Abandon Hope by HH Guide Ben Hardy

Hope.  It’s a good thing, right? 

Wiki says that hope is an optimistic attitude of mind based on an expectation of positive outcomes related to events and circumstances in one’s life or the world at large.   As a verb, to cherish a desire with anticipation.  Hope gets people through struggles and affords optimism when things look bleak.

Common knowledge is that good fishermen must have hope.  We must be optimistic, or else why go?

Common knowledge also pairs good fishing and luck as natural partners.  As a guide, I am hopeful before a day of fishing and I am a huge fan of good luck, but there are times (lots of them), where hope and luck are a crutch that need to be destroyed.

A few years back, I was on the bow of a skiff scanning the four feet of clear water over green turtle grass and sea fans, looking for shadows. I heard “10 o’clock. 120 feet. See the mud? That’s our boy.”

My body tensed and I checked my coiled fly line for the tenth time in the last five minutes.  The permit tailed again, spraying water with his forked black tail. I spoke to myself as I often do, in tense times like this “Ok, Ben, breathe, relax, nice easy shot. You got this.”

“80 feet now, wait for him.  Ok cast!” the man on the platform said.

I false cast three times and dropped the fly six feet short of the fish and four feet to the right.  I let the fly fall then got tight to it and stripped three feet of line. I let if fall. I stripped again.

Getting the game plan together on the Mo.


“He doesn’t see it. Cast again. Show it to him.”

I picked up fifty feet of line, and shot at him again. Five feet short of the fishes nose and six feet left.  I crouched, making myself small on the bow as I let it fall. Before the fly hit the bottom, I gave a long…slow strip. The fish was calm, feeding and milling, not feeling us at all.  I let the fly fall and stripped again. The fish didn’t react. I let it fall, and then got tight again.


I lifted the fly line off the water, and the fish exploded.  From calm and cool to terrified in a second.  She-Gone!  My head dropped, as I stripped my fly line back in.
Very quiet boat for a very long moment.





Stop hoping. Hmmm? That’s a novel idea. I was short and off the fishes shoulder each cast, but once in the water I was moving the fly like I was in the game. I was hoping and praying that the fish would do what he most likely wouldn’t.  See my fly from ten feet, swim over and eat it.

I see, fish with, and guide hopeful anglers who play out this scenario in my boat all the time.

And it’s perfectly natural. It’s human to hope.

Screen Shot 2014-04-26 at 7.38.39 PM
Ben out on the Mo, knowing it!

Mid-July, fishing to a big brown trout who seems glued to his weed mat, not moving an inch for our caddis. Or for our spinner, buzzball, ant or cricket. He won’t move for anything!

In May, that same fish will move two feet for our March Brown Cripple, but this isn’t May. He’s not the same fish. This is July.  Now, after four fly changes and forty casts, we’re beginning to wonder if this fish is ours to catch?  We make another cast, ten inches from the weed mat again.  The fly lands three feet upstream of the fish but well outside of him. And, like a hopeful angler, we feed line through the space of water that is not anywhere near that brown trout lane.

A perfect dead drift. Why didn’t he eat?

Because, we still have, possess, and are using hope as a fishing tool. We are hoping that Mr. Brown takes a notion to something he does not even see! And I must note for the first time since we’ve been watching and casting at this fish has he made a move outside of his 1 inch feeding lane. We are hoping he will leave his safe little happy spot, swim over, and eat our fly?!&%$*

Of course it happens, because weird shit happens all the time when fishing. But, but not often enough for us to use hope as a certified dry fly method! A better approach is to abandon hope.  Stop hoping that he does something he doesn’t want to.  Stop hoping for the anomaly, for luck.

Abandon Hope, and show the fly to the fish.

Make him see it.  I won’t speak for other guides, but personally, I’d rather see a fish spook from the fly landing too close on the first shot than to short a fish for forty five minutes and never show him the fly.

Abandon Hope.  That is the moral of the story?  Hahaha, well maybe just in a very small set of circumstances.

Keep on hoping for great hatches, good flows, cloud cover and no wind.


When your fly is on the water…don’t hope it, know it.


Ed Note: Thanks Ben Hardy for the killer article this Tuesday mid winter. Ben is busy this winter in Cascade MT remod-ing the house, waiting for an an addition of another kind, and rooting for his Patriots.

You can book Ben at Headhunters Fly Shop with just one phone call. Ben has been with Headhunters since day one. He opened the store in April ’08. Thanks for all you help Ben, then and now.

Check out Ben Hardy in this Scumliner Media piece Depth Perception

Depth Perception from scumliner media on Vimeo.


BC Steelhead Movie from scumliner media on Vimeo.

Headhunters Guide Peter Skidmore Video Short

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service Peter Skidmore in this video short today.

A bundle of winter anglers on the river this last weekend.

Sunday high temp peaked at 59.6F. Windy in the AM, then it layed down for the late afternoon bite.

Lots of fellers hook’d up.

Book your summer trip with Peter soon. He is quite a popular fish tracker.



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Monday Morning Fishing Report 1.26.15

All kinds of people around this weekend fishing Montana’s Missouri River. A bunch of anglers.

Why? The warm weather. Temps in the mid 50’s kept most interested all day long. Saturday the wind let down and remained dead calm most of the day. Remarkable. Windy in the am, then perfectly dead calm and overcast the rest of the day.

Sunday. A touch breezier! 59.6F is what the mercury topped on Sunday. Still warm out there! Water off color below Prickly Pear Creek. For miles. Check it out before putting in @ WC or Craig. It settles below the Dearborn River? GO figure. Dearborn frozen still. LPP running brown.

Today Monday. Nice and quiet, winter style. The phone is still ringing with 2015 summer guide and lodging bookings.

Looks like nice weather all week ling and into this coming weekend. See here in Craig daily if you are coming fishing or traveling through. We would love to chat about the winter bite.

Flies? Pink

Techniques? Nymph, swinging, or single handed stripping.

Where? Deep and slow.

Reach? Anywhere Dam to Prewitt Creek. Pelican Boat Ramp is still off limits, unless you got a long rope and 4WD. Dearborn can be sketchy too. The rest are in great shape.

Clayton and the gang rigging for Sunday fishing affair.

Lots of DEMO Rod action as many are trying several of our Two Handed Rods Demo selection. Top to bottom all you need in the Switch and Spey game for Montana and the west coast Steelhead Rivers. We have all kinds of Spey Lines too. VersiTips, Scandi, Skagit, VersiLeaders, PolyLeaders, and much more for the two-handed angler. The only place to get hooked up on the Mo’!

Craig Trout Camp is on sale all winter long. Rainbow and Brown Cabins for $125/night and the Craig House begins @ $150/2 anglers and $50/head beyond the first two. Beach House and Trout House on a seasonal discount too. Call our crack booking staff today to get in on super deal.

Most of the shelf ice is gone and the shore access is quite easy. A good time to come out and enjoy this mid winter winter break. We will surely have much more winter like weather ahead of us. More snow, sleet, rain, etc.

Shop open daily @ 8am for all your Missouri River needs. The only full time fly shop on the river. Book your 2015 reservation today if you would like to visit the Missouri this year. June and July are almost gone. Honest. September fading. Book today.

Whitney Gould Mike McCune Spey Clinic

Missouri River Montana Winter Fishing Report 1.24.15

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Nice weekend upon us here in central Montana. Highs in the 40’s & 50’s, winter-time and the livin’ is easy.

It may be windy. Highs reaching 54F on Sunday with winds to 20. Good time to step outta the house and fish a little.

The walleye bite is said to be good, and bad, and mediocre depending on who you speak with. You gotta go to know! We got the Walleye Fly Stuff at the store. And some info?

The Rainbow bite? Good to great. Nymphing is the most common practice with the pink shit leading the pack. Big or small. But they gotta be near the bottom. Mostly slow ass waters but do not disregard some medium slow either. Fish it a little if you wish and see what happens.

Most of the activity near the dam. Seem familiar? Yep, if you want some sort of winter solace you gotta go below. WC, Craig, and even downriver of Craig have been common put-ins this winter. The trend should lean that same direction for some time.

Water temps in the 34F and below sector. Damn cold. Last couple winters we had temps in the 36F+ range for most of the winter.


Swingers out and catching some fish. Buggers, Skiddish Smolts, White Scuplins, Zonkers, Leeches, Kreelex have all been good.

Strippers getting fish too as they dead-drift the bugger/streamer and just keep tight on it. Really not stripping…more like holding and watching and feeling and knowing.

Dry fly? No not really. But some fish near the surface and some fish caught on tiny droppers. Not a bad idea to try a bigger attractor like Griffith’s Gnat or a Buzzball or an Adams.

Shop open daily for all your winter trout fishing needs. Info too.

Cabins for rent starting @ 125. Stop in and stay a while. Craiglodging.com

A couple spring items you may need in your travels. THe YETI Hopper Soft Sided Cooler is key for beginning th eyear out right. Why not fish and work in style and comfort with these KAST Raptor Gloves. Soft and fuzzy on the inside with thumb and forefinger cut offs for feel of the line. Nice. Both in stock and available on line too!



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Friday Foto

Friday Spey Foto

A nice shot on Friday.

