Ha! Dry Fly Action.

Ha! Dry Fly Action.

We are as happy as pigs in shit. The fishing is fantastic and getting better daily. Bugs, bugs, and sometimes more bugs. Of the baetis variety. Streamers work too. Ha! Dry Fly Action. Cooler weather, more overcast skies, and swift Fly-Agra sales in the shop. October 2013. It’s Good.

Missouri River Foundation

Missouri River Foundation Meeting

You are invited to the first meeting of the Missouri River Foundation. Meeting at Missouri River Ranch Monday October 21st @ 5pm. Guest Speakers Richard Lessner of the Madison River Foundation and Brandon Hoffner of the Henry’s Fork Foundation will talk about the formation of their foundations and describe projects they’ve undertaken to benefit their … Read more

Missouri River Fishing Report

Missouri River Fishing Report 10.9.13

It is on. This is the report to let you know that the dry fly fishing is valid. It’s legit. It’s on. The big bugs are not here, yet. I did see one yesterday. That means they are near. They are evident subsurface as we have been catching trout on bigger PT’s for a month … Read more

New Breed Chicks Rule

New Breed Chicks Rule # 567

Michelle with this beautiful Rainbow today on the Headhunters Blog. Hey, all you readers out there, send us your New Breed Images. We’d love to showcase them here on this very blog page. Send to mark@headhuntersflyshop.com w/ New Breed in the title line and he will get them up in the future. He has a … Read more

Missouri RIver Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 10.6.13

Warm and windy today on Montana’s Missouri River. Temps in the 60’s and wind in the teens. Good stuff? No? Slower traffic on the river today with football match-ups keeping some away. Sounds good to me. Not many though, lots of wade fishermen here this weekend. Missouri River Fishing Report Streamer Bite The high and … Read more

Headhunters Fly Shop

Morning Session @ Headhunters Fly Shop

Having a ball @ Headhunters Fly Shop this morning and every morning. October is a good time in Craig Montana. Get after it.   P.S. The fishing is shit hot! Headhunters Fly Shop. The information source for all things fly fishing Ā Missouri River Montana

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 10.5.13

Sun and cool temperatures for this weekend. Do we like the sun this time of year? Oh, we’d rather it hide behind a enormous bank of clouds, but who can be that choosey. I like the looks of the light rain and overcast skies in the near future! Daytime temps are very comfortable and the … Read more

Shades of Fall

Shades of Fall | Fishing Report

As the snow fall this morning I am reminded that we are heading headlong into my favorite time of year. The colors changing, the browns spawning, the pace slowing as the days become shorter. The fishing is just fantastic. But, any day can certainly give you fits. I have had some fits this last week. … Read more

Missouri River Trout Numbers Good

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 9.30.13

Trout as long as your leg here on the Missouri River. Get out your high wind gear today folks as it is blowing to beat the band. Having said that, the fishing is really, really good. The only exception being the dam. And, with the potential closure of the government tonight, that won’t be an … Read more

Sunday Scenery

Sunday Scenery | Early Fall Edition

Get here now. Or next month. It is getting serious. Today, wind. Tomorrow, wind. Tuesday, psuedo’s again. BWO’s on the porch, and they are struggling to enter the fray. Yep. Sunday Scenery today on Headhunters Blog. Your information, education, customer service…and Entertainment Guru’s on Montana’s Missouri River. Thanks for watching.


Pennsylvania Power & Light Sells Montana Dams

PPL sell Montana dams to, forthcoming, Northwestern Energy. Big news in Montana, these parts for sure. Will this change the operation of said dams? No. ā€œPPL clearly wants to get out of Montana,ā€ Toole said. ā€œSo, good riddance to them. Too bad they took so much of our money, and I sure hope theyā€™re not … Read more

Missouri river mayfly nymphs

Missouri River Mayfly Nymphs

All you need to get through your nymphing session on the Missouri is a pocketful of mayfly nymphs. And maybe a Scud or two. A sow, a worm…or another mayfly nymph like a giant P-Tail up top! Missouri River Mayfly Nymphs The nymphing in Zeptember is off the charts. Bot every September is this good. … Read more

Friday Foto

Friday Foto | Eagle Angler Edition

Yes, this guy is a good angler. Fisher-bird Eagle. His nest is just around the corner, so the commute is not too far. Inclement weather brought us the best fishing this fall. Yet. More ahead? Foreshadowing the future? Yes, I, we, he, she…all believe so. You can either watch this blog and curse at yourself … Read more

