Where Do Your Flies Live?

Another installment from Richard today on this very blog. The wildly popular Dick Magill. Angler  series speaks of fly boxes, winter, and the tying bench today. Enjoy. Happy Hump Day. Book your spring trip. Discounts galore! Where Do Your Flies Live? We’ve seen some unseasonably warm weather here in Craiglandia over the past few weeks. … Read more

Echo Practice Rod Blog

How a Practice Rod is Helping Me Catch More Fish!


How a Practice Rod is Helping Me Catch More Fish!

One of my Fly Fishing Goals this year is to Cast Better. And getting out to the lawn, to the river, or the park is not always easy with daily life getting in the way. But I gotta get better so I have began to use the Practice Casting Rod again.

There are several practice rods available for you and me to use. And they all work. There’s at least 5 of them out there. Originally Wulff had one called the Fly-O. Looks like it is out of production as none avail on their site or elsewhere. And it was cool. Bamboo is cool. The Wulff’s brought us som many fly fishing things that are useful!

Currently I am using the one from Orvis. But again found the ECHO MPR Micro Practice Rod in the garage as well. So now I have two. Perfect.

One in the house. One in the garage.

Back to the pitfalls of daily life with children (I have none) and dogs (I have none) and spouses (I have one) and the lack of time to get out to the park etc. To scratch out time to do this very thing, get better with fly rod in hand, is difficult at best. And I do understand where this falls into (your) the priority list.

Very low.

If the desire is there, and I know it is for you, then how do we accomplish this very simple and non-time consuming task? With a Practice Rod is how.

2 minutes will help. As you have heard me preach many times over the years practice casting is important for your Missouri River, or your local ditch, success. You do not need 2 hour long sessions to make you better this year. No. Several 2-10 minute sessions. I would argue that 10 minutes may be too long. 5 minutes will get you there quickly.

Spend time with the tool in your hands

I was at a Top Golf in Scottsdale AZ during a Spring Training Baseball jag a couple years back and took a golf lesson from the Pro. One of the things he said that made an impression on me was “Get yourself a club. An iron. Any iron. Go get it from the pawn shop. Does not have to be in good shape. Any iron. And while on the couch just hold it. Just feel it. Play with the grip. Get comfortable with the club. Just spend time with it. And that will help in the long run. Familiarity with the tool. Spend time with the tool in your hands.”

Man-O-Man. What great advice. Fly Casting is just like that. A practice casting rod allows you to spend time with the tool without making a big production out of it.

I cast while sitting on the couch. I cast while interviewing prospective Headhunters Fly Shop employees. I love holding a fly rod in my hand. It is a life passion of mine. My job. My everything. And this tool is a perfect way to advance my cause, without heading to the river.

And, you can go to the next level with this rod. Are you an intermediate caster? I believe most of us are just that. But I also believe that many will never progress beyond this point. Why? Not enough time with the rod in your hand. I get asked all the time “How can I get better at accuracy, distance, casting?”

Answer? Practice man. More time with the rod in your hand. And a practice caster will get you there.

Some say to me “I’ll practice when I get to the water. I don’t like practicing at home. It’s boring. I want to be on the water, it’s not the same.” Excuses for mediocrity is what I think those are. Cop-outs.

Be the Trout Hero this year!

You want to be good this year? Better than last year? You want to go to the next level? Like advanced casting? A Practice Rod is in your future.

And for under 50 bucks you can be the Trout Hero this year. Not the Trout Bummer bro. You want your fishing partner to invite you on the next cool fishing trip? Then you better step up my fishing friend. ‘Cause that lame ass  effort you displayed last year ain’t gonna get you no more invites.

And I am thinking about the common story in the boat. One guy spends 3/4 of the day, or more, casting, not at the fish. He is casting poorly. He is practicing on rising fish. No time for practice when you are At the Show! 

