Missouri River Montana PMD Box

Missouri River Montana PMD Box

Pale Morning Duns are part of your day here fly fishing Montana’s Missouri River in June.

We love June as the bugs participate more willingly everyday. While the weather this last week has been really shitty, the fishing has stood up. The rain pouring out of the clouds Wednesday was impressive. A real test to your waders and your rain jacket. Better have a good one or go home early. You don’t want to go home early do you?

Mark’s PMD Tips for catching more Missouri River Trout

Squeeky’s PMD Box for the Missouri River. It is one of my favorite hatches and in years past it certainly was. Is it today? Yes, I like the hatch that is currently going on. As the caddis become thicker, it will change.

Who doesn’t love tossing Rusty Spinners at bank sipping’ brown trouts? I for one do.

The Pale Morning Duns that come off include the Ephemerella infrequens and the Ephemerella inermis. The big one and the little one.

The trout will eat duns on occasion. The first drift is the right time to fool those finicky trout with the dun. It is the right time to trick them in every situation.


Do not be the guy who pisses the fish off on the first drift. Don’t be that guy.


Who is that guy? Many anglers try to get the trout on their first cast after identifying rising trout. They cast the fly near the trout, do not have enough line pulled off the reel, strip line off as the fly is rapidly approaching the target, the fly slides, the fish eats it, and that guy misses the trout because he is busy stripping line off the reel.

Squeeky’s Strong Suggestion: Do all that shit before you make your first presentation. Well, only if you want to catch more fish on dry flies.

Most fish are not caught on the first cast. Does not matter that you make multiple presentations beyond the first drift. The fish are aware that a dragging Rusty Spinner is not all that attractive, or appealing, or edible. Think about it.

Most fish are caught on the first drift though. Make it a good one. Do not rush. The fish is eating, no rush man. No rush.

Make sure you have the appropriate amount of line off the reel. Make a couple drifts on the outside of the fish. Meaning not near him. A couple feet on the near side will suffice. Make sure you understand the drift before you toss the fly into the zone.

Then when you have all the prep out of the way, make your presentation. It is amazing what the element of surprise will do for your net. It gets it wet. The element of surpass is eliminated if you drag your fly across their heads several times before making your first decent drag free drift.

Remember: If you are fishing spinner patterns they should not drag. Spinners are dead. Dead flies do not swim, twitch, move…and they certainly do not drag!

Go out there and make some good presentations to our freely rising trout. Approach the situation like you want to catch the fish. You are hunting a wild animal. Act like it.

Sounds like straight talk here on the fly fishing blog straight outta Headhunters Fly Shop? Just honesty here today. Put yourself in successful situations and you will be rewarded.

As in life, as in fishing. Just keep casting and good things will happen.  -SOL


Squeeky’s Missouri River Montana PMD Box

Missouri River Montana PMD Box

Row 1 L2R: Harrop’s PMD Spinner Blonde version, Brook’s PMD Sprout, Hackle Stackers and Hairwing Duns, Silverman’s Spinner & Hi-Vis Rusty, Harrop’s Rusty Spinner.

Row 2: Nymen’s PMD Cripple & Quigley’s Cripple, Limestone Cripple, CDC Harrop’s Cripples, Haystack PMD, Quigley’s Rusty Cripple, Harrop’s Hi-Viz CDC Para Rusty Spinner.

Row 3: Half-Dun Hatching, Trapped PMD Dun, Para PMD & Hackle Stackers, Para-PMD’s,  Poly Wing Rusty Spinner.

Row 4: PMD RS2’s and other CDC Emergers, CDC Transitional Duns & Captive Duns, Pink Parachutes & Hackle Stackers, Emergent PMD’s, some sort of yellow tipped,eager/dun/spinner thingy’s, Harrop’s Pale Green CDC PMD Hi-VIz Spinners

We will see your this month plying your PMD trade here in Craig fishing Montana’s Missouri River. The PMD factory of central Montana.


Hey Mister…Pssst. Film Event tomorrow night at Headhunters Fly Shop in Craig.



Ultra Skiff

Ultra Skiff 360 coming to a river near you?

Awesome. Purely awesome.

Sent to us by heads up Headhunter Brad Wiliiams of World Cup Supply.

Check out the Ultra Skiff site here for more info in regards to this groundbreaking, is that the right word, Ultra Skiff.

6′ in diameter and weighing 125# with a price tag of $1299.

It even says guides can use them on the video.

Talk about rowing in circles…

You gotta watch this video. It rules.

I wonder if Adipose Boatworks in Helena is picking this up. All those skiffs and pointy enders can go to the junk yard.

I’m getting’ me one of ‘dem round boats.

Max Speaks!

Max Speaks!

One of our new shop All-Stars speaks today on the Headhunters Blog.

Max is a recent graduate of University of Montana. He has been a great addition to our fantastic fishy staff here in Craig. Max wrote this about his fishing day a few days ago. Thanks Max.

One addendum…there are fish rising to small dry flies now! It has just happened with daily PMD and caddis events.

Pictured above is my good friend and fishing buddy Travis Rehm, with an awesome Missouri River brown that he caught on a size 18 BWO spinner this week. High wind speeds during the afternoon screwed up the Blue Wing action so we didn’t find as many heads as we would have liked, but we did find a few rising fish and were able to get them to eat—but only a few. So we mainly fished small dries blind along the shallow grass banks.

It has been my observation that one of the most productive techniques lately is this blind dry fly fishing. I look for small riffles in shallow water, usually less that a foot deep, and fish the inside seams with small attractor-dries that I can see  i.e. Parachute Adams, Bloom’s Parachute Caddis, Hi-Vis Spinner etc.

The fish that I have found feeding in the shallow, quick water have been the easiest to catch, whereas the podded up fish in the slick water have been the trickiest—so if you find a fish up feeding  right next to the  bank in the shallows it is likely that it will eat on the first pass. It is also likely that it is a nice brown. The presentation is more important than the pattern for these fish (in my opinion) because the Mo has been somewhat between hatches this week so fish aren’t seeing a ton of food on the surface (also my opinion).

I haven’t seen an epic day yet this summer with small dries, but the brown in this photo is a perfect example of what you can catch on any given day while we wait for the caddis and PMD hatches to really take off.

One thing I have learned during my short time here at Headhunters is that The Missouri is the only river where I can go out in an evening and catch four or five quality rainbows and browns on tiny dry flies, and still feel like I got my ass kicked because I was unable to get one of the really big noses to take my fly down. Humbling is an understatement. I learn a little more about fly fishing and a little more about myself every time I fish this river.

The clouds this week and ever-increasing water temps should bring some phenomenal dry fly fishing our way. Needless to say, I’m stoked!

Thanks Max for the report. Max wrote this about the fishing a few days ago and the small dry fly deal is happening. Many of our guides have been enjoying the blind dry fly game as of late. They believe you can net just as many tossing a blind dry than you can with the nymph. Hmm. The Missouri is a dry fly river. Honest.

New Breed Chicks Rule #879

New Breed Chicks Rule #879

Jan Lindsey with this nice brown trout fishing with Headhunters Guide Jared Edens.

Does it look like we like to fish with women? Well boy we do.

Headhunters loves to fish with both men and women. But the women seem to dig our guide staff. They are so very nice, educational, and fun to fish with!

Jan and her hubby Scott fell in love with the place a few years ago.

Well we love you back Scott and Jan. Thanks for hanging with us here in Craig.

We will see both of you more often here on the Headhunters Fly Fishing Blog!


Missouri River PMD Fishing Report

Missouri River PMD Fishing Report 6.17.14

Yes, hatches daily now.

The trout will eat a PMD, a caddis fly, BWO’s, a Callibaetis, a Sally, an attractor pattern too.

Your drift has to be good. In a  couple weeks your drift has to be perfect. The first time.

So it is a good time to be here. On the cusp. The fish are friendly still. YEs, friendly.

The boats are spread out and not much pressure, or feeling pressured. Some wade fisher-dudes but not many.

Come on in and see us for fly suggestions. Crips, emerges, spinners, and even some dun patterns are working well. I believe this is a presentation river. That the fish are interested in something buggy looking drift perfectly by the troutski. Until they don’t want it. And then I am a fan of changing to a new patterns. A techy fly pattern river as the summer progresses.


Headhunters is the source for Missouri River Specific flies.


The nymphers are getting the job down with worms, sows, PMD nymphs like the Micro May, the S & M, the Military May, Two Bit Hooker, Tung Redemption, Harrop’s Orange Soft Hackle, Rainbow Warrior, Ju-Ju PMD, and a few others too!

BWO’s popped late in the afternoon with the advent of another rain storm. Spinners and small Adams did the trick with the baetis bite.

Caddis are coming off on the lwer end and moving up to the top as the week passes us by. Probably when the air temperatures climb higher. When will that be?


The flows are predicted to go to 4100 cfs and we believe they will. Should see stable flows at that level for the summer. We like it. Would we like a little bit more water? I for one would but would get a ton of disagreement from some. The water temps are 58F with flows currently at 4700cfs.

The weather will be cool and the fishing will be hot. Call in sick today or tomorrow and we will see you on the dry fly flat of your choice.

Shop open daily @ 630am…open late too.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 6.16.14

Great fishing man. Dry fly opportunities for those who like that sort of thing.

The PMD image above shot by our good friend David from Calgary. He got this with a point and shoot, some luck, and a shit ton of talent. Thanks David for the kick ass PMD Image!

Still a bundle of nymphers around but the dry fly bite and what, how, why, and when seem to be the topic of conversation on most Craig porches.

June is upon us. The days are long, the solstice is near, the dry flies are popping,a dn we are headlong into the heart of the season. Still a touch soft this weekend, but Monday, today, it starts. We are in the peak of the peak. June, the last week, is damn busy. The next month will be nutso. Good fishing from dawn til dusk daily. The shop is open early for those early birds. Remember: Early bird does get the worm.

Still some availability in the last two weeks of July. Strange real. Seems that the slide towards June has happened. We see that trend until the 2nd high water year in a row. Then back to July they run. Then the transitions starts all over again.

June is damn good, that is why the slide to June. The fish are not as educated, the fish are fresh, the water temps are cooler, the pressure is less.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report  

The bugs, yes. PMD’s of both kinds are coming off. Not in the huge numbers we would like, but the afternoons at this point hold some hope. Lots of fish rising and not as many noticeable bugs. Remember: This is a film feeding type of river. You may not see the fish eating pretty little duns like they do in your trout fishing dry fly dreams.

So it appears as if the fish are eating nothing. They are eating something near the surface, but not on the surface a lot of the time. They can eat off the top, but as I state here and will for the next 2 months…not all the time. It amy appear as though they are feeding on the top, but they are not. Near the top, near the surface.


Cripples, emergers, spinners. Nuff said.


Flows are holding flat at 4440cfs and the water temps are @ 58F. All good for the dry fly fish. The volume and the depth that most trout are lying in 18″ to 36″ of water. But sometimes much shallower. Keep your eyes open.

The Dearborn is still floatable at 400ish cfs and somewhat stable. Water temps in the upper 50’s too. Just right! The Blackfoot is at 5K and on the  slow down slope. We will be there shortly. Keep it here for updates on the Blackfoot River as we will be heading over the divide all summer long!

The weather for th week ahead is cooler than normal. Where will it lead us? It will slow the afternoon bite, until the afternoon. Slower temp increases of the water will keep the insect emergence at bay until later in the day. The sun has to get a little higher.

