George Harrison Give Me Love, Give Me Peace on Earth

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] George Harrison Give Me Love, Give Me Peace on Earth A great tune. A great message. From one of the Beetles. This will get me through Thursday. Opening Monday here in Craig. Give me love, give me peace, give me rising trout…you make up the rest of the lyrics. [/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”–s”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Montana Directives

Headhunters Fly Shop Open Monday April 27

Headhunters Fly Shop Open Monday Montana State Governor Steve Bullock spoke at noon today about the opening of Montana Shelter in Place is lifted Sunday in Montana. The Stay at Home order will be lifted for Montana residents. 14 Day Quarantine for non resident non-business travelers remains in effect. The governor did not set and … Read more

Reach Cast Video

Reach Cast Video


Reach Cast Video

An oldie but goodie on the Headhunters Blog.

Since you have been practicing casting the entire month we are reminding you to do a bit of this action too.

Some sort of slack line presentation can be important when fishing flat slow moving tailwater and spring creeks.

Fish still don’t like dragging flies.

Dead flies don’t swim.

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The very latest happenings Craig Montana 4.20.20

The very latest happenings Craig Montana 4.20.20 Sunday was awful nice in Craig Montana. Nearly 60, light winds, with a ton of Montanans dragging their outdoor summer toys with vigor through our recently quiet fishing ‘burb. Here are the facts as we here at Headhunters World HQ see them this Monday morning. Lots of traffic … Read more

Saturday Black and White

Saturday Black and White

Saturday Black and White Rain today. 50F. Craig, Montana. Black and white trout release. The longer you stare at this image, the better it gets. At least for me. Love the way the bleached front end of the trout is juxtaposed against stream bottom. And the tail end in contrast to the net. The blurred … Read more

Zappa. Montana. ’73


Zappa. Montana. ’73

It’s the weekend.

Play Zappa loud. For those who don’t “get Zappa”, so sorry. If Frank makes your ears hurt, or just confuses you, or you don’t understand the music? Elton John may be more your speed. If you play an instrument, are critically musical, or just “deep”…Zappa may make you snap your fingers.

Clean your garage to Zappa.


Or clean your fly lines.

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City of New Orleans. Steve Goodman


City of New Orleans. Steve Goodman

I think of this tune and sing it often.

Good Morning America, how are ya.

An American theme song. I think of it as an American Anthem.

For now, for yesterday, for tomorrow.

A friend LT once told me That all great fishing towns have a railway running through them. He’s right. And like in th song Goodman speaks of trains going away. He was right in Craig. No more train travel since June 2000.

Steve Goodman wrote this tune, and I know that not all the world know this. But those who don’t are in the know, now. Steve Goodman one of the great songwriters. A contemporary and friend of John Prine, Kris Kristofferson, Arlo Guthrie…

The good news this week is we can push those taxes to the back of the desk. It’ll give you more time to file an extension. Beyond the July due date!

Snow on the ground this morning with the mercury registering 4F. Welcome to another Montana spring. Bright sun and gorgeous. Cold. Variable. Right smack dab in the center of America.

Good morning America, how are ya?

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Friday Foto

Friday Foto A few years back this scene with the Lasek Family. Colin and Kelley getting it done in June. Been fishing with Kelly for a number of years. Introduce your kids to fishing this year. Do it. A great way to get outside and learn with your kids, or neighbor kids, or general family … Read more

Hello in There. John Prine Dies at 73


Hello in There. John Prine Dies at 73

Deeply sad news today as John Prine dies at 73.

One of the soldiers that lost their live due to Covid-19. It saddens me along with the loss of life we are witnessing around the world. All of the lives lost are important. It saddens us to the core. This is an awful time.

Stay strong, stay apart, stay healthy, be together. Maybe a couple hours of John Prine will perk you up.

