Back of the House 2010

Back of the House 2010

Looking at the back of the shop about ten years ago.

That Parrothead sign is important to me. I’m gonna refinish it soon. Maybe this next week.

Saturday on the Mo. Kinda warm, windy, not too many folks around. Yesterday, Friday, 3X the folks on the river.

Tomorrow Sunday? Oh who knows.

Fishing seems good. We have come back around from the slow period last month.

Also today the 29th. Maybe that is the reason for the slow day. The 29th does not come around but for every 4 years.

A good day to fish? Yeah, of course.

Enjoy the remainder of your weekend.

1 thought on “Back of the House 2010”

  1. Fine country. Real country. The anticipation of the river and what she brings. A lot of energy brewing now. Not much more to say.

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