FWP Wants Your Opinion – Upper Missouri Reservoir Plan

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks is requesting comments that will help them define the future of Fisheries management for the Upper Missouri River Reservoirs as well as the Missouri River from Toston to Holter Dam. 20 years ago, it’s unlikely you’d hear a fly fisher-person talking about angling on the Upper Missouri River anywhere other … Read more

Saturday Scenery – Where Would You Like to Be?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Throwback to our buddy Jon Yousko trying to entice some Tarpon West of Key West. Why not go somewhere warm this month? Comment below if you have any suggestions for Headhunters Nation. A great guide, best apres’ fishing spot, easiest and cheapest, DIY, blow up your buddies secret spot, whatever. Just make sure its warm…[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Things Squeeky learned about teaching fly fishing this year

Things Squeeky learned about teaching fly fishing this year I was fishing with an individual who was an upper level angler. An upper level angler in my boat is a feller, or gal, that fishes a bunch. For me that means upwards of 100 days a year. This feller fished quite a bit. His goal … Read more

Missouri River December Fishing Report

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Missouri River December Fishing Report Cold this coming week. Maybe for a couple weeks. Historically the slowest time of the year on the Mo is this month. Save for the Christmas shoppers there is not too much movement in downtown Craig. Swingers are the most common angler on the Missouri for the next month … Read more

Firebead Ray Just Add Vise Tying Kit

Firebead Ray Fly Tying Video


Firebead Ray Just Add Vise Tying Kit

Tie this one up for winter water.

If this is not in your box for the winter and spring fishing here on the Mo, you must not fish here often!

The coming out of this specific pattern was in 2008. HH had it. High water was here. This was the bug that you had to have.

Now a winter staple as well as a spring time producer. Tie them up in a coulee different shades like pink, gray-pink, and gray. And tan is the sleeper!

Tie them up. If not, swing by the shop, or order online here!

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”https://vimeo.com/122340251″ video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Monday is for Smoking

Monday is for Smoking

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Monday is for Smoking We have written nearly 5000 blog entries in the last 11 years. We are 13 short of that number. After this post, we are 1 closer. That is a quite a few. The reason I mention this is because some yahoo may yell at me for not writing about fishing … Read more

A couple Christmas ideas

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] A couple Christmas ideas Flies are always a good idea for the angler in the family. Call the shop and we can get a box put together for your loved ones. This is a common thing for us here at Headhunters. We are good at this task! Just pick up the phone, chat with … Read more

December 1st. Snow.

December 1st. Snow.

December 1st. Snow. A passing storm dropped a couple inches on us here in Craig. Slow angling traffic. Just right. Beyond booking, sending Christmas gift items, talking to you folks on the phone about hatch timing, and lots of Trout Spey conversations…here is the up to the minute Headhunters gang update. Richard is putting up … Read more

Weekend Trout Spey Report

Weekend Trout Spey Report

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Weekend Trout Spey Report Shane and Mark stepped into the river yesterday afternoon for a couple hours of swing. Pretty good. Fished a couple different runs with fish kissing the fly in both. The first run either both anglers were fishing with their heads deeply buried in their asses, quite possible, or the fish … Read more

Late November Missouri River Fishing Report

Late November Missouri River Fishing Report

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Late November Missouri River Fishing Report Water temps falling while the air temps are holding for the week. Or sort of falling. The river is pretty quiet. A few guide trips out this week. Remember that we have Trout Spey Trips for a mere $400 running through the end of December. Book one day … Read more

Cyber Monday Mental Break

Cyber Monday Mental Break


Cyber Monday Mental Break

If you gotta shop might as well shop with us. Your favorite fly shop in central Montana.

If you need and yearn for a mental break check out the 2 summer inspired throwback skate music vids. Enjoy Deeper Shade of Soul vid from Urban Dance Squad. One that you will be singing all day long. And then watch INXS perform Kick littered with the old school pipe moves including the handplant on the cover of this very blog. Both tunes about 30 years old. When I still believed I could ride a skateboard without serious injury. Flyfishing is much safer for this aging wannna-be skate punk!

Take a mental break today. It’ll do your constitution good.

Think of Headhunters Fly Shop like your fly fishing life coach.

[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4Dw6q-5iaA” video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AEwszNkmJU&list=RD7AEwszNkmJU&start_radio=1″ video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Swing Tips: Fish Broadside

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Tomorrow is CYBER MONDAY. FREE SHIPPING on ALL ORDERS today, tomorrows and the remainder of the holiday season. Shop with online ease while you get all the things that Santa may forget!