John Prine tunes have perked me up over the years. I was introduced to John Prine from one of my early life mentors Gary Bynum of Packwood Washington. I was ski bumming in Washington State at White Pass Ski Area beginning in the winter of 1992. I had walked out of my job as a line cook at the Pine Cone Cafe in Tacoma leaving it for snowier slopes and the dream of becoming a full time ski bum. Again.

I had failed the season before living in Bend Oregon the winter of 90-91. Did not quit have my shit together to pull off that adventure. Had to move back before the ski season had ended, back to Tacoma, back to 406 Yakima. The 406 must have been foreshadowing…

Back on the downstairs couch for a spell. Pre John Prine. Red Hot Chili Peppers, Nirvana, and Seattle style grunge was the music I lived for. Big time. Would see lots of live music in the bar scene around Tacoma/Seattle. A great time to roaming watching music, drinkin.’

I escaped the city when a couple of my friends moved to White Pass for the winter. Dave and Brian had room in the VW Bus for me and I gleefully hopped in…never turning back. Throwing caution to the wind, for a life with skis attached to my feet. That only lasted 13 years.

Spent the winter at the ski area and never went back to the city. Brian and Dave moved back, but I stayed in the middle of nowhere in Packwood Washington, a dying logging town. My landlord was Bob Veech. A hi-techie that invented a process that he sold for a gazillion dollars. He had a friend Gary Bynum that I then worked with for a number of years at The Summit House, a private restaurant at White Pass Ski Area. (No longer there)

Gary and Bob were playing a John Prine album, titled John Prine,  over and over and over during a remodel of the house I rented a room in, at Bob’s. I thought it was some Dylan, but then Gary lined me out, and was horrified that I had made it to age 22 without hearing John Prine. Gary would teach me many life lessons. He, like Bob Lay, could teach you those lessons without yelling, making a big deal of it, or with a heavy hand. Nope. It isn’t until years later that the impacts of mentors like Bob Lay, Gary Bynum, and friends like Franny show up.

I bootlegged that cassette tape, plugged it inand listened to it until I wore it out.

That John Prine tape got me through some of those despondent mid 20’s years. While many may think that it is always rosy living the dream as ski bum/trout bum…I am here to tell you, it’s not always thigh deep powder runs and readily catchable bank sipping browns. 

I battled through some depression periods in my 20’s and 30’s and John Prine helped me along the way. A big help was John Prine and his music, and his words. Prine guided me through some of those turbulent waters. I thank him for the help.

Been solid since then. I have not listened to much Prine in the last 20 years. Not because I don’t love it, it’s because I’ve been pretty damn happy. I’m not discounting those who can listen to Prine, all the time through good and bad, it’s that I have used the Prine tapes to get me through some of my darker periods.

But today I play it loud, and sing, and smile though the tears. We dance for the world today, everyday. To get through this bullshit we are all a part of. We all play a hand in this journey. The world is a bit darker today, and Prine will guide us through battle.

For the friends I have lost over the years that I have had the Prine connection with. Bob Veech, Gary Bynum, Francis Patrick O’Callahan (Franny), Michelle Wells…all gone. I salute you today.

Lake Marie is a fantastic tune. One of my favorite tunes. A friend of mine who I met in Bozeman Montana, John Troy loved to quote this Prine song. He loved to ask me “Do you know what blood looks like in a black and white video? Shadows.”

I often tell that story in the drift boat with guests. John Prine and Peaceful Waters. Lake Marie. I am reminded of John Troy, John Prine, and the Missouri River. That is my memory of Peaceful Waters.

The Missouri River is my Peaceful Waters.

Whistle and Fish is an all timer for those who like to fish. Catchy.

The Speed of the Sound of Loneliness is epic.

Music is woven into the threads of our lives. John Prine tunes have played a role in my life path, my journey, my being. And I am thankful for that, for Prine, for mentors, for friends.

Turn it up, play it loud, sing, dance, let it all out. Do it for yourself, for your family, for the world out there today. Do it.