Remember: Friday Night June 20th we have the Montana Fly Fishing Film Festival here on the grounds of Headhunters with the 2nd Annual Drift Boat Drive-In. BBQ,  get a cocktail at Izaak’s or Joe’s Bar, swag, prizes, contests, etc…Bring your Pick up and back it up with lawn chits and enjoy the show at DUSK here in Craig!

Drift Boat Drive In


Planning a trip and concerned about the summer flows? Well don’t be. We are heading, and already engaged in, a great flow regime for the remainder of said summer. Should be in this range, the 4K plus range for the whole run. Through the end of October. Sound good? Well it should. It feels good. Our fish love this level and the wade fishing is awesome. The boat fishing? Awesome too!

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service in Craig is your information source for all things Missouri River. We are the education leaders and we can help you rig your rod, point you in a dry fly direction, help with fly selection…You know the shops you go into and hardly get a “Hello” from the staff? That is not Headhunters in Craig. We greet you and look forward to meeting you. Let us know how we can help from lodging to guiding, to wade fishing to boat rentals to rod and line matching to just a conversation about emergence behaviors over a cup of coffee.

Headhunters Fly Shop open daily @ 630am for shuttles, flies, info, coffee, boat rentals, lodging, Wi-Fi, cell service with our cell booster, boat washing for invasive species, rental waders, demo reels with killer fly lines, and much, much more!

[forecast]Missouri River Montana Fishing Report Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Future Fly Fishers Father and Son Edition

Pierce caught this trout on an Elk Hair Caddis fishing with HH Guide Ryan McCourtney this last week.

Fishing with Dad Robert Maloney on this Father’s Day. Happy Father’s Day to all!

Who said that you can only catch fish on nymphs up on the upper river?

This summer when planning your Missouri River Dream Vacation you should consider fishing on the surface any time of the day.

While you may not be guaranteed a giant, you may have the shot!

Thanks Pierce for this cool giant photo of you Rainbow on a dry!

Future Fly Fishers Father and Son Edition

Happy Fathers Day too!

Father's Day

Happy Fathers Day!

Happy Father’s Day from all of us here at the epi-center of trout fishing in America. Yesterday Flag Day, today Father’s Day, tomorrow? Monday I think.

Staying and fishing with us here at the Craig Trout Camp are Lance, Brian, Fred, Graham, Ryan, Greg, David straight outta Calgary and locales thereabouts.

Thanks to the boys above for spending the long weekend with us here in Craig. Headhunters Guides Peter Skidmore, Brett Matula, Jared Edens, and Mark Raisler were fortunate enough to guide this great gang down the river Friday. A great time with nymphing, short leashing’, and dry fly fishing all mixed in. They rented boats Saturday and Sunday and with good results. They parlayed the info gleaned Friday into a few damn fine dry fly fish Saturday. Today? More of the same I would guess.

Honor your father today. Call him. Thank him. Go fishing with him.

Happy Father’s Day. Enjoy it.


Headhunters Fly Shop Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 6.14.14

Headhunters Fly Shop Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 6.14.14

Flag Day today and we are flying it high. The Flag that is. Happy Flag Day to you and yours this June 14th.

Tomorrow Father’s Day. Another big one. Remember both this weekend as yo are out and about hopefully fishing with your father waving the ‘ol stars and stripes.

Headhunters Fly Shop Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 6.14.14

It almost feels like summer, some of the time. We think full time summer will arrive this summer, sometime. Masybe not he first day of summer, which is next week. Maybe. We sure do love 75F and calm for the summer angling surprise. Surprise! Dry flies.

Cooler weather has haunted us this last week with a few days where you wish you had brought more clothing on board. If you happen to be wade fishing, we hope you had some extra layers in the truck. Had my gloves out today during a late spring squall. Bring your rain gear and an extra layer with you for good measure this weekend too.


Guides out daily with a lighter week behind us. Light traffic all week long and we sure enjoyed it. The last couple weekends have been warm and the splash and giggle crews were out in force. This weekend we expect lighter traffic due to the cooler weather forecast.

The Dearborn River is perfect at 405 cfs Friday night. The Blackfoot is above 5K shut falling on a slow downward jog until it comes into perfection soon. The rest of the state is coming into shape and soon some of the additional pressure that we feel when the entirety of the state’s rivers are off color and blown out. We love seeing our out of area friends arrive in the spring and we love when our out of area friends go back home too. We love both. So, if you like a bit saner river experience, you day is coming.

And back to the Dearborn River. It is perfect. Float it while you can. You will enjoy it. Call us for your Dearborn Shuttles and stop by for our killer selection of Dearborn River Flies!

Tips for the Missouri River Weekend

Dry fly anglers should focus on dead bugs. An Adams is a good example of a dead looking bug. Some think it looks like a dun. Others a caddis. Yet others a mayfly dun. It can also look like a spinner and/or bits and pieces of dead decomposing bugs. Spinners, emerges, and cripples are among our first choices when figuring out patterns to attack our dry fly fish with.

Seek the center if your normal game is not working. Nymphers can go out in the middle of the river and get deep. Dredge the center and see what you find. You gotta have balls to do this as it is a freaky experience. Trust it. Stay true to your nymphing roots and make sure the flies re scraping the bottom and you change flies diligently if the previous batch sucks. If the edges ad the inside out lanes, and the historic channel edges do not work, change your deal man.

Headhunters Open at 630am for your early bird coffee and flies and shuttle set up/sign up. Get out early and beat your neighbor. We are also open late for the late afternoon crowd and that killer evening dry fly float. We can shuttle late!

Izaak’s serves dinner until 9pm. Don’t be late if you want the good grub in Craig. After 9pm? Joe’s Pizza. I like the Supreme myself.

Father’s Day tomorrow. Don’t forget Dad. Take him fishing! Or give him that new SAGE One he has been wanting! Do it. He’s your Dad.

Smile & Laugh. It makes the whole weekend better.

See you this weekend at the store. No BBQ tonight because we are saving it up for next Friday Night and the Drift Boat Drive-In June 20th. Almost the longest night of the year. We will see you at near dusk for a party Craig Style! Good times.

See our sale rack for the stuff that must go. Our $5/dozens fly sale bin is always changing. Rent our NRS Inflatable Drift Boat for anew spin on drift fishing and Montana Floating! We got your back here in the roughest part of Craig, the central district…


Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 6.13.14

Good to great depending on who you chat with. Weekend in the West is certainly upon us and with it brings thunderstorms last night and today.

Bring your rain gear and your Gink.

The dry fly bite has been good and not many bugs. The lower river has enough caddis to get your blood pumping and heard a rumor of a Yellow Sally too. March Browns, as well? Baetis still and issue as the season has really begun and the flies are having their way with the confusion.

The trout are not confessed as they are willing and rising freely. The Missouri River Mystery has shown its face already as not all the fish are rising to the surface. Some of that famous not eating on the actual surface behaviors already being exhibited.

So what will the trout eat? The flies that sit in the film, that do not ride too high. Although I have had success and others have seconded the mini Stimi approach along with other attractor stuff. We like the spinner approach for the most part. Like the Adams that sits flush with the water. Harrop’s array of spinners is popular, the Half Dun Hatching is one of our weapons, emerges will suffice as well.

What will the water do for the near future? For the long term this summer? Well, lower than many expected. The doomsayers will have to wait another year for the high water to overcome us. The 11K did a nice job and the trout are fat and happy. Just how we like them. Look at the chart below from the USBR to peer into our future.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

The water flows today are 4480cfs. Wade fishers paradise. Yep. Those who like to wade acres and into center river flats are excited to see these summer flows return.

PMD’s are truly on the brink. See a few around with the caddis, as mentioned above, showing down river. Sally’s in the week ahead too. We will keep you informed here on this daily juggernaut called the Headhunter.

Call us up if you need lodging or a weekend guide. We have rental Diablo Kayaks, Inflatable Drift Boats, and Adipose Flow Skiffs for your floating pleasure.

Come by the shop this weekend for shuttles, all the patterns you will need on this fantastic resource, coffee, information, our new free map of the stream, sale items, demo rods, lodging, fly line cleaner from RIO, demo lines too. Open daily at 630am and late for all your late afternoon dry fly shuttles.

Future Fly Fishers and New Breed Chicks!

It’s a Boy! Future Fly Fishers and New Breed Chicks!

Ed Note: The baby in the picture is a BOY! Mark, the blind author, made the mistake. Hence the re-post. 

Brad Bischoff’s daughter’s new baby and trout picture all in one.

We love the next generation…

Thanks Brad for this killer photo of your grand-son, son-in-law, daughter, and rainbow!

Just awesome.


The Summer of SAGE

Are you ready for the Summer of SAGE? We are.

While we like lots of different fly rods form many different manufacturers…we love our SAGE Rods the most.

The Missouri River can be a demanding arena with as many differing conditions as you can dream up. Or are those nightmares.

Wind, distance, sitting, off shoulder. All circumstances we endure, encourage, and expect here fishing Montana’s Missouri River.

SAGE Method | The Red Rod

Mark has fallen in love with this rod. Yep, me the soggy rod fan of the recent past. “Take all those softies and give ’em to those who like niche casting tools.” That is what I say. Yes, a time and a place for them, but not in my boat. I know guys will complain saying…blah, blah, blah. Well to you I state…“You use them, I’m sticking with a tool that will give me the best performance all the time.” All the time. Not part of the time.

It has not taken over as the #1 seller here at Headhunters Fly Shop, but it is making ground on the SAGE One. Most like the One for all around fishing situations. I like the Method.

A rod that all anglers can throw from the never ever to the long timer who has cast and owned rods across the board. Check out the SAGE Blog a couple months ago by Mark here.

A hyper fast tip flexing rod that as I mentioned above all anglers can throw well. The Konnetic Technology has been extended here withe the Red Rod making everybody better. The dampening effect of the Konnetic science allows the angler to cast the line with ease. Taking out the wows in the back and fore casts lets you pull line sooner. Pulling line is all the fly rod can do. The fly rod, a long highly priced stick, cannot push fly line as I have can tell. Physics does not allow it to happen ever. Although we as men try to change that piece of science, physics, every time we put a fly rod in hand.

SAGE One | The Black Rod

The most popular rod with not only the crack staff at Headhunters but our guests too. A forgiving fast action rod that mates well with most peoples casting stroke. Almost everybody loves this rod. While the red rod has some haters, the black rod only has those in love with it. Some have stated that it feels and casts like a better SAGE XP. A better XP? Yes, true story.

The Summer of SAGE

For the Missouri the 4wt thru the 7wt make perfect sense. The 4wt for those who like to use the lighter stick for not only their own streams and the Missouri. The 5wt for an all around dry fly pea shooter. The 6wt for a nymphing stick that beats most with efficiency and power. And finally the 7wt for those who like to chuck and duck. Why not get them all!

Come by and cast the SAGE One for yourself and see what all the chatter is about.

SAGE Circa | The Olive Rod

This is not a rod for everyone. Just for those who like to stalk fish the old fashioned way. By sneaking up on them.

The Circa is a rod that those who enjoy the slower action of a classic and enjoy the flexible fight of a more traditional fly rod.

Available in weights 2 thru 5 beginning with a 2wt. @ 7’9″ all the way to up to the heavyweight 8’9″ 5wt. We love the latter for the Mo.