Friday Foto.

Looking good this weekend of rSpey Casting the Missouri.

We are The Missouri River Spey Shop.

Demo’s galore, lines too.

Stop in and see us for any of your single or two handed equations.

See you on the river on this fantastically beautiful weekend.

A Guide Dudes Memoirs

Headhunters Guide Jared Edens Speaks

A Guide Dudes’ Winter Memoirs

The month? January.

The day? Not really sure.

The year? Twenty Fifteen…Crazy how that sounds. It sounds like we live in the future!

Hello! Jared here, on the inter-web-network. I am here to report that things are very chill here in Cascade County. Days have been filled with nice walks, good food, and plenty of drinks.

The snow sliding has been pretty damn good so far. I recently took advantage of a sweet deal at Showdown Ski Area. $20 for dudes on Wednesdays!  They call it Manuary! The three of us, Kurt Michaels, Ben Hardy and myself thought that was pretty awesome. Good to get out and enjoy the outdoors with a few friends. While yearning for warmer summer weather it sure is nice to experience the cold winter weather skiing and snowboarding here in Montana.

When the weather is too gnarly to go outside, I log in many hours behind the wheel of my Playstation. Not having played too many video games as a kid choosing to enjoy outside activities I can definitely say I love to game. Inside is OK by me.

At the end of every fishing season, which seems to arrive later and later each year, I always look forward to a few simple things.

And quiet.
A cozy house and many days to do whatever the day brings to me
My wife
and my dog.

In October we recently lost our beloved big brown dog Duke.  After the season ended I realized Duke and I would not be going on any adventures together anymore.  Needless to say I had lost my Chi.

RIP Duke, you were awesome.

Moose is Loose
The Moose is Loose

A month rolls by, along with peace and quiet and my wife without our dog Duke. That’s when I met Moose. While many choose to mourn for months and months I decided to jump right back in the saddle and get another companion for myself and my wife.

Moose has brought a new ray of sunshine into our lives and I look forward to all the new memories we will make.

The Moose is loose!

Guide season will be upon us sooner than later and the rest of the winter and spring will slide by quickly. Some tie with Moose in the snow, some winter fishing with friends on the Mo, and some more sliding on the hill. Moose will be along side us the entire way. Hooray!

The days are getting longer and my mind is getting clearer. Soon it will be March and guiding will be a part of my everyday. The Spring Special is huge and getting bigger every year.

Until then, Peace. Quiet. Cozy House. My wife. And our dog Moose.

Jared Signing Out…

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 1.20.15

A bulleted list of all you need to know about winter fishing Montana’s Missouri River.

January is warming. Will it last? Probably not.

Fly Tying tonight at 6pm.

  • Fishing is good.
  • Water is cold. 34F.
  • Pink Lightening Bug.
  • Worms.
  • Amex, Rainbow, Sows, FB Rays.
  • Smaller streamers.
  • Intermediate streamer lines both single and double handed versions.
  • Bring split shot.
  • Bobbers too.
  • Some skittering midges. Random.
  • Fish 10am til 4pm. Then have a hot toddy.
  • Shop open at 8am daily.


Headhunters Fly Shop January Update 1.19.15

The New Year arrived and it has moved behind us and now in the distance.

Lots of anglers out this last weekend with the first weather weekend over 40F in the last couple months. With the warmth we got the wind. But, that did not keep the many thick headed Montanan’s from getting out of the house. Thanks for coming by and visiting us. Some Demo Spey Rods out the door and a few fly lines getting spooled too.

A few cabin rentals recently as Craig Trout Camp is open for business. The roads have thawed in town and the mud is emerging. Nice.

The water temps remain cool int he mid 34F range but it has not stopped the fisher folks. Water levels in the high 4K’s and will remain for some time. The water for the summer is sowing and building in the Rockies. We are all smiles!

A few events we have on our calendar for the month(s) ahead.

This Wednesday Jan. 21st: Headhunters Tying Night in America. Ninch and Mark will host this mid winter tying night Wednesday at 6pm til 8pm. We’ll see you for a couple hours of random fly tying.

Thursday Jan 22nd: The Upper Missouri Watershed Alliance is holding its first annual member’s meeting at the Craig School on Thursday January 22nd starting at 6:00 PM. The Alliance which is dedicated to the conservation and protection of the Missouri River for future generations will present their planned projects for the coming year. Public Welcome!

On the program will be a presentation by Grant Grisak, from Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks on the current “State of the Missouri.” Grant is a biologist responsible for Montana’s Region 4.

David Stagliano is a biologist with 18 years of experience in freshwater ecological studies. David has done studies of aquatic invertebrates in Idaho, Michigan, and Kansas and is currently the Aquatic Ecology Project Leader for the Montana Natural Heritage Program. David is the head of the Alliance’s aquatic resource committee and will discuss historic and current aquatic conditions.

Guy Alsentzer, Environmental Attorney and executive director of Missouri Riverkeepers, Inc. will give a presentation of their work to preserve the Missouri by enforcing water quality standards.

The Alliance will provide a potluck dinner with drinks. All interested parties are invited for an evening of fun and information and a chance to show your appreciation for the Missouri River.

Great Weather this coming weekend. Come out from Billings, Havre, Whitefish, Bozeman and Calgary. Good cheap lodging, discounted guide trips,a dn awesome wade fishing. Joe’s Bar open at 8am daily. Open late for your dinner of frozen pizza. The winter fishing is pretty good. Walleye guys are stacking them in the cooler at the dam. Ice fishers on the lake report a damn good Perch bite.

Sunday February 1st: Seattle Seahawks in the Super Bowl. Fly Shop closed at some point in the afternoon for pre-funking with the staff.

Saturday February 7th: Our next FREE Spey Casting and Fishing Clinic. Sign up today for the last couple spots. This well attended clinic is fun for all from beginner to advanced 2 handed caster.

Ninch says flies start arriving Feb 5th: Headhunters updates its world class Missouri River fly selection. Flies by the barrel-full coming in weekly as we prepare for the summer ahead.

The Missouri River’s Winter Fly Shop: We have all the stuff you need for winter angling on the Mo. Gloves, demo rods, hand warmers, free coffee, shuttles, spey line demo’s, information, lodging, sale items and flies.

Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service Spring Special: $300 Guide Trips start March 15th and run thru April 30th. This incredibly popular spring pricing special fills quickly. It books backwards from the end towards the beginning. The latter weekends in April are all but gone. Get on this soon if you want a specific guide for your spring warm up guide trips on the Missouri. Cheap lodging too. Craig Trout Camp and a couple other properties are involved in this spring special.

McCune/Gould Spey Clinic April 11th and 12th. This world class sustained anchor clinic is $200 and well worth it. A few who attended last year are already signed up for the second time Whitney and Mike will be here in conjunction with Headhunters Fly Shop. Call today for your reservation and deposit. Find out more about this clinic here.

Good fun to be had here on the Missouri River this winter. Good fishing, cheap lodging, great fellowship, Joe’s Bar, and Headhunters Fly Shop. Here entertaining the angler daily.

10 Questions with Sara

Headhunters 10 Questions with Sara

Sara speaks this week with 10 questions from Sara.

Similar questions were asked to Dewey this previous week and now it is Sara’s turn.

We have a few more people of interest coming up too. And, and we have some winter guide blogs in the can as well.

Sara has been with us at Headhunters Fly shop and Guide Service for 6 years and is integral to our operation.

Sara in the Glide
Sara in the Glide on the Clearwater


10. Your favorite reach of river. Why?

Prewitt to Cascade

9. Favorite season of the year? Why?

Spring. Fresh and green. 

8. What rods do you like to fish with?

Pro1 7 wt 1 Piece Streamer, SAGE One 9′ 5wt and 6wt, Loomis NRX LP 5 wt

7. How do you like to roll. With friends, solo?

Solo. I love my dog.

6. What is your personal Conservation focus?

My thoughts are just be good. Don’t be a dick. Be nice to others. Does that work?

Sara handling a Dolly
Hey, that’s no Steelhead!

5. Do you like the fishing lifestyle?


4. Do you think Craig will change upon sewer installation?

Yes. There will be more places to stay. I think more folks will try to bring business here. I don’t think it will get busier, I think the existing folks (businesses) will develop more businesses.

3. One hatch? Which one?


2. Where do you like to fish outside of Craig?

Anywhere warm and saltwater. Primarily warm.

1. How about 6X? Yes or no?


Bonus Question 1. Hunting or fishing? Which do you love more?

Both. Same.

Bonus Question 2. Barbed or barbless?

Barbless, all the time.

Bonus Question 3. Did your family get you involved in the outdoors?

Yes. My Dad.

Bonus Question 4. Who is/was your biggest fly fishing mentor?

Yes, My Dad.

Bonus Question 5. Has working in the fishing business changed your love for it?

Um, no I don’t think so.

On the hunt for trout.

Thanks Sara for enduring a couple minutes of questioning from Mark this last week. We know you have much more to do that to answer Mark. The folks on the phone are much more important…

Sara loves Saltwater fishing and wants to do much more. She is constantly cold and hovers around the heater at Headhunters swaddled heavily in down clothing.