If you truly want to catch more fish, and make your fishing partner happy, picking up the dinner tab eases the pain for one of the days, but not all. You got more days fishing ahead of you.

It is immediately evident to the fishing guide, and the fishing partner that you have not put in the time. Your buddy has spent time in the park, in the living room, rod in hand. He has put in the time. And if you are having trouble reaching that rising trout at 25′ down and across…bro, you need to practice at home!!!!

Time with tool in hand. That is the operative portion of this discussion. 2-5 minutes a day. We can all afford that kind of commitment.

The beauty of a practice rod is that there are not fish in front of you. You can truly focus on the cast. Not on catching fish. Removing the fishing factors from your casting sessions is damn important. Pro football players practice. Scrimmage yes. But in game real time with a 300# gorilla trying to eat you…does not create a positive practice environment.

The practice rod can help with these most common casting issues listed below.

Dropping the rod tip. A huge problem. 90% of casters do this. It is an enormous casting epidemic. If you are one that does this, you will never progress past the skill that you are right now.

Stopping the rod upright. Not parallel to the water. Yes, the same issue as above. A big problem. The physics of the cast do not work when you do this. Not once. Not ever.

Reach Mend (Cast). An important tool for casting flies at rising trout.

All the rest. Tower Cast. Off-Shoulder Cast. Left Handed Casting.

Practice with your eyes closed! Try it.

Practice with a rod in each hand. Do it.

While there is a double haul kit you can get for your ECHO MPR, it does not feel like the real deal. It sort of does. But, most importantly, you can get the mechanics, the nuts and bolts, of that cast accomplished with the kit.

I am off to the garage, with coffee in hand, to get after it. I mostly practice with my off-hand. My left hand. Why not get good at both. I have been casting left handed for well over 10 years. But I still need a ton of work on that side. John says that it has been what I have focused on since the inception of HH. He may be right. I do focus on this daily blog and the media component daily as well. If I could type, and practice casting at the same time…Whoa!

There you go. Motivation for 2020 fishing? Maybe. I know I am stoked to get better this year. And casting is at the center, the core, of this goal.

Do it. It’ll make you better. It’ll make you smile. It’ll allow more use of the net this season.[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”https://vimeo.com/188010822″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Fly Fishing Film Tour in Helena Tuesday Nite February 11th!

Fly Fishing Film Tour in Helena Tuesday Nite February 11th!

Fly Fishing Film Tour in Helena Tuesday Nite February 11th Helena, MT 2020 Fly Fishing Film Tour Grandstreet Theatre Feb 11, 2020 at 7:00 PM (MST) Helena, Montana   The Pat Barnes Missouri River chapter of Trout Unlimited is proud to bring you the 2020 premier of the Fly Fishing Film Tour in Helena, MT at Grandstreet … Read more

Headhunters Fly Shop is looking for a few good men and women!

Last Call: Headhunters Fly Shop Hiring Summer Staff 2020

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Want to join the Have some great resumes on tap at the shop already with interviews being conducted as we write! But it is not too late to get your resume in to mark@headhuntersflyshop and sara@headhuntersflyshop.com Why not work with us this summer and beyond. Fun work atmosphere, great structure for learning and advancement, strong … Read more

High Winds in Central Montana?

High Winds in Central Montana?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] High Winds in Central Montana? Yes. Only when the winter temperatures peak the 50F mark. We are forecast for 60F tomorrow. With increased winds. Winds Winter fishing is here on the Mo and we have seen lots of anglers out this past week. Winter rules apply. Today and tomorrow will bring high winds. But … Read more

Old Faithful

Ditching Old Faithful

Ditching Old Faithful From our revealing Dick Magill, Angler Series comes todays blog by crack staffer and writer Richard. Want to speak with Dick Magill? Stop in and see him weekly @ Headhunters of Craig. When you are on the water and you’re are digging through your streamer box, what’s going through your mind? Are … Read more

PMD's and Cheap Trick

It’s just like the First Day of PMD’s


It’s just like the First Day of PMD’s

You know, the first good day.