Jerry Siem love this rod and so do many of us. A rod you take fishing when you are on your own time. A rod when fishing by yourself is important. A rod for trout fishing when numbers do not take center stage.

A rod for those who enjoy the journey, not the destination.

Come by and take a SAGE Circa for a long walk.

SAGE Approach | The Entry Level SAGE

The Summer of SAGEThis is a great fly rod from SAGE. The Grey Rod will make a fan of this Washington based company overnight. Or in a day on the river. Gifts for the beginner angler often include the SAGE Approach. We fish it in the 5wt and 6wts. here on the Missouri daily. Many of the Headhunters Guides rock these in their boats. In fact the SAGE line is represented well in our Team Headhunters boats. You will see a ton of One rods, many Method rods, and SAGE rods represented like RPL’s, SP’s, XP’s, Z Axis, TCX’s, TCR’s, SLT’s, and more!

If you need to feed your SAGE demon, see us here at Headhunters in Craig Montana. We got the rods you do need for our famous river. We have DEMO SAGE Rods for use daily. Come and cast one on the only Casting Range in Craig sponsored by SAGE and RIO.


Dry Fly Fishing Report

Missouri River Dry Fly Fishing Report

The Dry fly report is as follows for the beginning of the dry fly season and the beginning of the second week of the Dry Fly Month of June! We are off to a good start as the water has fallen to a perfect dry fly level.

Can I say dry fly one more time in this short fishing report? You bet.

Missouri River Dry Fly Fishing Report

You can find fish rising on all reaches of the river. Some days tons, other not so much. Tons may be stretch at this point. But, that number is coming. We are still waiting for the big pop, any pop really of our summer bugs. Some caddis downriver not he lower reaches and in the lower canyon. Not an explosion as of yet. We will let you know when that happens here on this very fly fishing blog.

Flies that are working include poly winged cripples. Hairwinged cripples. in many various sizes and colors. CDC cripples too. Poly winged spinner of the baetis variety. Hi-Viz as well. Sunken ones work. Floaty ones too. Spinners and cripples.

Other reports include poly winged ants in the larger sizes. Bigger fluffy type attractor fires are in vogue too. X Caddis and CDC Caddis have been leaving the shop in secretive umbers.

Also lots of fellows stocking up on specific tailwater type flies that are very popular on this very popular tailwater like Missouri River. You got your boxes full?

So you can go out and get some fish on the dry. Is it riverside? No, certainly not. But look, seek, and discover the sipping trout. Need help? Come by and we can pint you in a direction. What direction? Towards the river for sure. We can make a few suggestions to help you along the way. Headhunters is good that way.

PMD’s and caddis are both on the cusp and we cannot wait. Sally’s? Soon. Trico’s? Next month. We got a lot of river to fish before we get to the white winged blacks.

The water level is low and fishing well. We will see you soon here on Montana’s Missouri River. Headhunters open daily @ 7am and open later that the rest here at your Dry Fly HQ in Craig MT.

Dry Fly Report   The Dry fly report is as follows for the beginning of the dry fly season and the beginning of the second week of the Dry Fly Month of June! We are off to a good start as the water has fallen to a perfect dry fly level.  Can I say dry fly one more time in this short fishing report? You bet.  Missouri River Dry Fly Fishing Report You can find fish rising on all reaches of the river. Some days tons, other not so much. Tons may be stretch at this point. But, that number is coming. We are still waiting for the big pop, any pop really of our summer bugs. Some caddis downriver not he lower reaches and in the lower canyon. Not an explosion as of yet. We will let you know when that happens here on this very fly fishing blog.  Flies that are working include poly winged cripples. Hairwinged cripples. in many various sizes and colors. CDC cripples too. Poly winged spinner of the baetis variety. Hi-Viz as well. Sunken ones work. Floaty ones too. Spinners and cripples. Other reports include poly winged ants in the larger sizes. Bigger fluffy type attractor fires are in vogue too. X Caddis and CDC Caddis have been leaving the shop in secretive umbers.   Also lots of fellows stocking up on specific tailwater type flies that are very popular on this very popular tailwater like Missouri River. You got your boxes full?  So you can go out and get some fish on the dry. Is it riverside? No, certainly not. But look, seek, and discover the sipping trout. Need help? Come by and we can pint you in a direction. What direction? Towards the river for sure. We can make a few suggestions to help you along the way. Headhunters is good that way.  PMD's and caddis are both on the cusp and we cannot wait. Sally's? Soon. Trico's? Next month. We got a lot of river to fish before we get to the white winged blacks.  The water level is low and fishing well. We will see you soon here on Montana's Missouri River. Headhunters open daily @ 7am and open later that the rest here at your Dry Fly HQ in Craig MT.
Missouri River below Holter Dam 4680cfs. Nice.

New Breed Chicks Rule

New Breed Chicks Rule #765

Mel and Aislinn out fishing for a day on the Mighty Mo this last week.

They got some killer Missouri River Trout.

It had been a long spell since Mel had fly fished. Or fished for that matter.

She has been traveling the great US of A eating fish though! So we cannot hold that against her.

Aislinn lives just up the road and fishes the Mo more often. Some times she brings her kids and sometimes her husband Chris too.

When are you gonna have your New Breed Day on the Missouri? When you do, send off a few photos for this very post and famedom across the weB!

Headhunters Weekend Fishing Report Missouri River Montana

Headhunters Weekend Fishing Report Missouri River Montana

The weekend looks good. While winter is over, spring is still around, and summer has still yet to set in.

Bring your rain jacket, your fleece, and some sort of warm hat if you headed out for the day. Waders still have not worn out their welcome.

As I mentioned yesterday or the day before the PMD’s are coming soon. The BWO’s are still around, remarkably. And they are making a difference in the afternoons. Look for them.

The PMD and Caddis fare are popular subsurface along with T-Beaded Worms and Scuds. The Rainbow Czech is glued to many rigs all 12 months.

Emergers, cripples, and spinners are the all stars when tossing dry flies at rising fish. Blind dry fly anglers are putting up numbers too. Some. The fish are not everywhere, but they are somewheres. Sometimes.

Streamer anglers dong well enough.

BBQ tonight at the fly shop about 5pm. We will see you there. Or here.

Headhunters open at 7am daily for all your trout fishing needs of all things Missouri River, Blackfoot River, and the Dearborn River too. The whole gang is around for guiding, rigging, bullshitting. We got rot gut coffee as well. Free of course.

Silly Saturday Scenery

Silly Saturday Scenery | Road Less Traveled Edition

You coming to Montana?

It may be the Road Less Traveled.

We will welcome you.

This is the road to the Blackfoot River over the other side, the wet side of the divide.

We will be traveling across soon enough. Til then we will have to fish the premier dry fly fishery in the state.


BBQ Tonight on the property @ Headhunters Fly Shop in downtown Craig.

See you there about 5pm for snacks before you Rib Dinner @ Izaak’s.

The fishing is getting good…

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report June 6th 2014

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report June 6th 2014

The water levels have arrived at the dry fly level of 5240cfs. LEss than a week ago we had Holter Dam outflows of 11K+.

All we can say is…terrific.

Dry fly fihsing can commence  now.

Are there bugs in our dry fly world yet?

No, not really.

The bugs are subsurface an waiting for an increase in water temps. We are sitting at 52F. Down for the last week. It will rise soon.

The rest of the state is still in flux. They too will get to a level of their liking. Until then, welcome to Montana’s Missouri River. We have another great weekend in the west on tap for you here in Craig.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report June 6th 2014

The Dearborn River is in shape and quite fishable. It is flowing below 600cfs and falling. Get out now if you like to experience this wonderful freestone in our back yard. Water temps on the Dearborn are good and we have not heard of any Salmonfly activity yet…but they will eat the worm as well as stones and rubberlegs.

Little Prickly Pear is not adding any dirt to the river as it is flowing at 161cfs. So we are all clear here on the Missouri River.

We have been having good luck with PMD patterns subsurface and caddis too. Anywhere from the dam to Cascade the summer bugs are quite active.

All parties are happy with the water. The wade fisher can now make his way to his spot. The dry fly fisher can find a few, or more, to toss a fly at most of the day. The streamer feller can strip til his arm fails, then switch arms. The nympher can shorten his bobber length and be more creative about nymph presentations.

Lodging available @ www.Craiglodging.com and keep it here for the fishing skinny all week long. We also have guide available for you early June fly fishing trip. Give our first class shop staff a shout and set something up today.

Headhunters Fly Shop open daily @ 7am and open late til 8pm for all afternoon and early evening shuttle needs. Flies, fly lines, demo rods, boat rentals, sungear, HH logo wear…and the best cleanest damned freshest info on the the river. Honest.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report June 6th 2014
You like 5K?
Missouri RIver Ch-Ch-Changes. brought to you by David Bowie

Missouri River Ch-Ch-Changes. Brought to you by Bowie

Check it. The Mo is going through some changes.

Dry fly changes.

Happy Wednesday, Hump Day, a day for changes.

Should you come in June?

Nah, you wouldn’t like it anyway.

All those fish rising and long afternoons and even longer nights.

Let’s toast to Changes.



Missouri River June Flies

Missouri River Flies for early June

The bottom is dropping out right now as I write this Tuesday evening. Look at the chart. You will approve.

Already speculation that there will not be enough water to fill the reservoir. It is just that until we see what the level is like in the last week of June.

What we do know is the dry fly fishing will turn around. Tuesday afternoon saw  some glimpses of the future. And I gotta tell you, I liked it.

Wednesday, today, will bring us more info, real-time knowledge and a fishing report.

Tuesday turned up smelling a lot better than Monday. Way better. The fish were on the bite and the river was nearly empty. Really quite nice.

Check out the levels and smile. We’ll see you on your favorite dry fly flat soon.

Knock on wood.

Missouri River Flies for early June

Missouri RIver June Flies
Missouri River June Flies

Row 1: San Wire Worm, UV Czech Nymph, Tailwater Sow, Purple Weight Fly

Row 2: Tungsten Dart, Tungsten Reckoner, PT Soft Hackle, Olive Anato May, Two Bit Hooker, Little Green Machine, Angelhair Flashback PT, Tungsten Redemption PMD, Red Zebra Midge

Row 3: Buzzball, Parachute Black Ant, Purple Haze, Purple Phase Loop-WIng, Nymen’s DOA Cripple Baetis, Elk Hair CDC Caddis

Row 4: Bloom’s CDC Caddis, Double Duck Caddis, Johnson’s RC Caddis, Stockingwing Caddis, Tan Wing Emerger, Translucent Caddis


June Events Missouri River Montana

A few June events to keep in mind as we move into my favorite month of the year.

Summer has arrived albeit not officially til later in the month. The days are getting really nice, and really long. More time for angling here on Montana’s Missouri River.

Photo sent in from our good friends Leonard and Dan Gross along with Rick Green. This one above shot by Len of brother Dan.


  • PMD’s. Soon. Usually the 2nd week of June.
  • Caddis. They were here, then they left. They will return in bigger numbers and trout love Caddis Flies.
  • BBQ’s at Headhunters. Impromptu BBQ Events all summer long.
  • Drift Boat Drive-In Friday June 20th @ Headhunters Fly Shop. BBQ, beer, movies, fly fishing madness @ Dusk.
  • Izaak’s open daily. Joe’s open daily. Montana pares fishing food and beverage here in downtown Craig.
  • Yellow Sally’s. Those yellow devils return later in the month.
  • Longest day of the year.
  • Dearborn River Floats. Give us a call to get on board and learn more about this seasonal float.
  • The next two weeks will be an indicator of things to come. the water is coming down, how and when we can only guess along with info from the USBR. It is a crap shoot. Keep it here for up to the minute water and hatch reports.