We’re often asked about how we present the fly when fishing with our two handers on the Missouri. We find that changing retrieves and speeds can dramatically effect your success rate. If you’ve never thought about differing retrieve styles when swinging flies, check out this short video we put together with Mike McCune.[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”https://vimeo.com/146467809″ video_title=”1″][us_separator height=”20px” size=”custom”][vc_column_text]Mike touches on most of the retrieve styles you might use, and just glances off presentation. While many spey anglers like to mend constantly upstream to keep the swing as slow as possible, we typically do the opposite. Our standard presentation on the Missouri is a broadside presentation. We do this by mending downstream after the cast and keep our rod tip pointed directly downstream while imparting some action to our fly (not necessarily “retrieving”). As the fly swings across the river, we execute large but gentle mends, again to the downstream side of our rod-tip. Our fly line is perpendicular or nearly perpendicular to the current the entire swing, which results in the fly swimming broadside. This gives the fish a better view of the fly, but also is a more natural presentation, especially when fishing leeches or minnow patterns.

Old school Atlantic Salmon and Steelhead fishermen would refer to this description as a “greased-line” approach. The big difference for our situation is that we are likely using a sink tip and swimming the fly deeper. The original greased-line approach centered around a surface presentation. But the arc and speed would be identical.

This method is very effective – for both trout, Steelhead and Salmon – in slower currents. It is an especially useful presentation when you find yourself casting across a faster center current with dead water on either side. A situation we commonly find or selves in on the slow-moving Missouri.

In faster currents, and especially faster and deeper slots – we’d likely defer to an upstream mend, slow swing presentation. But for slower glides and tail outs, we find a broadside presentation far more effective.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Fly Shop Strong Small Biz Saturday!


Fly Shop Strong Small Biz Saturday!

Shop at your favorite local small businesses today.

And tomorrow.

I do some speaking in a few communities every off season. I often hear complaints from the guests that there is not a local fly shop. About how there once was, and that they have to travel lots of miles to visit a fly shop, and how great it would be to have the shop back in the community.

I don’t know the circumstances of those failed businesses. I don’t claim to know. But what I do know that if you spend your fishing dollars with big box stores, discounters, or online only businesses…you will not have a specialty retailer nearby.

Small businesses are important for your community. The dollars stay locally. The dollars support locals. That local is you. You have to make the call, it is your decision.

The only one it hurts is everybody. Those mega businesses will survive. What might not is your local fly shop.

Only 400 fly shops in America, 500 worldwide. Is it important to shop at them?

You have to make that decision. What’ll you decide?[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”https://vimeo.com/248387067″ video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Turkey Day Spey Report

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We’ve got some great fishing weather in the forecast for the next couple of weeks, and Trout Spey anglers will find the fish are pretty receptive to the swung fly. Pressure has been light lately, as most Montanan’s are out in the field chasing Elk and Deer. Yesterday, Bill Hart (above) came down from the … Read more

Winter Fly Shop

Headhunters is the Most Open Fly Shop in the World?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Headhunters is the Most Open Fly Shop in the World? I think other than LL Bean, which is open 24/7 365, Headhunters is the second most open fly shop in the world. But is Bean really a fly shop? It certainly is not in a dirty title fishing town like Craig. That’s for sure. … Read more

Top Missouri River November Nymphs

Top Missouri River November Nymphs

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Top Missouri River November Nymphs Nymphing pretty well out there. Mostly up at the dam and then on down to Craig. Although fishing well below Craig too. Water temps still holding above 40F. We have a couple more weeks of quite good nymphing throughout the canyon, and beyond. Then we will be mostly confined … Read more

Craig Montana November 16th

Craig Montana November 17th

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Craig Montana November 16th Yesterday morning in Craig. Today sunny. Cold. Tomorrow? Totally fishable. Lots of swingers on the river the past couple weeks. Headhunters Trout Spey trips out too. The week ahead looks good. Not too cold, not too warm. Looks good. See the college kids home for a break, a Mo River … Read more

Fly Shop Small

Fly Shop Small

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Fly Shop Small Hello out there. Snowing hard here in central Montana. But it’s only blowing about 31mph so far. We often make suggestions about fly fishing here on this transparent blog, fishing report, and entertainment site. Lots and lots of you read this daily. How about showing your support for our small fly … Read more

November 13th Missouri River Fishing Report

November 13th Missouri River Fishing Report

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] November 13th Missouri River Fishing Report Winter rules out there. Play by them and you will not freeze your ass off along with catching more fish. Early starts for those tossing the streamer. The fish can be pretty active in those wee early morning hours. Or not. Not a fan when it is bitter … Read more

$400 Guided Spey Trips

$400 Guided Spey Trips Booked a couple more Trout Spey trips today at the shop. Sunday and snow. Swingers too. Many of the folks who we have had the fortunate opportunity to fish with this fall have forgone the Steelhead game and come to the Mo for some trout fishing. Two Handed. A great deal … Read more

Grape Slushy Just Add Vise Video

Grape Slushy Just Add Vise Video


Grape Slushy Just Add Vise Video

This purple guy catches trout.