Don’t forget about Zeptember

Nobody’s Fault but Mine… Robert Plant claims to have sold his soul to the devil for Led Zeppelin success. I did the same here on the Missouri River. Although some days it does not seem to be working…     Achilles Last Stand.. Zeppelin and September go hand in hand. Zeppelin rocks. September rocks. Watch … Read more

Water Temps

Missouri River Water Temps | The right direction

Moving the right direction for the fall. This is the chart we like to see. No dramatic ups or downs. Just a steady fall towards the 50’s. lue Winged insects like the 50’s Wednesday saw overcast all day long, with a fantastic Psuedo hatch for many afternoon hours. The fish did get on them, on … Read more

Rio Fly Line Cleaning Towelette

Rio Fly Line Cleaning Towelette

Squeeky’s #1 Favorite Fly Fishing Item. Bar None. Rio’s Fly Line Cleaning Towelette. Money. Use this towelette many times per day for fly line health. I find myself using it about 3 times per day. Strictly personal use. It is the tool, the vehicle, the fly line…that delivers the fly to the target. Why wouldn’t … Read more

Missouri River Fishing Report

Missouri River Fishing Report 9.23.13

Scumliner stated in the Fall is for Streamers that while summer is still in our minds, and has been on the river too, fall is coming. True, fall is coming, and some of it will be here this week! Windy weather forecast for today and the midweek we see the real deal. Wednesday a high … Read more

Sunday Scenery

Sunday Scenery | Fish Tail

Good Sunday. Warm fall weather, pleasant temps, and sunshine w/ a chance of showers today! Feels like fall. Happy Sunday today. Stop by the shop for deals on gear. Then go fish. You have to. It’s is a day of rest. Rest in the drift boat. Just don’t let the row boy rest too much!

Missouri River Fishing Report

Missouri River Fishing Report 9.21.13

Lots happening this weekend on the Missouri River. The fishing is good, the fellowship is fun, and the Headhunters Sale and BBQ kicks off today! Why aren’t you here? Oh, you are waiting for the baetis? Yah, we are too. But until then we have strong fishing via the nymph, the streamer,a dn the blond … Read more

Missouri River Fishing Report

Missouri River Fishing Report 9.20.13

Good to great depending on who you talk to. The fishing can be real good if you get the flies in front of the fish. The difficult part of fly fishing the Missouri, is just that. Getting the fly in front of the feeders, the feeding trout. If you are, you will be rewarded. Quite … Read more

New Breed Chicks Rule

New Breed Chicks Rule | Squeeky’s Favorite Girl

Yep, Squeeky’s hot wife Danielle today on New Breed Chicks Rule, nepotism edition. Danielle loves to fish hoppers and be guided. Who doesn’t is my question. While we are on the subject of New Breed Chicks, check out our current contest Chicks Rule, Boys Drool. Send in your pics for fabulous prizes. And the fame … Read more

Missouri River Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 9.18.13

It is as good as you are. Truth today on Headhunters Missouri River Montana Fishing Report. Missouri River Fishing Report Some key points to make your day here on the Missouri River even better than it already will be. Yep, sage advice from the voice of reason here on your favorite river in America. Keep … Read more

Missouri River Fishing Report

Missouri River Fishing Report 9.16.13

Getting better every day. Really a nice September shaping up here on the Missouri River. Nymphing is the most popular fishing style but that does not mean it is always the best. Many are blind fishing big hoppers, terrestrials, ants, beetles, sunken caddis, Callebaetis, October Caddis. A long list of possibilities for angling success. That … Read more

Indicator Fetish

I Have an Indicator Fetish

Bob Glassen with aĀ  great Blog today about his obsession with Indicators. We know you fellers are out there with similar issues…I may fall into this category too!   If youā€™ve seen me on the river, you know I spend a lot of time nymphing.Ā  Iā€™ll confess that I spend almost as much time thinking … Read more

4 flies for fall

4 Flies for Fall | October Caddis

Going in the canyon in the next few weeks? Well, if you are…take a few of these patterns along for subsurface surprises. The October Caddis must be around because these have been producing deep in the mornings and shallow in the afternoons. Fish it as deep as you want. Buckets, eddies, and riffles will all … Read more

New Breed Chicks Rule

New Breed Chicks Rule

Coming into fall and Rainbows are out and about. Like this one. New reed Chicks Rule! We love seeing gals on the river! Thanks Libby for your trout fishing prowess! You certainly do rule New Breed Chicks do Rule!

