Weekender Nymph Patterns

New flies for Headhunters Fly Shop this week.

Every time we turn our head Ninch stuffs the bins full of new flies. Why? Cause he can’t help himself.

And we like additional options to fool our trout here in central Montana. We can’t stand flies that do not work. We get rid of them quickly replacing them with new patterns for you. Try them out on the laboratory know as Montana’s Missouri River.

This week’s newest selections @ Headhunters…

  • Purple Haze (Soft Hackle)
  • Hogan’s Spring Creek Geek
  • Allen’s Holla-Back Girl Purple, Pink, Brown
  • Jake’s Flash-a-Midge Black
  • Two Bit Hooker Brown, Olive
  • Flash Bang Midge Red, Cream
  • Tungsten Juju Baetis Red
  • Allison’s Wild Thing Purple
  • Barr’s Copper John (the original, not those shitty knock offs)
  • Trask’s Little Devil

This weekend to be warmer than normal on the Mighty Mo. We have guides out daily and river lodging for all comers. Give us a call or stop in for RV sites, Adipose Rental Boats, shuttle services, the Missouri River’s best fresh fly selection, and cool new logo gear for your whole family.

Open daily @ 8am and later than the rest for late night trout needs.

Izaaks Restaurant Craig MT

Izaak’s Restaurant open Saturday and Sunday 3/28-29!

Izaak’s Restaurant in downtown Craig is open for business Saturday and Sunday 3/28-29 @ 3pm and dinner served at 4pm.

Chef John said lets ride as we see a good push of anglers coming to Craig this weekend.

Izaak's Missouri River Fly Fishing
Craig Montana’s Apres Fishing Hang!

Warmer air temps this weekend with Izaak’s opening adding another bar and of course the only full service restaurant in Craig. One of the only in the canyon!

They will be closed Monday and Tuesday withe the Grand Opening April 1st and running wide open 7 days a week through the fall.

Welcome back Izaak’s! We are happy to see you again and our taste buds will be satisfied on Saturday Night!

Kreelex JAV

Kreelex Just Add Vise Video

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]This maybe the most popular JAV Tying Kit we have?

You’d have to ask Ninch. He’ll know.

It is one of the most talked about streamers on the Mo, and rivers, streams, lakes, and of course bass ponds.

A few in the past week have asked us to post a little something about this fly. Again.

Here it is. The answer. The Kreelex. Love it. Live it. Fish it.

Buy this baby at Headhunters and get it started. Tie your own?! Why not.

The beauty of Headhunters Kreelex JAV Kit is that you can add another 10 flavors of Krenik Product to your grab bag here at the store.

Then the Kreelex flavors are only limited by your imagination.

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Kreinik Metallic available at Headhunters Fly Shop. Call us today!

Think of all of the combos. Pink and Gold. Gold and Brown. Brown and Olive. Olive and Black. Black and Red. Red and Green. Green and Blue. Blue and Purple. Purple and…

It is that time of year to stock up and get on board with the streamer fly. Our bins at the shop are filling daily as more of your minnow imitating pattern love arrives via UPS.

How are you gonna deliver your brown trout candy this spring?

Start it here with the Kreelex Just Add Vise Kits only @ Headhunters in Craig.



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Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 3.24.15

Go small and get the take. That is the word on the street as we move into the latter week of March.

Has madness ensued? Not quite but we are getting ripe.

Water temps still rising and the fishing is good enough to bring some of those rainbow colored trout to the surface. Clusters may not be the key as the better fish are now keying on the single midge. Size 20 and 22 midge patterns can get it done. Try the single posted mini Adams for a good trout midge bug. Don’t like that mayfly style fare? Go with a Poly Posted single midge, Matt’s Midge, Quig’s Midge, or anything small and midge like. Anglers choice.

Can’t see it? Trust your fishing partners eyes. Or just whack it when you think the trout is on it, near it, etc.

