Montana Opens June 1st 2020

Montana Opens June 1st 2020

Montana Opens June 1st 2020 Governor Bullock announced 11 minutes ago that he will lift the 14 Day Quarantine effective June 1st. That means out of state residents can visit, stay, and fish in Montana. Until June 1st it is still in effect. 14 Day Quarantine in effect until June 1st. Although tomorrow, you only … Read more

Joe Walsh Rocky Mountain Way

Joe Walsh Rocky Mountain Way


Joe Walsh Rocky Mountain Way

Another installment of great Rocky Mountain music today on the Headhunters Blog. Today rocker Joe Walsh and Barnstorm with Rocky Mountain Way.

John mentioned this tune yesterday as a lock for the blog this week. I couldn’t agree more. A power rock

All good here in Craig Montana on the east slope of the Rockies. It’s Monday. A great weekend behind us with a fantastic dry fly weather week in front of us. Some wind mixed in as the daily air temps in the mid 60’s chance of rain, mostly overcast skies, and you? You coming soon?

  • Flows 4800 cfs.
  • Water temps 52F.
  • March Browns for another week or two? This fickle bug shows up, then leaves. May is the period.
  • BWO’s for another week or two?
  • Midges? Another month.
  • Mothers Day Caddis? Yessir. This two week event is happening, sort of. May 18th was one of my best dry fly days in the last 20 years. BWO’s, March Browns, and Caddis filled the day. Dry fly all day long. About 5 years ago. Burned in my memory.
  • Rumors of opening to out of state traffic fill our phone lines, thoughts, and conversations. The governor of Montana may speak towards the end of this week in regards to moving into Phase Two, and could bring news about the 14 day quarantine. We are hoping for June 1st as the lifting of travel restrictions. Call today and get your guide and lodging dates for this possible change in regulations.
  • The fishing is damn good. The nymphing is lights out. Sows and scuds with the mayfly playing a large role too. Caddis nymphs are rocking too below Craig. Upriver the normal fare. Downriver more options for those dunking flies couple with split shot.
  • The dry fly bite is what it is. If you are in the right place at the right time, with the right cast, you can get ’em. Planning is important if you are headhunting the fish feeding near the surface. The weather plays a big part in the eagerness of the trout. Overcast skies help the fish look towards the surface. They do not have eyelids and cannot squint. Overcast skies have no relevance in the hatching of insects. Sun and wind help dry the wings of mayflies, a requirement for flight, and therefore are stuck on the water for a longer period. Consequently more time for fish to eat them. Bugs do not hatch better, on overcast days. Some mayflies do hatch better in a rainstorm as the water tension is broken allowing easier movement from watery environs to our atmosphere.
  • The canyon is the most popular float in the past couple weeks. Then the dam. Followed by the remainder of the Missouri River reaches.
  • Guided trips out daily here at Headhunters Fly Shops and Guide Service. We are not fully booked as we generally are die to the travel restrictions. We have several of our top guides available right now through the rest of the month. We love Montanans in the boat! Give us a call if you’d like to fish the river this week during this timely dry fly session. It’s good. Yep.
  • Lodging available as well. Give Julie a shout, 406-868-5473 and get yourself booked.
  • Fly Shop open daily. Shuttles, lodging, guide trips, rental boats, casting lessons, DEMO ROD SALE, Best Flies Under the Big Sky!, Montana’s Trout Spey HQ, Jet Boat Trips, BlackStrap Face Masks, Buff’s, mega Sunglass selection, our friendly informational/instrucctional staff to help you catch more fish here on the Mighty Missouri River!

