Cabins & Shuttles & Rental Boats… No Go.

Unfortunately, we have decided to close down our lodging at the Craig Trout Camp here at Headhunters. This closure will run from now until April 1, at which point we will re-assess. We made this decision after discussing it over the last few days internally, as well as with peers and business friends in other “gateway” communities. I suspect a Statewide “non-essential business” closure may be on the way, regardless of what we do.

As you might imagine, bookings are a little light right now, so it really won’t affect that many of you. For the time being, I think the Missouri River should be considered a “day trip” venue. Camping is the other best option, and a number of folks are currently doing that. Nicely scattered from the Dam to Pelican Point.

If you have bookings with us at the Craig Trout Camp in that time period, you will be hearing from Julie regarding moving or cancelling your reservation. If you have bookings in the first week of April, Julie will also be contacting you to prepare plan “B” or take care of any questions or needs that you may have. Either way, don’t panic. We won’t cancel, move or change your reservation. without contacting you first, and our deposit policy is as flexible as a Slinky right now.

As previously stated, the Takeaway window at the shop will remain open until there is an order from the state telling us to close. We’re here to answer the phones as well, so give us a shout if you have any questions or need some gear for your home-wate


We will also quit doing shuttles after today. I know this sucks, and I personally have been doing them along with our shop staff. There is just no way to protect our shuttle drivers in unknown vehicles. So, be prepared to do your own shuttle with a buddy, mountain or mini-bike it, hoof it or just go wade fishing. Personal fishing craft are also great and you can use alternative spots to do short floats, or possibly just get to the other side or a group of islands.