Pretty Damn Good

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 9.9.13

Consensus taken on the porch at Headhunters Fly Shop Monday afternoon…guides, guests, fly fishing wanderers, bikers, and even a few worm tossers were surveyed. The answer? Pretty damn good man. Yes, pretty damn good indeed. Missouri River Montana Fishing Report | Pretty Damn Good Version Hot flies are flying out of the shop this week. … Read more

Missouri River September Nymphs

September Missouri River Nymphs

We are headlong into September and time for a nymph update. It is good. Great? No, we have not reached that stage yet. Definition of great is different for different folks and different rivers…when it is great here, your arm truly is sore from fighting Missouri River trout. I use great in the connotation of … Read more

Headhunters Fly Speculation

Headhunters Fly Guru Ninch and Jake from Montana Fly Company hammering out a few specifics of flies for the coming year. Of course we have some fresh magic for in store for 2014. Ninch is masterminding the flies, fantasizing really, of your future. Just like a personal shopper @ Nordstroms, Ninch is your personal fly … Read more

Sunday Scenery

Sunday Scenery

Sunday Scenery from Headhunters Fly Shop. Enjoy your day. We will too. It’s overcast and calm this morning. The image above from Friday morning. Make your own scenic memories here on Montana’s finest trout fishery. We’ll reserve a spot for your boat too…

Storm Coming

Storm Coming

Storm Coming this weekend. Friday too. Saturday morning, still raining. Thunderstorms and lightening and all that comes with the mayhem here in Montana. Got some precipitation with these random and rolling storms. We could do without the lightening. Bring your raingear in the boat, on your back, or in the rig. You may just need … Read more

Harvest Time

Harvest Time | Friday Foto

Cleaning up the wheat fields here on the Missouri River near Craig. Vacation time again for many anglers as the August heat has passed allowing for better dry fly fishing. The bite has not been bad, not at all. The dry fly blind bite. Hoppers, beetles, ants, Callibaties Spinners, down-winged caddis, even blind fishing a … Read more

Missouri River Fishing Report

Missouri River Fishing Report 9.6.13

We are so fortunate to live and work here on the Missouri River with the size and mass of this fine river allows us to stay healthy for much longer than the other rivers around us. We feel for those who are not as fortunate. Those on the Blackfoot have to deal with a closure … Read more

Guides So Nice

Guides so nice…

…we wait for the traffic to pass before we proceed. Wildlife on Montana’s Missouri River is pretty special. The entire state of Montana holds viewing opportunities for amazing nature experiences. This last week we have seen cow Elk, White Tails, Mule Deer, fox, Rocky Mtn. Sheep, Eagles, Goldens too, Osprey, Western Grebe, Blue Heron, Mink, … Read more

Wader Repair

Wader Repair | Aquaseal & Cotol 240

You remember when you tossed those leaky waders in the trunk of your Chevy and told yourself to fix those shitty leaky waders before fall, and streamer fishing…up to your nuts. Now is the time to get those baby’s out and repaired. All you need is a tube of Aquaseal and a bottle of Cotol-240. … Read more

Missouri River Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report | Sept. 3rd

Just the facts today on the Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service Fly Fishing Report. Water Temps: 64F in the mornings, 67F in the afternoons. Cooling nightly. Water Flows: 2950cfs. Low, yes. Combo of low water and cooler night temps means falling water temps sooner. BWO’s, sooner. Maybe a pipe dream for the author. Always … Read more

Missouri River Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 9.1.13

September 1st and all is well. The river is fishing good enough for most and we are excited about getting ine day closer to fall. Summer will stick around for a few more days, or weeks. Then the fall goodness will begin. Until then, we are in a holding pattern of good fishing in the … Read more

Not Yet

Not Yet…

Not for another month. Or sooner if the water temperature cools rapidly, which it may. First we must get rid of this fireball and cover it nicely with some clouds. Psuedo hell will ensue, before the big blue winged friends arrive. Hotter than hell for the remainder of the weekend. Then cooler? Successful BBQ last … Read more

Silly Saturday Scenery

Silly Saturday Scenery

Insert you, here. Bring a friend if you want, there are two chairs. High and bright for the weekend with great holiday weather on tap. Light winds as well. BBQ tonight @ Headhunters, well this afternoon beginning about 1pm. Some cool shit on sale too. Labor Day Weekend in full effect. Get outside and do … Read more

Missouri River September Flies

Missouri River September Dry Flies

Is September a great dry fly month? No, not really. Can you dry fly fish in the month of September? oh, yeah. What you will see in the month? Some caddis and some Psuedocloens and some Callibaetis and some terrestrial action too. Will it all drive you absolutely nuts? Yes, of course. While September is … Read more