Still in us this fall as we get through the month of November.

Fished this the other day with really good success late morning through dark. Successful.

Enjoy the video today. Snowing here in Craig. A good day for swinging or tying flies at the tying bench.

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Friday Foto Dead Sunflowers

Friday Foto Dead Sunflowers

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Friday Foto Dead Sunflowers Foreshadowing? No. Most everything is dead. Snow forecast for tomorrow, for the weekend. Fishing pretty good today. Good nymphing and good swinging. Did see a few fish rising too. If you can stand the weather, we’ll see you tomorrow. Friday! Hooray![/vc_column_text][us_grid columns=”4″ orderby=”title” order=”ASC” ids=”11102, 11108, 31476, 14608″ post_type=”ids” no_items_message=”” … Read more

Long Time Gone LIVE CSNY

Long Time Gone LIVE CSNY


Long Time Gone LIVE CSNY

This is how I am feeling this snowy Wednesday morning in Craig.

Guides out today at HH including me.

High temp today will top out at 21F. The good news is the and is coming from the North. In your face.

I’ll be singing this tune all day long.

Then taking a piping hot shower upon arrival home this evening.

Great live shot from Woodstock. Raw. Like the wind today.

The fishing is improving. It’s decent out there.[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzO4PLnvULg” video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Trout Spey Report 11.5.18

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Break out the two-handers, November has arrived. Cooler – but not cold – temperatures over the last week have improved the swing bite, and that cold air we need is in the forecast for later this week. Trout Spey fishing should go from good to great over the next 2 weeks. Last weekend saw many … Read more

Silly Saturday Scenery

Silly Saturday Scenery

Silly Saturday Scenery November 3rd. Falling back 1 hour tonight. Lighter earlier. Darker earlier. Several guide trips out today, yesterday too. Remember our Spey Especial for your fall Trout Spey experience. $400 Spey Trips on the Mo with John or Mark. They will bring snacks and handwarmers. Call the shop for more information if you … Read more

Just Add Vise Tungsten Dart


Just Add Vise Tungsten Dart

This fly works. Been fishing it in the canyon reach for months.

It probably has another couple weeks of life this fall.

A great fly starting in May and running into November.

Tie them up today for this fall or next season. Book your Missouri River fishing trip too?!


[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”https://vimeo.com/121612614″ video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][us_grid columns=”4″ orderby=”title” order=”ASC” ids=”11084, 30360, 29703, 11094″ post_type=”ids” no_items_message=”” items_layout=”shop_trendy” items_gap=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Hump Day, Halloween, October River Scene

Hump Day, Halloween, October River Scene

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Hump Day, Halloween, October River Scene Doesn’t feel like Wednesday. I cannot put my finger on how I feel this Halloween ’18. Indifferent may be the closest mental definition. But probably more like scrambled. In GF getting oil changed in the Suburban. Tire rotation too. Writing this at Perkins with an omelet. They don’t … Read more

Missouri River Spey Report

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Trout Spey Fishing Report for Late-October We are in full “swing” on the Missouri River, and it’s easy to spot anglers exploring the Missouri River with their Trout Spey rods. Recent warm weather has hurt the fishing for both the single and two-handed crowd. “Inconsistent” would be the best word to describe our current … Read more

Sunday Horsey Scenery

Sunday Horsey Scenery

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Sunday Horsey Scenery Fall. Horses. Fishing. Sunday. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][us_grid columns=”4″ orderby=”title” order=”ASC” ids=”29800, 29792, 31476, 9048″ post_type=”ids” no_items_message=”” items_layout=”shop_trendy” items_gap=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Saturday Morning Fishing Report

Saturday Morning Fishing Report from Headhunters of Craig Montana

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Saturday Morning Fishing Report Less wind today. Super windy yesterday. It finally took most of the leaves and placed them in the next county. What is left, is in my yard. Streamer fishing not terrible yesterday. Enough to keep you interested. White, yellow, not so flashy. The remainder fo the streamer selection, not as … Read more

Friday Foto

Friday Foto Late October. As mentioned yesterday, the leaves are leaving. Rapidly today, with winds forecast to gust in the 40’s. Hoping for overcast skies this weekend.  