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An April Remeinder to not Tread on Redd

An April Reminder to not Tread on Redd

An April Reminder to not Tread on Redd A reminder today regarding the Rainbow Trout Redds currently in the Missouri River. Don’t step on them. They, the eggs and trout doing the fragile incubation and spawning dance of tomorrows trout population, would like you to give them a break. Social distance yourself from those trout … Read more

How a Fly Line is Made RIO Products

How a Fly Line is Made RIO Products


How a Fly Line is Made RIO Products

Cool video from RIO Fly Lines today on the Headhunters Fly Shop Blog.

The Headhunter Fly Line is manufactured by the Idaho Falls gang.

Not very often when you get a peek inside the manufacturing process of a fly line.

Proprietary equipment spits out the lines and, Poof!, we get col fly lines.

I like the magic of this process.

Enjoy![/vc_column_text][vc_video link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Somewhere in the Middle of Montana Monday

Somewhere in the Middle of Montana Monday

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Somewhere in the Middle of Montana Monday Monday morning here in central Montana. Sunny, hi forecast of 57F. Not much wind. A pretty nice Monday. We are sending out online orders this morning to you out there in TroutLand. Tying kits, rods, reels, and the Headhunter Fly Line. Our online store is open while … Read more

Make that list man

Make that list man

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Make that list man Started writing this morning without a title, without a blog topic, without a direction for my day, without the fly shop open, without a purpose. And that is bad. Awful. Dangerous! No direction is like being a drifter. And one of the boat companies slogans reads “All who drift, are … Read more

Spring Sunshine, Snowpack, and Surprises

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Spring Sunshine, Snowpack, and Surprises Been pretty nice here on the river. Good fishing, good weather, fresh air. But, as I write this Wednesday evening it is snowing hard, with an inch on the ground in the past 30 minutes. So the title of this blog could possibly be Spring in the Rockies. Spring … Read more

Saturday March 21st

Saturday March 21st Spring in Craig Montana. And in your neighborhood too. The earliest spring equinox in 124 years. It snuck right past me! Maybe you too? Sunny Saturday March 21st. 3rd day of Spring. 50F and yes, sunny. Anglers out on the river breathing fresh spring air. Enjoy the third day of spring whatever … Read more

5 Steps to Summer Success

5 Steps to Summer Success


5 Steps to Summer Success

In this self-isolation period of our lives we need to do something, anything, to keep ourselves busy. Spending time with your fly rod could be just the answer.

We know you always have the best intentions of practicing your fly cast before you arrive at the World Class Dry Fly Arena here in Craig Montana. But sometimes life gets in the way.

Alas, Covid-19 comes along and allows all kinds of time for practice. Now you will NO EXCUSES when you arrive on the Mighty Mo this summer.

  1. Practice Casting. I say this a lot. Practice Casting. If you do, you will catch more fish. Honest. 10 minutes per session. Get yourself a practice rod if you wish or line up your 9 foot 5 weight and get out there. Run through a couple situations that you may encounter on the river. Try casting with your left hand! Can you can the fly accurately in the wind? At 37 feet without the wind? can you get some extra distance from your cast? But the bottom line is that you just want to have that rod in your hand making friends with your brain. The more rod in hand time, the better your success rate on the river this summer!
  2. Organize your kit bag, boat bag, fly fishing closet. The biggest task on this is becoming familiar with our tools. And tossing out shit you do not need. Or giving it away. That garbage has to go. Any of those items you are saving for your grandkids…toss out or give to charity. Then buy them something they want, or is designed for them, at that moment. ‘Nuff said.
  3. Create a valid First Aid Kit. I like to have all kinds of care items in my kit from an arm splint, eye irrigant, Benadryl , Ibuprofen, Whiskey, lots of Band-Aids in varying sizes!, Neosporin. The ready to go kits are pretty awesome. It is better than most have already in their boats or vehicles. We love the first aid kit offerings from NRS in Idaho. Put one in your car too!
  4. Tie some Just Add Vise Kit Flies. Fruit Roll-Up? Face Plant? Rainbow Czech. Bubble Yum? Corn-Fed Caddis?. Ohh, all good my friends!
  5. Fantasize about summer fly fishing. That is what I do. Close my eyes and watch mental movies of PMD’s coming through the surface! Ohh, yeah, that’s nice.

