Hutterite or Wrong

The Hutterite or Wrong?

A couple of our guide just love the Driftwood in Cascade Montana. A bar with a grill. In central Montana.

And they ought-ta like it. There are not a large number of restaurants in our neighborhood. The Missouri River Inn went south, again. The Oasis and The Frenchman in WC are going strong. Izaak’s is scheduled to open April 3rd. More on that later.

Hutterite or Wrong
Hutterite or Wrong?

Back to the Driftwood, again for the 3rd time this Spring. I promise this is the last blog regarding the Driftwood in Cascade. Seems like the boys like to write about this spot.

One Trick Pony? Maybe.

Thankfully these two have redeeming guide qualities. They certainly know where the fish live…

The object of this blog, included in the title, is a burger aptly named the Hutterite at said bar in Cascade.

It is a hot dog, an egg, a couple O-Rings, a patty, cheese, and May-o-naise.

No lettuce or tomato. Might ruin it?

So what is a Hutterite you say? The Hutterites are a colony of folks…well here is the Wiki definition below.

Hutterites (German: Hutterer) are a communal branch of Anabaptists who, like the Amish and Mennonites, trace their roots to the Radical Reformation of the 16th century. Since the death of their namesake Jakob Hutter in 1536, the beliefs of the Hutterites, especially living in a community of goods and absolute pacifism, have resulted in hundreds of years of diaspora in many countries. Nearly extinct by the 18th and 19th centuries, the Hutterites found a new home in North America. Over 125 years their population grew from 400 to around 42,000. Today, most Hutterites live in Western Canada and the upper Great Plains of the U.S.

So here goes. A poem again from Jared, his second. With help from his sidekick Peter. Buckle up readers.

The Hutterite or Wrong.


Ooohhhh….beef patty.

The hot dog coming

out of the fog

A little cheese with that bacon

We ain’t fakin’

If things look vague

put on a fukinegg

Cram an onion ring in there

and Let the bun

have some fun.


Hutterite or Wrong
Now framed at Peter’s new house. Much to his fiance’s chagrin…

Written by Peter and Jared.

Yes, these two are fly fishing guides. Not poets, thespians, or genius’. Fishing guides.

We know they are beyond help. But if you want to give either one of these fellas your poetry grade, your reviews, or just stuff a sock in their pieholes…you can book them for a Spring Special Guide Trip for a mere $300 til April 30th. Tie it all in with cheap lodging at Craig Trout Camp. A good weekend, or midweek trip to the  Missouri River.

Thanks for reading. We promise the content will improve tomorrow…


PS: If their guiding skills were as poor as their poetry skills…they’d be working somewhere else!


Waters of March

Waters of March | Classic Jobim

I don’t know if you are a Bossa Nova fan, but I am.

With all the water and snow and rain and such this March I find myself singing this tune over and over in my head this early season.

Spring is here, we think, and the Waters of Defrost are occurring.

If you are a Jobim fan you already know this tune. Even if you are not, you have probably heard this tune. Get a little Brazilian today in your cubicle…you might need it.

Wikipedia says…

Waters of March” (Portuguese: Águas de Março) is a Brazilian song composed by Antonio Carlos Jobim. Jobim wrote both the English and Portuguese lyrics.[1] The lyrics, originally written in Portuguese, do not tell a story, but rather present a series of images that form a collage; nearly every line starts with “É…” (“[It] is…”).[1] In 2001, “Águas de Março” was named as the all-time best Brazilian song in a poll of more than 200 Brazilian journalists, musicians and other artists conducted by Brazil’s leading daily newspaper, Folha de São Paulo.[1]

The inspiration for “Águas de Março” comes from Rio de Janeiro‘s rainiest month. March is typically marked by sudden storms with heavy rains and strong winds that cause flooding in many places around the city. The lyrics and the music have a constant downward progression much like the water torrent from those rains flowing in the gutters, which typically would carry sticks, stones, bits of glass, and almost everything and anything. The orchestration creates the illusion of the constant descending of notes much like Shepard tones.