Autumn Leaves Nat King Cole


Autumn Leaves Nat King Cole

The omnipresent sun and wind have removed many of the Autumn Leaves along the banks of central Montana’s Missouri River.

A normal October cycle. We have had the snow and cold temps at the front end of the month. Followed by the sun, temps in the 60’s and 70’s, and wind. Next week back to seasonable weather patterns. But, you see, all of the weather we have endured this month is normal.

A great October for us is 4 or 5 days of perfect BWO weather. Some of those days came in September 2018. Some years those great October days come in November. We hope there are a few ins tore ahead of us. BWO days. Oh how I love the overcast, calm, 45F, and moist afternoons with those lovely Olives stuck to the surface.

We have enjoyed the past summer! August was “All World”. September not too bad, with fishing becoming more difficult later in the month. October not terrible. Again the front end of the month was our better half.

Folks ask when the best time in October to visit is…I mention that the period is two weeks long. And that we will not know until the month has passed. Hard to predict Mother Nature. Sometimes those two weeks come in September, and others in November. Occasionally they fall in the month of October.

Autumn Leaves is a great Jazz Standard. I hum it all fall long. And sing a few of the lyrics that I know. It reminds me of the summer past, the wonderfully spectacular autumn period, and that the awful winter months are ahead of us. I certainly try to suck up the imagery, taking mental images of the varied fall colors, inhale the smells of decomposing leaves, enjoy the low angle of sun soaking up the remaining warmth that it brings…I try to hold on as long as I can.

Nat King Cole sang it so wonderfully.


I see your lips…with sunburned kisses, the sunburned hand, I used to hold.

Since the went away, the days roll on…and soon I’ll hear ‘ol winters song.


That sums it all up for me. Summer is gone…enjoy the Autumn Leaves folks.

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Headhunters Spey Especial Trout Spey Trips

Headhunters Spey Especial Trout Spey Trips Headhunters is hosting Full Day Trout Spey Trips for $400. October 15th thru December 31st. Lunch, snacks, and a spey rod if you need one are all included. This especial pricing trip is Spey Only. No single handed rods in the boat. A snack style lunch. Gear included if … Read more

Missouri River Monday October 22nd Fishing Report

Missouri River Monday October 22nd Fishing Report Late October and the fishing is fair. Moments of brilliance, but not the fishing we love with the overcast skies, BWO’s littering the surface, and not another angler in sight. We do have light pressure this week. It’s pretty nice. Guide trips out daily still here at Headhunters … Read more

Sunday Rainbows

Sunday Swingin’ Rainbows on the Mo

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Sunday Swingin’ Rainbow on the Mo Dan with this swung up Rainbow yesterday. HE’s fishing a GLX Pro, an SA Spey Lite, and Orvis Mirage Reel. Sun again today on the Mo. For the foreseeable future as well. Clouds in the weather icon this coming week, near the end of it. Our best October … Read more

Friday Fall Foto

Friday Fall Foto

Friday Fall Foto Warm, sunny, awful nice. Too nice. Some pretty dry fly action in the afternoons. Not exceptional. Not terrible. Awful nice out there. 70’s. Not uncommon either. Winter will return soon enough. Enjoy the many facets of fall. The famous Hemingway run in full fall bloom. 

Trout Spey Lineup 2018-19

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Swing Season has arrived on the Missouri River, and at Headhunters that signals the start of our “second season”. Most of our new Trout Spey rods, lines and tackle arrive in the fall. Here is a rundown of our primary selection of spey gear for the 2018-19 season. Like last season, our main focus is … Read more

Friday Fall Foto

Friday Fall Foto

Friday Fall Foto Happy Fall. The leaves will be gone from the trees today. It is blowing 20+ from the SW. And sunny. Not your perfect fall day. We have had several great ones though. I’m always looking for them. Will we have more ahead of us? I suspect we will. Will you be here?

Mid Week Missouri River October Fishing Report

Mid Week Missouri River October Fishing Report

Mid Week Missouri River October Fishing Report Facts today for the Mid Week Missouri River October Fishing Report. Fishing is good. Not too good during the am session. Stay up late, sleep in. Get out late. Then fish. The afternoon bite is much better than the before lunch deal. If you did not get out til … Read more

New Breed Chicks Rule Debbie Edition

New Breed Chicks Rule Debbie Edition

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] New Breed Chicks Rule Debbie Edition Debbie and DC just finished up Headhunters 3rd Annual Advanced Fly Fishing School session 1. Debbie caught the big fish of the week on a short leash nymph drifting it in front of a likely holding lie in front of a rock. Pillow water! Brown Trout Love Pillow … Read more