The fishing has been hit and miss the last week with the water levels moving around violently. Some to none for the dry fly anglers. The nymphers are having mediocre angling with catch rates down from our fantastic average. The streamer guys have been getting a few here and there. Stripping hard, stopping often.

June will bring a change for us here on the Missouri River. When and how? We thinks it will go the dry fly route. But nobody is infallible. Nobody.

See you here in Craig @ Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service for all things Missouri River. Shades by Smith and Costa. Clothing from FreeFly, SIMMS, Headhunters Logo Wear, Fishpond. Sungear from SIMMS, BUFF, 12wt., FreeFly. Raingear from SMMS. Rods from SAGE, Orvis, ECHO, and Sweetgrass Bamboo. Reeles from Abel, SAGE, Hatch, Orvis, Nautilus, ECHO, Galvan. Fly Lines from RIO Products, Airflo, Cortland, and Wulff. Flies from all 4 corners of the earth and the best in dry flies for the Missouri River here @ Headhunters.

We got yer back on all day long shuttles, info, coffee, raw baloney, and much more in Craig. Open daily @ 7am.

New Breed Chicks Rule

New Breed Chicks Rule Nearly Summer Edition

Kelsey Chambers rocking the New Breed Chicks Rule broadcast today on the Headhunters Fly Shop Blog.

I fished with Stephanie and Jerry Chambers in late April and Stephanie Chambers has also graced the New Breed pages. So Mother/ Daughter New Breed Gals do Rule!

Thanks to the Chambers family and supporting fellers Jerry and Dane.

New Breed Chicks do rule and today You Rule Kelsey!

Thanks for coming out to the Mo and we will see your folks often as they float the Missouri River often…

Nautilus FWX Featherweight Extreme Review

Nautilus FWX Featherweight Extreme Review

We love this reel. Just got them in late last year and we are rapidly becoming big fans.

Good looking and sleek, ported, sealed Disc Drag, shiny. What is not to love? We thought we better review this fantastic marvel of functionality for you to enjoy this monday. Summer is coming at us rapidly and you may need a new reel to accompany you to Montana. If you have to much packed, you can just pick one up when you arrive in Craig at your favorite Craig fly shop Headhunters.

Top 6 Reasons Headhunters will like this reel

Nautilus FWX Featherweight Extreme
  1. Makes a cool sound while spinning.
  2. Has the word ‘Extreme’ in the name.
  3. When your friends ask what kind of reels you have you just say “Well, I fish Nautilus of course.”
  4. Lightweight to match today’s modern feather light fly rods like the SAGE One and SAGE Method. A mere 3.8oz.
  5. $275. Yes cheap by today’s standards. We won’t tell your friends who think you spent a fortune!
  6. Order it in custom colors or engravings here. You want a “”one off”?


Order one now! Or read on for additional info.

Here is what Nautilus says about the FWX…

tested-on-animalsThe Nautilus FWX (Feather Weight Extreme) series is the most technologically advanced and the lightest machined aluminum disc drag trout fly reel on the market.

The award-winning FWX reels feature our Sealed Carbon Fiber (SCFTM) drag system with the proprietary TORQ-XTM clutch drive and TPX bushings. This completely sealed, maintenance-free draw bar type carbon fiber disc brake delivers the smoothest drag on the market in a light fly reel. No sand, gravel, water or snow will affect the flawless performance of this amazing disc drag.

New for 2013: FWX 1/3 This reel combines all the strength and efficacy of its larger siblings into the smallest and lightest sealed disc drag reel available. 

Reels are available in black, or brushed silver anodizing.

More about the Nautilus FWX

Like the NVG reels, the FWX sport our Giga arbor spool design that promotes faster line pick up and backing drying. In addition to the advanced spool designs used in these reels, we have added a new stainless steel 1-way clutch that is housed in our proprietary TORQ-XTM clutch drive that ensures instant drag engagement with no slack. The retrieve direction can be easily switched from left hand to right hand and the spools are easily changed with a push on and click off release.

One of the most popular creations to come out of the Nautilus think-tank is the industry first LaserIDTM line identification system: We have laser etched a white spot on the back of each FWX spool to write the line type and weight that you are using. Write with a permanent marker and wipe it off with alcohol when you change lines. No more washed out or lost line stickers.

Sealed Carbon Fiber Disk Brake
9 lug reinforced clutch for instant drag engagement.
Giga arbor, the big game über-arbor.
 Write the line weight on the spool.
Wrap your line or hang your fly on it.
Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

FLOW UPDATE! Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 6.2.14

Just in from the USBR Tim Felchle this morning.

It appears the snowmelt runoff into Canyon Ferry Reservoir has peaked and inflows continue to decline. To control the rate of fill and assure the reservoir of refilling, releases out of Canyon Ferry to the Missouri River will be gradually decreased. As a result, the following operation changes are required at Canyon Ferry Dam and Powerplant.

CANYON FERRY RELEASES AND OPERATIONS: Times are Mountain Daylight Savings Time (MDST)

At 0900 hour on Monday, June 02, 2014:

Maintain releases through the river outlet gates at 0 cfs.
Decrease releases through the spillway gates to 3,000 cfs.
Maintain turbine release at ≈ 5,600 cfs (≈ 1,315 MW-Hrs/day using 102.2 cfs/mw).
Maintain release for Helena Valley Project at 810 cfs (380 cfs pumped to Helena Valley and 430 cfs discharged to the Missouri River).
Decrease release to the Missouri River to 9,030 cfs.
Decrease total release from Canyon Ferry to 9,410 cfs.

At 1500 hour on Monday, June 02, 2014:

Increase releases through the river outlet gates to 2,000 cfs.
Decrease releases through the spillway gates to 0 cfs.
Maintain turbine release at ≈ 5,600 cfs (≈ 1,315 MW-Hrs/day using 102.2 cfs/mw).
Maintain release for Helena Valley Project at 810 cfs (380 cfs pumped to Helena Valley and 430 cfs discharged to the Missouri River).
Decrease release to the Missouri River to 8,030 cfs.
Decrease total release from Canyon Ferry to 8,410 cfs.


Welcome to June. We love June. It is one of the two busiest months. June and July.

Why are they the two busiest months? Dry Fly Action is the primary reason. For a good solid two months we got the best in the region. The Tri-State Region. While the rest of the state can be blown out, high and muddy, we are right int he wheel house for great fishing.

All three disciplines are in play and the fish generally cooperate. Mostly.

But the dry fly is the primary reason folks visit the river every summer.

This is in it’s heart a dry fly river.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

If you continually work hard and fish well, you will catch fish. –Headhunters Guide Jared Edens

Guide Peter Skidmore with Bob and this nice brown trout last week. Bob has come twice with Randy who has been visiting Headhunters for 5 years now. They really love the Craig experience. The fishing is OK too they wanted me to say.

So very true. Tough sledding some days and some runs and some periods of the day for all of us, all of you, all of them. Not much for the dry fly bite this last weekend, but that will come soon.

The streamer fishing is tough too. Some fish in shallow water regions like the 18″-36″ in banks. Look for that perfect water and strip on through. White, yellow, and the brighter colors being the most popular. Still rocking T-7, T-10 and intermediate tips daily. The water temps are at the magical 53F+ mark and the fish will follow, chase, attack when prompted correctly, or often.

Flows 11K as I write on Sunday evening. Will it recede this week? Check out the inflows at Toston Sunday afternoon below. Indicative of things to come? Foreshadowing the future? We think so.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report
Toston is the indicator for our Holter Dam future

So what will happen?

Everything that goes up must come down.

Reports from all over the board this weekend. Good, bad, and ugly. We fully understand as we all have shitty days while trying to fool the trouts. Shitty catching that is, fun times must be had or it may not even be worth the trouble.

The weather is June like with daily thunderstorms reminding us that we are so very close to the Rockies. Those who do not bring rain gear are tempting fate. We all know how that story ends.


Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service open everyday from 7am. Open lat til 8pm as well for late afternoon dry fly shuttles, information, line cleaning, bullshitting, porch sitting, info gathering, and anything you may need to make your stay better.


Used the “s” word 3 times wiring this blog. 

Soon the fishing will be hot.

Shit Hot.

4 times…

Not yet on the Blackfoot River

Not yet on the Blackfoot River

Just did some recon on the Blackfoot River yesterday and today. Still blown.

No surprise to those who know how freestone streams behave in the spring, and searly summer, and sometimes mid summer.

According to Cathy at the Blackfoot Angler they should get rolling towards the end of June beginning of July. Based on her 16 years in Ovando and living on the Blackfoot and her “feel” she says not for a while longer.

We ventured up tot he Upper North Fork of the Blackfoot and watched the river rage through the high canyon walls amongst forests of Pine. Really a pretty place. A fun place to wade fish in the mid summer. Really nice freestone environs on the westside.

We are ready for when the Blackfoot breaks with tenured guides on the Blackfoot with Peter Skidmore, Nick Stipech and Kurt Michels. Jared Edens and Ben Hardy along with Brett Matula and myself love to run over the hill as well and fish the Big Blackfoot for dry fly action. A real pretty river with great fishing opportunities.

If you are attending, fishing, visiting the Missouri River region and want to experience a bit of the green side of the state, look us up and tack on an additional day, or weave it into your multi-day Missouri River trip.

We will keep you informed as the Blackfoot comes into shape and tracking the Salmon Fly Hatch too! We got yer back here in central Montana. Look to the right of this blog and you will see the Blackfoot River live water graph from USGS and associated link.

As you may have read in yesterday’s post we anticipate lower water levels on the Missouri River very soon. We cannot wait to dry fly fish daily. It is coming. The Blackfoot? We will have to grin and bear it here with all those PMD’s, Caddis, and Yellow Sally’s until the Blackfoot comes into shape.

Happy Sunday to you all!

Not yet on the Blackfoot River
Upper North Fork of the Blackfoot
Missouri River Montana Water, Runoff, and Flow Update

Missouri River Montana Water, Runoff, and Flow Update

Mark spoke with Stephanie Micek of the USBR Friday morning and this is what I found.

The runoff has started and the snow is coming off nicely. The expected inflows into Canyon Ferry are expected to peak at 23K soon. Maybe this weekend or front end of next week. Inflows are 21.4K as I write this after midnight Saturday morning. They will get a touch higher according to Stephanie. That is what she predicted.

With that in mind she expects the flows to drop, the inflows, as the week progresses. That means that we should see a reduction in the outflows at Holter Dam.

Barring any major rain catastrophe in the coming weeks, we’ll monitor the weekend rain here, we should see lower flows quite soon!

How low can they go? Stephanie stated that there will be a meeting for the month of June forecast and she will get back to us midweek with the findings. We will report them right here on this highly accurate information blog when that information come available.

She said we could see flows with in 10 days of 6000cfs to as low as 5000cfs. Wow. Not may expected this flow in mid June. Lots of bullshit speculation and wildly incorrect numbers being spread around the neighborhood this past month.

Will it really happen or am I engaged in yet another bad blog dream?

If it does, expect fantastic dry fly angling this year. With all these fat and happy trout, we look forward to action like that! The water temps are already 54F. Just right. A perfect storm? Maybe. You may have to be on the water to see the PMD’s come off en masse.