Missouri River Map

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Mid May Missouri River Weekend Update

Mid May Missouri River Weekend Update

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Mid May Missouri River Weekend Update All good in the tiny fishing ‘burb of Craig Montana this week. Still slower traffic as many of the out of state guests cannot be in Montana without the 14 day quarantine. But this weekend will sure bring out the locals as well as representatives from around the … Read more

Guide Report – Max Mattioli

The Following fishing report is from longtime Headhunters Guide Max Mattioli. It’s a rare occasion that one of our guides offers to “give it up” on the blog, and we appreciate such a detailed report from one of the rivers best guides. If you’ve been in the state for 14 days and would like to spend … Read more

10 Tips for Missouri River Baetis Success

10 Tips for Missouri River Baetis Success

We are all into catching more fish on BWO dries. Actually not true. Some anglers.

Not all anglers are interested in the dry fly. I have often stated to those who believe that everybody should be throwing a dry…and to those folks I always say,

“How would you feel, as dry fly guy. A Dry Fly Only guy. If every angler was seeking dry fly flats. If every angler was standing next to you on the dry fly flat of choice? How would that work out?”


Not so good. Thankfully we enjoy many facets of angling and not everybody want to be DFO. Truly. Honest.

But if you are into that sort of thing then you can give yourself a leg up, an arm up, a cast up on the rest of the gang. Learn the right thing to do and follow the bugs!

  1. Prepare. Get the rod ready in the morning. Strung up and put some sort of BWO on. An Adams will hold the line nicely. Change when you arrive if needed.
  2. Have a ton of Gink. Dry Fly Shake. Frog’s Fanny. Whatever you may need to get you through the BWO session. I hate running out of the right shit during the heat of the moment. I have several bottles of magic int he boat and vest.
  3. Make a game plan. Set your drift for the right water at the right time. If you are a wade feller, you know where you want to be at what specific time.
  4. Follow the game plan. Especially in the boat. Don’t get hung up on some other fish, some other flat…holding a bobber in your hand! Get to the flat and stake it out. Being prepared for action is key.
  5. Practice the cast at home. In your yard. At the park. When the bugs start popping you need to have your “A” game. Not a good time to practice casting. A great time to execute the perfect reach cast and execute.
  6. Missouri River Trout love the fly in the film. Baetis ride in the film. BWO’s lay in the water, not on the water. Fish a pattern that sits in the water.
  7. CDC Flies are awesome. The best flies are the ones you cannot see.
  8. Swing a soft hackle if you are old school. Or if you like to learn a new technique. Or if you want to catch them all.
  9. Get out and stalk them. BWO fish will let you wander close to them. Get out and get in tight. Make short and efficient casts. Catch one at a time. Some anglers, most dudes, try to catch all the trout on every pass. Not very smart. Takes too much time in between casts. Too much line out. Not efficient. Not smart. Those fellers that exhibit this behavior do not catch may at all. But they do waste a ton of time and kinda screw up the fish. But, just my opinion. It is your day. Do what you feel is right. But, if you want to catch more, do it right and stay efficient.
  10. Start out with a new 12′ RIO 9′ 4X leader. And then tie on a 4′ section of 5X tippet. Or something along those lines. Get a good drag free drift and get them. Long leaders are OK. Trust them. Use them. Enjoy them.
  11. Clean your fly line often. I love to clean my line as I am waiting for the action to start. And after the day as well. A clean fly line is the most important piece of the rod/reel/line equation.
  12. Pray for overcast skies. Trout love the gray days. The bugs don’t care. The trout love to wander into skinny waters when they feel comfortable and can feel predator free.
  13. Stalk softly. Approach the fish in stealth mode. You are the predator. Act appropriately.
  14. Fish during the week. Weekends are quite busy here in Craig. Take the day(s) off work and come out.
  15. Enjoy yourself. It is about fun, relaxing, taking your mind away from the stresses at home. Enjoy the day on the water. It is good for your constitution.

There you have it. A few ideas to marinate your Baetis Brain in today. Put yourself in successful situations is my whole deal. Set yourself up for success. Do it the right way and you will be rewarded. We have about a month of Baetis left so we will see you here in Craig. It’s Thursday, it’s May 2020!