Sara also love to hunt upland birds. She truly wishes that the bird hunting season lasted about six months.

Give her a call at the shop if you would like to get on our summer schedule. She is a booking genius!

And a pretty good shot!

Jobs @ Headhunters 2015

Jobs @ Headhunters Fly Shop 2015

It is that time of year when we scour the country in search of a few good Headhunters employees.

You can see above one of the many the joys of working at a fly shop. Today we counted flies. Tomorrow? Answering the phone, selling fly rods, booking summer guests, shuttling a few vehicles. The daily grind. Is it that bad? No, certainly not.

Some even find it fun and rewarding. It does not hurt that you would be living on one of the premier trout rivers in the world.

The word is out. We need a couple shop staff for the year. Estimated starting time Mid April-first part of May thru October. We may entertain a seasonal employee as well, May/June thru August. So get your resume’s in and we will attack them with vigor. As with application process those who present themselves well will get the first attention. Want to dive into the world of fly fishing in one of the world’s coolest and fishiest rivers, towns? Get on it!



So, you want to work in a fly shop. Do you really know what you are getting into? If you think working at a fly shop entails sitting around and drinking coffee while you surf Moldy Chum and read the latest issue of the Drake, then don’t apply with us. Working at Headhunters is fast paced, and sometimes high stress. The Missouri River is one of the most popular fisheries in the world, and Headhunters is known as the information center on the river. We expect our employees to provide customers with the highest level of customer service, and most accurate information. Our team environment is both demanding and fun to work in, but it’s not “easy”.


We are generally looking for knowledgeable, energetic and enthusiastic anglers to join our team. Youth rules around our shop. We like folks with energy. A passion for fly-fishing mandatory, both to work at Headhunters and to live in Craig. There’s not much else to do. If hitting Starbucks in the morning and the symphony after dinner is important to you, you probably won’t like living in Craig. If choking down a burger and a brew after a 10 hour day, then fishing the evening caddis until after dark is more your style, you’ll love it.


If you are interested in working at Headhunters, you must send us a resume’ to begin the process. Fill it out just like they teach you in high school… references, work and eduction history, etc. Make sure and include any information you think we should know about you and who you are.  A grip ‘n grin shot of you with a nice fish wouldn’t hurt either. Those that live close enough to come for an initial interview are encouraged to do so. Position finalists may be asked to come to Craig for an interview. Questions can be sent to john@headhuntersflyshop.com or mark@headhuntersflyshop.com.

We are looking for the following positions:

Shop Staff 2015

Starts: Mid April/May 2015

Hours: Full Time/Seasonal

Salary: $10/hr

Closing: February 7th 2015

Shop duties include high end customer service providing information regarding the fishing on the Missouri River. Some shuttling of vehicles. Some lawn maintenance. Some rigging of rods and reels. Fly shop stuff. You will need some Point of Sale/POS skills which means familiarity with computers. Strong phone skills are a plus too. Fly knowledge and fly fishing product knowledge is certainly helpful.


  • Good personal and customer service skills
  • Excited about helping fly fishing anglers
  • Knowledge of fly fishing basics
  • Basic computer skills
  • Smiles

Send Resumes to mark@headhuntersflyshop.com or sara@headhuntersflyshop.com with “Resume” or “Employment” in the subject line please!


Shuttle Drivers 2015

Starts: April 1, 2015

Hours: Full Time/Part Time

Salary: $10/hr

Closing: Never

Our shuttle service is an important part of our operation. We provide shuttle all year, and from April through October routinely do 20-50 shuttles a day. Shuttle drivers work very hard, and should expect hours to be 2-6 hours a day. Sounds like fin just driving up and down the river, huh? Not always. The work is hard, mistakes are not tolerated and the days can be hot and long during June, July and August. The schedule is pretty flexible, and it’s a great way for those looking to stay busy and earn a few bucks during the summer.


  • Clean Driving Record.
  • Ability to back up a truck and trailer.
  • Ability to drive a manual transmission vehicle.
  • Positive attitude.

Contact Julie Arnold (julie@headhuntersflyshop.com) at the shop; 406-235-3447.

Food for thought...

Food for thought…

Boat ramps are pretty sketchy as of late.

Several fellers have been stuck. For lengths of time. Be sure you are prepared to be stuck. Liquids and food. A beer or two and a bag of jerky.

Chains have been seen this last week several times.

This photo at the Craig Boat Ramp Saturday afternoon. Needed chains for many river extractions.

Check closely your boat ramp before you get stuck.

Unless you got plenty of beer and jerky…

Missouri River Map

Missouri River Map

Where are you going? This summer, are you coming?

Have you fished the entire river? If you have not it may be time to give yourself a treat and fish some new waters, on the Missouri River that is.

Check out the link here to get to the PDF version if you wish and get it on your desktop. Or the printable version too.

We have this map available in the store. The only full size free comprehensive Missouri River map in the tri-county area. Honest.

Sunday today and the Hawks play this afternoon. Beat Green Bay is the theme. for two owners born and raised in wet Washington State.


Big Sky Country and the Who | I Can See for Miles

Big Sky Country is based on this line. I can see for miles. The Who did a tune int he late 60’s with this theme.

Are the messages congruent? No not really.

Nevertheless a great classic Who tune.

Warm here today on the river with snow melting. Windy! Highs tipped 50F yesterday and more today?

Anglers around an fishing. Warm, and windy. Some spey dudes and some nymphers.

Snow at the front end of the week. Some more winter weather for sure ahead.

Enjoy your Saturday and the I Can See for Miles concept.


Missouri RIver Winter Fishing Report

Missouri River Winter Fishing Report 1.16.15

Pretty good stuff out there.

It is damn cold most days and there is ice on the shore, on the boat ramps, clogging you guides.

Joe’s Bar is open and the fire is burning til 2 am daily.

Look at the boat ramps before you choose your drift. Some folks have been stuck on the Craig boat ramp, Stickney, Wolf Creek. So either carry a big set or choose the dam, Spite, maybe Craig. We are doing shuttles when the air temps are floating above 32F. Well folks are fishing then. We’ll do your shuttle when the mercury dips below as well, but we find not as many hardy souls out when the wind chill plummets.

Shop open daily with brisk glove sales and the free coffee seems to be popular. Anglers getting their reservations in for the upcoming year. We’ve been quite busy with the phone work. Some 2 Handed Spey Rod sales too. The Echo Glass Rod getting lots of attention.

The Echo Glass Switch 11′ 6wt is my favorite, so far. A real easy casting feel. Nice. Come in and try any one of the 3 DEMO’s we have in stock. All 3 lengths in stock..

Back to the winger fishing report. Pink still.

The water temps are very cold and the fish are near stopped water. Just a 1/2 click above moving. Softly eating. 34.5F is the water temps. The air temps of 40F this weekend may raise the temps 1/4 of a degree during the day, Maybe. Water flows are near 4700cfs and that is pretty normal for this time of year.

Water flows as of January from the water folks predicting the future are below.

Missoiuri River Winter Fishing ReportSwingers are getting the trouts on  smaller bugger and leeches. Scandi lines with inter mediate tips are the most common with some Skagit-eers getting it done as well dredging with non weighted patterns.

Some midge around and some milling fish just subsurface. All normal winter action. We would not mind a couple water degrees warmer.

Cabins and the big house on the Craig Trout Camp available or rent this weekend. Rainbow and Brown Cabins @ $125 and the Craig House starts @ $150/2 guests. $50/head beyond that.

Come on by and we can help. Open at 8am and around til 5 daily. Some cool sale items, lots of Spey and Switch Fly Lines in stock along with stacks of single handed lines from RIO, Wulff, Airflo, Orvis, and Cortland. Some killer sale lines as well that have to go, now!





McCune Gould Spey Clinic April 11th and 12th

McCune Gould Spey Clinic April 11th and 12th

Hooray! Once again Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service is hosting famed spey casters Mike McCune and Whitney Gould. They will be conducting their very popular 2 Handed Casting Spey Clinic focussing on Sustained Anchor Casts.

Last year these 2 clinics sold out. We expect the same again this year. We already have a few guests signed up.

These clinics are scheduled for Saturday and Sunday April 11th and 12th.

Mike is a longtime PNW Steelhead guide, and was on the ground floor of NW speycasting (he’s the “M” in your Rio MOW tips kit). Whitney is the women’s world champion speycaster (Spey-o-rama). They both spend most of the year guiding two-handed anglers from Alaska to California, but do make their annual spring trip to Montana where they offer a few select clinics at Spey oriented shops like Headhunters in Craig.

Whitney Gould Mike McCune Spey Clinic

The class emphasis will be on “sustained anchor” casts from both river right and left. Class size is limited to 6, so you can be assured you will get attention and instruction from Mike and Whitney. There are not a lot of opportunities to get hands on instruction like this, especially in trout country.

Cost is $200 per person. You are encouraged to bring your own equipment so that Mike and Whitney can help dial you in with the rod/line combo you will be using. If you are new to spey casting and need to borrow equipment, Headhunters has a big quiver for you to borrow from with rods from SAGE, Echo, Orvis, and T & T.