In both the Portuguese and English versions of the lyrics, “it” is a stick, a stone, a sliver of glass, a scratch, a cliff, a knot in the wood, a fish, a pin, the end of the road, and many other things, although some death references to Brazilian culture (festa da cumeeira, garrafa de cana), flora (peroba do campo) and folklore (Matita Pereira) were intentionally omitted from the English version, perhaps with the goal of providing a more universal perspective. All these details swirling around the central metaphor of “the waters of March” can give the impression of the passing of daily life and its continual, inevitable progression towards death, just as the rains of March mark the end of a Brazilian summer. Both sets of lyrics speak of “the promise of life,” perhaps death, more life-affirming interpretations, and the English contains the additional phrases “the death in your heart” and the “promise of spring,” a seasonal reference that would be more relevant to most of the English-speaking world.

When writing the English lyrics, Jobim endeavored to avoid words with Latin roots, which resulted in the English version having more verses than the Portuguese. Nevertheless, the English version still contains some words from Latin origin, such as promise, dismay, plan, pain, mountain, distance and mule. Another way in which the English lyrics differ from the Portuguese is that the English version treats March from the perspective of an observer in the northern hemisphere. In this context, the waters are the “waters of defrost” in contrast to the rains referred to in the original Portuguese, marking the end of summer and the beginning of the colder season in the southern hemisphere.

Two versions today on the Headhunters Blog. The English and the classic too.

The real story behind Jobim’s Waters of March, Aguas de Marco here on

Stevie Wonder with Daniel Jobim in this vid…





The original in Portuguese here…



Hump Day Trout

Missouri River Hump Day Trout

Missouri River Hump Day Trout is a Brown Trout with Headhunters Guide Jared Edens.

Fishing in reaches other than the top end is in vogue as we move through the latter week of March.

It’s WFO. Yo.

This is the fishing report for the Missouri River today. Brown Trout are out.

You should be in.

We’re here daily with lodging options for those who end up in Craig.


We know. That’s how most of us got here.

Shop open at 8am for those who need coffee at the end of a long journey…

…where you ended up here on Bridge Street in Trout Town.

Montana’s Trout Town.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 3.25.14

The short fishing report from the info source Headhunters this morning.

The last week brought us snow and cold temps. This week, starting today brings us much warmer temperatures and no snow. Just rain.

Fishing is good. For many it is not great. The water levels have some grasping at straws. I know the feeling. Fished with Andy form Colorado yesterday and caught some nice trout. But they were not always easy to find.

The fish certainly have spread out in the watery freedom they have be granted. They are in all the normal spots. Slow and deep, faster and shallower, medium speed runs, deep slack eddy’s, and a few other locales as well. I just did not find them all. Definitely not. The river certainly is much bigger.

Worms and pink lead the charge with the BWO/Midge stuff coming in second place. Make sure you got them all in your boat bag/fly boxes before you get out on the  water.

A handful of boats on the water this weekend with Saturday afternoon turning out to be the jewel. Sunday more snow and north winds.

This week we will have more spring like conditions. Today: Mostly sunny, with a high near 47. South wind 6 to 8 mph.

Does that jive with your fishing schedule?


Dries? Too windy to bring too many up yesterday, but that is changing. I predict this will be the week the  irk comes off. Or next week?

Streamers? Yep, with tips. Get them deep. Swinging at the tail ends of islands? Finding the perfect depth is harder with the flows.

Missouri River Montana Fishing ReportFlows @ 6360cfs and water temps 37.5F. All good. Will be up for some time, we think with the low level snow and rains.

The high level snow and such has not moved. It has just been added to as the snows low come and go while the snows in the hills is staying put. We will open Pandora’s Box with the water meeting April 11th in Helena.

The shop is going through some changes this week as the counter got torn out yesterday. New fixtures for reels, lines, rods…all arriving this week. We will jam them into place and get on with the end of March.

The Spring Special continues with guides out this week. Guides out last week were treated with good fishing from the Dam to Cascade. You coming?

Shop open daily @ 8am with shuttles, flies, info, coffee, fly rods, cheap guide trips, fishing licenses, tippet, bobbers, split shot, waders and anything you may need for your trip to the Missouri River.


Chronic Kreinik Connection

Chronic Kreinik Connection @ Headhunters Fly Shop

The Chronic Kreinik Connection in the central Montana region is located in downtown Craig. Yes, at Headhunters Fly Shop.

We got yer back bro’. You need, you desire, you demand the Cheronic?

We got it. The Chronic Kreinik Connection is hard to find.

I don’t trust those who say they got it, and then they don’t.