Weekend Fishing Report from Headhunters of Craig

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Weekend Fishing Report from Headhunters of Craig Turning towards better fishing? Boy we hope so. Inconsistent it has been. And for some, not good at all. We totally agree. For those who do not spend most everyday on the water the catch rates have been relatively low. Sometimes awful. And that is fishing as … Read more

Late Winter Fishing Report

Late Winter Fishing Report by Richard

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Late Winter Fishing Report by Richard The weather has been unseasonably warm, which typically means the wind is turned up to 11. Controlling a drift boat in gusty conditions can be difficult to say the least, but the rewards can be totally worth it if you’re willing to get blown around a bit. Here’s … Read more

Shane Wilson Netjob guide

Mid February Fly Fishing Report Montana’s Missouri River

Mid February Fly Fishing Report Montana’s Missouri River Fished yesterday with HH Guide Shane Wilson and friend Adam Craig to Stickney. Had a great time. Fished a couple hours. Not hard. Social yes, fishing yes, lots of fishing energy, no. A short fishing session with air temp 22F, calm, partly overcast. Breeze came up from … Read more

High Winds in Central Montana?

High Winds in Central Montana?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] High Winds in Central Montana? Yes. Only when the winter temperatures peak the 50F mark. We are forecast for 60F tomorrow. With increased winds. Winds Winter fishing is here on the Mo and we have seen lots of anglers out this past week. Winter rules apply. Today and tomorrow will bring high winds. But … Read more

A first look at our water forecast in 2020

A first look at our water forecast in 2020 John and I recently spoke about the water levels for the first time this winter. While we are not scientists, biologists, water managers, degreed in any way that would make us qualified to gauge what will happen in 2020…below is what we spoke about. A bit … Read more

Montana Spey Report

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Still swinging here on the Missouri River, but those water temperatures have dropped and the fish have really tanked up in those winter lies. Sink tips and gentle presentations are key, and productive spots are far fewer than they were a month ago. No surprise really, the Mo’ typically hovers just above the freezing mark … Read more

January Missouri River Forecast

Missouri River Fly Fishing January Forecast


Missouri River Fly Fishing January Forecast

January Missouri River Weather Forecast

Pretty stable for the next ten days with air temps in the mid 20’s at night along with daily highs in the mid 30’s. Lots of cloud cover predicted so may be a decent time to fish?

The average temperature for January includes a highs of 35F and lows of 15F with 0.51 inches of precip which adds up to about 9″ of snow. The wind chill can be impressive with winds from the north. The prevailing wind is generally from the southwest which is not nearly as biting as the evil wind. Check out the 2020 totals here on US Climate Great Falls site.

The water temperatures are not terribly cold. Yet. Currently hovering around 35-ish. Bouncing between 35-37F for the past couple weeks. Without the frigid well below zero temperatures for a good long spell the river will not become slushy or un-fishable.

The water levels are holding in the lower than average zone by  about 1400cfs. Don’t know as of posting what the water direction will be before the end of the wet season in June, but we do know our snowpack is below average.


January Fishing Forecast

Cold. Our coldest fishing month. Or one of the top 3. Again we will not know the outcome until later this spring. The non winter-like November and December have led us into quite a boring start for the New Year. Wear warm clothes, warmer socks, and bring your Thermos.

Morning fishing is for those who like to sneak out there before the fish are bothered by the winter sun. Some wait until after breakfast to begin their slow journey to the river. Fish the noon til 4pm slot until the sun stays out later if you like the meat of the day.  As the winter fades to spring then you may begin to enjoy the morning more often. But that is a couple, or a few months away.

Nymphers come on strong in January. The primary attack for fish catching includes anything pink. Or at least start with anything and then figure it out. Firebeads are really a hot ticket in the next couple months. Really strong through the end of spring.

Fish the real winter water all month long. The stale stuff. Almost stopped, yet still moving.  The inside bends towards the end of the moving area. Then focus on depth. The water is pretty low so go with shorter than normal rigs. Split or not is your choice. A house divided on this lead filled topic.