That is what Cheap Trick’s “Ain’t that a Shame” Live at Budokan ’78 makes me feel like.

You gotta turn this up to 11. Then push play.

The build up with drummer Bun E. is reminiscent of late May on the Mo. The sun is shining longer each day. Summer is near. You hear word of a couple PMD’s seen on the lower river. Then some at Mountain Palace. 5 days later…

Push Play here man. (If you haven’t yet man)

And that is what PMD’s in June and July feel like to me. Pure rock and roll. Just like this hard chargin’ guitar rock theme. Rick Nielsen on screaming lead guitar. Robin Zander, who looks like a rock star, with the vocal gymnastics of late 70’s rock and roll vocalists. Tom Petersson laying down a deep bass beat coupled with Bun E. Carlos stroking the drums like a polished dry fly angler.

Strong. Full of sound. Analogous to an epic PMD emergence.

Play it twice. This track deserves it.

I’m gonna play it loud when I get home tonight again. Possibly with an overpoured Margarita.

And run a mental movie with the summer sun on my head. The light breeze delivers the blooming Lilacs past my nose. The soundtrack of nature emanating from the earth. The act of PMD’s inundating my being on their journey upstream…

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Overlooked Fly Fishing Gear

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Overlooked Fly Fishing Gear A post by Dick Magill from Headhunters of Craig. Thanks Dick, appreciate the insight today. Fly fishing has come a long way over the years. The technological advances in the sport have opened many different possibilities for anglers including where people can target fish, how long they can stay in … Read more

Classic 1939 Rod Manufacturing Video

Classic 1939 Rod Manufacturing Video


Classic 1939 Rod Manufacturing Video

Cool vid today not eh HH Blog.

Playoff Football on TV. The Australian Open starts too.

Weather’s the best it has been in at least a week on the river today. Temps well above freezing! Anglers around.

And looks pretty good for the week ahead too.

While the store has been quiet this past week with walk-in traffic the phones have been ringing. A lot. It is the time of year to lock in your dates. The late you wait, the more difficult it becomes. Smart anglers book early.

Check out the vid. Pretty fun to watch. Far more hands touch each fly rod made today. And they are producing higher quality technologically advance products!! We can all appreciate the modern fly rod. And fly lines too!

January. Half way home this month. Winter. Ahh. Hooray.

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Casting Tip Today from Tim Rajeff

Casting Tip Today from Tim Rajeff


Casting Tip Today from Tim Rajeff

One of the great casters, instructors, and minds in todays fishing world. He also makes some pretty popular rods by the name of ECHO.

Tim today talks about Off-Shoulder casting. Truly an important cast here on this big river in Montana we fish daily. The Missouri River in Craig.

Why? Because the wind blows all the time. And sometimes upriver outta the north. Making it difficult. It may not blow against the grain all day long, or it will…nevertheless if you cannot execute this cast, those days will not yield many trout. Or opportunities.

So why not increase your chances and learn this valuable trout casting tool before summer 2020. Winter is a great time to add a couple tools to your box.

I am not one who learns casting on the water. Not enough time for that. When I’m on the water I am fishing. Not practicing. Learning is what you do off the water. Ask any great caster what they do. I know pro athletes don’t learn fundamentals on the field. No way man. Not during game time.

Yes, some yahoo is gonna comment that they can learn new casts, tread in unfamiliar waters, and conjure up some casting brilliance from the ashes of his last cast… on the water. And maybe you can sir. But the casting mortals, which is all of us but you, are best serviced by learning this kind of cast on the lawn. In a casting laboratory.

Yessir. At a time when you can concentrate on the cast. Not the rising trout.

Go out and practice this cast. It will not take much time to learn. Nope. You will pick it up pretty quickly. Because your brain already knows how to cast. And when you need to employ the Off-Shoulder Cast on the water, you will already know how it feels!