Not a product to lie about.

images 6The key to the Kreelex Streamer Pattern that sells and fishes like a bat on fire. Better though.

While we have well over 100 streamer patterns in the cozy fly bins @ Headhunters, the Kreelex lives in the spot light.

We got ’em in a few flavors for Missouri River Trout Lovin’. For the love of trout. For the love of selection. For you.

We have several colors of Kreinik in stock and we have the wildly popular Just Add Vise Kreelex kit too. We got you any way you want it.



Check it out for Kreelex love!

Missoiuri RIver Montana Fishing Images

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 3.23.14

Looks like a better week coming at us. We are moving from snow and 30’s to sun and 40’s to rain and 50’s.

You like apples?

Tumultuous and wonderful all in the same breath.

Fishing? Good. Folks wandering around in all reaches of the Missouri and finding success. Where is your favorite run? You can pick and choose.

You like the lower? Do it. You like the Dam? Do that. You like the shadows of the canyon? Get in there.

Your best bet is your best bet.

Sunday and all is well. Continued anglers crawling out of their winter caves and finding Craig Montana as their temporary fishing release daily. Some come for the weekend. Some come for the week.

Just one question.

When you comin’?

The weather is the key for you comfort. If you don’t like Montana in the winter or the spring…don’t come.

If you like trout fishing before the pressure increases then come now.

We have cabins, guides, and a spot for you.

Check out the forecast and plan accordingly.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 3.23.14

For those who fish here is the latest on the latest…Nymphing heating up as the water temps reach to the 37F mark., Seems like every one degree higher the mercury creeps the fish just get hotter. And in such chilly watery conditions. 37F is good. 38F is better. How abotu 40F. Watch out.

Next thing you know there will be baetis littering the surface of Mother Mo.

You may want to come for that. In the mean time we are waiting for the Midge Explosion 2014. Not here yet. Damnit. Maybe this week. Maybe. We’ll let you know about two days after it happens…that is when it will register. The first day can be an anomaly and those who are here get first whack at them. Just how it goes man.

So how goes your addiction. Are you ready to come, or will you wait for the BWO’s? The Midge? The Skwala? The Caddis in May? Or are you a PMD man?

Everybody has their weakness.

If you happen to be on your way, in your car, following this blog closely then you should be aware of the current conditions.


Water temps are in the 37F range and will move upwards this week. A couple strong temps days in the hi 50’s will move it more rapidly. But in time. Anything worthwhile is worth waiting for. Patience.

Still not too fantastic a dry fly bite. Although they are near the surface in some slack ass backwater areas. You can toss it out and wait. Some trout may find it attractive, edible. Start looking more this week. It really is about time. The mid month mark is generally the front end. Some years it comes early, earlier. But in reality not by much. Too cold, the water temps this winter.

Swingers are attaching tips and getting a bit deeper. Come in for suggestions and reminders that the water is a bit deeper. Careful wading to some of those islands you have become comfortable visiting. Be aware the water is up. Flows are 6340cfs at press time.

Tributaries are clean and clear and no problems there.

Shuttles daily, shop open at 8am, free coffee, don’t mind our construction we are always open for you the Missouri River angler.

Thanks for your support the previous 6 years. We appreciate you as a customer. Come by and say hello.


Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 3.22.14

Clean, clear and just fine. The answer to many phone calls today.

Yes, this is normal. Normal happens here on the Missouri River, and probably your home river too, so rarely that sometimes we forget that river flows int he 5K plus range are historically average fro the spring. We as anglers have short term memories. A pretty common trait for participants in the attainment of trouts on the fly. I meant to say trouts.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report
Good looking Missouri River nymph selection @ Headhunters in Craig

So Clean, Clear and just Fine is the answer. Enjoy the changing conditions. The medium and long term resident anglers remember many years upon the average winter flow was 5000cfs. But, not as common as of late.

The snow is still falling from the skies daily. Little to no accumulation here in the tiny fishing ‘burb of Craig Montana. The ground is certainly moist though. Feels like winter most of the days too. Yesterday’s hi of 23F. Pretty chilly. Today we are looking at light snow and 37F. Call for the up to the minute weather and fishing report. We’ll pick up the phone.