The streamer bite is decent as we move into the 38F water temp. Will it get warmer? Oh yeah man. Daily from here on out. Unless ‘Ol Man Winter re-appears.

The fly fishing information leaders in Craig

The nymphing? Getting better as the spring weather pattern takes hold. We should see an increase in consistency with less hit and miss feeding behaviors. The normal winter/spring fare can work on any given day. Just keep changing until the trout respond. Some days they are totally off of the Firebead patterns. Just sayin.’ Remember your winter/spring mantra. Slow water is a friend of the bobber bunch.

Flows are down and will remain so unless something with the snowpack changes…which is not in the long-term forecast. The water guessers state that it will remain at 4100cfs range as they are in the active storing of water stage. The normal fill date is the 3rd week of June with the Canyon Ferry Reservoir seeking a 97% fill value. We will keep you posted as the spring water situation comes into focus.

How about your Tuesday? We suggest working on the weekends and fishing during the week. Shop open daily for any of your Missouri River needs. The friendliest staff on the entire river and your information experts here in Craig. See you soon…




Essential Addt’l Items for your Drift Boat

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Everybody has the basics in their drift boat.

YETI Ice Chest, spare oar, extra oar lock, spare boat plug, warm jacket, rain pants, a heater when it’s cold, gloves…

Pictured above are some of the things that I feel are necessary for bringing your game up to the concierge level.

I am striving for the concierge level for sure. I really think it is a function of age. I’m old enough to have a number of killer fly rods, extra reels, boat heater and kerosene heater systems, the right clothing, SIMMS Waders, Kast Gloves…but why go without when spending 1/2 of the year in a drift boat.

Essential Addt’l Items for your Drift Boat

Cotton Terry Hand Towels. My favorite extra item int he boat. Used to dry your hands. To wipe your mouth. To clean any mess that may develop during the day. I use them clean for a day, then y=they clean the floor the following morning, then to the wash. Good for a wash or two until they become totally grotie! My clients favorite addt’l item.

Micro-Fiber Towel. An update tot eh Terry Towel. Used for sunglasses, camera equipment, anything f=that needs a clean and soft towel.

Beef Jerky. Good everyday at 10 am. If you start drinking beer at 89am, then 9am is the appropriate starting time. The bigger bag the better. Beef Jerky makes every fishing day better.

Extra Car Keys. I have 3 in the boat. Seems like the right number. I put them all back in the boat. Don’t get locked out at the ramp. If you do, make sure you have plenty of Beef Jerky.

Sharpie. Everybody needs few Sharpie’s around.

Chocolate. I like the big Toblerone Bars. Big enough to share. You can hoard it if you wish, but if you get busted you gotta have some for others. This tube holds 6 big bars. Stock up at Costco when you see items like this!

Hand Warmers. I buy these too by the case. I have never had too many of these in the boat. It’s like having too much money. Never heard that phrase out of anybody I know. I warm them up on the dashboard in the heat of the window defroster int eh truck on the way to the put in. Then put them ion your shirt pickets warming your core for the day. A 2nd pair in your gloves or outer pockets to warm those fingers too!

An extra extra boat plug. Takes no room. Find the 2nd one when you cannot locate the 1st one.

An extra super warm hat. This one is waterproof too. With ear flaps. DWR finished. 90% of your body heat escapes though your head. Cover it for all day warmth. Keeps the rain off too. Extra comfort without sacrificing a ton of space.

Matches/Lighters. Ever had to pull over, start a fire, to get warm? I have. Most of my friends have too. Lots of flame sources are pretty important to me these days. Safety is key. Only two kinds of people. Those who have needed to start a fire, and those who will need to sometime in the future.

Baby Wet Wipes. You only need them if you don’t have them. Big bang for a little product. These can be clutch!