Whitney Gould and Curt Reynolds having a laugh during last years clinics

Mike & Whitney focus on the cast, not the gear. Skagit, Scandi and Long Belly rigs are all invited. Late in the day they often play around with the challenges of Long Belly lines for those who wish.

Mike McCune has been on the front edge of of Spey Innovation for some time and with the addition of Whitney Gould and her spey casting expertise make this the clinic to attend this spring!

$200 will get you an all day long opportunity to increase your knowledge in sustained anchor techniques. Starting at 9am and going all day long with lunch provided by Headhunters.

Class size limited to 6 so you will get all kinds of personal attention.

Whitney Gould is a world champion spey caster and a long time instructor and guide. She is highly regarded in the industry and we know

Here is an article by Mike McCune about spey tips from RIO.

Call Headhunters Fly Shop 406-235-3447 to secure your spot for this very popular springtime spey clinic.

Sage Method Video

Winter of SAGE | SAGE Method Video

You folks know we are enamored with the SAGE Method series.

Ultra fast action rods that are perfect for those who like a red big stick with power.

While we love the 5 and 6 weights for summer dry fly and nymphing action we have become pretty excited about the SAGE Method 2 handed rods. We have a number in stock and a pile of SAGE Method Demo’s too. Feel free to stop on by with questions about any of the SAGE models and specifically the Method.

We’ve got better than a half dozen for you to try. Or try the 2 handers at one of our Free 2 Handed Spey and Fishing Clinics. The Saturday session is full but feel free to get on board February 7th and March 7th. Book your slot today.

But stop in anytime at the Missouri River SAGE demo center.


Sage Method Rod from Far Bank on Vimeo.

Silly Sunday Scenery

Silly Sunday Scenery

A nice shot of Mountain Palace.

I haven’t posted one this last week have I?

A pic of MP, my favorite formation on the Mo, near here, in central Montana.

Mountain Palace brought to you today by Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service.

A good Free Spey Clinic yesterday. Some new blood, some old blood, and a couple instructors, and lots of success by the attendees!

Thanks for coming, see us again in February and March. The 7th of the month for both of these upcoming clinics. And, Gould/McCune on April 11 and 12. Sign up today.

More on this fabulous clinic tomorrow.

Happy Sunday and enjoy the football. Tie a few flies too…


Counting Flies

Counting Flies soon…

The return of Fly Guru Ben McNinch will signal the annual fly counting exercise.

Ben, and the rest of us will be counting flies in the next week, sometime.

Spey Clinic today here on the Mo with your Missouri River winter gang.

Whitney Gould and Mike McCune Spey Clinic April 11 and 12. Announcement coming soon. Sign up early for insured entry. Ask at the shop for more info.

Cheers. Happy Saturday!


Counting Flies from scumliner media on Vimeo.

SIMMS Winter @ Headhunters

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Some say summer is for SIMMS.

Super Slick SIMMS Jacket is our winter favorite!

We say, don’t forget about winter my fishy friend.

We so often find ourselves thinking about summer fishing behaviors when we fantasize about fishing. Flip Flops, some shorts and a SIMMS fishing shirt. I know that is where my mind often drifts. Thinking of warmer days as we trudge through the mindless winter here in central Montana.

Well the reality is just this. There simply are more days when you need to include cold weather gear here in Montana than the polar opposite.

Waders lead this winter tale as we pull them on more often in than not September thru May, sometimes even June. We live in our waders. The SIMMS G3 is our clear choice. Mid priced and bombproof. Every angler knows that SIMMS makes the only wader Made in America, the only one, and the quality of the product is guaranteed. The G3 is the warrior. You can get into the G4, but for us here on the Mo, with very little barbed wired jumping and not much bushwhacking we like the comfort and ease of the SIMMS G3 Wader.

The SIMMS Slick Jacket is our go-to winter shell. Longer for covering your SIMMS ExStream Jacket easily. “Propelled by GORE-TEX® Pro Shell fabric, with stretch, the Slick flows with your body for superior mobility, while the ultraclean outside-in design delivers snag-free performance from hood to bottom hem.” This truly is your best bet for tromping around Montana winter waters.

A simple SIMMS Zip Top Fleece is one way to go. The SIMMS ExStream Jacket is yet another. Why not be warm. Comfy in fact. Fishing is not supposed to be chore. Nope. More fish are fought when we are comfortable.

We are constantly wandering around with 2 handed rods in the winter and the Slick/Kinetic combo fits the winter Missouri River bill perfectly. Reach though pockets on the Slick allow you to find that lip shit in your interior pocket. And that flask? Oh, keep that in your outside Slick pocket for convenience.

SIMMS Winter
SIMMS Kinetic Jacket @ Headhunters

If your blood runs a little warmer you may enjoy the SIMMS Kinetic Jacket. A great outerwear piece that you can wear out or hide under your Slick Jacket. Your choice. The new Simms Kinetic Jacket is just what we’ve been waiting for. A “puffball” on steroids. We love the hood for super chilly mornings and windy fall days. It’s has some stretch, which makes casting easier. It’s lightweight and the combination of synthetic materials means that when your arm gets wet while releasing that trophy, you’ll stay warm. This jacket is perfect by itself, or under a rain shell. A “must-have” for off-season trout fishing Montana’s Missouri River, or your local winter fishery!

SIMMS is for much more than just summer. It has so many more uses than just one season. SIMMS can outfit you for your other season wear. We got the goods in downtown Craig for your winter, and summer, fishing pleasures![/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][us_grid post_type=”ids” no_items_message=”” columns=”4″ items_layout=”shop_trendy” items_gap=”” ids=”6650″][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][us_grid post_type=”ids” no_items_message=”” columns=”4″ items_layout=”shop_trendy” items_gap=”” ids=”8879″][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][us_grid post_type=”ids” no_items_message=”” columns=”4″ items_layout=”shop_trendy” items_gap=”” ids=”8910″][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 1.7.15

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 1.7.15

Still an unsettled weather pattern upon us. Not many anglers out on the water this week at all.

But the phone is ringing and folks are inking in their 2015 Missouri River Montana Fly Fishing Trip! A gentle reminder that the months of June and July book a year in advance and availability of guides and lodging is sinking fast, if not already gone. So, don’t be too surprised if you thought that calling in January for the coming mid summer rush is soon enough. Call today if you are at all interested in the dry fly months.

Back to the river here in Craig. Cold. The water temps are between 34.5 and 35F. Really quite cold. Ice in your guides often for sure. The flows are up to 4750cfs due to the extreme cold. Ice and slush in the river near Mid-Canon. Probably impassable when you near Prewitt Creek and totally blocked and a river bank to bank of ice chunks when you get the doctor’s house in the Cascade run.

In town this week, Great Falls, a shit show for sure. Cars in the ditch, on the highway the same. Folks that are too aggressive and those who are on the other end of the spectrum are in trouble. Do not travel if you cannot handle the snow. Just sayin’.

Fly Tying Night cancelled tonight due to weather and travel restrictions.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 1.7.15

Pink is the word when we get to the fly selection of choice. Any shade of red. Faded red, pink, rose, even peachy? Oh yeah. Find the painfully slow stuff, cast, watch the bobber, wait, and set hard.

Swinging clinic that is sold through this weekend Saturday. If you need to expand your 2 handed quiver stop in and see us. We have in the neighborhood of 15 2 handed rods to try. SAGE, Echo graphite and glass, T & T, Orvis. Lines too.

A full winter fishing selection on hand if you choose either the single of double hander. Indicator lines by RIO, Spey from Airflo and RIO, VersiLeaders, and any number of other winter accouterments. Bobbers, splits, tippet, info, coffee.







Missouri River Montana 2015 Water Update

Missouri River Montana 2015 Water Update

The Missouri River Montana 2015 water flow projection. The snow is falling in the Rocky Mountains and stacking up for our summer water here in central Montana.

Several bouts of snow here locally and I know that the scattered storms crossing Montana are adding up to good news.

Missouri River Montana 2015 Water Update
Looking good all over the state.

As you can see on the map above that the snow water equivalent is right on track. We don’t get to excited until the percentages are grossly skewed to one side or the other. It generally balances out. The winter is predicted to be colder and drier than normal. So…

Great Falls recieves 9, 8, 12, and 9 inches of snow January thru April. So we have the wettest months ahead of us with May and June contributing over half of our annual precipitation.

What does that tell us? More snow, sleet,a dn rain ahead of us. While it seems like the winter is long, it is, we are just a 1/3 of the way through it.

That is why we have Fly Tying Night in America coming up this Wednesday night  530pm in Craig. Weather permitting. If it is downright shitty, we will cancel. Fly Tying Nights are scheduled every second Wednesday night beginning this Wednesday January 7th.

Missouri River Montana 2015 Water Update

2014 was an average water year. 2013 was below average. ’08, ’09, ’10, ’11 were all high water years. I believe that the norm is not the average. The norm is something well beyond the average.

We’re just passing along he current information and current snowfall, precipitation levels, and snow water equivalents.

We will keep you informed as the snow falls and the Missouri River Montana 2015 Water Forecast comes into shape. We really do not know much until we roll into late March, April and May. The snow fall is all on the ground in mid April. We will also post the DNRC prediction of water flows for the coming summer.