You coming to the Mo this year? It may be in your best dry fly Headhunting interest…


New Breed Chicks Rule

New Breed Chicks Rule Saturday Edition

MJ Baglin fishing all week with Jared Edens of Headhunters Fly Shop & Guide Service.

MJ rules. Clearly.

Husband Frank is here #1 fan and they fish well together. We have enjoyed getting to know both MJ and Frank this past week and look forward to seeing them again in August for the hopper bite.

Thanks for stopping by for the week MJ and Frank. Nice meeting you two. Safe travels as you hunt up mor etrout this w=summer and we will see  you on the flip side this August…for moreMJ on the Blog!

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 5.28.14

Great weather and not many folks around make for a great week.

Nice and quiet for the last time. For about 10 weeks. Then June, July, August.

With the increase in guests we have an increase in the dry fly bite. More bugs, more fish looking up. Got your plans yet? Call today for guides, lodging, information.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

More of the same with some changes too. Nymphing is the best way to get some in the net while the dry fly bite exists and streamer anglers are getting a few as well.

What will you do? Some of each if you wish.

The dry fly guys are finding a few during the day eating caddis down low. Low in the canyon, down low in the Cascade region. March Browns are all but gone til next year. But, but there are still some BWO’s around and the fish are on them. On them in a manner that many do not recognize. Baetis spinners are filling the mouths of late afternoon feeding fish. Look for softer spots where 9K cfs fish rise. Near banks for sure.

The trout are eating the dead bug. So whether you like to fish the spinner, a Harrops Hi-Viz works nicely or a Hackle Stacker too, or if you like the cripple approach that is fine as well.

The flows are holding int he upper 8k range and 8690 falls into that category. Water temps are 54F and just right for the time of year. Some movement throughout the day is normal.

Nymphers are still rigging their system with 6′-7 1/2′ from bobber to split shot. The worm and the Rainbow Czech Nymph are the most common top flies with the Caddis Pupa making a run for the top spot. The bottom fly can change through out the day and the hot ones are sows, caddis pupa, pink tops, Ray Charles, translucent pupa’s with beads, Purple Weight flies…

Streamer fans? Sink tips with additional sink tips with wither weighted or non weighted patterns depending on your tip weight. Banks are the focus of these anglers and they are picking up some fish daily. Overcast and hazy mornings help this parade of casts.

The weather has been downright pleasant. Too pleasant for some and just right for others.


The shop is open daily @ 7am and open later than the rest as we prepare for the summer months. We will stay on pace with your fishing schedules and always be here, be there, be everywhere for your Missouri River fishing needs!

We have some availability for the next week, maybe two if you need to get out and beat the heat, beat the summer pressure, or just relax and have a Headhunters Guide drift you down the river. Want to learn a new stretch or improve you reach cast? We can help…

Check out John’s Weekly Newsletter here if you want another angle and to keep in touch with a deeper conversation about the Mo!


New Boat Smell "Oar Boy"

New Boat Smell “Oar Boy”

Yet another Adipose on the river. This one from our friend John downriver of Craig.

We love the Seafoam Green color as it reminds us of the salt and sunny Tarpon dreams.

Will you get a new boat this year? How about just fixing up your old dingy and getting it out on the water.

Whatever you decide we can help you here at Headhunters with flies, information, suggestions on floats, shuttles, new ropes for your anchor system, anchors, new oars, or order anything more you may need for your summer adventures

May Flies

Missouri River Montana Top Nymphs for late May

  1. Brush Hog
  2. Translucent Pupa
  3. Tung Dart
  4. Purple Weight Fly
  5. Fuzzy Face
  6. Hogan’s Petrified Pupa
  7. Sling Caddis
  8. Tailwater Sow Bug
  9. Caviar Scud
  10. Fish Finder Worm
  11. Trapper Nymph
  12. Flash-A_Midge Red
  13. Amex Czech Nymph
  14. Thunder Bug
  15. Shop Vac
  16. Hydropsyche Czech nymph
  17. Military May Black
  18. Two Bit Hooker
  19. Red Headed Step Child
  20. Snapping Craw

These are the top selling flies of this last week and weekend. What will be hot this coming week? Only you know what you will like, what the trout will like, and what we will have in stock ready for you.

The nymphing has been good in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening. Sometimes not so hot in the afternoon. Sometimes not so hot in the evening. Sometimes, not good in the morning either. But you gotta know to know. So you gotta go.

Check out the flows, adjust your depth, and get after it!




Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 5.26.14

Two things we are excited about this Memorial Day Weekend include the sun and at the river.

The two stars of the show. And you.

You are a star too!

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Water levels are Dearborn 1120cfs and Little Prickly Pear 351cfs. The Missouri is running at a current level of 8670cfs with a water temperature of 54F. Right in the wheelhouse of trout favorite temperature. It is like our 68F. The trout love 54-58F. Perfect. Jump and run and fight hard do our trout.

The river below the Dearborn is off color. Is it fishable? Yes, sort of. Some are going down and scratching out a day. Others not so hot. You choose. The upper river is quite crowded so the lower may be an option for you. Depends on your game. Into the experience? Lower. Into body count? Upper. Half of both? Craig to Palace?

The Dearborn while floatable is not for fishing yet. We will keep you on top of the action here on the Headhunters Fly Fishing Blog.

Nymphs that Rule!

Flies that the trout like are all over the board. Talk to 10 different anglers and you will get 10 different outcomes. The flies and type that are so very popular this weekend and week ahead include narrow bodied mayfly nymphs like the Two Bit Hooker and the Brush Hog. Little Green Machine and his cousin the Red Headed Step Child. Indigo Children can work and Micro Mays, Peep Show’s, Angel Hair PT’s, and the like.

Midge Pupa still playing well at the dam and locales downriver. Fat ones, skinny ones, one’s you tied, one’s you stole from your fishing partner. Caddis Pupa playing a huge role as you drift downriver. Probably on the upper as well.

Had a feller in the store ask me why we would toss a caddis when he had not seen that many adult caddis in the Craig region. I simply reminded him that caddis, all insects, are living subsurface before they enter our atmosphere. So, the caddis are very active subsurface before the “hatch”. So bring your fly box full of caddis flies.

Dry Flies that we Love!

Caddis and other flies that are making a move include XCaddis, X2Caddis, Translucent Pupa, Stocking Wing, Goddard, CDC and Elk, AC Caddis, Buzzball, Adams, Ants of all kinds. We are nearly into a zone where many differing flies will get the job done. The difficult part is finding the fish. When you find then you can generally get them.

Stop and look for rising fish in normal rising fish locations. If you want to blind fish you certainly can get it done. Not a terrible idea. Bring couple

Baetis Spinners for the secret fly. Got it? Secret Fly is a BWO Spinner.

Streamer Fishing moving forward or deeper

Tips, intermediate tips, T-8 and more to get you to the zone where the fish are. The high and bright sun has not helped your streamer bite this last weekend. If you want to get out and get on it in the morning, that would help. If you want to get out and fish during the evening session you may get rewarded. Or not. But how will you know if you don’t go.

Flies that leave the store more frequently than others include the ever popular Dali Lama, Yellow Yummy, White Zonker, Ramp to Ramp, the leech is back, Gold-Diggers, White and Natural Sculpzilla’s. This game moves fast as you know so if you need up to the minute fly reports, come on by and check out the largest streamer selection in Craig.

The week ahead in Montana

Enjoy the rest of today as the worm week for most starts tomorrow. Rest and get ready for the coming weekend. Let us know how we can help. If you are coming to Montana and scheduled to fish another Montana river we may see you here in Craig. Craig is rolling and in full summer motion. All ahead full.

June is right around the corner and the bugs are happening. Get ready for a good one? One for the ages? Maybe. We will have to monitor the water levels closely and hope for the perfect storm.


See you in Craig this coming weekend. Or just come this week. Let us know how we can help with any questions, concerns, or info needs regarding Montana’s  Missouri River.

Two things we are excited about this Memorial Day Weekend include the sun and at the river. The two stars of the show. And you. You are a star too!  Missouri River Montana Fishing Report  Water levels are Dearborn 1120cfs and Little Prickly Pear 351cfs. The Missouri is running at a current level of 8670cfs with a water temperature of 54F. Right in the wheelhouse of trout favorite temperature. It is like our 68F. The trout love 54-58F. Perfect. Jump and run and fighting hard do our trout. The river below the Dearborn is off color. Is it fishable? Yes, sort of. Some are going down and scratching out a day. Others not so hot. You choose. The upper river is quite crowded so the lower may be an option for you. Depends on your game. Into the experience? Lower. Into body count? Upper. Half of both? Craig to Palace? The Dearborn while floatable is not for fishing yet. We will keep you on top of the action here on the Headhunters Fly Fishing Blog.    Nymphs that Rule!  Flies that the trout like are all over the board. Talk to 10 different anglers and you will get 10 different outcomes. The flies and type that are so very popular this weekend and week ahead include narrow bodied mayfly nymphs like the Two Bit Hooker and the Brush Hog. Little Green Machine and his cousin the Red Headed Step Child. Indigo Children can work and Micro Mays, Peep Show's, Angel Hair PT's, and the like. Midge Pupa still playing well at the dam and locales downriver. Fat ones, skinny ones, one's you tied, one's you stole from your fishing partner. Caddis Pupa playing a huge role as you drift downriver. Probably on the upper as well. Had a feller in the store ask me why we would toss a caddis when he had not seen that many caddis in the Craig region. I simply reminded him that caddis, all insects, are living subsurface before they enter our atmosphere. So, the caddis are very active subsurface before the "hatch". So bring your fly box full of caddis flies.  Dry Flies that we Love!  Caddis and other flies that are making a move include XCaddis, X2Caddis, Translucent Pupa, Stocking Wing, Goddard, CDC and Elk, AC Caddis, Buzzball, Adams, Ants of all kinds. We are nearly into a zone where many differing flies will get the job done. The difficult part is finding the fish. When you find then you can generally get them. Stop and look for rising fish in normal rising fish locations. If you want to blind fish you certainly can get it done. Not a terrible idea. Bring couple Baetis Spinners for the secret fly. Got it? Secret Fly is a BWO Spinner.  Streamer Fishing moving forward or deeper  Tips, intermediate tips, T8 and more to get you to the zone where the fish are. The high and bright sun has not helped your streamer bite this last weekend. If you want to get out and get on it in the morning, that would help. If you want to get out and fish during the evening session you may get rewarded. Or not. But how will you know if you don't go. Flies that leave the store more frequently than others include the ever popular Dali Lama, Yellow Yummy, White Zonker, Ramp to Ramp, the leech is back, Gold-Diggers, White and Natural Sculpzilla's. This game moves fast as you know so if you need up to the minute fly reports, come on by and check out the largest streamer selection in Craig.  The week ahead in Montana  Enjoy the rest of today as the worm week for most starts tomorrow. Rest and get ready for the coming weekend. Let us know how we can help. If you are coming to Montana and scheduled to fish another Montana river we may see you here in Craig. Craig is rolling and in full summer motion. All ahead full. June is right around the corner and the bugs are happening. Get ready for a good one? One for the ages? Maybe. We will have to monitor the


Velvet Underground

Waiting for the Man | Velvet Underground

A fly fishing break for you folks at home. Check out the video today from Velvet Underground with an appearance from Andy Warhol.