RIO Fly Line Cleaning Towelettes. Why even get in the boat if your fly line is not slippery and clean. Better shooting, better floating, all better all the time. These 99 cent towelettes are the most important indirect item in my boat. I use them 2-4 times a day when fishing. The best way to get your fly to the target is by having a perfectly slick fly line. The RIO Line Cleaning Towelette is essential!

Electrical Tape. This stretchy waterproof tape can be used for lots of fix it jobs. While Duct Tape is great too, we already know you have roll in the boat somewhere. This secondary roll is essential too. A roll or two fits nicely in any drift boat orifice.

 Eyeglass Repair Kit. Eye protection, safety, is the number one rule in any fishing situation. Not tipping the boat over is pretty important too. Small screwdrivers, nose pads, extra little tiny eyeglass screws, in a tiny little tube. Pick one of these kits up at your local grocer or at the glasses store. The small screwdriver also works on fly reels. Bonus.

Loon UV Knot Sense. This is a product that I just love. Use it to fix a cracked/sliced fly line. Get rid of that hinge that is f***ing up your perfect slack line dry fly presentation. Use it to fix that groove in your favorite fly reel that is again messing with your line. Fill it in with UV Knot Sense! Use it to fix those leaking waders. The 12 holes you just produced crossing that barbed wire fence. Dab it on, and expose to the sunlight. The UV rays will immediately cure the goo. A product that is imperative in your drift boat.

Hot Sauce of your choice. I like several hot sauces! Who doesn’t. I currently have the Pepper Plant Chunky Garlic on board. A damn fine sauce. Big flavors of garlic married with various peppers. Good til the last drop. Makes that bland wife you buddy packed Pop w/ flavor!

These are items that I think will make your day go by smoother than expected. Why not live large in Montana. Big state, big times.

What are you favorite additional essential boat items? Let us know so we can add them to our own collection![/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][us_grid orderby=”title” order=”asc” ids=”6844,10999,9123,9116,6650,9071″ post_type=”ids” no_items_message=”” items_layout=”shop_trendy” items_gap=””][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Spring is here in Montana

Spring has arrived in Montana

The grass is turning a color other than brown and the boats are on the water.

Guides are out daily as we move from winter into spring. Anglers from all over the state are staying with us and fishing their spring break away.

How about your spring break? Need one?

Give us a shout and we can steer you in the right direction.

Enjoy the March Madness here on Montana’s Missouri River.

Happy Sunday to you all.

Fly Box Organization Hell

Fly Box Organization Hell

It’s over. I’m done. That hell has passed and now I can breathe easy.

My wife can sleep better too knowing that the kitchen table can be once again be used as a spot for eating meals.

Only took 10 days…

I know I promised that it would only occupy the central household table for a short two nights. I may have extended the project longer than I needed, but it is a difficult seasonal process.

You know the pain and whiskey/beer content measured in ounces, or drams, or quarts that must be consumed to even approach this project with a clear mind.

This year like most I had a plan going into the game. I was going to take all the hoppers out of their homes and re-use a couple of the boxes for a caddis dry fly re-org and gather all of the smaller terrestrials into the other hopper box. Then I was gonna move the midge nymphs into something smaller, the midge dries into a new magnetic divider small box(s), the streamers into a color coordinated 2 box system, along the way integrate the pre-purchased well thought through the new compartment boxes and 2 magnetic slim line boxes somewhere, then get the crawdads a new home, the 3 Season worm, scud, czech box cleaned out, the mayfly nymph box cleaned up too, the worm box needed to go, the Drakes an update, the March Browns all into the mayfly dry box, and then make room…

So you can see how this process becomes cloudy. Way cloudy. 5 bourbon rocks can make things a bit unclear too.

We have had several clients of the fly shop bring in cups, boxes, and random fly mayhem, hand over to a shop employee, and pay for them to organize and fill in. Wow!

Probably the smart way out for those folks who do not want to piss off their wife!

One of the biggest tasks is re-aligning all of the flies in fly shop fly cups. Some have BWO’s, and few streamers clotting up the cup. Some have worms from the spring period with tippet and tangled rats nest type f***ups, other faded and dust riddled flies from your patch. A few cups full of shitty flies that never worked that came right from your tying desk.