The flies that are hot for the tail end of March as per our customer purchasing tracking include…
  • Nymphs: Tungsten Lightening Bug Pearl #18, Ray Charles Gray #16, Rainbow Czech Nymph #12, Tungsten PT #18, Tuttle’s Scuddle Sow #16, Mason’s Peep Show Dark #16, Little Green Machine #16, Caviar Scud #12, Jake’s Flash-a-midge Red #18, Tungsten Rainbow Warrior #16, BH SJW Red #12, BH Poxyback Rainbow Sowbug #14, Hot Belly PT Purple #18, Magic Fly Tungsten BWO #18, BH Midge Pupa #18, Tungsten Ju-Ju Baetis #16, BH Zebra Midge #18.
  • Streamers: Galloup’s Sex Dungeon White #2, Stay Hungry Streamer Chart./White or Shiner Flavor #2, Home Invader in Olive/Griz or White #6, Poodle Diver Flesh/Cream #4, Haymaker Sculpin Psychyodelic #4, Foxy Clouser #4, Coyote Clouser #4, Yuk Bug Black #6, Tak Mini Minnow Rainbow #8.
  • Dries: G-Man, Quigley’s Cluster Midge #16, Buzzballs, Reneball by Domonick, GT’s Triple, Parachute Adams #12-22 and many more…


Water temperatures have climbed above 37F. Nice. The flows are waning at 6320cfs. Looks, feels, and fishes well at these flows. The river is breathing a sigh of relief as it is double the flow of the last 18 months. The 6K’s feel good.

Shop open at 8am daily with guided fishing trips for cheap, shuttles, your Craig MT lodging source, the most complete fly selection on the river, helpful staff, friendly free coffee and smiles…and the honest scoop on all things Missouri River.

Missoiuri RIver Montana Fishing Report
Flies in from Solitude this week
Friday Foto Redux

Friday Foto Redux

After seeing the Headhunters Fly Shop Blog Friday Foto post Patrick emailed yesterday morning with this update on his fishing career. Unfortunately the full time part has been interrupted…

Patrick Speaks

Friday Foto Redux
Patrick rocking it Winter Rainbow Style
Thanks for the 15 minutes of fame, that was a truly great day of fishing. Thanks Mark!
I am still shaggy, a lot worse really. But you are 100% correct on the begrudgingly involved part. (Pat speaking of the currently employed life)


Here is the updated shag, with a major ling while ice fishing,(4 am, lots of whiskey) and another from the shores of the lower Madison which has become my go to slay spot. They’re no Mo fish, but casting to risers all winter is not so bad. 


Hope you are all doing well, take care and hopefully I will see ya sooner than later!
Thanks Pat for the update. We wish you all the best in the near and future future in shedding the day job and getting back to your roots. We encourage that behavior.
Friday Foto

Friday Foto

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]This shaggy cat lived on the banks of the Missouri River for a couple years.

And caught a ton of trout.

A throwback hunter and gatherer Patrick is back int eh work force, begrudgingly.

Trout bums seems to be few and far between. The real starving kind.

While Pat was not starving he did play the role perfectly.

Happy 2nd day of Spring on this Friday. It is supposed to be snowing today.

Doesn’t really feel much like spring to us. But, we know Mother Nature cannot hold out forever.

Only a couple more months.



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Missouri River Montana

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 3.20.14

Rising Tide. The flows are now at 6500cfs+ and it is fishing well.

Remember that it is not 3K anymore and the water is moving faster. And, and it is deeper.

Where do Missouri River Trout live?

Having said that if you think about why fish reside in specific areas you will soon realize that the subsurface structure does not change by adding a foot or two of water on top of said housing. Therefore trout residences do not move far or at all when we experience higher flows. Just saying’.

Some fish do move towards the bank somewhat as the flows increase, but not always. No hard and fast rules when hunting troutskis.

Water temps are moving slowly upwards dn will again after the next snow storm moves through. Next week sometime. 36F is enough to make the comfort zone not too far away.

Spawning Rainbow Trout

Saw some Redds today out guiding. SO be aware that the Rainbow Spawn will be in effect for a couple months and be aware that if you stomp on them or harass spawning fish they are less likely to procreate efficiently. It’d be like your folks walking into you bedroom while you are making whoopee, throwing Peanut M & M’s at your head and heckling you…

Think about it.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report | March 20th

Flies that are making the grade include Pink LB’s, Amex, Rainbow Czech, Pink Ray Charles, Pink Scuds, WORMS, Rainbow Warrior, Sows, Zebra’s in a few different colors, Dominick’s Dam Midge, Red Flasher, Peep Show, Ju-Ju Baetis.