Swingers comprise about half of the winter Missouri River angling participation stats. Skagit fishers are getting fish on the line. Fishing pretty well from top thru the canyon. Check with the shop before heading out for not only boat ramp health but shelf ice coverage.

Headhunters Fly Shop

Open daily for all things Trout. Your leading Montana fly shop for all things Trout Spey. We have the full lines of RIO, Scientific Angler, OPST, and Airflo spey lines, tips ,and accessories. We have become the authority in this arena with the entirety of the staff engaged and involved with the two handed rod all winter long.

January is a busy month for booking spring, summer, and fall guide trips and nightly Missouri River lodging. You want to start your Missouri River legacy this year? Or continue your family Montana trip? Start making your Montana trout memories by getting your name on the books for 2021.

Headhunters open daily @ 8am til 1pm. Mask Mandates continue at Headhunters of Craig.  Enjoy your January whether you be skiing, finishing up the waterfowl season, or hibernating. Give us a shout. We love talking trout![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Stripping in the Cold

Stripping in the Cold

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Stripping in the Cold Another piece from Richard “Dick” Magill from HH of Craig. Dick has been out fishing a ton and fished most of Christmas Day as well. He’s in the shop today and did our first installment of Instagram TV IGTV so check that out on our Instgram Page @headhuntersfly. Holiday hours … Read more

Missouri River Christmas Fishing Tips

Missouri River Christmas Fishing Tips A couple Missouri River Christmas Fishing Tips for all of the Holiday  Anglers out there today on the Headhunters Fly Shop Blog. Headhunters Fly Shop Holiday Hours: Open today Monday 8-5. Christmas Ever Tuesday 8-Noon. The rest of the week open 8-5. New Years Day? Ohh, maybe a bit late … Read more

Trout Spey Report

The swing-bite has been inconsistent this fall. I blame it on inconsistent weather and inconsistent flows from Holter Dam. Mother Nature dictates the weather, and continuing construction on the spillway at Holter Dam Is affecting the flows. The flows have been erratic, and so has the fishing. There have been a few great days, some … Read more

Monday Missouri River Imagery

Monday Missouri River Imagery

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Monday Missouri River Imagery Cruising through December here in downtown Craig Montana. Cold this mooring with daytime air temps approaching 32F. Freezing for the high temp today. It is pretty. A few Trout Spey Trips out today as Whitney, Beth, and  John are all on the water swinging the day away. Great fun. Quiet. … Read more

Mike says…I’d get out there this week

Mike says…I’d get out there this week Speaking with Mike of Headhunters, on the phone, this morning at Trout Spey HQ standing in my bathrobe drinking Baileys along with a splash of coffee and he said…I’d get out there this week. Weather is conducive for fishing the Mo. Hi’s in the mid 50’s thru next … Read more

November Spey Report

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I get asked all the following question all the time: “When is the best time to swing flies with a two-hander on the Missouri River?” And I always give the same answer: “November and December”. And here we are in November. And like the rest of the year, everything seems to be a little late. … Read more

Swing Report

Its been a tough last month if you have been chasing fish with a two-hander on the Missouri, but things seem to be turning on. The fish are a little grabbier and they’re eating with a bit more authority. At least some of the Brown Trout seem to be finishing up the spawn and are … Read more

Monday Morning November 4th Missouri River Fishing Report

Monday Morning November 4th Missouri River Fishing Report

Monday Morning November 4th Missouri River Fishing Report Just the facts today on this Monday November 4th. Water Temps are good at a flat 45F. Would like them to stay here for about a month. It may be a shitty winter. And the weather gods may have shown their had already. Water flows are holding … Read more

Late October Weekend Missouri River Fishing Report

Late October Weekend Missouri River Fishing Report

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Late October Weekend Missouri River Fishing Report Fishing is heating up. It has not been a record fall as we write this fishing report mid day Friday October 25th. Fair fishing. Not fo the fickle. Those who fish here more often, are having more success than the anglers who are maybe here for the … Read more

