Squeeky Oar Lock is cold. The New Year will bring some goo fishing...swinging flies for the next 4 months. Then...spring brings dry fly fishing. Hooray!
All is well as we finish the first week of August.
Generally a soft period fishing Montana’s Missouri River. Why? Because the rest of the rivers in Montana are actually fishing this time of year. While the Mo fishes all 12 months the rest of the state has to deal with run-off consequently a shorter fishing season. So as the rest of the the state enjoys their peak, we settle into a late summer program.
What does that entail you ask? Well my fishy friends here are the highs and lows of August fishing Missouri River style.
Headhunters Fly Shop Fishing Report
Early mornings. Well not as wearily as the last month. You can actually sleep in a bit. If you make it to the water by 8 or 9am you still get the best of the Trico spinner fall. Not a big rush as the pressure here is light. Wander out to your favorite flat and have that last cup of Joe. Then dress your line and make that first cast.
Early off in the afternoons. Don’t stay out til 5 pm. Come in and take yourself a Siesta. Nap for a while, review the days events, then wander over to Joe’s for a Bloody Mary. Then to Izaak’s for a Pulled Pork Platter. Then off to bed to dream of the big Mo River Trout.
Hopper Time. Rock it all day long if you are so inclined. Headhunters has over 50 hopper patterns for your Brown Trout fix. Stock up for other rivers too. We got Chubby’s! Lots of them. Honest. Buy a box full.
Fish Caddis. There are not a ton of caddis in water, in the air…but they trout will eat them. Tie it on and let it ride.
Fish the Blackfoot with one of our guides. Want to experience something different than the Missouri? Let us show you another river and new world. Freestones are cool!
Try fishing the smallest flies in your box. They work! Tiny flies here on the world famous Mo are certainly challenge. Are you up for it?
Fish a new stretch. The lower river is fun. Not familiar with the canyon? Try it. You might enjoy the scenery and the hungry brown trout.
Trico’s are still happening in the am. Get out there and enjoy it. Remember that the flies you choose do not have to be Trico’s. You can fish other food items over the heads and the mouth will respond.
Headhunters open daily @ 6am for all your river needs. The fall clothing is in the store and the remaining summer stuff must go. Stop by for killer sale times like shirts, hats, flips, flies, fly lines, and the like. We’ll greet you with a smile.
The nymphing the last couple days has picked up. Thankfully. A bit bumpy on the subsurface road for a few days, now it has picked up!
The weather is hot and indicative of August here on the Mo. High and bright afternoons without much wind have made casting pretty easy and the shopper fish are responding.
Trico’s going in the mornings and those who are targeting them are having a good time. Pretty damn good fishing if you poll those involved.
It is August and all is well.
Come on out if you have an inkling to toast the dry fly. It has been really quite good!
September booking coming right along. Kids back in school, parents out to play. Call today for a hand in planning your trip for the fall.
Shop open daily @ 6am and the early start has been the key. Open late for any needs you may have whether it be flies, shuttles, info, campsite suggestions, GIK…or just a friendly ear to listen to your big fish story! We’re here for you.
In a strange but true situation here on the Missouri River the Dry Fly Fishing is better than the Nymph Fishing.
While the Missouri River is know for its famous dry fly fishing it is also a fantastic nymph fishery. Unbelievable in fact.
But, for the last couple weeks the nymph bite has been shitty soft. An understatement really. While we are still getting some trout to eat the nymph it has not been stellar. We are used to stupendous nymph fishing all year long. Of course we see some soft spots…this is certainly one of them.
Not that you can’t catch few trouts on the wet fly. You can. But it not what we, or you, have become accustomed to. It will turn at some point. We will let you know here of course. But until then, do not expect to set any records.
The Dam is not even that hot yet. It will allow heat up as the month passes by and we approach September.
Twist of Fate. The Dry Fly is Hot!
On the other hand, the dry fly anglers are still having a heyday! Not much pressure for us in August and there are plenty of fish not getting bothered. Go out and find your Valhalla.
Some days there are rising fish all day long after the spinner fall in the morning gets the fish in the right mood. You know that feeling. The Trico Spinner Falls have been epic on any given day. Not always, but almost always. Less pressure here than in July and June have allowed the fish to become pretty comfortable sipping in historical summertime pods.
Then there are those lone fish. Do you like the loners? They can be brown in flavor.
Folks are finding the dry effective all the way through the canyon and downriver to Cascade. Check out the daily weed flow and choose your reach. Today the weeds not too bad. Better than the last few days for sure folks.
Headhunters guides are stretched out all over the river. Mostly downstream though as the hopper and attractor flies have been killer. Maybe not all day long but before the sun gets too high the fish are certainly in a positive feeding mode.
We love Trico’s and love to fish them. Get on out and enjoy a quieter river for another month. Then September picks up a little. Most of the rest of the state is fishing really well and we enjoy this time of year while some of our guests are fishing the Freestones. Like the Blackfoot!
If you love the dry fly, come on out and toss your line in. Most days I see more dry fly anglers than nymphers. Yep, true.
Shop open daily @ 6am and open late til 9pm. Late shuttles, flies, info, and the early stuff too. Coffee is on and hot early here in Craig.
August has arrived and with it the high and bright sun. Would not expect anything different than that? Would you?
The fact is that the average daily high temperature in August is 82F. 1 degree cooler than July. The water temps follow suit as they drop throughout this month.
So as the water and air temps cool the fishing can become difficult. If you know that coming into the game you should be just fine. August is tougher than the previous two months because of the conditions. We have some weed in the water column, the air is hot, the sun is high int eh sky, and the fish have seen it all.
You too can overcome the challenges and succeed! A few tips below to insure August angling success.
Missouri River August Tips for Success
Go out early and beat the heat. Not one concept better than this one. Go early and beat the heat. Fish do not like high sun. They do not have eyelids. They can’t squint man.
If you can’t go early, go late. But the evening session is by no means as good as the morning shot. Dawn Patrol for sure.
Be a better angler. The fish can get a touch gun shy in August. They have been fished over for a couple strong months. Make the first cast count and make sure you set up quietly. Gently. Secretly.
Stay hydrated. It’s hot. Drink lots of water. Wear a wide brimmed hat. Buff’s. Sungloves. A Bimini stretched over the top of your drifter? A great idea. How about SunBum Sunscreen. Lather it on.
Be prepared with a few dry fly rods strung up. A techy small dry rod. A hopper rod. And maybe a bobber rod. Switch when needed.
If you want to stay away from the rest of the anglers fish the lower river. While it has more weeds, it has fewer boats.
Clean your fly line. It probably has not been done in a while. Do yourself a favor and clean that baby. It is the tool that delivers the fly to the fish. Cherish and enjoy clean fly lines. OR just get a new one. You deserve it.
Small tiny droppers can bring you success. Fish faster water. Don’t drag the fly. Clean off the weeds. Fish midweek. Get off before you are too punchy. What are your secrets for August?
Just use some good ‘ol common sense this month and you can get over on a few. They are finicky and they do go away when you make drifting mistakes. Trout are wild animals and sense predators.
Greg Brown will be performing at the Myrna Loy Center in Helena at 7 PM on Sunday, August 17. He has generously agreed to support a Montana nonprofit organization, Project Healing Waters, by coming to Helena for this one-man concert. Project Healing Waters’ mission is to provide recreational therapeutic opportunities through rod building, fly tying, fly fishing and other outings to disabled military personnel. PHW is proud that, through the generosity of our community and elsewhere, it has been able to serve hundreds of Montana soldiers. All proceeds from this concert will be used by PHW to realize its mission.
Greg appeared at the Myna Loy in September of 2011 to a packed house of loyal fans who have enjoyed his musical odyssey of over four decades. His music styles defy definition. He is a guitar virtuoso that can play the blues, folk songs, jazz, rock and most everything else in a way that is at times earthy, at times ethereal and always transporting. The songs he has written are pastoral lyric poems. Listen to him spin the story about his grandmother canning the fruits of summer harvest in jars or lost love in an old blue car whose brakes make a sound that say, “what’s the use.”
Greg also performed at the Red Ants Pants festival in White Sulphur Springs last summer.
Please join us in supporting a home town effort to help our military men and women move forward with their lives. Tickets are on sale now at the Myrna Loy Center in Helena, Cactus Records and Vootie Productions in Bozeman and at local vendors around Montana.
We do. The Missouri River is producing some really nice fish on the dry fly.
You can nymph them up too. Streamer fishing? OK I guess. “Not Much” is the quote from Dewey @ Headhunters.
Big Brown Trout on Dry Flies
Why would you fly fish with the big bug when you can hook ’em with the small white winged black? To each their own…I guess.