The flow they would like to hold though out the summer is 4200cfs. The projected big water level of about 10K cfs is what they, the water controllers, would like to see in June. Not 20K. But 15K is never too far out of the equation. If it rains 3+ inches in June, then we see some crazy shit. But, until then, we just guess a lot.

The Missouri River is a 12 month fishery with some ups, and some downs. Right now it is just cold and snowing. Give us a shout if you have any questions about water levels in any given month. We’ll guess right along with you.

3 Generations of Missouri River Anglers

3 Generations of Missouri River Anglers

The Tomlinson’s from Seattle Washington.

They used to fish Alaska and now they have found the Missouri River in Craig.

Mark fished with John, the patriarch, a 8 years ago. Then John brought his 2 sons and a couple son-in-laws and a friend as well.

Now the third generation has arrived. Schooling in Missoula and fishing with family on the Tomlinson annual fall Missouri River trip.

Headhunters Guides Peter Skidmore, Ben Hardy and Mark continue to enjoy fishing with the gang.

Can’t wait to fish with the boys again this year in September!

Start your Missouri River family legacy this year. Your kids will love it.

You might enjoy it too…


P.S. We miss you Rambo!

Silly Sunday Scenery

Silly Sunday Scenery

More snow over the weekend.

We may be catching up for the unseasonable weather leading up to today. Oh, save for the two periods with high temps topping out below zero. While we may not stay for long this weekend under zero, it may occur.

Some watched football and received front he holiday period. Some finished up the bird hunting season by storing their decoys right where they lay…until next year.

Others fished.

I thinking of warmer climates for a fish or two.

Like down south…

Missouri River New Years Fishing Report 1.2.15

Missouri River New Years Fishing Report 1.2.15

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Happy New Year Headhunters. The Missouri River fared well as the Polar Plungers christened the waters once again in Craig @ High Noon starting the year of right!

Water temps for the plungers was  34.5F. Oh so cold. The trout are a touch on the slow side as well. Slush in the lower river most of the week. Probable for a couple more days of the same kind of icebergish water.

Below 36F, water temp, can slow the fishing down considerably. Usually does not slow the anglers down. Any day the weather is near freezing there are anglers about.

The water flows are up as the DNRC tries to alleviate shelf ice and anchor ice and other troubles that occur due to frigid air temps below 0F. 5K is the usual level for this quite common winter maneuver. Currently 4770cfs.

Let’s move it back to the 36F range.

A bunch of snow on the ground. 8+ here in Craig still. Settling has occurred. Looks like we may get some more spitting on us as the weekend and front end of the coming week. Temperatures increasing daily with highs in the 30’s in the future.

Check with the shop about the boat ramp situation if you are dumping your boat in the water. The obvious and usable ramps are the dam and Craig and Spite Hill. No shelf ice hindering any of those ramps. The steeper ramps including Wolf Creek, Stickney Creek and Dearborn are iced up as I write. Mid Canon is workable too.

Shuttles daily with rental boats out this week too. Guide trips available to get your year started right.

Missouri River New Years Fishing Report 1.2.15

Flies? Pink. Streamers? Small. 2 Handers? Skagit if you want to.

Free 2 Handed Casting and Fishing Clinic January 10th. SOLD OUT. A couple on the waiting list already. A few spots open for the February 7th gig.

Mike McCune and Whitney Gould Spey Clinic coming as well. We will let you know when we nail down the dating on this very special Sustained Anchor Clinic possibly in April.

Fly Tying Night in America coming Wednesday 7th @ 5:30pm. A good time for locals in an unstructured setting with some cold beers.

Headhunters open daily for shuttles, flies, lodging, booking summer trips, rental boats, sale items from SIMMS, new fly lines, VersiLeaders, and a ton of free information.

 [/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][us_grid post_type=”ids” no_items_message=”” columns=”4″ items_layout=”shop_trendy” items_gap=”” ids=”8226″][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][us_grid post_type=”ids” no_items_message=”” columns=”4″ items_layout=”shop_trendy” items_gap=”” ids=”7619″][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Missouri River Holiday Booking Reminder

Missouri River Holiday Booking Reminder Redux

Now you are coming home from the Christmas trip. Did you think about your 2015 trip? The time is now. Do it while availability is strong. The months of June and July are nearly booked. The front end of June is still good and the back end of July. The center parts? Booked.

Snow on the ground here in Craig and the phones are ringing. A couple high speed Headhunters Sara, Julie, Braden, Dewey are manning the booking hotline daily. 406-235-3447 or 877-DRY-FLYS

A few of the events coming down the pike as we prepare for the season ahead. This is your gentle nudge to think about your Missouri River trip ahead this summer. Booking in advance guarantees certain things…like lodging and guides.


2 Handed Clinic Saturday January 10th. Admission FREE. Limited to 12 participants. Booked through every time. Book your slot today if you would like to attend this very popular clinic.

$400 Winter Guide Trips.

Craig Trout Camp Lodging starting at $125. We have several winter lodging options all with a winter discount. Call for availability.

Headhunters is your 2 Handed Rod Demo Center. We got the fly lines too, lots of ’em to try. Come in for a wide variety of rods from SAGE, Orivis, T & T, Echo.


Missouri River Holiday Booking Reminder
Spring fishing is great!

Midges start late in the month.

February 7th Free 2 Handed Casting and Fishing Clinic. Limited to 12 students.

$400 Guide Trips, Craig Trout Camp Discounted Lodging too.


Midges hopefully daily. Historically at least. Watch for water temps and keep it tuned here for hatch updates as they occur.


Saturday March 7th our last and final FREE 2 handed Casting and Fishing Clinic. Limited to 12 participants. Call for reservations.

Headhunters Spring Special begins March 15th. $300 Guide Trips thru April 30th. Call to get in on this wildly popular spring discount. Brush up on your skills for the coming summer.

Craig Trout Camp discounted lodging continues thru the end of April. These cabins book quickly. Plan accordingly.


Spring Special continues through the month of April. $300 Guide Trips and discounted lodging. Best deals of the year.

Midges. BWO’s show this month. When? A guarantee, or closer to reality would mean middle of the month. On a warm spring, first part of the month. Skwalas too.


Missouri River Holiday Booking Reminder
Rainbows are on the rise. Populations strong.

May is most of the staff’s favorite Missouri River month. Fewer anglers than both April and June with lots of bug action.

Might be the best streamer month of the year.

Craig Caddis Festival and BBQ Cook-Off Saturday May 16th. Afternoon action with live music, BBQ eats, kids events, parade, live and silent auctions, and much more! We’ll see you at the 9th Annual Craig Caddis Festival.

Spring Stream Opener. The Dearborn opens the 3rd Saturday of May and we begin our Dearborn River Guiding Season. A great small stream in our own backyard. Check out the link for more info or call the shop. We love this short and sweet time frame to fish the Dearborn. Some years a month, some years less than a month. Call to get on board for this wilderness adventure.

Nymphing? Rock Star.

Sight fishing for late season Baetis and early lower river caddis. Midges too.

Lighter river pressure for sure.


Game Time. 1st or 2nd busiest month of the year. July is the other. Bookings for June and July begin in June or July, the previous year. Long time guests love the action in June high water or not.

River can be higher than you wish. Mother Nature is a hard one to read. Watch the site for our insight into what is happening for the water year ahead. Flows in the last 10 years have been extremely high, extremely low, and a couple of the years coming in at average. But average is not happen often in the last 25 years. So, a crap shoot. A risk that many, many anglers are willing to make.

Dry flies daily. Caddis, PMD’s arrive by the middle of the month. Good to great dry fly fishing depending on the water level. We are looking for under 8K for a very strong dry fly bite.

Book your Missouri River June trip soon!

We start fishing the Blackfoot River across the divide. A great day trip to break up your Missouri River week. A dry fly excursion that all who experience the Blackfoot are glad they did! Ask ay of the shop staff about booking a Blackfoot day or two.


Missouri River Holiday Booking Reminder
Trico Hatches on the Mo July and August

Not a month for the fickle. Combat fishing. If you like solace it is not July. Why so many anglers? Dry fly all day. Honest.

Caddis, PMD’s, Trico’s, terrestrials. The most consistent dry fly bite of the entire year.

4th of July is one big ass party in Craig. Our favorite holiday of the year. Bar-None.

Book today if you want guides or lodging in the month of July, or June. Get it straightened out this week with your family and friends. Not a ton left on the table for lodging, and guides are dwindling fast. We have rental boats too.

Blackfoot River is in full swing. Our guides love to sneak across the divide for a day of Freestone Fishing on the Blackfoot.


Good in the front end of the month. Not as strong towards the latter part. Sometimes the water gets too warm for trout comfort and the perennial Missouri River weeds come into play.

Terrestrials, caddis, some PMD action but they are on the decline, Trico’s. Ants and hoppers rule the mid day with Trico’s on the plan every morning.

Get out early for the best fishing of the day.

The Blackfoot makes a lot of sense this month. Before dawn meet times to head over the hill to fish this fantastic river.


Missouri River Holiday Booking Reminder
Big Brown Trout on the Mo!

A very busy month. 4th busiest behind June, July, April. One of our best nymphing months.

