Headhunters Busman’s Holiday. With a BBQ of course.
The entire staff with some of our guides too allowed themselves a day of fun on the river. The shop was closed and we all had some fun living the dream.

Lots and lots of food…Chimichurri Chix, Pork, Flank Steak, Jalo Poppers, Sausages, fresh homemade salsa’s, guac, tort’s…and a few beers too.
Scumliner brought a bottle of Redbreast for good measure too. It did not make it through the party. Not with this gang.
Mid season awards banquet to follow the late afternoon affair. Fun times for sure.
And, the best part? Home by 7pm. A true sign of maturity. I think some of the younger set may have headed to the den of inequity, Joe’s, for a nite cap?

Thanks to those who survived the closure of the store. We appreciate it. We are back today. All is straight and we are on the narrow.
Coffee is on and perking. We will see you in the store for the late summer sale items, flies, fly rods, RIO Lines, YETI Coolers, and the best damn free info in the tri county area.
We promise.