The great thing about the Missouri River is that you can skin the cat in so many differing ways.
Small techy dry fly fishing is at it’s peak right now. Go to your spot and get them on the small dry. Whether it be the PMD. the Trico, the mysterious caddisfly.
If you want to roll the terrestrial betwixt points of rising interest feel free to do so. I would. Well, only if you like that sort of thing.
The Big Brown Trout on Dry Flies deal.
Missouri River Summer Dry Fly Love
Honest. Dry Fly Love.
We so commonly, as of late, meaning the last decade, get categorized into a nymph loving resource. True in some respects.
Not true in others. Respects that is.
Montana’s Missouri River is a classic, the classic maybe, dry fly river. 7K catchable fish per mile. Just think about that for a moment. Name the other resources with that kind of number. 180K insects per square meter. Do the math on that one. Name some other rivers with that number.
So, fish the dry fly. We never disregard the value and effectiveness of the nymph, of the streamer fly. Never. We advocate the use of all. The ability to fish so many different disciplines on any given day is one of the reasons that the Missouri River is highly regarded in so many trout fishing circles.
While we love all the participants in so many differing styles of trout fishing…we love the dry fly.
It is why so many of the locals, the hangers on, the employees, the trout bums, the guides, the shop staffers, the waiters, the bartenders, the dreamers, the dry fly lovers, the travelers of the dry fly, the monks of the dry, the purists, the fantasizers, the reach casters of America.
They love this time period.
Who doesn’t love to catch or at least cast at Big Brown Trout Dry Flies?
Welcome to the Mo in August,. It truly does get more difficult as the month ticks by. Really hard in fact. Practicer a few times in your yard before getting on that jet airplane. You will appreciate the fly rod time in hand upon making the first cast on our beloved river.
The fishing has been just fantastic. Not everyone likes us to tell all to the readers. Well I do not believe that stating that the dry fly fishing is pretty damn good, pretty awesome, some may say mind-blowing….is wrong. The dry fly fishing on any given day is very good. Lots of opportunities for you fellers that like to toss the tiny dry.
The update is as follows. The fishing is fantastic in the morning, not so good in the afternoon!
The heat and some weed growth have kept the post lunch fishing a bit slower than we like. Those who like to get it done head out early and take advantage of the pre heat bite.
Good Trico spinner falls almost every day. Some are not as good as others as the hatch in conjunction withs gentle breeze can diminish the fall.
Remarkably good PMD action still to be had as the spinner falls have been quite impressive. Even some decent emergences in areas nearly every day. Don’t forget about this mid summer mayfly yet.
Caddis better in the evenings with good catch reports coming from the late night gang. Shuttles available at the shop if you plan on heading out after work. Stop in for a shuttle and a batch of kick ass flies.
Terrestrial fishing is as good as you are. Toss it out there as you can and let ‘er ride. Twitch if you can. Only if you can. A fine line between dragging the fly and twitching the fly. Perfect practice makes perfect.
Not as much pressure as we move into the month of August. Come on out early and make a half day of it for your pleasure. Come during the week if you need some real solace. Get out there!
Lodging has some availability as well. Give us a shout and stay in Craig this August at the Craig Trout Camp here in downtown Craig.
Still no fires bothering us here in our neighborhood. Good news.
The fish are getting a touch finicky if you foul up the initial drift. Get your game face on and make the first drift count. Give folks lots of room out there too. Treat others as you you would like to be treated!
Headhunters open at 6am for all your trout fishing needs. Fall clothing in stock as we near the fall. Not nearly yet, but it will be here before we know it. Open late for your late shuttles and lodging needs.
Lots of caddis patterns are working well. While we do not have our normal abundance of Caddis Flies this summer.
Missouri River Trout Fishing on the Missouri River is good. Damn good.
The dry fly fishing has been truly great. Did you read the fishing report blog from a few days ago? It still is as good as you are. Honest.
PMD’s are still a factor as we had a couple spinner falls that rival any I have seen in my entire life. As good as a Trico Spinner Fall, but much paler in color. A pale green one at that.
The caddis are making an appearance, slowly, and the trout are eating them well. We fish the caddis over the Trico feeding trout…often.
Some very large spinner falls this last week. Will it continue this next week? Golly, we hope so. Should have Trico’s for another month if history is any indication. Mother Mo can fool us, and does often. Trico hatch nearly every morning with that spinner fall that we all love. The entire HH gang has been out fishing daily to get some of the best, wait “The Best of the Year”, dry fly fishing. It is really good.
Trico’s all the way from Holter to Cascade. PMD’s? on some sections and not as much on others. Sally’s? Gone.
A few ways to catch them this coming week. Go out and stake up. Wait for the Trico’s to come. Or toss some attractors all day long. Hoppers? OK. Or toss nymphs and get ’em that way too.
Shop open daily @ 6am for all things Missouri River Trout. Shuttles, demo rods, rental boats, guides, killer flies, and a fantastic staff to help you enjoy your Missouri River visit.
Today’s Missouri River Montana Fly Fishing Report is as follows…
It’s as good as you are. Simple and true.
The yearly statement about your skill level and how it correlates to your catch rate. John and I were talking about this concept on the porch a couple evenings ago. And it rings true every year this time of year extending into and through August.
We are of course speaking about the dry fly end of the spectrum, but can certainly be applied to the nymphing game as well. If you rock your own boat and row it down the river this is certainly true. You gotta know where the fish live and feed. Then your angler, the feller in the bow, must execute the drift properly and let’s hope you have a grip on the trout bait of the day. Then you can find success.
But back to the original question and answer. Q: “How’s the fishing?” A: “As good as you are.”
What does that mean? It means that the insects are doing their part. Hatching daily, somewhat predictable spinner falls, and rising in/at consistent locations. It means that you are required to do your part. Cast well, drift better, and set the hook.
Those anglers who cast better, drift better, fish better catch more fish.
No offense intended to those anglers who do not posses the upper level skill sets. That is not we we intend by this post. Lots of parallels in other sports. Those who play more basketball score more points. Those who ski 50+ days a year are more comfortable skiing steeper terrain. Those who either practice casting and/or fish more often catch more of our late July finicky freely rising trout. Just that simple.
A few tips that can improve your experience here on the Missouri River for the remainder of the summer include…
Approach the fish gingerly and with care. It is the time of the year when your anchor needs to be deployed quietly. No stomp and splash actions please. Those fish will vanish quickly.
The high and bright sun puts the trout in a defensive mode. Wen it is sunny, predators from above can spot fish easily and the trout instinctively are aware of the danger. A presentation that drags over the trout can put them down.
Make a couple practice casts beside the fish first and get yourself into a successful situation. Measure the line you need, understand the drift, and then make that first presentation.
There is no rush. the fish are feeding. You do not have to get in there fast. Haste makes waste. It truly does. Approach the rising trout with a plan and execute it. It is not a race to see has rapidly you can get rid of those sipping trout.
Use a reach cast or the proper cast for each situation. Generally a slack line presentation of some sort should be employed. That is what the practice casts next to your target are good for. Understanding the drift before your present the fly to the fish. I have always said that 99 of 100 dry fly casts here on the Missouri River are reach casts. That means more than 1 in a row. That means 99 of 100. The fly has to be drag free nearly all of the time so those who continually drag the fly over across and around the fish cannot expect to have the fish eat the fly. So commonly we are using a dead bug pattern like a spinner. Spinner are dead. Dead flies do not swim. IF the fly is dragging violently you cannot blame the fly pattern. The only one to blame is?
Practice casting at home. Those who see their casting instructor, or just pull the fly rod from the tube a few times before the trip…catch more fish. The conversion rate is much higher.
If you are approaching the trout on foot…walk quietly. They are wild animals and suspect the worst. They may not go down, but they are aware of your presence. If you are approaching via boat, anchor a ways away and sneak up on them!
Just a few reminders for those who love to stalk rising trout. Do yourself a favor and practice a few times before coming. Casting wildly in-between rising trout does not qualify as practicing. Enjoy the river and enjoy this time of year. It really is fantastic dry fly fishing. Kind of as good as it gets. Really.
I used to be the soft rod guy. No more. I am a fan of the stick that gets the most work done. Do work Son!
That is the SAGE Method. A work horse if there ever was one.
I look at the bevy of fly rods available to me in the morning and I nearly always pick out the 5 and 6 wt SAGE Method. The only time the line up changes is when I add a couple SAGE One rods for good measure.
Yes, the SAGE One is probably the better all ’round fisher of the two, but if you like go fast and horsepower all the time, as I do, then the Red Rod is the clear choice for daily angling.
The Method can fight fish too. Just faster.