Steamer flies still in the brown arena, natural tones, yellow and white. Why not give black a try?

Dries? Near, very near. Saw a decent batch of Midges today mid afternoon. Not enough to get too many fish worked up. Saw some splashy play trout but nothing of substance.

New flies still coming in this month. Loading up the bins for Headhunting success. Stop in and see us change throughout the month of March.

Looks like snow for most of the week. At least that is what the forecaster is stating. Will it really snow again? Please don’t answer that question. Spring is coming…I won’t hear of anything else.

Missouri River Weather


Come on out this week and stay with us for cheap. Cabins starting @ $100. Guide Trips $300. We’ll even brush the snow off your windshield for you…and we’ll have hot soup in the boat too!

What do you think of the new updated site? Scumliner working on it and you will see it morph as the week progresses. Look for more long winded articles that will live on the site. How to’s, of course the videos, photo work, product reviews, low brow humor and lame attempts to keep you updated. Yes, the most current Missouri River Fishing Reports with total transparency nearly daily. They will keep coming at you in force as summer approaches…and we are not kidding like many so called fishing websites that promise the moon…and deliver bub-kiss.

Last year we posted on this very blog/fishing report site 758 times. Yep. Honest.

Trust me, I’m a fishing guide.

Keep it tuned here for the most updated, conscious, Missouri River fly fishing and lifestyle information source.

The Russell Art Show

Fish Art Originals at the Russell Art Show this Week-(end)

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Wayne Kolstad from the big city of New Richmond Wisconsin stopped in the store this afternoon and showed us some really cool one of a kind hand carved fish art.

Made of wood, blood, sweat and tears Wayne hand crafts these extremely realistic fish replicas.

The Russell Art Show
The original trout triptych.

Did you catch a big one this last year or you feel it in your bones that you got a big one in your fishing future? Wayne will knock out a knock off that will blow your mind.

Airbrushed and hand scaled with taxidermy quality eyes will keep you staring and admiring these one of kind fish carvings. Check out Wayne’s web site here.

I looked into his van and saw Walleye, carp, trout, panfish, crappie, muskie, a couple wandering ducks, and too many to list. My mind was blown. A full load of beauties headed to Great Falls this weekend for the Wild Bunch Show at the Hampton Inn.

Wayne will be set up at the Hampton Inn Wednesday 5-10pm Thursday thru Saturday 10-10. If you are indeed attending the Russell Art Show also called the Western Art Show you should see Wayne over at the Wild Bunch Show and Sale.

If you need to take a break for the day feel free to call the shop and we will get you into the saddle of a drift boat on the Missouri River.

Enjoy the weekend show as many have been traveling to Great Falls for this world renowned art event for over four decades. You may even bump into Wayne!

The Russell Art Show
You want one of these on your mantle? Your desk?


Missouri River Fishing Report

Missouri River Fishing Report 3.18.14

Missouri River is looking up. The water flows are moving upwards and now holding at 5900cfs. They may have moved again in the recent hours.

We’ll see how the water shakes out as we move into the tail end of the month. We have the Missouri River Water Advisory Committee meeting coming up April 11th in Helena. We’ll of course keep yo informed as we move closer to that date, closer to summer, closer tot eh historical run-off period for the state. Yo can look at Scumliners water report last week if you need some more info.

The river is fishing quite well. We are finally, not that we are behind schedule, but we are now at the spring we like. Warmer daytime temps and temps that reach into the 50’s a couple times a week. Yes, the water levels are at the historical average or just above. Real nice is what that means. We really like a little more water in the river.

Nymphing still the game of choice. It will change in the afternoons as we see more of those damn small clustering midges. The midge is making its first appearances and we can expect them daily in the next couple weeks. Stop in for a midge mania experience with our fully stocked fly bins. Ya know, we added about 400 bins of excellence.

Nymphs that work? The same pink stuff with the FB stuff and some midge stuff. The BWO stuff is the new species in the game. Time to get out some mayfly patterns and begging to tie them on and test the waters.

Dry flies include clusters, single midge patterns or a giant Adams. Or a small Adams. Or a Grifftihs. Or some of you like the Buzzball too.