Then as you all know that when you get deep into the re-org process…you have a change of plan. A change, a hunch, a strong feeling that the first 11 hrs invested has been a complete waste of time as you formulate an entirely new plan.

Which of course takes 7 new fly boxes.

And a trip to the fly shop. You would order them online, but your wife has designs of using the table for something other than your long winded bullshit yearly fly organization.

Hence the immediacy of the fly shop trip. You could use the empty perfectly good fly boxes in drawers in your tying/man room…but they are old and that just will not stand. You would give them away, but you might need them some unforeseeable time in the future? Right?

Nonsense is the key to fly fishing and that theme runs deep. It infects anglers from age 8 to 88. It is pretty tough to avoid.

That is why we fight so hard for complete and total organization. If your flies are organized, they’re easier to find. Making it easier to catch fish? Maybe that does not correlate.

I think those who cast better generally catch more fish. But it certainly does not hurt to be ready for the game.

All spring we practice casting, read inane nonsensical articles like this one, and organize fly boxes.

Then the fishing season arrives and we in theory should be ready for action? In theory. On paper.

I know I am one step closer to becoming truly ready. My fly boxes are organized, categorized, and filled in anticipation of Trico’s, March Browns, BWO’s, Scud hatches.

A good time to get this task done in yesterday. But if you missed the deadline give it a shot this weekend. Just make sure to pick up a bottle at the liquor store on your way home.

Pick out something your wife likes…it’s for her.


Missouri River March Streamer Patterns

Missouri River March Streamer Patterns w/ a side of Streamer Line discussion

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]March Streamer Fishing is?…which leads us to this article written by team members Dewey and Mark at Headhunters Fly Shop.

Missouri River March Streamer Patterns

With unseasonably warm weather this month the river is starting to get pressure. A popular lead in to the Missouri River fishing discussion sometimes starts with “Are they hitting streamers?” Yes is the answer. “Is the bite good?” Like Ninch says “Only as good as you are.”

That is sort of the truth according to Ninch. You can also go long periods with out any interest in your streamer pattern. Should you change? Only you can answer that question. It really is up to you.


Fishing streamers can be accomplished floating, wading, or a combination of the two. Let’s start with wading. With the popularity of the two-handed rod increasing here in central Montana this method is an effective way to cover large water without wearing yourself out. With that being said it does not mean the same water cannot be fished with a single handed rod. It’s just a matter of how much back casting room you will have. And your preference too.


The fish seem to still be in the winter mode meaning they are grouped up and hanging in slow water. The sexy riffles and runs look good this time of year but generally hold less fish. The slow water at the tail-out is usually where the fish will hang. The same water we send people to nymph fish is the same type of water you may want to seek when tossing the streamer fly. Inside bends have also been good and don’t forget about the water that looks like whitefish water…it can be prime winter habitat for trout.

What Gear?

I like to fish water 3 to 6 feet in depth. Some anglers like shallower water and a few are more comfortable with the deep stuff. So what kind of line do you need to access those streamer loving trout? Floating lines will work in the slow not so deep water. Generally you get to the fish with a weighted streamer pattern. Lead eyes, coneheads, flies weighted with lead on the shank…all good ways to sink that tasty morsel into the trout zone..

You can also use any number of weighted streamer lines. The RIO Outbound Short has been on of long time favorites but there are a couple others that are great too. The Outbound Short F/I has a 15′ clear intermediate tip. Maybe the best all round Missouri River streamer fly fishing line. Easy loading with almost endless power is why this remains the top selling streamer line at Headhunters.

The RIO Outbound Short comes in a full intermediate version. Clear Tipped backed with a Transparent Yellow back end of the line. Gaining a cult following here in the shop and now bleeding into the hands and reels of some our our streamer junkie clients. Super shoot-a-bility will let you believe you are conducting business with a sniper rod!