And, that is all you can do. Practice, organize, fantasize, wash your hands.

PS If you have not read our Covid-19 operations update, it is here.

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Spring Training Video


Spring Training Video

IT is here. Spring is here in Craig. I felt it last week. A Nic spring afternoon, that felt like spring.

While you may not be able to attend your kids basketball game, cause it is cancelled, you can still go outside.

Why not take that basketball player out to the stream. The original social distancing. You will both get some should points for that activity.

Check out this video from a number of years ago. All fishing done with a dry fly. A fun day for sure. That is out there.

Wait until the snow stops flying here in the canyon…and then step into the river.

The fish could be rising. Let’s hope so.

That would feel good right now.[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Thursday Throwback Ants

Thursday Throwback Ants

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Thursday Throwback Ants High water this coming year? We don’t think so. This image of creepy ants is from 2010. A high water year for sure. Does not look like we will see this kind of run-off this year. Unless it starts raining cats and dogs sometime in the next month. And that could … Read more

Thin Mint JAV Tying Video


Thin Mint JAV Tying Video

Snow day here on the Mighty Mo. a great day to spin up a few flies. And why not tie up the Thin Mint for your next visit to the Mighty Mo?

Or use it on your local resource. It’ll work anywhere. This adaptation of the classic Woolley Bugger.

Order your Just Add Vise (JAV) Kit here. Easy peasy. It’ll arrive on your doorstep in a couple days.[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Friday Foto It's March

Friday Foto It’s March!

Friday Foto It’s March 71F today on the river. Calm for the morning session, windy for the afternoon. Tonight possible snow flurries. Again on Saturday nite too. Montana. Spring. Normal. SNAFU. The fishing is picking up. Along with the springlike weather the water temps may start their annual climb out of the cellar. A bundle … Read more

Montana Fishing Film Festival in Helena Friday March 6th

Montana Fishing Film Festival in Helena Friday March 6th


Montana Fishing Film Festival

Montana Fishing Film Festival in Helena Friday March 6th at the Grandstreet Theater.

Put together by Matt Devlin of Missoula Montana. These are film by Montanans for Montanans. Unique in that sense. Really cool.

We had the films in Craig for a couple years and truly enjoyed the format.

Go see the 2020 selection this coming Friday nite in downtown Helena. Fun times. A good stoke.


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Late Winter Fishing Report

Late Winter Fishing Report by Richard

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Late Winter Fishing Report by Richard The weather has been unseasonably warm, which typically means the wind is turned up to 11. Controlling a drift boat in gusty conditions can be difficult to say the least, but the rewards can be totally worth it if you’re willing to get blown around a bit. Here’s … Read more

In defense of Dry FLy Anlgers

In Defense of Dry Fly Anglers

I wrote a recent blog reminding us, we, the industry need to be a aware of the wants and needs of all anglers. Reminding us that whether you be a nympher, a streamer junkie, or a dry fly fanatic there is a place for you in this widely accepting recreation group. While some of us … Read more

Dry Fly Anlgers

News Flash. Not all anglers want to be dry fly anglers!

I’ve been rolling around a personal progression of fly fishing for a couple years and as of late it has been haunting me daily. I believe that we, as an industry, are educating our anglers in an improper way. We are giving the perception that if you do not want to dry fly fish, that … Read more

50/50 On the Water Film Tour

Bozeman Thursday @ 630 Rialto 50/50 On the Water Film Tour

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] 50/50 On the Water Film Tour   For those in Bozeman check out the 50/50 On the Water Tour at the Rialto Thursday February 27th 630 pm sponsored by the Fishing Outfitter Association of Montana. [/vc_column_text][vc_video link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Winter Day Dreaming

