Blackfoot River: Always Worth The Trip Video

Blackfoot River: Always Worth The Trip Video

While the Missouri River is on fire, not the flame kind, but the fishing kind…we always have the Blackfoot River on our mind.

Freestones. Love ’em. Big flies. Cutthroats. Westside of the Divide. The smell of Pine Trees.

All good things.

Watch this re-run today and dream of small streams along with the babbling sound of water.  Ten book your Blackfoot River trip with Headhunters.

Couple it with a day or three on the Mighty Mo and you tell have a great Autumn trip planned.

September is a great month to fish the Blackfoot. No people, hungry cutty’s, large mayflies, fall colors.

Close your eyes and dream of the feel of a raft seat…and shrieking eagles.

Happy Friday.

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