Top 10 Reasons I love my SAGE Method
Horsepower. None beats it.
Hyper fast casting accuracy. True flight after you stop the rod every time.
It’s Red. Trans Am’s are red. Coca-Cola is red. The Red Rocker likes Red…just watch
It goes anywhere you want to go. Long, short, into the wind, along with the wind. She goes along for the ride, in fact she is driving!
The best all around casting machine on the market. SAGE got this rod right in the trout sizes.
I like the 5, the 6, the 7, the 8, the switch, the 9…you get the drift there don’t you. Commonly trout rods have a couple sweeties in the line. All the red rods are sweet.
The fish fighting machine. Whip ’em fast and get them in. No tired fish when using the Method.
Everything is better in red. The SAGE Method is the tough guy rod for tough guys. Or just fella’s who like to own it. Use it for trout fishing and beyond. Whipping up on a big ‘ol Tarpon is cool too. Getting to the Tiki Bar sooner making everybody happy.
Knocks out the wows in your line when casting. The Konnetic Technology truly does work. Watch a few different anglers cad the red rod and judge for yourself. Stop in and try the SAGE Method anytime.
A World Class Dry Fly Rod. Can stand up to the test. Your test. A nymphing machine. Stiff enough to set the hook at long distances and carry heavily weighted split shot ridden rigs! Streamers? With ease.
One of the greatest spinner falls I have ever seen occurred earlier today on the upper river. Honest.
Billion, shoot brazillions, of Trico Spinners hit the water later in the morning and we had a helluva time getting our flies noticed for a spell. Then, then it happened. Caddis, PMD’s, Buzzballs turned on and we were able to capitalize on the Trico feeding fish. Just too much of a good thing for a time there. You truly cannot compete with so many naturals on the water.
Missouri River Montana Tuesday Fishing Report
Many folks, anglers, toss the Trico Spinner to Trico eating fish. It does work. They are actually eating Trico Spinners much of the time. But here is the helpful fly fishing feeding hint of the day…fish will eat flies other than Trico’s when they are feeding on Trico’s. They will. Trust me, I’m a guide.
Still no sign of the caddis here in big numbers. Although we have seen a couple days of spent caddis on the water in the mornings. Hatching at midnight? Could be. Will they come? If they don’t, we still have PMD’s and Trico’s. And terrestrials on their way?
Ants are still getting some attention and the hoppers? On their way. We have been seeing few go out of the shop this last couple weeks in preparation for the big event. We have a fabulous selection of the big fellers here in downtown Craig!
The water flows are up and down as the water managers have been thrown a monkey wrench a few time this spring and summer. Currently at the 4500cfs mark and water temps bouncing around too. The last couple cool days coupled with really cool mornings have kept it down.
The weeds have made an appearance and the lower you go the more you see. Can make nymphing difficult at times but does not bother the dry fly angler as much.
Some great guides still avail toward the end of this month as we mover toward the month of August. Lodging too. Come on out or come on over if you live somewhere within a good casting distance. Call us up on our Trout Fishing Hotline @ 406-235-3447 or 877-DRY-FLYS.
The shop is open at 6am for all your trout fishing needs here in central Craig near the river. A bundle of new fall clothing from SIMMS is getting stocked now for when the weather turns and so do the leaves. Sooner that later. Come by for our SALE Rack as it expanded recently while we need to get out with the summer stuff and in with the new.
Headhunters can handle your shuttle, your fly line issues, a new rod or two, outwear, innerwear, headwear, gloves, and BUFF’s too. Stop by for a cup of hot Joe in the morning and get the up to the minute fishing report from our crack staff…
We are entering the final third of July and the fishing is red hot.
Those who love to dry fly dawn til dusk are having their cake and eating it too.
Trico’s continue to be the hottest ticket from dawn too the afternoon period depending on the wind, the spinner fall and a billion environmental factors.
We know the reach cast factor helps too.
There PMD’s are still around but not always in the number we like. The spinner fall can come out of nowhere and make the afternoon more tolerable.
The caddis seem to be nowhere near as fulfilling as the past 50 years but the fish do respond to a caddis fly floated over their nose properly. Will they come in bigger numbers this year? We are not holding our breath. Braden our in house bug seiner and researcher is out right now gathering specimens and we should have a blog about the river contents today sometime. Keep it here for updates in regards to the biomass moments and changes.
Until then, here are the hot flies of July from Montana’s Missouri River.
Late July Missouri River Hot Flies
Late July Missouri River Hot Flies
Harrop’s Hi-Viz Rusty Spinner
Harrop’s Hi-Viz Pale Green Spinner
Harrop’s Hi-Viz Trico Spnner
Quigley’s Cluster
Cluster Midge Double Parachute
Limestone Cripple
D & D Cripple
Cloud Caddis
CDC and Elk
Double Duck Caddis
Stocking Wing Caddis
Parachute Caddis
Bloom’s Caddis
Harrop’s Palmered Caddis
Translucent Pupa floated
Bubba Ant
Pink Morrish Hopper
Bloom’s Ant
And a few nymphs for your palette.
Late July Missouri River Hot Flies
Poly Wing Zebra
Purple Weight Fly
Ultra Damsel Nymph
Rainbow Sowbug
Rainbow Warrior
Green Weenie
Tung Dart
Zebra Midge Black & Red
Cheeseman Emerger
Mason’s Peep Show
Soft Hackle Black
Rainbow Czech Nymph
Purple Lightening Bug
Little Green Machine
Grape Slushy
Tungsten Lightening Bug
That should keep you busy for a while. There are plenty of bugs that work that are not on this list. These are hot sellers and hot flies that seem to be popular for the last week(s) of July fishing Montana’s Missouri River.
Good dry fly bite in the mornings and it can continue throughout the day per above. The nymphers are doing well in all water types at all levels. Look for good nymphing in faster water as the fish are moving to higher oxygen environments. They do every summer as the water temps rise. No secret there. Just remember to follow your late summer instincts and fish near the surmise and the sunset. Smart.
See you tomorrow on this very buggy blog. Friday is just 4 days away!
The dry fly fishing has been fantastic and aided in part from the false overcast this last week from the fires to the North and to the West.
Now the smoke has been blown out by the wind as we head into the new week.
Sunday and a ton of non angler crafts will again float and drink while we fish and sometimes drink. It has been damn hot here so plan accordingly with the proper amount of water in the YETI Cooler. The weather will cool as we get closer into August and the water temps too.
The Trico’s will hold your interest for the morning session as they come off and spin in the mid morning hours. Some days they will stay on the water until well after noon.
Some days we have a good to decent PMD Spinner fall in the late morning as well. Hope that one of these events prolongs the dry fly bite. Some days we can have opportunities for fishing fish dawn til dusk. Lots of non-local locals here as the month comes to the end. August is a new deal.
Caddis are not around in the numbers that we are used to and they may come? I honestly do not really know the answer to that oft asked question.
We will keep you informed as to the dry fly and insect activity.
Flows are holding at the 4600cfs mark and the water temps are rising as the summer days pound on us. Not too hot though and while the weeds have begun to grow they are not a problem yet. The nights bring it to 62F and the days it can reach 66F. Let’s not have it reach higher.
As for the graph, the USGS Graph, it looks like they re-calibrated it and we are now at 4600. So was the 4K reading a farce?
Did I mention that August is a much cooler month here in central Montana and we will expect both the air and the water to cool.
Folks are spread out from top to bottom and fishing at night as well. Choose your drift and enjoy it. Stop in for a shuttle if you like.
We are now open at 6am for coffee, flies, info, boat rentals, sunscreen, and much more too!
A cool boat from our good friend Steve. He dropped us this line about the history and the reasoning behind the Boat Eyes on this killer Woody.
Hey Mark,
Thank you for your hospitality!
There is a long tradition in Southeast Asia of putting eyes on boats, to help them see danger and thus protect their passengers better.
These particular eyes were modeled after the eyes on the giant stupa, or prayer mound, in Kathmandu, Nepal, named Swayambhunath. They are said to be the eyes of the Buddha.
Shop fly guru Ben McNinch with this healthy night time Brown Trout.
Awesome Ben. While we work most of the time we still find time to get out on our favorite dry fly fishing river in the world.
We are just lucky to live and work on this great fly fishing resource.
The dry fly month is here and will continue for another full month?
Trico’s every day. PMD’s most days. Caddis some days. Sally’s on the weekends.
The water temps spiked today as the sun is high. Air temps in the daytime vicinity of 90ishF. Will she move higher? Maybe. July is the hottest month of the year. August is cooler.
The weeds are not here yet but we may see them in August. Honest.