That other fella, your fishing partner brother-in-law will be thrashing around tomahawking freely rising trout. Unfortunately he’s the guy who can learn, on the water.

And then turn to you in the back of the boat and say “You wanna give these a shot?”[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”https://vimeo.com/215218143″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Fly Fishing Resolutions

Fly Fishing Resolutions

Fly Fishing Resolutions Great photo above of Guide Eric Mondragon fishing with friend Carl and Golden Trout-Dog (TD) a couple years back. This image is what spawned me to write out my fly fishing resolutions. That image signifies all that is good with fly fishing. Outdoors, sunshine, dry flies, pets, friends, boats, the sound of … Read more

Sipping Dry Saturday

Sipping Dry Saturday


Sipping Dry Saturday

Saturday here on the Mo. Fishable today. A couple cabins rented. Several boats on the water. Coffee drinkers at the shop. Swingers on the water.

And summer conversations on the shop phone. Anglers locking in summer guides and lodging. Now is the time to get your perfect 2020 Craig Montana hook-up.

A classic vid today from Sharptail Media from 8 years ago. We enjoyed shooting this short with Simon.

Arctic temps greet us tonight as we move into the 3rd week of January. Looks like very little fishing will be done Monday thru Friday. Some days the temps will not crawl above the ZERO mark!

Whoa. That is cold. Call first if for some reason you are headed up to Craig. We may not be at the shop the entire time. When the mercury plunges below the ZERO mark we spend less time in the shop. Pretty cold in that shabby little fly shack in Craig! Not really built for winter conditions. More of a summer place…

So today we bring you Sipping Dry. For summer memories. Summer dry fly action. For summer warmth. In this type of weather we must think of the sun, fantasize about Trico hatches, and wait for the snow to go away. The long wait.

Only another 4 or 5 months. That’s all.


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A first look at our water forecast in 2020

A first look at our water forecast in 2020 John and I recently spoke about the water levels for the first time this winter. While we are not scientists, biologists, water managers, degreed in any way that would make us qualified to gauge what will happen in 2020…below is what we spoke about. A bit … Read more

Silly Sunday Scenery

Silly Summer Sunday Scenery

Silly Summer Sunday Scenery John Ewing casting at rising fish this past summer. John is a non-local local fishing the Missouri River at least a couple times a year traveling from Maine. A long time Missouri River lover and he today provides our image for Silly Sunday Scenery. John spent his career behind the lens … Read more

January Missouri River Forecast

Missouri River Fly Fishing January Forecast


Missouri River Fly Fishing January Forecast

January Missouri River Weather Forecast

Pretty stable for the next ten days with air temps in the mid 20’s at night along with daily highs in the mid 30’s. Lots of cloud cover predicted so may be a decent time to fish?

The average temperature for January includes a highs of 35F and lows of 15F with 0.51 inches of precip which adds up to about 9″ of snow. The wind chill can be impressive with winds from the north. The prevailing wind is generally from the southwest which is not nearly as biting as the evil wind. Check out the 2020 totals here on US Climate Great Falls site.

The water temperatures are not terribly cold. Yet. Currently hovering around 35-ish. Bouncing between 35-37F for the past couple weeks. Without the frigid well below zero temperatures for a good long spell the river will not become slushy or un-fishable.

The water levels are holding in the lower than average zone by  about 1400cfs. Don’t know as of posting what the water direction will be before the end of the wet season in June, but we do know our snowpack is below average.


January Fishing Forecast

Cold. Our coldest fishing month. Or one of the top 3. Again we will not know the outcome until later this spring. The non winter-like November and December have led us into quite a boring start for the New Year. Wear warm clothes, warmer socks, and bring your Thermos.

Morning fishing is for those who like to sneak out there before the fish are bothered by the winter sun. Some wait until after breakfast to begin their slow journey to the river. Fish the noon til 4pm slot until the sun stays out later if you like the meat of the day.  As the winter fades to spring then you may begin to enjoy the morning more often. But that is a couple, or a few months away.

