing Report

June 26th Missouri River Fishing Report Coming at you live from the banks of the Missouri River this wonderful sunny Monday morning in late June from Dry Fly HQ @ Headhunters Fly Shop in downtown Craig Montana. All things are good here on the Mighty Mo. Water levels are falling still and we should see … Read more

Missouri River Summer Weekend Outlook

Missouri River Summer Weekend Outlook Gonna be real busy here this weekend if last night was any indication of the near future. Streets of downtown Craig Montana clogged with RV’s, drift boats, aimlessly wandering fly fishing vagabonds, locals, non-locals, those just bellying up to Joe’s Bar for a quick one, or a full shift. Expect … Read more

A few Monday tips for higher water!

A few Monday tips for higher water!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] A few Monday tips for higher water! So we have some spring time higher water here fishing Montana’s Missouri River. Some of the other rivers in the state must be coming back into shape, or not, as we move into the last week of May. We are higher and fishing well. Bigger water for … Read more

Higher Ground Missouri River Water Rising

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Higher Ground. Missouri River Water Rising Coming up today, this morning (order not shown) to nearly 8000 cfs and tomorrow morning to the 8500 cfs range. Yep spring in Montana with some snow in the hills. I predicted it would come back down in May before the runoff period got going in earnest. Squeeky … Read more

May 4th Missouri River Fishing Report

May 4th Missouri River Fishing Report Water levels falling a bit to 7.3K and wear temperatures rising upwards to 48F. So some movement yesterday in the action. Along with the water fluctuations we now bring you summer air temperatures for the remaining weekdays falling a buit as we move into the weekend ahead. But 80F … Read more