Monday HH Fishing Report

Monday HH Fishing Report

Monday HH Fishing Report Flows are good, and historically average at 4200cfs. Water temps 51F. Should be stable for the week ahead. BWO’s, Pseudo’s, tan caddis. Those are your daily bugs. Most days, or even some days. Weather ahead? 50’s and 60’s with nighttime lows in the 40’s then 30’s. Flies? BWO Cripples. BWO Emergers. … Read more

Thursday October 10th Headhunters Fly Shop Fishing Report

Thursday October 10th Headhunters Fly Shop Fishing Report

Thursday October 10th Headhunters Fly Shop Fishing Report Lots happening locally as we kick off our Trout Spey Camp 2019 this morning with a cast of thousands here in downtown Craig Montana. Spey casters from around the country and beyond have gathered here at Headhunters for this educational, informational, product showcase with reps and all … Read more

Wednesday Headhunters Fishing Report 10.2.19

Wednesday Headhunters Fishing Report 10.2.19

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Wednesday Headhunters Fishing Report 10.2.19 Day 2 of October. Liking it already. The morning temps are cool. 17F as we write this. A cool 13F yesterday morning. But the afternoon was fantastic with air temps crawling into the Hi 30’s! BWO’s: Saw a couple 18’s yesterday. I think that is the Beatis Bicaudatus. Like … Read more

Silly September Saturday Scenery

Silly September Saturday Scenery and Fishing Report

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Silly September Saturday Scenery Fall is here. Autumn may be gone with the snow from this winter event we are currently enduring, Snowing hard in Cascade with at least 2″ on the ground already this morning. Projected to be 15″+ in the next 48 hours. Yuck. But blowing hard from the North too. Snowing … Read more

Weekend Missouri River Fishing Report

Weekend Missouri River Fishing Report

Weekend Missouri River Fishing Report Getting better daily. The nymph bite has stabilized with the better catch rates mid day. It has cocked off in the late afternoons though. 11-3 has fished pretty well the past couple days, Weeds get worse throughout the day. Good in the mornings with agitation occurring during the afternoons. Go … Read more

Friday Fall Foto

Friday Fall Foto All good here on the Mo. Weedy? Yes. The upper end not as much. Towards Cascade not as much. It seems to get eaten up by the rapids at Half Breed? Always strange. Fishing decent, not as good as it gets. Nymph bite is OK and the upper bite not as good. … Read more

End of August Fishing Report

Our longtime friend RJ Maricich with a dandy Brown Trout he caught recently with guide Shane Wilson. On a hopper if you can believe it! And that’s the program right now for most. Hoppers. But there’s more going on than that, especially on the upper river. The trickiest call is the morning. You can 1) … Read more

What Hopper?

Were in the midst of a good hopper season in Montana. From the Yellowstone to the Madison to the Bitteroot, it seems like everyone is talking Hoppers. Same on the Mo’. The hoppers were late – like all the other hatches – but they’re thick now, and hopper fishing is about as good as you … Read more

Weekend Update

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The “back-to-school” lull is in full swing, and it’s pretty quiet in Craiglandia these days. Which is nice. The guides are recovering from weeks of sun stroke, and our shop staff is fishing more and harder than they usually do. Speaking of staff, we will be losing a few this week. Peter Longoria will be … Read more

Searching with Attractors

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]August, typically some of the most productive attractor fishing of the year on the Missouri. And because afternoon hatches can be slim, it’s often the only real dry fly option. Hard to cast to feeding fish when you can’t find any. We’re talking about “hopper fishing”, but also throwing other terrestrials like ant and beetle … Read more

Falling Into August

It looks like we’ve arrived at our typical August slow down, and exactly on time. August 10 has always been the date that anglers seem to vanish and Craiglandia enjoys a little peace and quiet. Shop staff goes from overtime to extra fishing time, and many of our guides grab family or friends and take … Read more