Cool shit man.

The holiday is nearly over and the three day weekend has gone away from us.

This weekend a couple long standing groups here fishing the river. Many years and many trout have been caught by the Morgan and Chaisson groups. Guides Peter Skidmore, Jared Edens, Nick Stipech, Brett Matula, Beth Hood, Ryan McCourtney, Kurt Michels keep them coming back with their hard work, knowledge, and fun attitudes.

Is it tme to make you trip, your group a reality?

Never too late to start your Missouri River Legacy.

Do it today.

Until then, until you call, check out this eclectic vid from the Velvet Underground. A cool tune for sure.



Silly Sunday Scenery

Silly Sunday Scenery

Today’s Weather: Mostly sunny, with a high near 80. Southwest wind 5 to 7 mph.

Your Plan: Trout fishing on the Missouri River.

Your Attitude: Calm, at ease.

Enjoy the 3 day weekend. Sleep in tomorrow. Tuesday too. Blow off your boss.

Or if you are the boss, give yourself a raise.

Headhunters BBQ Tonight!

Headhunters BBQ Tonight!

Headhunters BBQ Tonight! Yes, it is the first sign of summer. A free BBQ @ Headhunters.

We are rolling out our finest Tube Steaks from Hebrew National along with the bun! Yes, for you the hungry angler.

Get in on the fun and then head over to Izaak’s for a real taste of BBQ. Ribs, brisket, chicken, pulled pork. And cocktails too!

See you wandering aimlessly with hot dog in hand about 4ish tonight!

Friday Foto Memorial Day Weekend Fishing Report

Friday Foto Memorial Day Fishing Report 5.23.14

Hooray for the weather, for the holiday weekend, for the trout.

All good things happening here in Craig Montana. Kicking off the weekend in the west!

If you are not coming this weekend, we certainly hope we see you this coming weekend, or for the hell of it, try the mid week. Take the week off. We’ll understand.

This last weekend with the Caddis Festival was awesome. But who could beat this weekend with the weather and the fun here in Craig. Check out the weather. Over 80F today!


Friday Foto Memorial Day Fishing Report

To keep you on track while packing for your trip tot he Mo, we have compiled a list of items to include when rolling up to Craig Montana.

Drift Boat. The flows are at the 8770cfs zone and we want you to have a great time. A boat will allow you greater freedom as the wade fishing is diminished with these spring release flows. No boat? Rent one from us! Try out the NRS IDB. You may like it. An Adipose Flow?   A Diablo Kayak? Yep, we got those too! Fun floating devices at Headhunters.

BBQ. Bring one of these if camping. Or visit Izaak’s. Open daily @ 3pm for cocktails, 4pm for dinner. Try the Nacho’s for a pile of goodness. Ribs for dinner. Home made ice cream for dessert. See Stevie or Claudia for a Moscow Mule!

Headhunters is rumored to have a Tube Steak BBQ on Saturday? You heard anything about that?

Rods. Bring fly rods. Lots of them. A streamer rod with a set of sink tips, a dry rod with a RIO Gold attached, and a Nymph rod with a RIO Indicator II line. Want to try a new rod for 2014. We got ’em! Demo a rod from Headhunters like a SAGE Method or One or Circa for those with dry fly aspirations. An Orvis Helios 2? A Sweetgrass Mantra Bamboo? You want one of those? Try before you buy at Headhunters.

Flies. Bring a boat load. Or get some additional hot flies from the shop. We’ve got the most comprehensive selection in Craig. Bar None! Scuds, Sows, FB’s, derivations of Mayfly nymphs that will blow your mind, caddis pupas and emergers, Midge Mania, dry flies like cripples and emergers for the March Brown emergence, and a vast selection of caddis dry flies as they are happening now and the invasion could come this weekend.

Sleeping bag. Don’t forget the sleeping bag and have to sleep on the hood of the truck. Not that I’ve ever done that. Check out our www.craiglodging.com site for over 20 great canyon rentals!

Camera. Bring the camera for hero shots and for capturing the moment your buddy falls out of the boat.

Beer. Whiskey. If you space it, you can always pick up a 12 pack at Joe’s. Open daily @ 8am. And you know the rule. If you see me in the bar @ 2am, send me home.

Mini Bike. For hi-jinks around camp. If you need a shuttle, call us, stop in, or just send us an ESP message. Ninch can pick up on those type of things. He is very perceptive.

Wiffle Ball and Bat. For fun after fishing. Don’t throw out your casting arm. And definitely not your rowing arm!Or just come to the porch and hang.

Sunglasses and sunscreen. A sun shirt for good measure too. It’s gonna be real nice.

Smiles. Bring a bundle of them.

The cooler. A YETI. Full of the BBQ fixin’s, Budweiser, Gatorade for the hangovers.

A map of Craig. If you don’t have one stop into the shop and we will draw you one. Just get off on exit 234 and you should be fine. How do you know when you get Headhunters? Just look for the funnest fly shop in the world, and turn right.

Headhunters open all weekend @ 7am with a free cups of Joe for those in need. Open late til at least 8pm for evening shuttles, apres fishing hang, fly line cleaner, sun hats ,shirts, gloves, sunscreen, flies, free info, an ear to bend, smiles, boat wash, demo rods, boat rentals…







Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 5.22.14

Getting warmer by the day and the water temps are following suit. You should bring your warm weather gear as many have been over dresses. On the Mo, in the month of May? Yes, it is gonna be 80F today.

We like 80F.

Headhunters Guide Nick Stipech and our good friend Ben Ashley with this pig Rainbow above. Nice weather accompanied by nice fish. Nice fishing too.

As for the fishing and the flows. Stable. The Dearborn is 867cfs and stable at 50F for a peak high. Matching the Mighty Mo. The LPP near WC is holding at 315cfs with the Mo at 8720cfs adn 50F as well.

The lake, Canyon Ferry is at 71.6% full. Up from the holding level of 70% this last month. The gates at the dam are open and we are enjoying the stable level here on the Mo at the nearly 9K level. Keep this in mind as you navigate the Mo at this level. It is only 2′ deeper than your wade fishing favorite flow of 3K. So, not too bad. Only 2′ of water. Just adjust your plan accordingly.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Dry Fly? Still a struggle for most, on any given day you may find a few. If you are diligent and lucky, and damn good as we know all of you folks are…then you may find more than a few. The caddis are gaining the foothold on the lower. GO there and command a dry fly performance.

It is also time to get out the caddis nymph box and start dominating subsurface. Caddis are on the rise! In subsurface numbers that is.

We just love the caddis as it may be the first true sign of summer. While we know that the summer does not actually start until Mark hosts one of Headhunters Famous Hot Dog BBQ’s. Coming soon…this weekend?

Some would say it come June 21st. Most actually.

Nymphs? Get out the caddis vault fly box. Don’t leave behind the mayfly jug either. We still got those. Midges? They are ubiquitous.

If you need scuds and sows and worms come on by the small shop in Craig with all the personality. Headhunters has all the flies to fell, no fill you needs.

Streamer dudes are getting it done. Strip, sink, then strip and smile. Headhunters also has all you need to attach to the end of your dry line, your intermediate line. We have T-8 and up. Cut the Airflo version to length. Try the MOW Tips from RIO and get it there Idaho Style. Sinking leaders for streamer success. Or just toss your dry and attach a heavily weighted jig. And jig it man.

Headhunters Fly Shop open daily 7am for all your Missouri River needs. All of them.

Thanks for reading this fishing report nd blog. We appreciate the look. Introduce yourselves in the shop. We love to meet our readers!




New Breed Chicks Rule #6547

New Breed Chicks Rule #6547

Lena with here first big trout from the Mo.

Fishing with Headhunters Guide Brett Matula she got this beauty Rainbow a month ago.

Nice work. She is looking forward to here next trip out hopefully when it is nicer weather.

Well come on out Lena. Today we get our first 80F day. Bring your Buff and your Bikini and enjoy the warm weather of summer?

Not yet, but we sure are happy about the change from this winter!

Missoiuri RIver Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 5.21.14

The water levels remain stable as the higher level snows have started to come off. Albeit just recently. Like yesterday.

So when will the river be in the 6K range? Not for a while is my guess. Late June?

Just throwing that out there. I hope it sticks. We got a lot of water to run through before we can even dream of those kind of flows.

Is the dry fly fishing good? No, not really. It is if you find a few. Those who are looking have had success. But you gotta look.

The fish are not all that educated at this point. My and those who I have spoken with this last week have echo’d the same story. Spot ’em you got ’em. But you gotta spot ’em first. Adams, clusters, May Browns, and even heard of a few taken on a caddis towards the lower river. Good evening action, well bugs, caddis on the lower as well.

We do know that the bigger browns are showing up in nets throughout the river. And some really big Rainbows too. A few fish on the tape this last week in the 24″ range. Honest. Peter Skidmore Headhunters All-Star and Lynn straight outta Tennessee with this pig in the photo.

Floaters, boats, and just plain drifters all over the river. If you want some peace and quiet the dam is the place. I have heard rumors of just one boat up there this week. And not just once.

So that is the story. Need some facts to get you through this humpday? We ll just keep reading.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Flows & Temp: 8690cfs, 49F.

Little Prickly Pear Flows: 327cfs and level. A touch of color. Gone around the corner.

Dearborn River Flows & Temp: 845cfs & 48F. Had a few float it. OK. Not great. Good scenic float, some fish. Call the shop for an update if you plan on going.

Hot Nymph: WORM? Sows, Scuds. Caddis down river. Micro Mays, Little Green Machines, BWO Bubblebacks, Hot Spot PT, Tung Death Metal, Tung PT, HAre’s Ears, Zebra’s, Newman’s Own, Don King’s, Amex, Choi’s Spicy Scud…

Hot Dries: Adams with various colored post for viz! Buzzball, Nymen’s, Purple Craze, Smoke Jumper, RS2. Bottom line? Something yo can see and they will eat it. Most of the time. PS, don’t drag it too many times!

Hot Streamer: Skiddish and his 2 cousins. FireEye Kreelex, white, flashy brown. Bright fly bright day? Try it.

Hot Float: The reach with the fewest boats.

Hot Tip on Clothing: All the kick ass sungear at Headhunters. Sun Gloves, BUFF, Freefly logo’d hoody’s, SIMMS Women’s hoody’s, SIMMS Mens hoody’s and crew necks, Freefly crew necks logo’d, 12wt. neck gaiters and sun shirts, FishPond logo’s and original art sunshirts, HH logo’d sunshirts, SIMMS Sungloves…and more. We have sunscreen too!

Headhunters Footwear: Flips, sandals, covered toe sandals, light and fleet of foot SIMMS Vapor Boots.

River Vehicle: Drift Boat. Flows pretty high for good wade fishing. While you can wade, it is not as efficient as the other method. Come or call in for tips and boat rentals.

Headhunters Fly Shop: Open daily @ 7am for all your river needs. Flies too. We have the best, most specific, and techy fly selection here in Craig. It really is good. Need a new fly line? We got those too. Line cleaner? The fly line is the vehicle that delivers the fly to the target. Just sayin’ Trust me, I’m a guide.

Lodging Hotline: 406-235-3447  www.craiglodging.com

Bullshit Hotline for those who want to chat: 406-235-3447


Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 5.20.14

Welcome to the Headhunters nearly daily fly fishing report for Montana’s Missouri River.

Flows still at 9K and water temps flirting with 50F.