Nymphers come on strong in January. The primary attack for fish catching includes anything pink. Or at least start with anything and then figure it out. Firebeads are really a hot ticket in the next couple months. Really strong through the end of spring.

Fish the real winter water all month long. The stale stuff. Almost stopped, yet still moving.  The inside bends towards the end of the moving area. Then focus on depth. The water is pretty low so go with shorter than normal rigs. Split or not is your choice. A house divided on this lead filled topic.

Swingers comprise about half of the winter Missouri River angling participation stats. Skagit fishers are getting fish on the line. Fishing pretty well from top thru the canyon. Check with the shop before heading out for not only boat ramp health but shelf ice coverage.

Headhunters Fly Shop

Open daily for all things Trout. Your leading Montana fly shop for all things Trout Spey. We have the full lines of RIO, Scientific Angler, OPST, and Airflo spey lines, tips ,and accessories. We have become the authority in this arena with the entirety of the staff engaged and involved with the two handed rod all winter long.

January is a busy month for booking spring, summer, and fall guide trips and nightly Missouri River lodging. You want to start your Missouri River legacy this year? Or continue your family Montana trip? Start making your Montana trout memories by getting your name on the books for 2021.

Headhunters open daily @ 8am til 1pm. Mask Mandates continue at Headhunters of Craig.  Enjoy your January whether you be skiing, finishing up the waterfowl season, or hibernating. Give us a shout. We love talking trout![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”https://vimeo.com/88700134″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Successful Situations

Successful Situations

Successful Situations Two traits that make fishing some dry fly fishing guides popular with guests is the ability to put the angler consistently into successful situations. Just like good sports coaches, strong educators, great fishing guides…they all have the ability to facilitate successful situations. I’m certainly not speaking about finding the easiest targets either. Those … Read more

Happy New Year Headhunters of the World


Happy New Year Headhunters of the World

Happy New Year to all of you out there in Blog-land, the Headhunters Stratosphere, and friends from all walks of life.

We wish you all the best in the year to come.

Achieve your goals, laugh a bunch, and of course fish more than last year.

Whichever side of the cosmic universe you lean, remember that when you are flyfishing, nothing else matters.

The great equalizer.

Zen and shit.

That is a comforting concept.

Embrace it in 2020.

Happy New Year.

Make it a damn good one.

A year, no, a decade full of memories…


Ed Note: Ziggy covering up top, Bob and the video below.

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Joe’s Craig Bar Polar Bear Plunge

26th or 27th Annual Joe’s Craig Bar Polar Bear Plunge Wednesday January 1st @ the Craig Boat Ramp @ High Noon! News coverage attends yearly. You dress yourself up or down in some sort of bathing suit coverage. Immediately following the Annual Chili Feed @ Joe’s Bar. All proceeds going to the Craig Volunteer Fire … Read more

Scumliner's FishSki today on the HH Blog

Scumliner’s FishSki today on the HH Blog


Scumliner’s FishSki today on the HH Blog

Not enough snow on the ground here in Craig to ski today. Although we have had 10 snow sessions so far. Pretty dry the past month. More sun ahead?

We do know that the ski areas are finally open here in the west. A dry fall for the coastal mountains and it appears they are on the board now skiing this holiday. Hooray!

If skiing is in your future have a great time. If fishing is in your near future, stop by and call before you head out. We’ll help.

Football day as the river is pretty quiet. Sunny here, calm,  cool.[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”https://vimeo.com/88129001″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Stripping in the Cold

Stripping in the Cold

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Stripping in the Cold Another piece from Richard “Dick” Magill from HH of Craig. Dick has been out fishing a ton and fished most of Christmas Day as well. He’s in the shop today and did our first installment of Instagram TV IGTV so check that out on our Instgram Page @headhuntersfly. Holiday hours … Read more

Rainbow Czech Classic

Fly Tying Thursday Classic Rainbow Czech


Fly Tying Thursday Classic Rainbow Czech

If you don’t have this fly in your Missouri River box we know one of two things about you.