Winter Day Dreaming  Another installment of Dick Magill. Angler. Thanks for the great summer story today Richard. I too am looking forward to the summer season. Not that I don’t like spring, and I don’t really like winter…summer keeps my motor running. Long days, warm evenings, frothy Margarita’s, PMD’s. Ahhh. Summer. I’m getting really excited … Read more

The Police Live at Beat Club 1978

The Police Live at Beat Club 1978

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] The Police Live at Beat Club 1978 Showed off the Chameleons this past week. But they do not compare to the talent in this late punk band. The Police. The Police had a hand in shaping the music of the 80’s. Pretty strong showing. Raw talent. Honed. Practiced. Edgy. Punk-ish. Just like a young … Read more

Friday Foto Hardy Country

Friday Foto Hardy Country

Friday Foto Hardy Country Windy. Warmer. Still winter like here in the canyon and beyond. The weekend even warmer. And probably windy. February is nearly over. Hooray. My least favorite part of the year. By a wide margin. March is around the corner. Hooray. More midges. That is good. Have a great weekend. HH open … Read more

#TBT Headhunters Fly Shop OG Dry Fly Video


#TBT Headhunters Fly Shop OG Dry Fly Video

This is our original promo video from 2009. HH opened the doors April 4th 2008. Scumliner’s first video for HH of Craig. Of course he then went on to shoot some killer vids over the years including back to back Drake Magazine Trout Film of the Year Humor Category.

Enjoy on this February Thursday.

Still winter here in Craiglandia.

Book your Spring Special Trip today. Guide Trips $400 March 15th thru April 30 2020. This could be our last Spring Special. Next year, 2021 we are going to two rates. Off Season $450 Thanksgiving thru April 15th. Peak Season $600 April 16th thru Thanksgiving.[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Casting Video Straight Rod Tip Path


Casting Video Straight Rod Tip Path

The rod tip path has to be straight.

Convex round rod tip path does not work if you want to improve or move forward in any way in your fly fishing career.

Dropping the rod tip on the fore-cast is never a good idea.

Never. Never ever. It never ever works well. Ever. It is a physics equation, and you folks who are god like…it does not work for you either.

Never. Ever. Never ever.

Enjoy this tip this Sunday.

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Shane Wilson Netjob guide

Mid February Fly Fishing Report Montana’s Missouri River

Mid February Fly Fishing Report Montana’s Missouri River Fished yesterday with HH Guide Shane Wilson and friend Adam Craig to Stickney. Had a great time. Fished a couple hours. Not hard. Social yes, fishing yes, lots of fishing energy, no. A short fishing session with air temp 22F, calm, partly overcast. Breeze came up from … Read more

Bubble Yum Scud Tying Video

Bubble Yum Scud Tying Video

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Bubble Yum Scud Tying Video Tie this up for winter, spring, and early summer. The large tungsten bead can get you to the zone without adding split shot to your line. Fewer hinge points means fewer tangles. And fewer tangles are good! 7wt came up with this pattern that fish just love. A scud … Read more

2020 Fly Fishing Film Tour Stoke Trailer


2020 Fly Fishing Film Tour Stoke Trailer

Tonight in Helena Montana Grandstreet Theater 7pm.

A whole lotta fishing tonight, in the capitol.

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Sunday Surf Flick 1965 Duke Kahanamoku Invitational

Sunday Surf Flick 1965 Duke Kahanamoku Invitational


Sunday Surf Flick 1965 Duke Kahanamoku Invitational

Snow on the ground here in Craig.

Blowing pretty hard around the river.

Some may stay home and watch this cool Hawaiian Surf Flick.

Others may tune into the XFL!

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Guiding for the Future

Guiding 4 the Future

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Guiding 4 the Future A great cause. Shane Wilson and I attended this past year. Shane was the outstanding student of the course, scoring a perfect score on the final exam. And winning a sweet Sage Ignitor courtesy of Sage Fly Rods. We have a couple of our guides headed to the course for … Read more