Not a ton of dry fly action. Can do well on terrestrials and some Trico falls in the A.M.. Psuedo’s, small BWO’s, can get rolling in the afternoon. But don’t plan on coming to the Missouri to get your dry fly fix.

September is the sleeper month. It books earlier than you would think.

The last and final month of Blackfoot River fishing. Maybe the best of all 4 months. Not much pressure at all and the fall colors are just awesome.

Craig’s 1st Beer Festival Brews and Browns scheduled for the 2nd Saturday of the month. More info as we get closer.


Baetis, October Caddis, some midge, Psuedo’s. Good dry fly action. Historically great.

Nymphing is really freaking good.

Streamer fishing is dynamite.

One of the favorite months for long time Missouri River anglers, industry folks, out of work freestone guides, and you. There is a nice pace to October and we like it.

Lodging fills fast. At the time of this post October already has some ink on the calendar.


There is the entire year. Hatch periods are pretty consistent and our blog, this blog, has updates in regards to fishing, hatches, lodging, and guiding, and more! Not every event is listed like our impromptu Drift Boat Drive-Ins, Headhunters Free BBQ nights throughout the summer, live music, and all around hilarity on the grounds of Headhunters Fly Shop.

These are pretty strong outlines of the year but some of you may need even more information about types of lodging or setting up a group trip. We make it easy for you throughout the entire process. We are the Missouri River experts. If you need any additional information you can email us  info@headhuntersflyshop.com or give us a shout on the Missouri River Hotline 406-235-3447 8-5 daily.

Missouri River Holiday Booking Reminder
There is no place like Montana’s Missouri River






Jive Samba Cannonball Adderly Video

This is just awesome. If you dig Samba, and jive.

And 60’s Jazz.

Love the background banter of the band. Sounds like a party, all the time.

I’m sure they are drinking, I’d be for sure.

Happy Sunday. Enjoy this killer Adderly tune.

The first version is the kick-ass version recorded in San Francisco. The audio is just great.

If you are at work today…Close your office door, close your eyes, and drift with the music.

If you are throwing a cocktail party tonight…play this album.

Martini’s anyone?

This the the version with the live band, live video.

Silly Sunday Scenery

Silly Sunday Scenery

Snow on the ground. More snow last night. More snow today.

Then it gets cold. Subzero man.

Happy Holidays.

There are a bundle of folks wandering around. Meaning more than 10, less than 20.

Stop in the only fly shop open today.



Enjoy the beauty of the river during the off-season.

It truly is a fabulous place.

Montana’s Missouri River.


Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 12.26.14

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 12.26.14

Getting to look a lot like Christmas around here.

8″ of snow yesterday and getting colder all weekend long. By the time we get to Monday the daytime temps are cold enough to keep you from the water. Unless, unless it changes.

The anglers fishing before the storm, and Christmas Day have been doing quite well with the seasonal flies of choice. PINK…Lightening Bugs, Scuds, Sows, Czech’s, hot spotted midge, worms. Red is cool too.

Slow and shallow or medium depth or deep. Fins your hot spot and nymph e’m up.

Swingers and strippers are finding fish int he slowest of the slow at the back end of the drift. On the hang down. Twitch or tug at the end while crossing your fingers. That can be tough.

Water temps are holding above freezing at 36.5F. The colder air settling in for the weekend will drop that a bit. Missouri River water flows are 4280cfs. Pretty normal for the last few years. We should expect it to be stable for some time. Even if it moves up or down it will not be enough to change matters.

Actually a few midges around this last week again. Next week more?

Headhunters Fly Shop open all week long for your Missouri River needs like shuttles, guides, boats, flies, coffee, info, lodging, and a ton of simple bullshit. Fly shops have a lot of that kind of stuff…

Merry Christmas Headhunters!

Merry Christmas Headhunters!

Merry Christmas to all of you Headhunters out there.

We hope you are enjoying the holidays as we are with family and friends.

A classic shot from behind the shop in 2010. The snow is falling this Christmas too with nearly 4″ on the ground as this posts Wednesday night. We do love a White Christmas.

We sincerely thank you for your patronage this year and look forward to seeing all of you again this year.

Merry Christmas from all of us here in Craig!

For those skiing this week…Fishski, the Video.

A great film by John of Scumliner Media today to get you through this holiday week.

This short won Drake Magazine Fly Fishing Humor Film of the Year.

In case your wondering.

Will there be a sequel?

Enjoy your week away from work and the slower pace of home.

If you need some river ski lessons, we are in the shop daily booted up and ready.

PS Shop open til about noon today. Then we are off…


FISHSKI from scumliner media on Vimeo.

Missouri River Winter Flies

Missouri River Winter Flies

I don’t know the names of all of the flies in these images. I just don’t anymore. Ninch is the fly mastermind with some suggestions from John and I. But it really is his deal. So as the bins change as the trends change I find myself finding new killer flies to try all the time. Changing it up is fun. Nothing in nature stands still  for too long.

That is the argument for changing flies too. Static behaviors are lame.

So I lost the list of the flies in this post. I know 2/3 of them. So while I do not know the proper names I do know that they all work when you toss them into the Mo.

Add a split shot and a bobber and hold on.

Find slower water too.

Missouri River Winter Flies
Dirty Winter Flies

The dirty winter flies above include Peep Show, some derivation of a Zebra, Zebra’s, FB Sow, Ninch’s Pearl Ninja, Pink Lightening Bug, Tungsten beaded SJW, Rainbow Czech Nymph, Ninch’s Pink Beaded Sow.

Really super slutty stuff works well. Pink or orange or red flavors will get you through the cold months. Black works too.

Dry flies? Check them out below.

Missouri River Winter Flies

Buzzball, Dominick’s Reneball, Griffith’s Gnat, Harrop’s CDC Hanging Midge, 2X posted Cluster, CDC Cluster, and more. Any thing you like that looks good on the water. A crap shoot real is the deal. Tie on some sort dropper for a better shot. If you can go that way.

Happy Holidays and we will see you on the river. Or in the bar afterward.

Missouri River Winter Solstice Fishing Report 12.21.14

Missouri River Winter Solstice Fishing Report 12.21.14

The shortest day of the year. Not a bad day to fish the Missouri River near Craig Montana.

The fish gotta eat, even on the shortest day.

Terry Armstrong casting a 2 handed rod this last week on the Missouri River. Terry loves to fish. And fish he does with his 2 handed rod, a bamboo from Sweetgrass, and a few other favorites he has acquired over the years. You can commonly see Terry fishing the Mo a couple days a week.

Headhunters open daily, and today at 8am. We will be open for a short day on the 24th and closed, the only day of the year, closed on Christmas Day. Back open at 8am on the 26th, Canada’s Boxing Day. We will have a few guide trips out the week following Christmas. You could get on board with a post Christmas week guide trip. $300 Spey trips and $400 regular guide trips. Give us a shout for a timely guide trip this Christmas season.

The fishing? Good. Nymphing is really quite good in the winter months. The fish are only in specifically painfully slow water. Deep and slow. When you find them, you got them.

The weather for the week ahead is normal. Some snow, some clouds, some wind, and you. Highs in the upper 30’s and into the 40’s.

Missouri River Winter Solstice Fishing Report 12.21.14
Pink Flies Rule.

Pink is the word. The latest word on the street, or river, is Pink Lightening Bugs in the am and moving toward the AMEX Czech, Firebead, or Caviar type flies. Sows are still in fashion with Zebra’s never falling from grace.

Find the slowest stuff and ply your trade. Use the right amount of split. You can go split less if you desire. The slower water allows the flies to be int he zone a while, slower water more time in the water sinking…keep them in and hit ’em hard if the bobber hiccups. Stop in and we can get you pointed in the right winter direction. We got it all from bobbers to split shots to the right flies and a clue about the right kind of water.

The water temps are holding at their historically normal levels. 36.5F is quite normal. When it gets colder than 36F things do slow down a bit. But if it stays in this range warming a quarter of a degree once in a while the fish stay pretty active. They gotta eat.

Water flows are below the historical average but that is quite common in the last decade. Lower snow packs and levels have required the water managers to err on the safe side. Flows are 4400cfs with the norm being nearly 5000cfs. A nice wade fishing level. Anything near 5K is a good winter flow and makes for easy access.

Rainbows are quite healthy in the winter. They do gain weight as the winter moves towards early spring. They spawn in the spring and hence the weight gain. Browns are losing the fat as the winter progresses and the rainbows are going the other direction. Rainbows lose fat in the summer months post spawn.

Missouri River Winter Solstice Fishing Report 12.21.14

The streamer and 2 handed anglers are faring well this week too. The river didi have a green tint to it the last couple weeks. Still does.

Smaller flies have been the theme. Black buggers, black leeches, bastardized buggers, Skip’s Minnows, Skiddish Smolts, R2R, Superflash Zonkers, Micro Zonkers, and many more. Come in for a great streamer selection, best on the river.

Missouri River Winter Solstice Fishing Report 12.21.14
Headhunters has all the winer secrets

Your streamer store on the Mo with a plethora of sink tips, VersiLeaders from RIO, cut to length Airflo sinking leaders, Scandi and Skagit lines, several different running lines, and reels to boot from Abel, Nautilus, Hatch, Echo, Orvis.

