Blackfoot River Fishing Report – Tributary Closures

The Blackfoot River has been fishing very well for us. Foamies,Hoppers and some “mayfly” patterns have been working well. Most of our guides have been heading over the hill once a week. Maybe more. Their customer have been happy with the fishing and enjoying the incredible scenery and solitude.

In the last 10 days, flows have dropped pretty dramatically. It is now under 500 cfs, a number water managers do not like. Air temperatures continue to be warm, and several Blackfoot tributaries are now on “hoot owl” restrictions. Those tributaries include Belmont Creek, Copper Creek, Cottonwood Creek, Gold Creek, Landers Fork, Monture Creek, Morrell Creek and the  North Fork Blackfoot. Make sure and read the details and keep an eye on restrictions and closures on the FWP website.

While you will probably find some decent fly fishing on the Blackfoot in the early morning, it’s probably best to give the fish a break. The Cutthroat and Bull Trout that inhabit the river like it cool, and don’t like to be stressed. Both species are far less tolerant of warmer water than Rainbow or Brown Trout.

Water temperatures on the Missouri River are fine (mid-60’s), so you’ll have to be content harassing those fish. Air temps appear to be staying on the warm side for the next 10 days.


Once things do cool down, you can experience some of the best fly fishing the Blackfoot offers . Early fall is a beautiful time to hit this river, and you can encounter some great dry fly fishing and skinny water rising fish.