Brutal Honesty on the MO!

Brutal Honesty on the MO! Or a bit of reality in Montana.

Tough out there yesterday. May be tough out there this week too.

A few anglers went blank out there. The news from the guides mirrored the sentiment of most. “Whoa! That was tough. Felt like there weren’t any fish in the river.”

Momma said there will be days like this. And yesterday was one of them.

Today? Who knows. All we know is that you gotta go to know. So we go.

Same with the weather. All we know is that if you don’t go, you may miss something. Like getting right with yourself.

Warm weather and spooky fish can make for long shadows and long faces.

Solution? Great attitudes and good casting skills. Good drifts are a good idea too.

Bottom Line is this: Fish are wild animals. Fish sometimes do not cooperate the way we would like them to. Fish are wild animals. Just because we have had success in the past, does not mean that success will come every time. Trout are wild animals

One of our long time guides once said…”It’s not Disneyland. It’s not a circus where you pay your gate fee and head out and catch fish all day long.” True for both guided and non guided anglers. Sometimes fishing is the journey. Even though sometimes catching is the goal.

The result of any day on the river should be smiles, relaxation, entertainment, satisfaction, education, slowing your heart rate…and all of the things we love about the outdoors. It’s not always about the numbers.

So what is my take on this? Be happy. Enjoy the river. Catch a few, miss a few, lose a few.

That is how we all enjoy the Missouri River.

Even when the fish don’t fall into line.

And they don’t always fall into the net.

They just don’t.

And that’s OK.




Ed Note: I must be getting punchy. 

3 thoughts on “Brutal Honesty on the MO!”

  1. My friend and I had one positive rise before 6:30 this morning and he shook me on the first hop. We old timers went from pros to schmoes in about 9 days. Well, hell’ the Mo giveth and the Mo taketh away. Hope you and yours faired better

  2. The post about the Missouri River was right on. I’ve been fishing since I was 6, mostly for walleye in Canada and have had my days of joy and frustration but being out there on the water with your friends or family Is what’s it’s about. Just fished the Missouri withe one of the best guides and we did the best we could what a beautiful river and always a zen kind of place. Happy fishing; as my father always said” Stop wishing and go fishing”. Have great day… Dr Bob 🇺🇸🎣

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