Fly flicking dries all day long on the Mighty Mo. We got ’em for the next 6 weeks.
Want to book a late July guide trip along with lodging here in downtown Craig Montana? We have avail. for the next 6 weeks. September and October too. Not too early to get your name on the books for the late season dry fly love. We’ll host you here at Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service.
If we don’t see you soon, we’ll see you in the fall.
The twice annual Reach Cast discussion kicks off today this hump day in mid July.
The other time we talk about this is when me, Mark, has nothing else to say ion the mid winter.
Or nothing of value daily to say about fly fishing the world’s finest trout fishery.
Long time clients Joe and Paul Taylor are here from Rome NY and they do understand the validity of the reach cast. More fish are caught when you employ some sort of slack line presentation when fishing to our often difficult bastard fish freely rising trout.
I’ve been fishing with them 15 years and they know what I’m gonna say before I say it. Comments like, “I know, a reach cast would work here” come from their mouths when I open my mouth to gently probably rudely suggest trying…
If you don’t, you may as well be practicing non fish catching techniques. Shoot, you can do that at home, in your back yard without freely rising wildly reproducing whities rainbows and browns.
Back to the Reach Cast. Use it. Live it. Love it. Test on Monday.
The flows are coming down per the blog and the USBR as scheduled. Should be int he mid 4K’s Monday.
The flows are good for all including the wade fishers and the boat anglers. The flows are currently holding at 5290cfs and the water temps are 61F. Not bad for the middle of July. The weeds have not become a problem. Not at all.
The bugs are good and the hatches are consistent. PMD’s, caddis, Sally’s, and Trico’s are here and available for our hungry trout.
Lots of boats on the upper and not as many on the lower. Spread out is good for all.
The days are getting shorter and the night time fishing is decent. Get out if you wish. We got your back and will do late shuttles.
Guided trips are avail in the late month if you need a late July fix. August will be kick ass per the current wage temps and the late season higher flows. Every cooler day we have here in July adds a day of good fishing in August.
September is booking and October is filling too. Get your plans together and get on out here this fall for one of the nicer times of the year. We love October.
Need more info? Call the shop anytime for lodging, fishing, and bug hatch confirmation. We love to chat about trout fishing the Mo!
Just fantastic weather and fantastic fishing on Montana’s Missouri River.
This is the busiest time of the year so if you do not like fishing near others, this may not be the environment for you. Unless you explore and understand the intricate, mundane yet predictable, movements and rhythms of fly flickers.
Think about your approach and execute.
PMD’s, Trico’s, Caddis, Sally’s, a bundle of other tiny mayflies, midges, and hatching daily here on the Missouri. Top to bottom. Dam and locales further north.
The flow will do this according to the knob handlers at the dam(s). Mother Nature really dictates what happens. Many like to blame the dam water predictors…you try to predict the future. I have been critical in the past about the Ouija Board Water Management of our waters but no longer harbor hard feeling for those responsible for the decisions made on our behalf. It has gotta be damn hard to work in that capacity trying to enable happiness from many many water factions.
Inflows into Canyon Ferry are declining while releases continue to evacuate storage out of the exclusive flood pool. To balance the rate of evacuation and flow reductions, the following operation change is required at Canyon Ferry Dam and Powerplant.
CANYON FERRY RELEASES AND OPERATIONS: Times are Mountain Daylight Savings Time (MDST)
At 0900 hour on Friday, July 11, 2014:
Decrease releases through the river outlet gates to 930 cfs.
Maintain releases through the spillway gates at 0 cfs.
Maintain turbine release at ≈ 4,900 cfs (≈ 1,303 MW-Hrs/day using 90.2 cfs/mw).
Maintain release for Helena Valley Project at 670 cfs (340 cfs pumped to Helena Valley and 330 cfs discharged to the Missouri River).
Decrease release to the Missouri River to 6,160 cfs.
Decrease total release from Canyon Ferry to 6,500 cfs.
At 0900 hour on Saturday, July 12, 2014:
Decrease releases through the river outlet gates to 430 cfs.
Maintain releases through the spillway gates at 0 cfs.
Maintain turbine release at ≈ 4,900 cfs (≈ 1,303 MW-Hrs/day using 90.2 cfs/mw).
Maintain release for Helena Valley Project at 670 cfs (340 cfs pumped to Helena Valley and 330 cfs discharged to the Missouri River).
Decrease release to the Missouri River to 5,660 cfs.
Decrease total release from Canyon Ferry to 6,000 cfs.
At 09 : 00 hour on Sunday, July 13, 2014
Decrease releases through the river outlet gates to 0 cfs.
Maintain releases through the spillway gates at 0 cfs.
Decrease turbine release to ≈ 4,830 cfs (≈ 1,303 MW-Hrs/day using 90.2 cfs/mw).
Maintain release for Helena Valley Project at 670 cfs (340 cfs pumped to Helena Valley and 330 cfs discharged to the Missouri River).
Decrease release to the Missouri River to 5,160 cfs.
Decrease total release from Canyon Ferry to 5,500 cfs. (continue on next page)
At 0100 hour on Monday, July 14, 2014:
Maintain releases through the river outlet gates at 0 cfs.
Maintain releases through the spillway gates at 0 cfs.
Decrease turbine release to ≈ 4,330 cfs (≈ 1,303 MW-Hrs/day using 90.2 cfs/mw).
Maintain release for Helena Valley Project at 670 cfs (340 cfs pumped to Helena Valley and 330 cfs discharged to the Missouri River).
Decrease release to the Missouri River to 4,660 cfs.
Decrease total release from Canyon Ferry to 5,000 cfs
So that is the latest. The water temps will do? Sometimes they rise, sometimes they fall. Let us know how we can help while staying and fishing the Missouri River.
We are open daily from 630am and open late for any shuttles you may need, the best in flies, friendly sage advice, casting help, new fly lines, lodging, and guided fishing trips. Headhunters is the place to make your Missouri River experience fulfilling.
Not just how and why we have so many fish over 18″ but also where all the little ones are. And where do they live? And, why don’t we catch any little trout?
All great questions. Do we know where and why and how of the small trout? No not really.
They may live up the creeks until they make their way into the big Mo.
We would know more but since we rarely catch the juniors here.
If you want to catch smaller trout you may have to go to other rivers.
But having said that, our boy Danny manhandled this mini trout at the boat ramp trolling it in yesterday.
Nice and small. A rarity here fishing Montana’s Missouri River.
One of our favorites Hunter here on the property this last weekend. He loves Headhunters.
Parents Andy and Amy were here as well although Hunter would hitchhike up here if he were given the chance.
The tally for fish caught this 4th of July weekend includes dozens and dozens of Perch on the docks at Holter Lake. A Walleye from the lake too. A giant Rainbow from the river…and maybe more as well. Most likely more.
Hunter is a natural fisher dude.
We love seeing fellows like Hunter get jazzed about the outdoors. His grandfather was here as well. 3 generations of anglers all hanging out and learning about the important things in life. Respect, honor for nature, and how to interact with not only humans but the other creatures that make up our world.
Just awesome Hunter. Good to see you and we look forward to seeing you again soon!
Good to great depending on who you talk to. The guides out have been reporting good dry fly action in the mornings and slower afternoons. Good evening bite is pretty normal and it has been good enough to be out the last 3 hours of daylight.
The visiting anglers have been having a blast too. Good dry fly opportunities coupled with red hot nymphing has kept you busy from dawn til dusk. Rental boats, your own boats, wade fishers have all benefitted from cooler water temps and these great simmer flows. We do not like the short flows of below 3000 cfs.
Gord Dawson straight outta Clagary with this nice trout caught with HH Guide Jared Edens this last week on a dry fly. Nice work!
Missouri River Montana Fishing Report
PMD’s coming in the morning hours and the spinner fall happening sometime during the day. The upper has about as many PMD’s as the rest of the river but the lower reach has been on fire. Try it if you dare.
Caddis are in the canyon and beyond. Not too many on the upper river but that will change as the month progresses. Spents are not all the rage yet but they will be important as the July moves through and the days shorten. The translucent pupa is the key for dangling something off of your dry. Weighted pupa’s are key too. Find one you like and send it down to the depths. We also like Silvey’s Pupa. Flashy son of a gun.
Trico’s have made their initial appearance and the spinner fall while not epic has been producing some good times. Fish looking up.Try an emergent CDC pattern to give you entertainment before the day really gets rolling.
Sally’s are cool too. The Sally bite on the surface has been really good. Not all that common for our river system but they have been working well. We love the low riding Outrigger patterns for the Sally. Try the caddis version too! Just sayin’.
Want to see some really cool images from John taken Macro Style? Look at this morning’s Monday Blog for a stunning peek below the river surface.