Streamers? Brown is still on top with Natural next and Gold coming in a close third. Sink tips a good idea as the water column has increased in the last week. For the better.

Weather? Variable spring weather will bring us into the month of April where unusual and sporadic unpredictable weather patterns are normal as well.


Guides out daily, shop open @ 8am tip late, coffee brewing early, flies coming out our ears, rain gear, gloves, hats, hand warmers, new fly rods, fly lines, and all the terminal tackle you will need.

The info is always free…

Spring Training Spring Fishing

Spring Training Spring Fishing.

Love spring. For some the favorite season of the the year.

The grass in becoming greener, the snow is less frequent, the refreshing smells of spring, smiles come easier, and we become comfortable enjoying the longer afternoons and rising temperatures.

The beer on the porch seems to add a spring in our step too! Soon, the BBQ will come out of storage and fire up!

Spring Training Spring Fishing

A pleasant time of the year for all. A time of year to find the pile of fly rods in the corner of the garage and dust it off.

I love Mariner’s Baseball and a number of you like your local teams as well. Peter is an A’s fan, Ben is a Boston fan, Ninch, Stipech and Matula are Detroit fans…who do you root for?

When the Pitchers and Catchers report to spring training I get excited. Excited for the spring baseball, for the daily games on the television, for the awakening of summer. Spring is the precursor to summer. The snowpack is foreshadowing a great water year. Great water years produce lots of trout based on the spawning recruitment. More water creates more habitat for insects.

It’s all good.

The rhythms of baseball and the rhythms of guide life have numerous parallels.

A daily game. Sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose. You play for the sake of playing. You truly enjoy the process, the skill sets, the luck quotient, the sun on your face, the camaraderie amongst fellow guides and anglers, the repetivenss of the cast, the beauty of the sport, the intricacies of the flies, the mechanics of the drift, the minutiae that fly thread coloration makes, the same damn ham sandwich, the opportunity to learn, the length of the Missouri River summer which lasts as long as the major league schedule, the privilege to experience this world class resource on a daily basis.

It’s all good whether it be Spring Training or Spring Fishing.

How are you looking and feeling this spring? Good? Get out the glove or get out the rod and begin to enjoy the season that is upon us.



Headhunters is again offering the Spring Special. Feel like getting your Spring Training started? $300 Guide Trips and lodging starts @ $100.


Craig Caddis Festival 2014

Craig Caddis Festival 2014

Craig Caddis Festival 2014 is coming. Saturday May 17th is the date. Always the 3rd Saturday in May. Spring opener here for Montana creeks and streams. The Dearborn opens on the 17th. All festivities start at 4pm this year with the parade, BBQ Contest, Live music, silent auction, hi-jinks, and the whole 9 yards. Will … Read more

Day 1 Spring Special

Day 1 Spring Special 2014

Day 1 has come and is nearly beyond us here on the Mighty Missouri River near Craig Montana. $300 Guide Trips through then end of April. Day 1 is past and Day 2 will arrive in the morning. We look forward to it. Rental boats out today too. The Project Healing Waters Boats have been … Read more

Friday Foto Fishing Report

Friday Foto Fishing Report

The water is up since the last report, since the last weekend, since the last snow and wind and rain events. Tonight? The Fly Fishing Film Tour stops into Great Falls at the Hilton Garden Inn @ 7:30pm. But the action gets t-rolling about 4:30pm with beers, contests, the best deals on gear all year … Read more

SIMMS Vapor Wading Boot

SIMMS Vapor Wading Boot

“Simply Awesome.” That is the last couple words out of my mouth as I removed the SIMMS Vapor Wading Boot this last week. Headhunters says… | SIMMS Vapor Wading Boot I had worn it two other days and this had been my third use. My first guide day in it meaning the  longest period on … Read more

Missouri River Streamer Short List

Missouri River Streamer Short List

The streamer short list today from the fly gurus at Headhunters Fly Shop. Missouri River Streamer Short List Swingers have been getting them on Brown Skiddish Smolt, Kreelex, and Coffey’s Sparkle Minnow. Strippers have been getting them on Brown Skiddish Smolt, Kreelex, and Coffey’s Sparkle Minnow. As you know, this is only the report. A … Read more