Wither you are a dry fly guy, or you have not fished the Mo before.

The Rainbow Czech is a fly pattern that many anglers have on their nymph rig at all times. Or a facsimile thereof.

So, if you are new to the MO, tie this feller up. Lots of them. Squeeky uses this fly 12 months of the year. He does not take it off, often. Always the lead fly of one of the two nymph rigs.

If you got some time this week ahead and don’t know what to do, tie this up for your 2020 spring Mo River Trip.

Do we have the kits available? Of course, JAV kits are proprietary and only available at Headhunters of Craig! See them below and get yours today.

Or you can call the shop and chat with our full time shop staff that can guide you into more JAV kits to tie this winter!

Happy Holidays. Enjoy the week ahead! Come fish if you wish. It’s pretty good![/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”https://vimeo.com/122361553″]


Christmas Spey by Jeff Kennedy

Christmas Spey by Jeff Kennedy

Christmas Spey by Jeff Kennedy Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah. Wishing you the best today, this week and throughout the upcoming year. Thanking all of you for a fantastic 2019. Looking forward to a wonderful 2020. A cool Christmas Spey fly painting from Jeff Kennedy titled Christmas Spey. Check out Jeff Kennedy art here … Read more

You'll Shoot your Eye Out!

You’ll Shoot your Eye Out!


You’ll Shoot your Eye Out!

Spey casting is easier than shooting your Red Ryder.

You won’t shoot your eye out with a 11′ 3wt.

Merry Christmas from all of us here in Craig!

Don’t Shoot your Eye Out![/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrAwb9ptu9U”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Missouri River Christmas Fishing Tips

Missouri River Christmas Fishing Tips A couple Missouri River Christmas Fishing Tips for all of the Holiday  Anglers out there today on the Headhunters Fly Shop Blog. Headhunters Fly Shop Holiday Hours: Open today Monday 8-5. Christmas Ever Tuesday 8-Noon. The rest of the week open 8-5. New Years Day? Ohh, maybe a bit late … Read more

Sunday Surf Flick

Sunday Surf Flick WSL Jaws


Sunday Surf Flick WSL Jaws

This may be more difficult than a long dry fly cast in the wind.

One thing for sure, fly fishing on the Mo is less dangerous.

And maybe as exciting?

Happy Holidays. Shop open daily 8-5 Sunday, Monday. Christmas Eve til noon. Get your shuttles early if you are headed our way. Closed Christmas Day. Open again the morning of the 26th.

Intermittent media for the coming couple weeks. Items for thought include your summer 2020 plans, your Trout Spey set-up, the job offering at Headhunters for 2020, and your 30′ dry fly cast.

That should keep you occupied. Again, Enjoy the weeks ahead. Be safe.

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Friday Fly Tying Just Add Vise

Friday Fly Tying Just Add Vise Mozuri Minnow


Friday Fly Tying Just Add Vise

The Mozuri Minnow from the vise of John Arnold. John patterned this streamer pattern from the Yozuri Minnow fished on light tackle when living in the Florida Keys. Originally tied with Walleye in mind it soon proved to catch plenty of those silly Mozuri River rainbows too!

Now a daily player and certainly an all-star in the winter months here and everywhere.

Friday Fly Tying Just Add Vise Tie this up and fish it on your streamer rod, your swing rod, and have a couple back-ups in your box!

Enjoy the video, order up Mozuri Minnow Just Add Vise Kit, and add a couple more too! Winter starts after the holidays…

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Headhunters Gift Card

Fail Safe Headhunters Gift Card

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Fail Safe Headhunters Gift Card Still looking for that fly fishing gift? Want to make the right decision for the angler in your life? Want to get him or her something they will love? From a small business, with personality, who supports fishing families? Then we all agree. A Headhunters Gift Card it will … Read more

Just Add Vise Bubble Yum

Tying Ninchs Bubble Yum Scud


Tying the Bubble Yum Scud

When you think about the Mighty Mo, and nymphing, you think of scuds, sows, and in the winter months…Pink!