The traffic on the this last weekend was evident on the upper and middle sections of river. Less pressure lower down. You could say the same thing for the weeks ahead. If you want less pressure…do some figuring. And stay with the plan. Or just go up top and battle.
The flows are and will come down as the river inflows at Toston continue to diminish daily. Read this blog post yesterday to see the specifics of what will happen. We just got the July forecast from the USBR and will post later. The initial look indicates lower flows than we are seeing right now. Per usual. We should see flows int he 5K range shortly. Keep it here for the most and up to date info on the Missouri River corridor.
Water temps continue to increase as the days become warmer. Summer is here, we think. Overcast and dead calm this morning with afternoon winds and warmer temps as I write this Mid Day Monday Missouri River Fishing Report.
There are plenty of bugs and plenty of fish to be found. Lots of good wade fishing too. Had to write the blog yesterday in regards to the fears of many anglers that think the Missouri should be better? I just told them to go to the Henry’s Fork and wait for the fish to rise. And wait some more…
For those of you who are coming and those of you who appreciate this great resource I applaud you. We love it and respect it and appreciate it. For those of you who complain about only catching X number of trout, that there are no bugs and no trout…move on please. I hear the Madison calling your name.
It is truly busy here not eh Missouri River in this the busiest months of June and July. Honor, respect, watch, learn, appreciate, smile, encourage, mentor, teach, enjoy this great river and we will see you on the porch for a cold beer @ Headhunters.
The fly shop open daily @ 630 am open late til 9pm for all your river needs. Flies, shuttles, info, coffee, sun wear, hats, sun hats, sungloves, sunscreen, GINK, Shimi-Shake, Frogs Fanny, Hatch Reels, SAGE Fly Rods, RIO Fly Lines, and mush more for your shopping pleasures.
The Toston historical inflows. Look to this chart for what may happen in the coming week(s)
A common wade fishers belief. That there are no fish below Craig. I do understand that the upper is classic wade water and that the wade fish opportunities are not as prolific downstream…but having said that, there are some ways.
Attention: Those who like the honesty thing should stop reading right here and tune in again tomorrow where the tone may be more amenable to those who like fantasy land shit.
With the water higher than we have had in 2 years in July, remember the 4 yrs of high water? Let me remind you of ’08, ’09, ’10, ’11. Remember those high water years? With the water higher than we have had it in 2 years there is some disappointment from some Mo River visiting anglers that these flows of 6800cfs have ruined the river.
Well let’s look at some facts first before we come to rash conclusions based on emotion.
Check out the graph from Sunday morning and look at where the triangle is. That is the historical average. It is based on 68 years of evidence. So we are higher than the last umpteen, 68 to be exact, years. Yes. By a couple hundred cubic feet per second. I challenge you to show me on a ruler how much difference 250cfs is in real height values. I believe it would be in the less than 1 inch range. The difference between 3000cfs and 9000cfs is 18inches. True.
Flows July 5th 2014: 6800cfs
Flows July 5th 2013: 2800cfs
Flows July 5th 2012: 4300cfs
Flows July 5th 2011 23000cfs
Flows July 5th 2010: 22000cfs
Want me to keep going? The flows are normal. Well, no…just over normal. About 300cfs over normal.
Check out this chart from the inflows @ Toston and see what history tells us. If you do not like charts, I don’t as I am a failed History Major, then let me explain. The flows are and will come down. If you look carefully at the triangles, historical average, you will see that in one week we should be at a water level of approx. 6K cfs and the following week you will see a flow average of 5K cfs.
See. Perfect.
As for the bugs. Not as many hatching as we would like. Mother Nature gets to choose the insect quotient.
Here is the hatch report for Sunday July 6th 2014.
Upper River above Craig Montana
PMDs daily. Pretty anemic hatches the last 3 days. Water temps got ’em down? Maybe. The flows? Probably not. Mother Nature? certainly. They will come back. Remember the BWO resurgence in early June? The latest we ever had them. Bugs are funny. They are a mystery too.
Caddis. Not too may. Although a trout will eat when presented on a platter. Or first cast.
Trico’s. Not yet. Maybe today.
Mid River
PMD’s. YEs. Some days a ton, others not as much. Crips, emerges, spinners. Good spinner falls can be had anywhere anytime here on Montana’s Missouri River.
Caddis. Lots and lots. We do not see the caddis emergence like clockwork like we did way back in the day. Pre 2000. So be ready for a caddis event anytime any day. Spents and sunken caddis work well on the mid river sections.
Trico’s. YEs. Towards the bottom. Or even the middle. Shoot, as I write the males could be coming off here in Craig. BE here is the plan. Here in Craig.
Sally’s. More and more daily. No big punch yet. The trouts love them subsurface and occasionally on the top too. But for us here on the Mo is is mostly a subsurface fish catching deal. Again, all these big events are tied to water temperatures. The flows up and down I guess could have fouled things up. But, who knows and maybe.
Lower River
PMD’s. Same as above. Sometimes good, sometimes not. Let’s hope they come back but the science behind is? While I have heard lots of speculation, as we fishers love to spin a tale, yet no conclusive evidence to make me believe any of it. Give me some evidence, precedence, substance and I will bend an ear. Until then I don’t believe the hype.
Caddis. Yep.
Trico’s. Could be.
Sally’s. Sure.
The other big bug. If you are reading this at home you are too late right. Maybe next year.
The water temps here below Holter Dam are holding a daytime average of 61F. Believe it. They drop to 58F at night with nighttime air temps hovering around 60F.
So that is the skinny for all you folks out there in cyber fish land.
Higher water? It is not higher than average fellas. Maybe putting fish off, maybe not. I don’t believe that is the case at all. One fishers opinion.
Fish below Craig? Nope. Don’t go below Craig Montana. Go to the Dam everyday. It’s good up there.
Bugs upriver? About as many as everywhere else except there are more below Craig as I write this very storied blog. Tough for that certain sect that does not believe that you can fly fish below Craig.To that sect I say…“You may not like it. Stay on the upper for sure.”
So as Mother Nature strings us along this wonderful dry fly month of July, just remember that these are wild fish on a not so wild controlled water release system that we are so very lucky to live and work and recreate on and around. We love it so and it is not always perfect. It just is not. If you like lots of bugs, go to the Fork. Their problem is no water and not many fish. Everybody has got problems. Look beyond them and go out and enjoy the river.
That is the Sunday Missouri River update brought to you by the friendly honest folks at Headhunters Fly Shop in Craig Montana. The World’s Funnest Fly Shop and your Missouri River information magnate.
Open daily @ 630am and open late til 9pm. Later this coming week we may go earlier.
We have done it. The big 4th of July party here in Craig Montana is over. Over for another year.
Lots of folks around for the only big 4th of July host in Craig Headhunters Fly Shop with our famous Garlic and Onion Burgers and Kosher Dogs slathered in Kraut and mustard.
Our 7th Annual Fireworks display went off without too many hitches. No lost digits that we know of.
Thanks to John, Dewey, and Braden for again braving the elements, and explosives…a good show was pulled off after dusk.
The tiny fishing ‘burb of Craig survived yet another colossal party. If you have not been to Creaig for the 4th, you would really like it. Plan now for the coming year. It really is a lot of fun.
Yes one of our favorite holidays. Celebrate America’s Birthday with us here in downtown Craig.
We will be BBQ’s up some burgers and dogs and hanging out all day long and well into the evening. Fireworks at dusk.
Bring your helmets and a six pack and we will see you on the banks of the Missouri.
Missouri River Fishing Report 4th of July 2014
It is all coming together. PMD’s, Caddis, Sally’s, and some bigger bugs around as well. Figure out your perfect dry fly pleasure and go for it.
The flows are 6760cfs and the water temps have fallen into the 59F range. Whoa. Goofy deal here on the Mo.
The good news is happy and smiling anglers into Izaak’s nightly. Then finishing at Joe’s.
We will see you for an afternoon burger before the evening bite, then Izaak’s, then fireworks, then Joe’s, then bed…then another great day ont he Missouri River.
The fly shop open daily @ 630am and open late til 9pnm. See us for all your Missouri River needs!
The flows will fall soon enough so the bank anglers can rein again. Wade too. When will it happen? Soon, maybe.
Trico’s are on the way. The 5th of July is tomorrow.
Char Ford fishing with Headhunters Guide Jared Edens today on this updated fishing report from Headhunters Fly Shop in Craig Montana.
It is July, and the fishing is easy. Well sometimes. I am referencing the Porgy and Bess tune from the Gershwin Brothers. Catfish are jumping’…
On any given day the stretch you fish can be quite vacant. Look around and go the other way. It works. After the 5th? Maybe.