The tribs are still relatively clear and viz below the Dearborn, 987 cfs, is about 2 1/2 feet. Not bad at all below the Little Prickly Pear @ 341 cfs until…keep checking the chart for updates. Until now no worries.

So the spread is still good with the upper packed nearly daily.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Dry flies are stronger on the lower with caddis popping along with a strong March Brown presence. Found them eating spinners Monday afternoon. Although on any given day the Baetis pop can happen and a few will be chomping them up. Big Adams, March Brown Spinner and Cripples, D &D’s, Nymens, Traditionally hackled MB’s, Sparkle Duns, Caddis Softies, Downwings…clusters and many more.

Nymphs that are ruling include all kinds of sows, scuds, Ray Charles, Czechs, Nitro Caddis, Beaded Translucent Pupa, Purple Translucents, Blooms Weight flies, all kinds of pupas…

Streamers? Back on tap. Sink tips and the like to get the bugs to the fish. Skiddish in all flavors, Dali Llama’s, R2R’s, Leeches, , Yummy’s, Zonkers…

Weather not bad with the temps moving out of the 60’s into the 70’s along with nighttime lows as high as they have been all spring long.

Bottom line? Good with moments of greatness. Sometimes not too good wither withe the bite having been variable in the last week. But, with moments of brilliance. Saturday great bite. Sunday not as good. Monday slow morning better afternoon.

Let us know if you are coming our way and we will help you find a place to rest after you meal at Izaak’s. Breakfast at the the Birger Stand or down the road in Wolf Creek. Guides available daily with shuttles, flies, rods, reels, cool clothing and the like daily at Headhunters opening 7am-8pm. Swing on in and fill your cup…

Row Jimmy Row

Row Jimmy Row

Row Jimmy Row today on the Headhunters Blog.

The art on the TShirt above is called Row Jimmy after the Dead tune.

You have seen the Dead Drifter art on our TShirts last year so we give you this Row Jimmy hoody.

Enjoy the video this Tuesday morning and blow off your boss.

Quit your job and go follow the Dead…



Yep, we got high water.

Yep, we got high(er) water.

The Missouri River is higher than normal. It certainly is not High. High water is way higher than it is now. Like double. Does it affect our trout?

Yep. They just get bigger.

With an average trout int he 18″ range it is a hard river to beat. While the other great Montana rivers sell and spill out of their banks we just kep rolling along day by day enjoying the visits from our friends from around the state.

They use Headhunters for flies, shuttles, lodging, and any other needs that may arise while fishing out of town.

Remember the worm years of the past? Well while we do not have the worm hatch we had in 2011 we are certainly enjoying the higher water and the significant growth of our already oversized trout.

The trout above, photo HH Guide Jared Edens,  is a fish you may catch on any given day. While we do post the big ones on this blog it is nice to know that a normal fish here on the Mo is still pretty big.

Check out the fishing report from yesterday to catch up on all things Missouri River.

Did you read the blog last week about the water levels in Montana and on the Missouri River? Well review this here if you need to keep up to date on our local water levels and what will happen int he future. Read it all here.

We don’t mind the higher water here on the Mo. We do find it to slow the dry fly fishing down. But, but we still got the rising fish until a water level of? In 2011 we saw rising fish at 13,000cfs. So we have a bunch of room before the trout stop rising.

They certainly like to rise at levels below 13,000cfs.

What is join going to happen in the next couple weeks, the next couple months? Stay tuned.

Big Missouri River trout will certainly happen.


Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 5.18.14

Raining. Rain tomorrow. Warmer weather. Great fishing. Some dry fly action. Creeks seem to be running relatively clear.

That is the nut shell report. But, we will give you more today on the Headhunters Fly Shop fishing report.

Drove across the the Dearborn earlier today and the mud line is not too bad. It disappears with in a mile. The water is turbid though. Down river of the confluence it mixes by the time it gets around the corner to Mid Canon. The tribs are open nd some are fishing them. TH rain and warmer temperatures this week will dictate the upper snow run off level. I suspect we are getting into the range where we will see the effects of the higher level snows down here on the lower level. We will keep you informed here on this very fishy blog.

For more about this look at Marks Blog earlier this last week to keep up to date on the runoff possibilities.

The Dearborn is currently running at 906cfs. She will get higher as the week progresses. How high? Crap shoot really. The Little Prickly Pear Creek is running a little higher too, 324cfs, but not mudding up the river either. We are pretty fortunate that these two tribs do very little damage to our clear and clean reputation.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 5.18.14 

Nymphing really quite good. Yesterday it was red hot. Today, the mid day reports state the bite not quite as good. Good meaning real good. Not great. Remember that our good is pretty damn good. Above average for many resources.

Sows, scuds, all kinds of small mayfly patterns with the  March Brown sized mayfly nymphs fishing well too. Caddis are on the horizon and those who are trying to get the subsurface bite headed in the right direction are tying on and fishing the caddis pupa and emerged with confidence.

Remember: You do not have to see the bug in our atmosphere for the bug to work in the watery atmosphere of our trout. Keep this in mind when matching the hatch below the waterline.

Dry fly fishermen are getting a few in all the right places and some of those not so common places as well. What and where can you go to get in on this kind of action? Well firmly, keep you eyes open for tiny sipping rise forms. Then put the fly on them. You may see some splashy rises too. Out in the middle of the river they mean nothing, near the bank? Maybe something.

March Brown patterns are in vogue along with some down winged caddis that are leaving the shop and not only making into some fly boxes but onto the river as well. Be the first in your crowd to fish the caddis in 2014.

As for midges and BWO’s the trout are still interested but both of these bugs are on the way out. They are still important for the remainder of the month and specifically this week as we have inclement weather upon us again.

What will the weather do?


The NRS Inflatable Drift Boat has been out a number of times this last month since it’s arrival. You want to check this boat for you all your travels around the state. If you like to fish the Smith, the Dearborn, The Big Hole, The Beaverhead, The Blackfoot? Then you oughta entertain the IDB.Come by and check it out. Couple with a  trailer of your choosing and you are set up for the best Montana summer of your life!

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 5.18.14

Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide service open daily for all your Missouri River, Dearborn, and Blackfoot needs. We got the flies for your freestone excursions so swing by on your way to the Blackfoot. You want to fish the Dearborn this year? Let us know and we will set up the guide trip for you. Just want some suggestions? We got those too.

We carry NRS supplies like straps, cup holders, sponges, K-Pumps, oars…if you need anymore items we can get them in for you too.

Adipose Boatworks FLOW Drifters for rent daily too. We got all the best for you here in Craig. Your gear, guides, and information experts here on the Missouri River.

Headhunters open daily @ 7am and open late til 8pm daily. Sometimes, most all the times…open later for your late afternoon shuttles, flies, fly lines, demo rods, wader rentals, and the best apres fishing porch in town!

Sunday Scenery from Ben McNinch

Sunday Scenery from Ben McNinch

Sunday Scenery brought to us today from our very own fly guru Ben McNinch.

Ben caught this image mid eek down below his house.

They boys caught some fish too! Fishing with Headhunters Guide Nick Stipech.

We are just getting put back together after yesterday’s big event the 8th Annual Craig Caddis Festival. A post will follow tomorrow.

Fishing Report today.

Fun all week long here on Montana’s Missouri River.



New Breed Chicks Rule

New Breed Chicks Rule #678

Diane Gross today on New Breed Chicks Rule.

Diane and Leonard visit quite often from Spokane Washington. Just a stones throw really.

Why wouldn’t you travel for trout like this one, and that one.

They were recently here for the annual couples weekend and caught a few of these specimens.

Here is the note from Len…

Hi Mark.  We had a great trip, as we always do.  We not only enjoy the fine fishing, but the entire staff at Headhunters.  I appreciate how informative everyone is.  It enhances our experience.  Thanks again.


LenThanks Diane. You do rule.

New Breed Chicks Rule

New Breed Chicks Rule

New Breed Chicks Rule | Sunday Afternoon Dee-Light!

Lauren rocking it on the Mo. Her first trip here and not her last.

The weather warmed enough this last week to get a few of us to take off some layers.

First time all year. Let’s hope the last.

But, alas, probably not.

Thanks for coming to visit Lauren. We’ll  see you in the future, next spring…with warmer springlike weather.

New Breed Chicks Rule

Craig Caddis Festival & BBQ Cook-Off next Saturday

Craig Caddis Festival & BBQ Cook-Off Tomorrow!

Hello to all!

This Saturday is our 8th Annual Craig Caddis Festival and BBQ Cook-Off!

Activities begin at 4pm with about 10 BBQ contestants grilling awesome food like Ribs, BRisket, Wings, Pork and much more!

Max Hay and Rocket to Uranus will perform on the Izaak’s Log am beginning at 4pm too.

Over 100 items have been gathered for our Silent & Live Auctions. Guide trips, canyon lodging, fly fishing gear, stuff from Great Falls and Helena shops too like a Globe on a iron stand, shelving units, gift cards from Taco Del Sol, radar detector from Sound Pro, tools from Power Townsend and many many more!

The Parade starts at 4pm too with this kickoff to the rest of the event. Want to be in the parade? Meet us at 345pm at the corner of August and Leonard Streets and we will get you in the Que! Yep, you too can participate this year in the fun events.

Come on down and join us for this great family event. $2 BBQ bites will keep you happy as you wander the streets of this fishing town on the banks of the Missouri River.

The Craig Volunteer Fire Department receives ALL Proceeds from this Annual Event.

Don’t forget to bring the whole family and your best of friends to this Saturday’s Craig Caddis Festival and BBQ Cook-Off @ 4pm in downtown Craig!

Missouri River Montana May Dry Flies

Missouri River Montana May Dry Flies

Here is a short list of flies that are rocking it in May. While we do not have the caddis flies on this list, they are very near.

Yep. Saw a this last week fluttering about while doing some evening dry fly fishing.

The river becomes quiet as most of the anglers here fishing Montana’s Missouri River keep banking hours.

Yes, it is nice at night. Not nearly as many anglers plying the fly fishing trade post 5pm.

Here is a current list of a few flies that are hot right now.

Next week too? Yes, probably. Try them. You might like them.

Missouri River Montana May Dry Flies

  • Guide Chute
  • Pink Hi-Viz Parachute Adams
  • Glarachute
  • Purple Craze
  • Swishers Purple Clumpa
  • Purple HaWiese’s Purple Phase
  • Nymen’s DOA Cripple
  • Harrop’s CDC Baetis Spinner
  • Last Chance Cripple
  • D & D Cripple
  • Sparkle Dun
  • ParaSpinner CDC BWO
  • Brooks Sprout
  • CDC Indicator BWO
  • Storm Chaser
  • Snowshoe Dun BWO
  • UV2 Sparkle Dun
  • Para March Brown
  • Traditional March Brown
  • Stranahans Brindle Chute
  • Para March Brown
  • Kory’s March Brown
  • Harrops D & D March Brown Cripple

These and more are happening right now.

What’s next? Caddis. Caddis are on the way. Some have been seen on and around the river. Until they really pop, the Mother’s Day Caddis that is, we will have to enjoy the midge, the BWO’s, the March Browns.

Looks like the spring weather will continue through the weekend ahead. What are you doing this weekend? Caddis Festival in Craig after you fish during the day? Sunday will be a good day too. Or skip work today and beat the traffic this weekend. Either is a great idea.