Ninchs…I looked up how to make last names plural, so I think this is right…Bubble Yum Scud today on the HH Blog.

Check this baby out. It has a heavy tungsten bead to get you to depth rapidly. And if you are not a fan of using split shot to get your flies into the zone, you will love the Bubble Yum. It’ll get you there.

A guide fly for sure as this is commonly a pattern that lives on the upper end of many Missouri River full-timers nymph rig.

Scuds catch fish on the Missouri River. And many other similar resources around America.

Get this kit for your Holiday tying sessions!

[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”https://vimeo.com/336621894″]


Monday Missouri River Imagery

Monday Missouri River Imagery

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Monday Missouri River Imagery Cruising through December here in downtown Craig Montana. Cold this mooring with daytime air temps approaching 32F. Freezing for the high temp today. It is pretty. A few Trout Spey Trips out today as Whitney, Beth, and  John are all on the water swinging the day away. Great fun. Quiet. … Read more

Artifishal by Patagonia


Artifishal by Patagonia

Very cool and well done video about coastal waters and management thereof.

Worth the watch on this snowy Sunday here in Craig Montana.

And between football games, tying flies, and naps today![/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdNJ0JAwT7I”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Fish Smoker Friday


Fish Smoker Friday

Been smoking cheese and fish for a couple weeks now.

I always feel, near the end of the month long smoking session, that I have got ‘er dicked. I have it figured out. I am on, in the zone, firing on all cylinders.

Until I watch videos like this one from ACME Fish in Brooklyn. This cat is on his game.

Was in NYC the summer and graced the smoked fish counter at Zabars on the Upper West Side a couple times.

Dreamy. Got lots of smoked fishes. And soft cheeses. And fresh baked French bread. And ate it up.

Enjoy your weekend. Looks pretty good on the Mo. Thursday was dead calm and overcast. Friday? Today? Good as well. Saturday good. Sunday snow.

I’ll be at home smoking more fish. Halibut this weekend. Brined and smoked. Then mixed into a salad for life on a cracker.

[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMZNo7lPYqg”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=xXZ6uqVDTc4&feature=emb_logo”][vc_column_text]And I had to put in this killer cheese vid…[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEw9AdzmA-g”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Watch before you Cast A short by Orvis

Watch before you Cast A short by Orvis


Watch before you Cast A short by Orvis

This is a great short from our friends over at Orvis. We love to watch fish rise, fish feed either on the surface or subsurface. Learning about fish feeding behavior is fun. And really important for those who like to use the net more often.

The Missouri River requires watching as well. We watch a lot.

Well, those who catch a ton. Those who wanna be the Hare? Not as many as the Tortoise.

Hail Mary QB’s? Not many of them get to the HOF. We see lots of Hail Mary anglers. They don’t carry a net with them…if you know what I mean.

Understand the rise form, the feeding behavior, what makes that specific fish tick.

Watch and learn.

I have become, in the last 3 or 4 years, a believer in casting at the center of the feeding lane. Let’s say the fish moves to and fro 18″ Or even farther. Sometime you find a fish moving back ad forth across a couple feet. Occasionally in the fastest section of moving water, sometimes over in the pond/slack water/back eddy region. The fish moves back and forth searching for food. I am a believer in casting, presenting the fly perfectly, where the fly can be presented perfectly.

The center of the bell curve, the line in the center is where you want your drift to be. At least when fishing towards many of our rising fish on the MO. A moving back and forth fish. Which we do see often during spinner falls. Later, after the majority of the insects have passed us headed downstream, the fish gotta ind food and they will move across current lines searching and feeding.