Not too many bugs yesterday as we are in a mode where sometimes they are gonna come big, and other days not so much.
5 Ways to get it done this July
Dry or Die. Most that are here for the July period are DFO’s. Tie them on and cast. Bring your industrial bottles of GINK and Fly-Agra. Get out early and stay out late.
Blind fish the dry. Many do this in between rising fish. A good way to pick up a couple extra trout. Look for 18″-36″ of moving water and toss an attractor like an ant or a giant Adams or some sort of caddis.
Dry-Dropper. Something that not many of us do. It sacrifices both the dry and the dropper. We believe that it is perfect for freestone rivers, but not so hot for our river. Reduces the effectiveness of the dry and the dropper equally. Choose one or the other. Your most efficient option.
Deep Nymph Rig. Get the flies not he bottom with a split shot. The bottom is where most of the fish live. Deep nymphing is batting for average. Singles win ballgames. For those who like to catch a bundle, this is your technique.
Streamer Fishing. Underrated summertime activity. Strip them fast before the weeds make an appearance. Explosive grabs and bigger trout. Try it when things get slow on the other fronts.
Headhunters open daily @ 630am and open late until 9pm. Stop in for the best in Missouri River Flies. Free info too.
The dry fly month has arrived here on Montana’s Missouri River. We love July.
It is one busy month though. Bring your battle gear and prepare for dry fly fishing madness.
The morning can be great, the veining too. Most fish bankers hours here but if you want to think outside the box so to speak, you can find a little bit of Missouri River Heaven.
The entire river is lit up with bugs. They seem to have taken a couple days off but they were back yesterday. Today? Probably more of the same. The month of July is famous here for dry fly fishing dawn til dusk. We concur.
Look at John’s Blog yesterday to see some of the better PMD patterns we employ here. Really cool stuff. Cripples and emerges and spinners rule the day.
Caddis are popping big time on the lower reaches. Anywhere below Stickney. Saw a bundle int he morning hours as we left Crag too. Some last night on the upper too. SO they are becoming prevalent on the entire ditch.
Sally’s are nearing the pop too. Water temps have held us back for this skittering elusive topwater insect. We do have some killer Sally patterns inout bins for you to try. Look at the Outrigger Sally and the Stacker. Our two fav’s.
Drakes? Late. See you local guru about this big brown bug.
Midges are the rule up top as the Euro crowd was out catching them on tiny midge patterns top side near the dam. Ulf Borjessen of MadTrout is out with some Swedes fishing here and there for a couple weeks. Mostly here with some Henry’s Fork and Madison mixed in for good measure.
So you have a bundle of opportunities with the dry fly. Find your peace here on your favorite piece of water. Less traffic downstream as of late. It has flopped over to the top side for many dry fly fans.
And the Trico you ask? Not for another week or two. Then we will be in full summer swing. Dawn til dusk.
Parties coming up include America’s Birthday and we celebrate it here in Craig. A cool place to be. We will have our normal big party not he 4th with BBQ’s, sale items, swag, fun, porch partying, and lots of BS.
The real crowds show on the 5th. Lots of the non local local’s here right now. Faces we have been seeing for 20+ years here not eh Mo. Lots of long timers around.
The flows are up over 6K and not so hot for wade fishers that are not in the know. You step into the water at 6K and it is near the top of your waders. Boats are a plus if you want to cove lots of ground, or water, and be efficient. The temps are above 60F. No just kidding. This morning we are at 58F. That is why our bugs are a little behind the curve. They have only touched the 60F mark a couple days. We suspect wight eh weather ahead this week that we will see them move upwards again. Cooler temps now mean better fishing alter. Honest.
You can also run into fish that will not eat the fly. Not so much today, but in a couple weeks she can get a touch touchy! We just move on to another target. Some cannot pull themselves away. That is OK too. To each their own. The Mo can offer something for everyone. Hard to impossible to quite possible to…every extreme here in central Montana.
If you are coming soon check out the water and pack sunscreen. If you need additional sun products you can visit the sun superstore here in Craig at Headhunters Fly Shop. We have everything you may need on that front. Sunshirts from SIMMS and FreeFly, sun headwear from BUFF and SIMMS and FreeFly, sungloves from SIMMS, BUFF, 12wt. Lots of logo wear too for you to rock at home or here in Izaak’s. I hear you get mad props from your lady friend too if you rock the right HH Gear? Just sayin’.
The Funnest Fly Shop in the World open daily @ 630am and open late til 9pm for all your Missouri River needs. Shuttles, HH Gear, sun wear galore, info, the best in Missouri River Flies, GINK, friendly staff and free coffee daily as well.
See you on the porch tonight reliving the big one on a dry stories!
Coming off of a great PMD week on the upper with the caddis on the lower reaches increasing in strength daily. Had one report from a long time resident here on the Mighty Mo that stated he had never seen so many caddis in his entire life. But, that may not be true…
Yep, it’s good. It’s summer.
I know you are coming out this summer so we do not have to cover that here today.
Caddis on the lower river are thick. Yes thick. Lots of bugs in the bushes. Not so many inundating the river arena yet. Strange yes. Why? I don’t know. This next month will bring them to the water.
PMD’s have been anemic in the last couple days with the howling wind conditions here locally. Less wind this coming week along with higher daytime air temps. 80’s I believe. Not the 1980’s
Streamer anglers have been getting it done too with ripping fast retrievals and leeches, shiny patterns,and your fav home brew too.
All the stretches of the river are being fished daily with lighter pressure here and there. Choose wisely and float on down.
Hot Nymph flies for the week ahead include…
PMD Tungsten Redemption
Mason’s Peep Show
Military May
Poxyback PMD
Purple Weight Fly
Tung Dart
Trina’s Angle Case PMD
Wiers Choco Cherry
Translucent Pupa
Silvey’s Pupa
Psycho Prince Kyle’s Yellow Sally
Sows, all of them
Rainbow and Tan Czech Nymph
Dry Flies that are leaving the bins at amazing rates include…
Purple Phase Loop Wing
Trapped Dun PMD
CDC and Elk Caddis
Arrick’s Parachute Ant
Shimi CDC Ant
PMD Sparkle Dun
Harrop’s Cripple
Brindle Chute
Harrop’s Palmered Caddis
Bloom’s Caddis
Quigley’s Sally Stacker
Rusty Spinner
Quig’s Half Dun Hatching
X Caddis
Stocking Wing Caddis
All Stages Caddis
Hot streamers include…
R2R Golden
Skiddsih Smolt Brown or Silver
Chronic Minnow
PigPen Leech
Simi Leech
Foxy Clouser
Dalai Llama
Home Invader Yellow
We have a pile of that Galloup stuff for you folks that like that stuff!
We’ve had a lot of Demo Rods go 0out this last week. Fun stuff. Why not demo a rod from SAGE, Orvis, Echo, Sweetgrass Bamboo while you are here fishing the Missouri? We have SAGE Method and One, Orvis Helios2, Sweetgrass Mantra, Echo Gecko kids rods.
We also have a plethora of fly lines to try on your existing rod. RIO Gold, Grand, Outbound Short, and the latest RIO Perception Connect Core lines in many sizes. Take one out and see how it likes your fly rod. You may like it too!
Dentist Joe releasing this fabulous Brown Trout this last week on a PMD Spinner. Awesome.
The PMD Spinner has been one of the stars this last couple weeks with it’s cousins the Cripple and the Emerger. Really great PMD hatches daily, with the weather tossing a monkey wrench in the mix occasionally. The rain can knock down the bugs…then we fish the Knock Down Duns. Not so bad.
Folks are still blind fishing with success. Lots. Come in and see us for the blind fishing cocktail of choice for the day. Adams, big ones, and ants of all sizes,a nd some other attractor stuff will work.
The PMD’s are hatching on the upper well withe the Caddis showing lower. A Yellow Sally Parade has not started as of yet but they keep threatening! Drakes?
Nymphing remains just over the top, per usual, with PMD’s, Sally’s and Caddis subsurface filling the fare. Any depth and sometimes many in one day will get you by. The fish are moving zones and may start deep, move into the secondary zone, then to the surface, then returning to the bottom again for the afternoon and evening session.
Some of the gang is staying out late for the last hour. It can be good. Early too?
Headhunters open early @ 630 am and open late as well for afternoon shuttles, flies, coffee, sungear, killer Logo’s hats and T’s, sunscreen, sun hats, BUFF’s, rain gear, and cool gift items for your family at home. See you this wonderful Montana Weekend ahead.