New Boat Smell

New Boat Smell | Spring Edition

New Boat Smell Adipose Flow Style with Headhunters Guide Nick Stipech today. Nick had previously rowed a RO Deville, then a RO El Camino. He is excited about his new purchase. We’ll see Nick on the water gliding expertly and effortlessly to awesome dry fly water. Spring brings out many new exciting fly fishing related … Read more

Day 1

Day 1

Headed out guiding this week as the March Madness begins. Jared has been out already and the rest of the Spring Gang, the Headhunters Crew, is trickling, dribbling into Craig. When do you want to make your arrival known in the fishing capitol of Montana? Day 1 | 2014 Still get pretty excited and nervous … Read more

Missouri River March Fishing Report

Missouri River March Fishing Report

The weather has turned. And we are thankful. This weekend’s Sp[ey Clinic has filled, but a few more spaces in the May 3rd & 4th McCune/Gould Clinic available. Weather? Nice. In the low 50’s yesterday. Felt like 85F to us! [forecast] A number of boats on the water and wade fishers crawled out of their … Read more

Live the Dream

Live the Dream & Buy a Riverside Restaurant

Live the Dream and buy this riverside restaurant at Prewitt Creek. We loved this place, the Missouri River Inn the past couple years. Originally a road house, supper club, the place in the canyon to be, Bud and Joan Osterman owned this joint for generations. Then a few owner/management groups…and now you! The folks who … Read more

Missouri RIver Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 3.3.14

Welcome to March. The landscape is filled with snow, shelf ice, a bundle of birds visiting the only open water in Timbuktu! The weather is heating up this week with air temps in the tolerable range. That below zero shit is not for any angler I know. I bet the ice fishing is good though? … Read more

Piano Pat Sip & Dip Great Falls

If you have not seen Pat at the World Famous Sip & Dip Lounge in Great Falls yet, you need to. Set in a classic, stereotypical, gaudy Tiki Bar motif Pat is the star of the show. You would think that the Sip & Dip Lounge Mermaids would be the attraction, who doesn’t love mermaids, … Read more

Goran Andersson

Goran Andersson | Underhand Casting

This underhanded cast is pretty cool. Watch Goran execute this perfectly. Then wait until the weather warms and go practice. It’ll do you good. Learn more with Headhunters Spey March 8th and McCune/Gould May 3rd.. Spey lessons for all skill levels.    

Closed for the Frigid Weekend

Too damn cold for us. And you too. Temperatures below 0F make it silly for us to be in the shop…and for you to be on the river. Too damn cold. We will be open Monday morning @ 8am for all your Mo River needs. You can contact Julie both Saturday and Sunday @ 406/868-5473 … Read more

Friday Foto

Friday Foto | Trout Dogs

Headhunters Guide Jared Edens and a dog of Nick Stipech making chatting about the day. All trout dogs. Jared, Nick, the lab… Friday Foto | Trout Dogs The last day of fishing for a few days. Big storm is upon us with below 0F and wind included. We will be around today until the snow … Read more

State of the Missouri River

State of the Missouri River. Tonight in Helena!

The annual State of the Missouri River is tonight at Montana Wild in a presentation by Grant Grisak @ 7pm. Check out this presentation sponsored by Pat Barnes Trout Unlimited Helena Chapter. Please come join us on February 26, 2014 for the annual “State-of-the-Missouri River” presentation starting at 7pm at the Montana Wild facility located … Read more

Can I add A Scandi to my Skagit?

Can I add a Scandi to my Skagit?

This article was written for SAGE Current Blog a couple weeks ago. Now we are posting for your pleasure…or who knows. You may just say aghhh baloney. Nevertheless we have our final Free Spey Casting Clinic on March 8th. It has 2 spots available. Interested? Call the Spey Hotline if you want to attend. 406-235-3447 … Read more

SIMMS G3 Waders

SIMMS G3 Bootfoot Waders

It’s here. A Gore-Tex Bootfoot wader from the leading and only American wader manufacturer SIMMS has arrived in downtown Craig. The G3 SIMMS Bootfoot wader is the answer to all those who like easy entry and comfort. The most usable winter wader. Many still go the neoprene route but those are becoming as scarce as … Read more

Missouri River Fly Selection

Missouri River Fly Selection plus 400!