Dry fly fishing? Not so good this week but the weather can get the bugs excited. Snow and sleet can get the midges all worked up. But every day is a new day. Clusters with a tiny Zebra dangling from it can be great. Our midge selection is up to date and filled with goodies for winter and spring midging.

We have a ton of DEMO Rods for you to try this week. Kick ass sale items like fly lines, SIMMS wading boots, HH Logo’d items like long and short sleeve shirts, hats, SIMMS Logo’d fishing shirts, flip flops, a nice selection of sale flies, and accessories galore!

Remember the store is open daily 8-5. Short hours open til noon on the 24th and closed on the 25th. Happy holidays and safe travels as you make your way to friends and family this week.

Headhunters Fly Shop Gift Card

Headhunters Fly Shop Gift Card

All the answers to your gift questions can be taken care of in one small black card.

The Headhunters Fly Shop Gift Cards can be charged with any amount you wish.

Get your wife a guide trip. Get your neighbor a $100 Gift Card. Get yourself a little something too.

Gift Cards are for those who don’t know what to get their friends or family. Or, they are for those who like to get their friends and family what they truly want.

A Headhunters Gift Card is for everybody. Order today and we can get it to your mailbox maybe the 24th? If not it will just be a New Years Gift. It’s never a bad time to get a gift card for your loved ones!

Abel Reels. Male Fly Fishing Jewelry

Choose Abel. Male Fly Fishing Jewelry

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Abel makes a very high quality fly reel.

Bar none.

We commonly get asked why an individual would buy an Abel.

The most common answer we could give you is because men like jewelry too.

It just manifests itself in a different manner.

For some it’s cars, for others it’s women, and yet others it’s Abel Fly Reels.

Can’t blame a feller for that now can you?

We have a nice selection of Abel Reel Male Jewelry in stock for the holidays. Your accountant said you ought buy yourself something nice before the tax session comes to a close. Right?


Why not an Abel. Abel looks good on you.

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Moller SkyCar. Why not a SkyBoat?

3 SkyCars to choose from!
3 SkyCars to choose from!

The Moller SkyCar.

This cat has several models for you to choose from.

As far as we know there are not any SkyCars on the road yet.

But the Moller Neuera, pictured above, and the Moller SkyCar 400 are two that strike my fancy.

No word yet for the development timeline of the Moller SkyBoat? We will keep you posted here.

Moller SkyCar. Why not a SkyBoat?

Think about it. No need for a shuttle. No need for a truck to haul the boat to the river. No waiting at the boat ramp. No problem SkyHopping over the dude who just low-holed you. Fish places that never get boat pressure, or even foot traffic.

And be the coolest angler on the planet rolling up to the fly shop in this rig…



Moller SkyCar. Why not a SkyBoat?
Get one today!
Friday Foto

Friday Foto

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Friday Foto from your good friends in Craig Montana flanking the shores of The Missouri River.


Looks pretty good for weekend fishing. Not too cold, not too windy…just right.

Stop in for anything you may need or give us a shout and book your 2015 Missouri River trip. We promise it will not be snowing during your trip.


Headhunters Guides Christmas Wish Lists

A list of the guide Christmas wish lists. Some fun stuff. And some good will.

What is on your Christmas wish list?


Peter Skidmore

  1. New Truck Topper. Mine is wrecked!
  2. 4frnt YLE 187 Skis
  3. Snowmobile
  4. New Golf Bag
  5. And a new ballpark for the Oakland Atheletics!
Ben Hardy
  1. I want to have a healthy baby a month after Christmas.
  2. I am singular in focus…


Jared Edens

  1. Good health and happiness for all friends and family
  2. Muskrat slippers
  3. A delicious rib roast
  4. A new cool coffee thermos
  5. Adult size one piece fleece
Nick Stipech
  1. I-Pad
  2. Long Underwear
  3. “Good ice” for ice fishing seson in Michigan
  4. New Pick-up
  5. Motor Boat
Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 12.8.14

Pretty good fishing, pretty good weather, pretty good times.

Adam straight outta Omaha fishing with his brother today and guide Mark Raisler. Fun times, used the net bunch,a dn had a couple pulls front he flask. All good all day.

The weather is getting much better and they, the weather dude, is threatening a day or two over 50F? What? December weather?

Pink is good. Worms are good. Firebeads are good. Sowbugs are good. Split shot is good.

Slower inside bends where the water speed goes from slow, to slower, to almost stopped. Look for the water speed that is one notch above stagnant. Then just toss the fly in and wait.

Hit the fly hard and hope it is a trout. Lots of rainbows getting bigger as they do in the winter months.

Saw a few fish roaming around near the surface, but they are decoys.

Streamer fishing is OK. Swingers are out and catching a few.

Water temps in the 36-37F range.

Guide trips for a winter bargain of $395. Guide trips out this last weekend, spey clinics too.

Spey Guide trips are @ $300 for the remainder of the month. Get some!

Fly shop open for shuttles, Xmas gifts, GIFT CARDS, fly lines, fly rods, flies, guide trips, rental boats, and anything fishy you may need beginning daily @ 8am.

Headhunters Fly Shop Sara experiencing winter drift boat fun!

You may have seen this short 1 minute film with Sara having some winter fun.

She wanted to go faster. But in the name of safety, and lack of Fireball, we kept the speeds under 30mph.

This is SOL’s favorite film by Scumliner. Short and sweet. And funny!

Enjoy this nice quick winter break from an early 2014 Scumliner Media Short Film.

Somewhere Out West from scumliner media on Vimeo.

Silly Sunday Scenery

Silly Sunday Spey Scenery

Casting clinic yesterday at Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service.

Lots of folks casting, a ton of fellowship, and some fish were caught too.

Guide trips out today while the weather is cooperating. A few boats on the water using the only shuttle service in Craig. Quite a few wade anglers roaming the waters of the Missouri as well.

Enjoy fishing, napping, or watching football.

Or if you live here locally…all three.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 12.6.14

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 12.6.14

Spey Clinic today!

Fishing today as well. If you are not attending the 1st of our 4 Free Spey Casting/Fishing Clinics you might as well fish.

So, what is happening on the river?

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 12.6.14

The weather is good. Yes, over 40F and not too windy at all. Thursday and Friday were quite nice and the anglers on the river reflected the positive change. Cloudy and calm. Hi’s above 40F all week long with a mixture of rain and sun. Snow today, somewhat.

You can always give us a call for a wind or more detailed actual report. Operators are standing by!

Winter nymphs are the norm for those tossing the bobber rig. Smaller streamers for those swinging. Midge clusters for those hunting heads.

4500cfs and the water temp at 37F. Wade fishing is nice and easy. Boat fishing too, but why not wander around on foot getting a little exercise in-between spots.

All kinds of gifts for the angler in you at the shop. Thermos, SAGE, logo’d Headhunters gear, fly lines, GIFT CARDS, KAST Gloves, Abel reels.

Shop open daily for shuttles, flies, info,  coffee, demo rods, bobbers, hand warmers…


Friday Foto

Friday Foto

Headhunters Fly Shop brigs you the weekly Friday Foto installment.

Beth qualifies for New Breed Chicks Rule as well. Beth is a guide here on the Mo who is gaining a strong following.

Not all that fishy around here this last week but the week ahead looks much more digestible with daytime temps in the tasty 40’s.

Swing Class tomorrow morning at 9am. John says he has been tweaking the morning presentation getting ready for a new year.

Folks out tossing flies into the waters of the Missouri yesterday, today, and through the weekend too.

Let us know if we can shuttle, inform, educate, or treat you to our fly fishing Christmas gift Nirvana.


Headhunters Winter Fly Fishing Events & 2015 Lodging Update

Headhunters Winter Fly Fishing Events & 2015 Lodging Update

Getting throughout the holidays can be difficult. Getting through the holidays without either fishing or planning for fishing can be really difficult.

We suggest either route to get you through. If you need a fix right now you can check out our Vimeo page by Scumliner Media here. No Balck Sabbath, just tons of fun fishing footage.

Back on track here as I got kinda excited about winter fishing. YEs, winter fishing. We fish all winter long here on the Missouri River. Some days are better than others. There are plenty of days that the weather is not all that conducive for angling. Just not all that comfortable on days when it is too much below 32F. At 0F no chance of us getting out there for too long…

Missouri River 2015 Lodging Update

Ninch wanted me to let you folks know that the lodging scenario for both June and July is fading away rapidly. Already the two most popular Missouri River months for fly fishing and consequently lodging June and July lodging is always tight. This year is now different.

The amount of advanced 2015 bookings for June and July is pretty overwhelming. Dry flies and long days with nice warm seasonable temperatures bring many anglers to Montana’s Missouri River for these favorable months.

The upshot is as follows. Ninch says,

“Book now or stay in Helena or Great Falls this June and July. And, might as well get your guide locked in too. It makes a lot of sense to get these reservations in the books before the New Year arrives setting your trip in stone for 2015. Don’t be left out yearning for your favorite Craig Trout Camp cabin or any one of our killer riverfront properties.”


