New Breed Chicks Rule

New Breed Chicks Rule | New Web Edition

Gigi with this nice rainbow from the M0! Nice work Gigi. See you soon with more fish pics, and stories. Gigi fishes a few days a year with her husband Terry. We love these two and Gigi while not fishing as much as Terry clearly has talent!  

Outdoor Retailer 2013

Outdoor Retailer 2013 is full of energy. Outdoor products from all over the world for the entire world have come to Salt Lake City for the annual summer extravaganza. Headhunters is here in force checking out the new products for the upcoming year. John, Julie, Sara, and Mark will be in attendance for another 24 … Read more

Derek DeYoung @ Headhunters

Derek DeYoung @ Headhunters Fly Shop

Yep, cool new items from Derek DeYoung at Headhunters Fly Shop this week. Derek fishes the Missouri often and loves the size of the fish. Does he get inspiration from the fishery, this world class trout stream? Well, he has not said that, but we gotta believe he does. Right? Check out the hats, the … Read more

Friday Foto

Friday Foto

Local, regional, statewide legend Dave McKee floating the Mighty Missouri River. We love Dave and follow him down the river as often as possible. He loves it wen you fish on his”6″. This river is beautiful ad we never get tired of living amongst the breathtaking scenery. When we become complacent about anything, we begin … Read more

August Trico's

August Trico’s

Trico’s on the water for the rest of the month. Will they stay longer? No. How about the caddis? Yep, still around and will get us through the month of August. Terrestrials? Yessir. Get out those gaudy and larger bugs to coax those bottom dwellers out of the depths and rise to the occasion. Bring … Read more

August Arrival

August Arrival

August has arrived and the weather is cooling. Hooray. Our guides are happy and some of them have a day or two of rest under their belts as we slow to a normal pace moving away from that frenetic July barrage of  bugs, fish, guests, and friends. John, Julie, Sara, and Mark are out of … Read more

Missouri River Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 7.30.13

This month of dry fly fishing fantasy is coming to an end. Yep, July is nearly over. What is next? August generally comes after July. What can we expect for flies and conditions? Less heat, less flies, less people. All good. Missouri River Fishing Report As for the report. Good fishing today with the wind … Read more

Headhunters Blog Rising

We’re Back Like a Phoenix Rising from the Ashes.

The Headhunters website is finally back up. You’ll notice a few changes. Primarily, there is just one website at The blog is located within this site instead of at another. Secondly, there are no blog posts (or very few). Yes, tragically, they have been lost to cyberspace. Most importantly you now can get your … Read more

First Cast

First Cast | Bob Glassen

As we ease through summer we experience more difficult fishing.  August brings us fish that have been witness to many atrocities int eh last 2 months including being hooked. They get smarter. Honest. Or the alternative, we get dumber. Also a possibility. Bob Glassen this morning with this reminder about important factors in hooking fish…the … Read more

Montana Fishign Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 7.29.13

Fact: Fishing is good. Fiction: It’s no good anywhere in Montana, including the Missouri River in Craig Montana. Fact: Fishing is good in Montana, and the Missouri River. Well, I cannot speak for the other rivers, but as we focus the majority of our fly fishing here on the Missouri, we are hyper sensitive to … Read more