An article of love written by us here at Headhunters in March. Bob worked for Headhunters for a summer and we all fell in love with him. Tomorrow is his memorial, party, gathering, remembrance in Craig at the Vaders House on the river.
Here are some specifics about the memorial tomorrow June 28th.
Morning Floatilla: Departs at Wolf Creek promptly @ 9am. Bring your own boat arrange a shuttle and join the family as we float to Lone Tree pullout. Bob’s ashes will be returned to the river at 11am. From there we will continue to Craig. Please consider leaving early as we want to avoid traffic jam at the ramp.
If you prefer to join from shore meet the shuttle van in beautiful downtown Craig, the Shriners will drive you to Lone Tree FAS.
The van will also be running all afternoon from Craig to The Cabin on the Flats, Vader’s. Parking is very lmited please drive in, drop your coolers, chairs people etc. And then park your car back in Craig Catch the Shuttle and Join.
The Party begins at 130pm followed by a luncheon on the lawn. Please bring the following. Your own alcoholic beverages and mixers. Lawn Chairs salad to share and stories of Bob. There will be video booth where we can all share memories and stories about Bob.
Live music and Cherry Pie round out the day.
“Every Second Counts”
Bob Lay passed 2 weeks ago in Missoula with friends and family at his side.
It is appropriate that Bob was being guided through the end as it was Bob that guided so many of us throughout his purposeful life.
Bob, for those of you who knew him, was truly great. A great person, a great mind, a great caring individual that always put you, first.
Bob w/ Fly Fish Chick on the Missouri River
The last couple weeks when talking to folks who knew Bob a pattern developed. First the sadness would cross the individuals face. Then a wry smile as the person thought about Bob. Then they would invariably start telling a story about spending time with Bob and the hilarity that ensued. The thoughtfulness that Bob had brought and the caring feeling that Bob left you with.
The loss of a friend hurts more when that friend left a mark on you. Bob left a mark on many of us.
Bob always remembered your name. You were important to Bob. He spoke to you with respect. He recognized the importance of every conversation and situation. He was painfully honest.
Bob mentored many. Perhaps thousands. The number of people that I can list in my head is numerous. Multiply that by the number of friends Bob kept in his quarry, which included nearly everyone who crossed paths with Bob, and the actual number is staggering.
In the last couple weeks the number of stories with Bob as the central character is also staggering.
And Bob had character. Lots of it.
Bob Lay was a friend to the veteran. A vet himself serving in the Navy from ’62-’66.
Bob continued to serve his entire life. Bob was integral in the development of Montana Project Healing Waters Helena Chapter. As a board member and past President Bob always put the interest of the vets first. He loved helping and the amount of volunteer time and mentoring never seemed like work to Bob. His dedication to helping all he loved is surpassed by few.
Bob spent a ton of time with Federation of Fly Fishers tying flies at conclaves, shooting and teaching on video for the FFF. Bob co-wrote Introduction to Fly Tying with Al Beatty and it is still a popular FFF publication. Bob won the coveted Charles E Brooks Memorial Award in 2008 and stole the show by also winning the Dick Nelson Fly Tying Teaching Award in 2008. Both national awards. Bob was highly respected within the FFF and will be fondly remembered by the number of members he touched.
His involvement in annual FFF Conclaves, his teaching time, and his volunteer ethic will be missed by the Federation. I’m sure making that organization better through his involvement. That was the theme of Bob’s life.
Better through his involvement.
Bob had the uncanny talent of always making you feel comfortable. When you finished any conversation, cocktail, or project with Bob he left you with the feeling that you had helped him. He would thank you for the conversation, for your help, and for your input on said topic.
Then later, sometimes much later you would realize that it was he, it was Bob…Bob was actually helping you.
His humor was quick, dry, witty, and dirty. The kind of guy you like to have at a party. And Bob loved to laugh. He enjoyed telling self deprecating jokes that still has us smiling. Many will tell stories about Bob and his sense of humor for years to come. Honest.
Pat his wife of 47 years is a jewel. To live with Bob for that long would take a special lady. And Pat is that special lady. She too has a heart of gold and is a good as the day is long. We love Pat.
Sense of humor. Yep! A yearly tradition. We always looked forward to the Holidays.
A couple years ago another good friend of the community passed, Michelle Wells. Bob and Pat could not make the memorial held in Craig and sent along a note to be read at her memorial service.It was an honest remembrance of Michelle and how she had touched Bob and Pat in the few short years of their acquaintance. At the end of the note Bob stated that he would remember Michelle and show his love and reverence by looking towards the sky and smiling.
We can do the same for Bob by looking towards the sky and smiling at Bob. But we all know that it will be Bob caring for us. Even without Bob on this green and watery earth he is still making us believe that we are helping him.
But we all know that the inverse is true. It’s really Bob helping us…
Wife Pat, daughter Suzanne and son Jim wish you all will attend the celebration of Bob’s life June 28th in Craig Montana. You should attend because Bob planned it. Growling Old Men will be strumming the guitars & playing some music, a few drinks will be raised in honor of Bob. And stories will be told.
Pat says the admission price is a story about Bob.
Many have stated, “Just one?!”
Bob graced us @ Headhunters by working for the shop a few years back. Bob certainly kept things light. We’ll miss Bob in Craig stopping in for a chat, a cup of coffee, and maybe a tug off of the bottle. We will keep you up to date here on this Blog when the time comes closer for us to gather in celebration of Bob.
Bob’s Obituary Helena Independent Record March 23rd, 2014
He always said he’d go until there was nothing left. On, Sunday, March 16, 2104, Robert E. “Bob” Lay ran out of life.
Born in East Cleveland, Ohio, to Charles and Clarisa Robertson Lay on June 25, 1943, Bob grew up in Ohio until he entered the U.S. Navy in 1962. He was honorably discharged as an MM2 (E5) machinist mate on Aug. 29, 1966.
He then entered into a 35-year career in the telecommunications industry, starting out as a cable splicer in the manholes of New York City. He retired from PTI/CenturyTel in Dolores, Colo., in 1998 but then re-entered the workforce as a superintendent with Wilde Construction Company of Shevlin, Minn., responsible for construction of large fiber optic projects. From 2000 until his true retirement in 2004, he was a nationwide construction project manager for Bechtel Construction and Engineering of San Francisco.
Bob’s accomplishment that provided him the most pride was his family. In January 1964, he met his wife, Patricia “Pat” Sheridan. They were married on Oct. 28, 1967, in New York City. In 1969, Bob and Pat moved to Colorado.
Subsequently, Suzanne Janet was born on Jan. 14, 1971, and James Robert (“Jimbob”) on Dec. 25, 1974, in Longmont, Colo. On Sept. 4, 1994, Suzanne married Thurston Elfstrom. Together, the five of them have had many grand and glorious adventures, which Bob was sure would continue in the future. All five were together to share Bob’s final moments.
Bob enjoyed all of life to its fullest. Two principles he lived by were to tell the truth at all times and never pass up an opportunity to help somebody.
He was very active in Kalispell’s Trinity Lodge No. 152 and Algeria Shrine Temple, as well as Helena’s Algeria Shrine Temple. As a Shriner he was involved in helping children with disabilities receive the best care possible. He also served on the Flathead County school board, where he advocated for young adults — particularly those who struggled within the traditional school system.
He was a lifetime member of the International Fly Fishing Federation, where many of his contributions centered on teaching fly tying. In 1994, he chaired the national convention, held in Kalispell. In 2008, he was honored with the Charles E. Brooks Memorial Award and the Dick Nelson Fly Tying Teaching Award — the highest award the FFF bestows to a member for excellence in fly-tying teaching.
Bob and Pat moved to Helena in 2006. He then became active with Montana Project Healing Waters, Inc. He was subsequently the recipient of the highest civilian award the National Guard can issue, the Adjutant General’s Distinguished Patriot Medal, for his work with Project Healing Waters. He went on to serve as board member and board president.
Bob was preceded in death by his parents and one sister, Carolyn Virginia Anderson. He is survived by his brother, Richard (Carol) of Oakdale, Penn.; sister, Frederica Irwin (Don) of Arden, N.C.; good friend and brother, Carl Mucha (Jane) of Union, Ky.; along with his immediate family and close friends in the Masonic and fly fishing communities throughout the nation.
A memorial service and celebration will take place at one of Bob’s favorite spots along the Missouri river on June 28, 2014. To receive additional details email CelebrationForBob@yahoo.com. The service is open to anyone who would like to share stories about Bob.
If so inclined, contributions can be made to Flathead Shrine Club Transportation Fund, P.O. Box 762, Kalispell, MT 59903; or Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing Inc., P.O. Box 695, La Plata, MD 20646 (please earmark your donation for Montana).