Check out www.craiglodging.com for all the 2015 Missouri River Montana accommodations and lodging options.

Headhunters Winter Fly Fishing Events

  • Free Spey Casting Clinics begin this Saturday December 6th @ 9am. Call today and get in one of the last spots for this well attended and excellent worthwhile free 2 handed casting clinic. We’ll also show you how to fish with your Spey/Switch rod for Missouri River success. Not just a casting clinic, a fishing clinic too. Morning session is an indoor coffee and donut filled PowerPoint presentation by John Arnold. The noon to 3pm outdoor casting session with lead instructor John Arnold and supporting staff from Headhunters Fly Shop and friends including Sara Roholt, Ben McNinch, and Mark Raisler. We also have guest instructors and tackle reps at nearly every event. A great time to try out and find the Right Fly Line for your 2 handed spey rod. We have a mountain of lines that will be appropriate for your rod. Bring your gear and we can help! Demo rods on the river as well from SAGE, Echo, T & T, and Orvis.
  • Clinics Saturdays Dec 6th, January 10th, February 6th, and March 6th. Sign up for any of them today by calling Headhunters Fly Shop @ 406-235-3447
  • Craig Trout Camp Lodging begins @ $125 for the Brown and Rainbow Cabins. The Craig House is $150/2 and $50/head for every add’l guest.
  • Headhunters open daily @ 8am. Closed on Christmas Day. Open in the am Christmas Eve. Open New Years Day!
  • Get your Headhunters Gift Card at the shop or call and we will pop one in the mail for you, or your wife.
  • Headhunters famous Fly Tying Nights tentatively planned for Wednesday nights January 7 & 21, February 11 & 25, March 11. Usually starts @ 6pm and runs a couple hours. More on Fly Tying Night in America as we start the New Year.
  • Swing Season Guide Trips “Spey Only” for $300 through the end of the year.

These events and many more coming the remainder of 2014 and into the 2015 Missouri River Fly Fishing Season.  We are here int eh store daily to help in any way we can. See you this weekend at the Spey Clinic or just stepping out for a nit of wade fishing.

Black Sabbath War Pigs California Jam ’74 Video

Having a hard time getting the engines revved after the holiday weekend?

Ya, us too.

I have a great idea to get rid of those Too Much Turkey Blues.


Go to full screen.

Turn up the volume.

Stand up.

Push Play.

Air Guitar this entire hard rock anthem.

The entire thing.

Dance, fist pump, sing and shout, head bangin’.

Do it.


Then walk out of the office knocking over a few fake office plants on your way out mumbling some obscenities just like Ozzy…


First video from ’74 California Jam. Hippies in the crowd.

Second video from ’05 Ozzfest. Just rockers. I think I like the second one…just sayin’


Great Falls Sporting Goods 1924 Image

Cool image from the inter-web yesterday doing some surfing about.

Check out the stuff in this 1924 image of Great Falls Sporting Goods Store.

Cool creels hanging, upper left has a hook display or two, I think reels on the left too.

How about the wooden glass topped merchandising cases. What is in the cases on the right?

Screen Shot 2014-11-30 at 9.39.03 PM
Craig Bridge circa?

Love to walk back in time and check out the inventory.

I wonder how much the flies were? And what was the selection like?

I suspect they did not have 1200+ fly bins.

Although I bet the anglers of the day did not need as many options.

Cat gut leaders, silk lines, bamboo poles, and Leadwing Coachmans.

All you need!

The Craig Bridge was here. It was built in 1902.

Joe’s Bar? Not yet…

Screen Shot 2014-11-30 at 2.01.26 PM

Silly Sunday Scenery

Silly Sunday Scenery

Cold and snowy here @ Montana’s Missouri River.

The holiday weekend is nearly over. Good football on today. Better on your couch than here on the river right now.

Although we have seen a few anglers out there. Bearing it. Grinning?

Look at the forecast for the week ahead and plan accordingly. Warming as we move through the week.

Hope you enjoyed the holiday.

Check out the SIMMS Sale here. We got a bundle of other fishy stuff on sale too…

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 11.29.14

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 11.29.14

Windy and cold. Some snow too.

While there are a few anglers tough enough to come on out on days that make most stay indoors you don’t have to feel bad if you don’t make it out on questionable holiday weekends like this one.

When driving up the road Friday afternoon to the tiny town south of us Wolf Creek to pick up my mail I was nearly blown off the road numerous times. Then upon arrival at my home I was treated to the no power deal.

None. Awful dark. And cold.

That is a feeling you can have on the river when the fish are not biting.

Awful dark. And cold.

But the anglers that have been brave enough to ply the fly fishing trade have been quite successful.

Streamer fishing is the all the rave but the nymphers are the ones who have been cleaning up.

Pink is the word. Winter is here and we are in full pink force. Worms too. Al the best slutty flies are working and fishing well. We got suffer Christmas bins full of them at Headhunters Fly Shop.

Black Friday is passed us but we have sales gong on all month long as we move from the Thanksgiving month and into the Christmas month. Remember, we are open daily for all your Christmas giving needs. Check out the Online store for cool stuff shipped to your doorstep.

Deeper with the nymphs than the last month or two. Get ’em deeper with split shot. The fish will not suspend until the bugs decide to hang out at that level. Deeper is better now. Find those deeper buckets and drop the flies in there. Hit it when it moves even a little bit.

Streamer fishers are still out there and will be swinging for the entirety of this month ahead. Stop in for a fantastic selection of streamer patterns. We are the place for over 125 streamer patterns in stock. Awesome.

We have a pile of streamer add on items too. RIO VersiLeaders and Airflo weighted leaders along with tippet made for streamer fellers.

Shop open daily for guided trips, rental boats, shuttles, flies, killer sale items all month long including SIMMS items deep;y discounted. Boots and waders. Stop by for the table of death with items that have to leave the store this month.

Happy Holidays from a snowy and cold Craig Montana.



Headhunters Staff Top 5 Christmas gifts

Headhunters Fly Shop Staff Top 5 Christmas Gifts

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Polled the staff this last week for their favorite Christmas items. Most of them said it was difficult to pick out only 5. Working in a fly shop with all the cool fly fishing tackle, flies, and fly fishing gee-haws surrounding you will drive a gal or guy just nuts.

When I put the pressure on, this is what they came up with.

John Arnold

1. ECHO Glass two-hander
2. Sage SALT 990 for the Keys
3. Simms G3 Guide Bootfoot Waders
4. Abel Classic Switch Reel
5. Fly Tester Tank

Max Mattioli

1. Echo Glass Spey 11′ 7wt
2. Kast Steelhead Gloves
3. Renzetti Vise
4. Bradley Smoker
5. Drift Boat, any kind will do.

Julie Arnold

  1. Fishpond Nomad Net
  2. Kast Steelhead Gloves
  3. Echo Fiberglass 11′ 7wt Rod
  4. Rising Big Nippa
  5. Shimizaki Powder Keg

Sara Roholt

  1. YETI Rambler 30 oz.
  2. Fly Vine Bracelet
  3. SAGE One Outfit
  4. ABEL Dancing Bears Reel
  5. Fishpond Sushi Roll

Mark Raisler

  1. SAGE 6126
  2. Kast Steelhead Gloves
  3. RIO Scandi Short Versi-Tip
  4. SIMMS Cold Weather Shirt
  5. Headhunters Dead Drifter T-Shirt

Dewey Sutphin

  1. SAGE 6126
  2. RIO In Touch Indicator Fly Line
  3. Kreelex Just Add-Vise Kit
  4. SIMMS Slick Jacket
  5. Abel Classic Switch Skull & Crossbones fly reel

Ben McNinch

  1. T & T DNA XF 12’6″ 7wt.Spey Rod
  2. Abek “Dancing Bears” 6N Reel
  3. RIO ConnectCore Shooting Line .037
  4. RIO Scandi Short VersiTip #7
  5. RIO Steelhead/Salmon tapered Leader 12′ 10#

Braden Lewis

  1. Sweetgrass Bamboo Rod 7’9″  5wt. Mantra
  2. Thermos/Nissan HH Logo’d Pink Flavor
  3. Rooster Necks, or any tying stuff
  4. SAGE Accel 790 Streamer Rod
  5. Mark Raisler and John Arnold Autographed Visor

The fly fishing wish list items in common all focus around the 2 handed rod. The Swing Season is upon us and most of our staff is on board. Come out for one of our FREE Casting Clinics this winter with the first one on Saturday December 6th @ 9am. Call today to reserve your free spot in this very popular spey casting clinic.

Montana spey fishing


Big Sale all weekend long at Headhunters Fly Shop with HH Logo’d gear at rock bottom pricing. A ton of SIMMS products and discounted flies too!

  • SIMMS Headwaters Wading Boots for women Vibram
  • SIMMS Freestone Wading Boots both felt and Vibram
  • SIMMS RiverTek BOA Wading Boots Vibram
  • Headhunters Logo Wear like T-Shirts and hats, men’s & women’s SIMMS Logo’d shirts
  • SIMMS Flip Flops
  • $12/Dozen Flies!
  • Fly Lines from RIO, Cortland, Orvis, Airflo
  • Select packs and bags
  • HH Logo’d Fly Boxes

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