Spring on the Missouri River means greener grass, Midges, Baetis, streamer fishing, and movement at Headhunters Fly Shop. Did you just add 400 more fly bins? You changing the store again? Don’t you guys ever rest? Are you bringing in more Missouri River specific fly patterns? Yes, yes, no, and yes.   We are damn … Read more

Friday Foto

Friday Foto

Friday Foto from out here west of the Mississippi, east of the Continental Divide on Montana’s Missouri River. We are gliding through the winter happier than shit. Not many folks around this winter due to the extreme cold. Oh, and the incessant wind. The fog is lifting on our spring and folks are sneaking around … Read more

Flies for Rivers

Flies for Rivers

Flies for Rivers is a great site with some kick ass flies, for rivers. Mostly an east coast slant as Buck ties flies for rivers he loves. Buck lives in Boise and ties for his local rivers in the West. If you want to turn back the clock and fish some classic patterns, well tied … Read more

Fly Tying Night in America

Fly Tying Night in America | Headhunters Fly Shop

Fly Tying Night in America in Craig Montana Headhunters Fly Shop. Tonight is gonna be a big one. Lots of folks making th journey. And we will tie. Come out and join us this Wednesday February evening for a couple hours of thread spinning, feather tweaking, glue sniffing. Hans Stephenson ties cool flies and produces … Read more

300 Missoiur River Guide Trips

$300 Missouri River Guide Trips | Headhunters Spring Special

Headhunters Fly Shop & Guide Service Annual Spring Special begins March 15th and runs thru April 30th. $300 Guide Trips with your favorite Headhunters Guides. Try on our LOG Trips for $495 with Captain Ryan McCourtney. Yep, Ryan says bring it on. “Fishing is just great in April and I want to introduce a few … Read more

Trout Bum 101

Trout Bum 101

So you wanna be a trout bum. The first thing I would tell you is to finish your degree and pursue a normal career. If you don’t want to go the smart route, and spend the rest of your life having a ball and chasing fish…then jump in with both feet! If you read the … Read more

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 2.18.14

Coming out of the holiday weekend we feel great. Lots of anglers around on Saturday as the weather cooperated the first time in months. Sunny, calm, and just right! As the week moves onward we see temps drop and precip increase. Just like winter is supposed to be. [forecast] As for the fishing report. It … Read more

5 Easy Winter Tasks

5 Easy Winter Tasks

Missouri River Winter Fishing today on the Headhunters Blog with 5 Easy Winter Tasks. while at home dreaming about fishing there are some tasks you can accomplish setting yourself up for the coming season. In many parts of the country you cannot fish all 12 months so you may need something to keep your mind … Read more

SIlly Sunday Scenery

Silly Sunday Scenery

The weather yesterday was just fantastic. Nicest day all winter. Or for quite some time! I think we touched 50F. It sure felt like it. And today? Should be nice, but the wind may come up! If you are coming, call first and we will give you wither the A-OK, or turn that truck around  … Read more

John Prine Whistle and Fish

John Prine Fish and Whistle

John Prine Whistle and Fish Video today on the Headhunters Fly Fishing Blog. John Prine is one of our favorites here in Craig Montana. A couple of our shop staffers, Ninch and Sara, love them some Prine. Today we are teaching Spey Casting at one of our free clinics. Whistle and cast, whistle and fish…both … Read more

Missouri River Presidents Weekend Fishing Report

Missouri River Presidents Weekend Fishing Report

Is winter over here in central Montana? No. But Old Man Winter is giving us a break this holiday weekend! A lighter weather report will allow fishing this weekend without too much pain. The boat ramps are pretty much cleared. Earlier this week we saw drifts and tough ramp conditions but the snow and ice … Read more

Sunday Spey Clinic

Sunday Spey Clinic

A really cold day on the river, practicing 2 handed casting techniques. A number of folks showed and were interested. A lengthy classroom session with a couple hours on the water. Iced guides? Yes, but not enough to discourage us. Not at all. We have part 2 of the split session this coming Saturday. You … Read more

Jared Edens Poetry plus a Taco Recipe!

Jared Eden is a Headhunters Guide Exrta-O-Dinaire. I asked him if he had written poetry before. He said, “Nope. First poem.” Thanks for the Blog Jared! Old man winter sitting on the porch this morning.  I like poems, so I thought about giving writing one a try. The frozen H2o Its journey downward begins Born … Read more