Browns and Brews Review


Browns and Brews Review

Good times last night in Craig Montana.

Red Lodge Ales, The Front Brewing Company, The Mighty Mo Brew Co, and Eagle Beverage poured beer from 4-8pm. Yummy is all I can say.

Many enjoyed the tastes and sounds of Rocket to Uranus playing on Izaak’s Log Jam til dark. Dancing? Yep. Fun times? Yep.

A live and silent auction with killer guide trips offered up by Jonathan Stiehl of the TroutHunter Fly Shop, Garrett Munson of Montana Fishing Outfitters, and Joe Dilschneider of TroutStalkers in Ennis MT. Silent items from Wolf Creek Angler, Crosscurrents Fly Shop, the Trout Shop, and Headhunters Fly Shop of Craig MT. Eagle Beverage tossed in some killer beer swag too!

Proceeds should reach nearly 4K. Not too bad for a 4 hour fundraiser in downtown Craig. We would love to thank all who attended and support Craig. The monies are slated for community improvements like flowers, garbage cans, and we are very close to buying a 20’x40′ circus tent for when it rains on our parade. Which it has for the previous 4 events. Last night we had a beautiful sunset following sunny skies all day long.

Saturday of Labor Day this annual event. Book it for 2017. Why not spend the weekend in Craig fishing and floating the Missouri River followed up by beer drinking, dancing, and BBQ Sliders offered up by Izaak’s Restaurant. Thanks to Chef John Winders of Izaak’s for hosting this event out front of his Craig MT restaurant location.

Thanks again to all who came, drank, ate, and danced their asses off yesterday. Good timing too..,,it is rainy and 53F today!

And many thanks to Derek DeYoung for the original art that is on the Pint Glasses. Super cool Check out Derek’s page here.

Craig is your favorite fun and fishing destination!

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