The Spring Opener for small creeks and streams is Saturday. Little Prickly Pear and the Dearborn in our neighborhood will both be open for the summer. Still keep in mind there are doe sensitive redd areas out there. Be aware and be respectful.

Get your dry fly rod out of the tube and drew the line. It is dry fly season too. At least that is how we are proceeding. Even if the dry fly bite is just heating up, we want to be ready. Truly ready.

Are you ready for the Missouri River dry fly bite?

It is not red hot, or even all that great yet. But it will be. Soon. It will be here soon.





New Breed Chicks Rule

New Breed Chicks Rule #653

New Breed Chicks Rule Diane Edition today from the Headhunters Fly Shop in Craig MT.

Gary said he got out fished again by Diane. We believe it.

Not because Gary is a slouch…because Diane catches big fish!

Thanks for dropping this into our inbox Gary, we appreciate it greatly.

We love you two and thanks for the support!

See you soon in Craig…

New Breed Chicks Rule!

May State of the Missouri

May State of the Missouri River

May State of the Missouri River from Headhunters Fly Shop in downtown Craig Montana.

The river is fishing well. Nymphing great. Streamer fishing well. Dry fly fishing just OK.

The water levels are higher than normal with the current flows being in the 9K cfs.

So where are we at for the remainder of the month of May? How will it fish? What will the water do? How can I the angler plan my Missouri River May?

May State of the Missouri River

Not a common May for us. But what is a common May. The flows for May are up above the average flows of the previous 65 years. The average coming in around 6K. Check out these charts for daily updates. If you want to see more of what the USBR is up to then look at this PDF by Stephanie Micek and here recent update.


May State of the Missouri RiverSo this is the nuts and bolts of the entire Micek work. You can read the entire document by clicking the above link. SO this is where we get the info that we pass on to you folks. This and a few other indicators and some “feel” based on John and Mark’s longevity on this fabulous resource.

Do we think it will be great this summer? Yes, you bet. We think dry fly fishing should be off of the charts. Remember the late dry fly seasons of the high water years 08′-’11? We do. The Trio’s went a long way into September. Did the PMD’s show in a big way? Not as much. But the rest of the bugs were sure great, albeit later in the season than in the low water years. Remember ’01-’07? Low water years where the bugs all came early and left early. So we do not have any reason to believe that it will be an early year for insects.

The March Browns are here on time, the Caddis coming this week? We think so. Try tossing on a caddis pattern subsurface this coming week. You may be surprised. Remember that the bugs are active subsurface before they become our top water obsessions!

The midges are strong with midge clusters int he early and late evenings. The Baetis are here and better for feeding trout during overcast periods. The caddis? Yes, on the way.

Back to the predictions. We can predict anything but…what will really happen? We gotta believe that the chart above shows the probable outcomes.

If you follow the red bars the dry fly climate will be just right. The probable high flows for June if you look at the blue bar will be too high for the best dry fly fishing. But the red bar is just right. We gotta believe in Red!

The green bar is too low for perfection. So that is the information we have right now. The Lake, Canyon Ferry Lake is at the 70% full mark. It has been for a month now. In the future? It will move upwards as we get into June. Historically.

So, there you have it. The May State of the Missouri River. Look back often for more info and guessing. Educated guesses of some sort.

Thanks for reading, and thanks for fishing the Missouri River.

You information experts here @ Headhunters Fly Shop writing about Montana’s Missouri River.


For more about the weekly happenings here in the Missouri River Canyon read John’s Weekly email Newsletter here.


Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 5.13.14

The sun came out. Yes, I said it. The sun came out today. How about today?

Will it come today?. The weatherman says it will.

Just no more snow please for us here in central Montana. We have enough. Honest.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

The fishing is good and getting better. Some aspects are. Did we mention the weather is improving?

Nearly every guide in Montana is here, not all of them, but soon the remainder will be here as the water all over the state is rising. We love it here and welcome all who attend. We can help the out of area guide, the out of area angler, all of them. We got the goods here at Headhunters and are anticipating your visit.

For those of you who planned on coming to the Missouri or are coming soon we will give you just the facts today on the nearly daily Headhunters Fishing Report.

  • The water is higher than the historical average, 6K, at an even 9K.
  • Water temperature is 47F. A couple degrees below water year temps.
  • BWO’s are popular subsurface.
  • Sows too.
  • March Browns are out. And fish may or may not like them.
  • Tributaries clean and clear. Falling too.
  • Fishing well from top to bottom.
  • What will happen when the daily air temps rise?
  • Headhunters Guides out daily. Plan your summer trip today and sleep better tonight.
  • Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service open every morning at 7am for any of your Missouri River Trout Fishing needs. Flies, info, terminal tackle, GINK, Shake and Bake, Rot Gut watery coffee, new fly lines, demo rods, NRS IDB’s…




Derek DeYoung @ Craig Caddis Festival Saturday May 17th

Derek DeYoung @ Craig Caddis Festival Saturday May 17th

Izaak’s Restaurant and Craig Caddis Festival hosting Derek DeYoung at this years 8th Annual Craig Caddis Festival Saturday May17th 4pm.

Be here for the BBQ Cook-Off which is part of the fun as 10+ BBQ contestants smoke, roast, and grill tasty treats all for the Craig Volunteer Fire Department.

Derek DeYoung @ Craig Caddis Festival Saturday May 17th

Derek and his wife Janell will will be selling original art from Derek’s vast selection. Izaak’s Restaurant will also add to the excitement as they have a couple originals and about 10 fantastic prints for sale as well. The largest DeYoung displays in Craig Montana.

Come on down and support the Craig Volunteer Fire Department and fill your belly with BBQ, buy some art, bid on a mountain of silent auction items and get yourself a trip around Montana in the Live auction @ 8pm.

Live Music all afternoon long on Izaak’s Log Jam with Max Hay @ 4pm followed by the rocking Rocket to Uranus til late!

The Craig Event of the year with great fishing, good food, fantastic fishing fellowship, fundraising, deals of gear, summer fun, and art too!

See you this Saturday in Craig @ 4pm!

5 Ways New Fly Lines make you Smile!

5 Ways New Fly Lines make you Smile!

5 Ways New Fly Lines make you Smile!

Think you need a new fly line? I do.

I think you need a new fly line.

The simple truth is just this. It is the vehicle that delivers the fly to the target.

A Simple Fact.

5 Ways New Fly Lines make you Smile!

  1. Delivers the fly to the target. Smoothly and effortlessly.
  2. Dirty old fly lines are the work of the Devil.
  3. Like things that have not been used much, like old tires with just a few miles on them, like old milk. Old barely used fly lines are generally not too good. Kinked and smelly.
  4. Overused old fly lines tangle lots. You know what I mean. I see lots of tangly lines. Clean them often. Daily is best. Remember the fly line is the vehicle that delivers the fly to the target.
  5. Many folks buy new fly rods. Smarter folks buy new fly lines and keep the good ‘ol rod.
  6. A bonus method. You catch more fish. Period. That is a bonus!

We love new fly lines. Everybody does. It is like new socks but better.

It is the feel good product of fly fishing.

Headhunters has a bundle of DEMO fly lines for your demo pleasures. Think you want a new one but don’t know which fly line matches you SAGE One? What line should accompany your streamer rod? Why nymphing lines perform well when trout fishing subsurface? We got the answers.

We pride ourselves on knowing more that the average bear, or fly shop, about fly lines for the Missouri River. And why not? It is in our own backyard.

We have over 75 different fly lines in stock. A mountain of RIO Fly Lines for both single and double handers with all of the dry line options offered by RIO. RIO, Airflo, Cortland, Orvis, and Wulff lines available for your fishing pleasure.

Come in and try one out. Come in and let’s discuss your fly line needs. Come in and we’ll spin up a new line for you today.

It’s a cinch. It’ll make you fish better. It’ll make you Smile!



New Breed Chicks Rule & Future FlyFishers

Mothers Day, New Breed Chicks Rule, & Future FlyFishers

Both today on the Headhunters Fly Fishing Blog.

Our good friend Preston Moon sent us this image and this short below.

HH staff,

Here are a few pics of my new breed chick Katrina Moon! We took out the PHW hide on the 8th with our two kiddos, Emelia at 9 months and Colton at 2 years old. Beautiful day, even had a few fish to hand between wolf and Craig!

The little guy only threw one fly rod into the water, not bad. Just wanted to say thanks for hosting the PHW boats and being the friendliest fly shop in Craig!


Happy Mothers Day as well. None of us could be here without our Mothers. None.

Celebrate your Mother today. Call her, chat with her, celebrate her.

Happy Mothers Day to all the Mothers from us here in cozy Craig Montana.

Missouri River Mothers Day Fishing Report

Missouri River Mothers Day Fishing Report 5.11.14

Missouri River Mothers Day Fishing Report from the headquarters of fishing madness near the shores of Montana’s Missouri River.

Fishing is good. The flows are moving upwards to alleviate the traditionally higher flows of late May and June. Will we see higher flows in June? It’s looking like we may. How high? Not that high.

Although Canyon Ferry Lake is still at the 70% full range we have endured some cooler spring temps and the upper level snow is staying put. The water managers have been able to quell the fire, will they be able to reduce the impact in June? You will just have to follow along with us in this annual process. We still think it will be just fine.

The weather yesterday wa supposed to be nasty. It was not. Will the weatherman be wrong again? How could he…

Missouri River Mothers Day Fishing Report

Nymphing continues to be the most common method withe the dry fly coming on strong. Sort of.

With the flows in the 9K mark and the water temps in the hi 40’s we are seeing active fish jumping and running hard. Most are running a rig that is over 10′ in length. Most. Some are shorter.

The hot flies include anything from the Czech family, grey and tan scuds of all shapes and sizes, Ray Charles beaded or not, Sili Scuds, Spicy Scuds, Rainbow Warriors, BWO Bubblebacks, Hot Spot PT’s, Peep Shows, Frenchie’s, Little Geen Machine’s, Micro-Mays, Red Headed Step Children, Indigo Child, Angel Hair PT’s, Tungsten PT’s, Hare’s Ears for the March Brown and some others too, and a pile of midge patterns.

We got midges. Lots.

Streamer fans are still chucking and ducking with heavy Versi Tips and sink tips. White, shiny brown, black, yellow, and olive. That is the order of the flies going out of the shop. We got the knowledge and the staff to help you improve your streamer game. Come on in and let’s chat.

The dry fly bite is OK. March Browns, BWO’s, and Midges coming off daily. You want to dry fly fish? Then go do it. The folks who have the most opportunities to catch fish on dry flies are those who focus on catching fish on the dry fly. Those you like to nymph, then look, then fool around, the nymph, then toss a streamer…those folks do not capitalize often. Just sayin.’

Happy Mother’s Day to all you Mothers. Hooray. Have you husband, kids, or somebody row you around the river today. If not, have them do all those dishes, or clean their room, or pick up anything off of the floor. It is your day and let’s hope you get dinner for free. Order a bottle of Champagne too. You Deserve it!

Will the weather cooperate this coming week?


The tribs are still falling and clear. Most non Mo River anglers think that since the rest of the river in the state are blown, that our tribs would be too. Incorrect. Our tribs our clear and clean. And falling.

Missouri River Mothers Day Fishing Report


Fly Shop open daily for all your fly fishing needs. Flies, info, coffee cups, GINK, new fly Lines from RIO, rods from SAGE, clothing from SIMMS, and much much more!