Friday Fishing Report from Headhunters of Craig Montana

Friday Fishing Report from Headhunters of Craig Montana

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Friday Fishing Report from Headhunters of Craig Montana Flows at 4770cfs. Above average for this time of year. We like more water. Some don’t. But some do. Water temperatures 61F-65F daily. Good there too. Not too hot. So far not a terribly hot summer. Below average for the ’19 period. Good there too. Air … Read more

Thursday Missouri River Upcoming Events

Thursday Upcoming Missouri River Events Update

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Thursday Upcoming Missouri River Events Update August Fishing Bugs: Trico’s, ants, hoppers, Callibaetis, Caddis, Spruce Moths, beetles. Trico’s steal the show on this one, at least for Headhunters. The afternoons can be filled with good attractor fishing, but not everyday. Mostly dead shit on the water that trout eat. The #1 top water diet … Read more

Headhunters Friday Fishing Report for Montana's Missouri River

Headhunters Friday Fishing Report for Montana’s Missouri River

Headhunters Friday Fishing Report for Montana’s Missouri River Broken record fishing reports this time of year. Kinda like the spring fishing reports except we are not gonna tell you to fish pink flies under a bobber in slack ass water. This report is more of the same in the fly realm. With some minor additions. … Read more

All good in this fishy neighborhood

All good in this fishy neighborhood Thursday today. The Headhunters Dry Fly School is picking off tonight and we could not have planned for better timing than we did. Did we know that the 2019 summer would bring strong dry fly fishing? Nope. But we have been saying our Dry Fly Prayers. And they have … Read more

Headhunters Fly Shop Reach Cast Video

Monday Morning Missouri River Fishing Report 7.22.19

Monday Morning Missouri River Fishing Report 7.22.19 Trico’s. Daily hatches grace us for the remainder of the month and the entirety of August, and some of September. PMD’s still a factor. Get some today! Spinners rule the day, during the spinner fall, mostly in the morning…per the Pale Morning Dun namesake. Caddis? Big Time. Spents, … Read more

Friday Missouri River Fishing Forecast July 19th

Friday Missouri River Fishing Forecast July 19th

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Friday Missouri River Fishing Forecast July 19th Fishing this weekend will be good. Trico’s in some sort of fashion, PMD’s, Caddis, Brown Drakes, occasional Pseudo’s, and Sally’s should keep you busy fielding dry fly opportunities. The upper river is great for the dry fly angler. If you like the flat dry fly sort of … Read more

Headhunters Mo River Weekend Fishing Report

Headhunters Mo River Weekend Fishing Report

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Headhunters Mo River Weekend Fishing Report Oh boy. It is good. It is peak season. We are having a ball in Craig Montana and fishing the Missouri River. Here is your Headhunters Mo River Weekend Fishing Report. Flows: Mid 5K’s. Perfect. Just above historical flows. It really is nice. We love above 5K. Below? Not … Read more

Friday July 5th Headhunters Fly Shop Fishing Report

Friday July 5th Headhunters Fly Shop Fishing Report

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Friday July 5th Headhunters Fly Shop Fishing Report & Forecast Fishing is fantastic here on the Mo. The best water levels, water temps, hatch timing, dry fly opportunities, Craig Montana vibe, outdoor music, and fishing in some years for the July period. August is gonna rock too.  So here we go into the month … Read more

Monday Morning July 1st Missouri River Fishing Report

Monday Morning July 1st Missouri River Fishing Report

Monday Morning July 1st Missouri River Fishing Report Hooray! July has arrived. All good here in downtown Craig Montana and the river is fishing well. PMD’s rule the day. And the night. Spinner falls can happen anytime during the day or evening. A great one the past couple evenings. Be on the lookout for the … Read more

Friday Foto June 28th Missouri River Fishing Report

Friday Foto June 28th Missouri River Fishing Report

Friday Foto June 28th Missouri River Fishing Report Great dry fly fishing this past week. Will continue for the foreseeable future. It’s damn good. Hot PMD stages include the proverbial Cripple, Emerger, & Spinner. Have witnessed some dun eaters, and even had some minor success with the dun. But not a staple like the other … Read more