Great PMD Hatches daily. The Caddis are gaining strength, the Sally’s too. Drakes? Soon. Saw some midge and some Psuedo’s today. The rain will bring a few Callibaetis as well.
Just a smattering of insects to choose from. Leave your other boxes in the truck making sure to have plenty of Fly-Agra, GINK, Aquel, Frog’s Fanny, Super Power Fly Floatant, Shimi-Shake, Shimi-Shake Spray, Top Ride, Loon Dust and the like. Amadou too.
Not as much pressure as you would think during the week although the Henry’s Fork Crtowd has arrived…what does that tell you about the Fork? Yah, something we’ve known for years. You rarely hear Mo River Anglers saying something like “I think I’ll head over to the Fork this weekend. Just too many rising trout here on this dry fly creek. I’d like to stand around more…”
In fact, have yet to hear anything like that.
Game On. The Missouri River Report.
Same stuff on the end of your line. Crips, emergers, spinners. Caddis too. Some skittering behaviors exhibited int eh canyon. The lower as well.
A big weekend upcoming. Bob Lay’s Memorial on Saturday. BBQ Friday Night to honor Bob and to kick off the real summer opener and the dry fly bite. He loved to fish dry flies! We may have shortened retail hours on Saturday to attend his party. Keep it tuned in here for the update.
The fishing weather was perfect Tuesday. Calm, muggy, overcast. Buggy too. Check out the forecast for the rest of the week and you will see what a perfect storm looks and feels like. Cool at night with some rain, then mid 70’s during the day. Yep, perfect.
Stop in for Smith and Costa Sunglasses, kick ass sungear, an awesome and Craig leading women’s department, flip flops, sandals, sun hats, the best in flies, shuttles, coffee, info, smiles…open daily at 630 and open late too!
See you in Craig this weekend!
Hot Weekend Tip:If you want to eat at Izaak’s, go early to beat the crowds. Eat at 4pm til 530 pm and fish the late evening bite. Miss the food crowds and the fishing crowds. 2 birds, 1 stone.
Good fishing to be had in the month of June. Great? Some days yes indeed. Others, just good.
Lots and lots of folks around this weekend as the Montana contingent was out in force. The Dearborn River received a ton of pressure as it is flat able late into the month. Get on it if you want to enjoy our smaller creeks this summer. A mini Smith River is what many call it. The flows on the Dearborn are falling at 315 cfs and should be fishable/floatable for another week? Maybe?
The Missouri River is holding at 4070cfs and a water temp of 57F. Downwards go there flows and the temps.
Missouri River Summer Fishing Report
The nymph anglers are getting it down too with both shorter and longer nymph rigs. The Worm is still in play but is becoming second fiddle to top flies like the Frenchie, the Peep Show, Blooms Weight Fly in both purple and gold, Tungsten Death Metal and a Tunghead PT. Look for something hanging below that like a PMD nymph or a caddis or a Sally depending on your reach you choose to fish. Stop in the shop at any time for a up to the minute nymph report. We can help in many ways…
The fishing is really great for those wishing to dry fly fish all day long. Yes, you too can do it. Look for the right water and post up. If you like to fish a blind dry, you can do that too.
Headhunters Unite!
Make the first drift count. The #1 Rule in dry fly fishing.
Dead flies, i.e. spinners, do not drag, or swim. “I’m giving it action” is not a comment we, or the trout accept. The trout make the final decision.
Set your anchor outside, or in the water, before you approach the trout and then let it down quietly by hand. You will catch more if you sneak in to place. Sneak attacks do not utilize loud dropping sounds of the anchor. Sounds like a Amana Refrigerator dropped from the sky? Not too good man.
Sit while fishing if you are close. Even if you are not close, get low and stay low. Fish have conical vision. IF you are standing like a beanstalk waving your arm wildly around, they may sense that a predator is near. BE a predator, not some crazy person swinging the line in haphazard paths…
If you must stand, stay a lone distance off of the fish. You will hook more!
Use cripples, spents, and emergers. They work well here not he Mo. HH has the most river specific and greatest selection in the tri county area. No bullshit.
Have fun. Be serious about catching trout. But with a smile. Be friendly to other anglers. Wave. And, be polite. And, treat other anglers like you would like to be treated. Don’t low hole. Be courteous. Have fun!
Headhunters open daily early and open really late too. Free coffee, information, shuttles, flies galore, demo rods, the best knowledgable staff in regards to fly lines, fly line cleaners, HH sungear, sunscreen, ice…we got all you need for your Missouri River adventure!
A submission from our friend Stephen Caldwell and his wife Torrey from the rainy Mo this last week.
It is sunny now and we aim to keep it that way for a while.
Here is the short note that Stephen sent along.
Maybe this is worthy for a New Breed Chicks Rule? My wife Torrey Caldwell told me she’s had enough of those rainbows that she was consistently pulling out of the water all day, she said I want a bigger brown.
So we started fishing “brownie” like water and she popped the hook on 3 very nice ones prior to this one. She was very happy with this one, she picked it off out of a pod of rising fish with a small sz 18 caddis dry in the middle of a rain storm.
Not too many chicks out there are sniping browns off out of a drift boat during a downpour with a smile on there face like that, and the ones that are we need to make sure to not take for granted because they are awesome.
-Stephen Caldwell
New Breed Chicks Rule Raining Cats and Dogs Edition
Nicely stated Stephen. We need to celebrate them and encourage them to bring their friends! New Breed Chicks do Rule!
The upper river has a pile of PMD’s coming off in the morning with the spinner fall sometime in the afternoon. Emergers, cripples, and spinners. All you need. The mid and lower are experiencing the same thing. Those who like to post up and cast at singles are fishing from Craig upstream. Those who like to roll downstream and blind it out there…are fishing the canyon and beyond.
Caddis seem to be the game in the canyon and ad downriver. Terrestrials are can make a few fish llil up too. Sally’s are beginning to show in the middle and up river of Mid Canon. They are generally good to great in the lower canyon and in the swifter currents towards Pelican.
Downwinged flies are the key to success here on this fabulous spring creek like resource. Patterns that sit in the film, in the water, not high riding flies…are the KEY. Hence the Buzzball pattern. Use it soon.
The flows are just perfect for wade fishing and drift fishing. The flows are 4400cfs and the water temps are holding nicely in the 58F range. All good in this Missouri River neighborhood.
Stop in and say hello early @ 630 am for coffee, the best fly selection on the Missouri River, free info, killer HH fresh & artful sungear hoody’s, cigars, cool logo’d lids, RIO Fly Lines, SAGE flyrods, Adipose rental boats…open late for your afternoon and evening shuttles too. See you here in the eli-center of Montana fly fishing soon!
Great turnout last night on a long day. About 100 folks showed to view the Montana Fishing Film Festival in Craig last night. Fished all day, dinner at Izzak’s, Film @ Headhunters, pares film activities late night at Joe’s Bar. Keeping it in Craig is pretty easy to do with the river in town, food, the World’s Funnest Fly Shop, and 2 great bars. Sounds about right huh?!
Summer is off to a bang today as we reflect on last nights fun and today’s sun. Summer is here, this being the kick-off, and we are ready and willing. Headhunters is the place for all things trout in Craig.
Glued to the movie screen!
The boys from Montana Fishing Film Fest are fishing today as well. A lower float towards Pelican. They hav been enjoying the trouting with surface eats for the latter portion of the week and we look forward to having them here again as the summer moves along. Maybe not this year, but they will be back for another raucous event in 2015. Look for more here on this very fly fishy Blog.
Free events are what we are all about and this was no different. We passed the hat and got some great donations for the boys, and HH picked up the rest of the tab. Hot dogs with Kraut, salty chips, and a few beers were devoured as the film kicked off about 930 pm. Dusk-ish in Craig. Perfect.
Films by Montanans for folks fishing in Montana, the Missouri River.
Getting ready for the storm…it passed without incident.
Tonight in Craig Montana at the World’s Funnest Fly Shop the Drift Boat Drive-In @ Dusk!
Drift Boat Drive-In June 20th. Yes, the 2nd Annual-ish Drift Boat Drive-in here in downtown Craig Montana.
If you remember the Brian O’Keefe event here on the Headhunters property a few years ago in late August then you will be jazzed that we are hosting yet another cool outdoor event.
The funnest fly shop in the world will host the Drift Boat Drive-in Friday June 20th at Dusk, post evening hatch, under the stars @ Headhunters. BBQ, prizes, swag, BYOB, fun Montana made films from Montana fishing film makers…and you!
BBQ starts about fish after you eat a few ribs at Izaak’s and with a few shots at Joe’s! See you at DUSK for this FREE outdoor summer film event!