So, why would you ever toss the fly to the flat side of the bell curve. The center axis, the line vertically thru the center of the bell curve above, is the hot zone man.  Drift your fly thru the hot zone. Perfectly.

Not badly thru the flat side of the curve. The pond, the back eddy where he rose twice.

He has risen in the center of the bell curve 17 times. On the fast side 4 times, the slow or stopped side twice. The center 17 times.

So, do what any smart angler would do and make good drifts near fish. Good drifts around fish. Good drifts in the center of the bell curve.

And by watching you can do this sort of thing. Have success.

The angler and the watcher in the video above speak about this right when she hooks the fish. Sometimes you gotta err on the “better drift side!”

Because we all know that good drifts catch fish.

The goal of any of the dry fly stuff, or headhunting like these two are, fishing at a specific trout, is catching the trout.

Just like business, just like trout fishing. Go with the averages for the most success. Do what the numbers tell you. Do some research, some washing, some learning…to do more catching![/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=339&v=Qk-FyiIPA2Q&feature=emb_logo”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Wednesday Workshop: How to get better at fishing, without fishing

Wednesday Workshop: How to get better at fishing, without fishing

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Wednesday Workshop: How to get better at fishing, without fishing We have lots of questions like “How can I get better at fishing?” Our answer is always watch more YouTube vids at work   Fish more. But if you cannot spend the amount of days that it truly takes to get to the next level of fishing, … Read more

#Giving Tuesday UMOWA

#Giving Tuesday UMOWA

#Giving Tuesday UMOWA Upper Missouri River Watershed Alliance, UMOWA, would like a few bucks from you today. Why not throw a few casts at the organization that watches the Missouri River and has improved bank lines, brought about awareness of possible aquatic weed issues, and sponsored aquatic insect studies. Why? Because rivers like the Missouri … Read more

Somewhere Out West

Somewhere Out West


Somewhere Out West

One of the best from Scumliner Media.


Back to work tomorrow. Yuck.

Watch it twice, share it with friends.

And, yes, that is real life during Craig winters…[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”https://vimeo.com/88394847″]


Small Business Saturday in Downtown Craig

Small Business Saturday in Downtown Craig

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Small Business Saturday in Downtown Craig Howdy out there in Trout Land. It is Small Business Saturday in Downtown Craig. Lots happening at the shop. Good sales items are finding their homes and a few are gonna make it into Santa’s Bag too. All items available online here, the sale page. All Flies 50% thru … Read more

Thanksgiving 2019

Thanksgiving 2019 Happy Thanksgiving. Here’s hoping you are spending it with your family and friends. If not today, then a memorable sometime in the near future. We are in a blizzard. Getting kinda used to it. Might be our 9th or 10 snow. This Thanksgiving storm is a doozie! Travel safely. We give thanks to … Read more

Thanksgiving Week Weather/Fishing Forecast

Thanksgiving Week Weather/Fishing Forecast

Thanksgiving Week Weather/Fishing Forecast Icons filled with snow flakes for the entire week. Temps not rising above freezing beyond the Thursday Holiday thru the weekend. North winds. Hopefully not too serious at least some of the days. We will be open unless we aren’t. The weather could tip the scale on whether, the weather wins. … Read more

Summer 2020

Summer 2020

Summer 2020 The first of the Holiday weeks. This is a big one. You will see family and friends. Drink a bit. Tell some lies. Watch some football. Maybe fish. Definitely Nap. A call to you to discuss your 2020 summer fishing plans. Get in now, secure your perfect Mo River Lodging, and book your … Read more

Deep(er) Thoughts on the Headhunter Fly Line

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Deep(er) Thoughts on the Headhunter Fly Line We wanted to design a line for us. For Headhunters. A couple days ago we published the Headhunter Fly Line Review.   As I thought about that blog, I recognized that I left out the Deeper Thoughts on how we felt about fly lines including what we truly wanted … Read more