Top Tips for Tuesday


Top Tips for Tuesday

A few tips to get you through the week and how to handle your fishing here on the Mo.

Apologize for the sub par fishing report yesterday. Badly written by me. Ambiguous at best. Just bad honestly.

Top Tips for Tuesday include…

  • Get on early or get out late. Busy during the day. First on or last off are two keys to success on any popular fishery.
  • Fish deep in the morning and in high bright skies. Fish only hang out where the food is. So if you like to nymph, put the flies where the other food is located. On the bottom. And fish do not appreciate super sunny skies. Deepr is better for this game.
  • If you are going to fish the shallows, approach quietly. Fish do hang in the shallows, even in the sun…but they are kinda skid dish. Spooky even! Long casts and light landings. No elephant in a china store stuff. Nope.
  • Avoid Saturdays if you don’t like crowds. By far the busiest day on the river. Sunday is usually about half of the pressure. Or less. Mid-Week is always a better choice. Don’t use all those sick days because of illness. Just sayin’.
  • The Caddis are coming. Caddis Larval and Caddis Pupal imitations subsurface are lighting up. Remember, the bugs are active subsurface long before we see them up top! Go wild and change that top fly if you are double rigged for nymphing. It’s OK to fish something beyond a worm or Czech Nymph for a while. Or a season.
  • Give wade fisherman a wide berth when drifting. Consequently, the wade angler should respect the boat angler. If a feller is anchored up…give them some room too. But the bottom line is wade anglers walked in, the boater can move.
  • Those who fancy a midge pattern always fare well. Dry or wet.
  • Fish do live in the center of the river. On the Mo, they are not always glued to the shoreline.

Enjoy yourselves on the Missouri River. Be respectful. Employ a few Top Tips for Tuesday, all week long. Take a kid fishing. And tell some fish stories.





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