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RIO Outbound Short Streamer Line


The RIO Streamer Tip F/I is equally as good. A 10′ clear intermediate tip for lower water fall conditions here on the Mo. Lots of power for wind coupled with precise cast-a-bility that many like all year long!

RIO StreamerTip WF6F/S6 is an option for those who like to get a bit deeper. The 10′ blck tip sink rapidly with a floating back end. 6-7ips for those who like it deeper than the intermediate head can achieve.

The RIO Sink Tip rounds out our RIO Sink Tip Series with the 150 grain up to a 300 grain tip. 4-5ips sink rate on this 24ft sink tip.

Having some streamer fans inquiring about the Airflo Kelly Galloup Streamer Max Long fly line. We got ’em in stock for your streamer dreams! A fly line built for those who like to get the flies deep! This heavily weighted Airflo streamer line is for tossing those over-sized articulated streamers that Galloup disciples thrive on. If you fall into this category then you must have this adorning your streamer stick.

Kelly Galloup Streamer Max Long Fly Line
Kelly Galloup Streamer Max Long Fly Line available at Headhunters

You can add any number of tips to the end of your dry fly line too. Do they work as well? No. No but they can gt you into a few fish in a pinch. VersiTips from RIO and weighted Polyleaders from Airflo are available at the shop. That is a topic for another blog. Later.

What Technique?

Dewey says: The fish are not too aggressive on the bite. Meaning that they may not be jumping on the fly, not the hard grabs often. I like to cast 3/4 down stream and let the fly swing to the hang down, directly below me. Most of my takes have been on the hang down. I have had success with a slight twitch at the hang down. Wade fishing is a great way to enjoy the day chucking streamer patterns to Missouri River Trout. You get into a rhythm that is calming. Until the jolt of electricity when the fish decides to whack it!

I have been throwing the two handed rod a bunch this winter. It is my preferred way to winter fish streamers. Why? It is newer to me and is certainly easier on my body. Plus it is so damn efficient replacing the incessant single handed casting with time in the water. Why not have your fly in the water more often. Seems to make logical trout sense!

Float fishing is a different game. The single handed rod still rules here. No application for the two handed rod unless you like to endanger those around you. Hooking the rower is still not a great path to take. The fish are holding in the same type of slow water. The slow water can be found in the traditional streamer water behind rocks, skinny water near islands and bends, or slow runs in the middle of the river.

Now is when the “only as good as you are” part comes in. It’s still early for the “get it in there and fast strip” type of streamer fishing. We find get it in there twitch and pause to be more effective. This is when matching fly weight to line type becomes important. If the outfit sinks to fast to avoid hanging up you will be stripping to fast. Keep the everything balanced for pause and twitch. If you can entice the strike by teasing the often suspect rainbow trout into that fateful aggressive open thy mouth reaction then you will catch more trout. If you can’t? Well, casting practice on the water is sometimes an excuse we use at the bar upon coming up blank!

I cast my single handed rod while floating down the river and switch to my double handed rod when wade fishing. Efficiency is important if you want to catch these sometimes bullish winter fish.

Missouri River March Streamer Patterns

Fly selection tends to be a little smaller than what we recommend a month from now. Size 6 or 8 is the norm with the occasional 4 or 10 thrown depending on pattern or water. Colors can very from day to day. I find if you have faith in your fly you oughtta/gotta fish it hard. Bring a cup full of winter or March streamer patterns to the water. The following patterns are a few we like to recommend for this time of year.

  • Hot Cone Wooly Bugger #6
  • Dali Lama Black/White #6
  • Bloom’s MRS Bugger #4
  • Bloom’s Bullhead Black/White #6
  • Olive Blossom #6
  • Sculpzilla Blackl/White #6
  • Kraft’s Kreelex Copper/Gold #6
  • Coffey’s Sparkle Jig Sculpin #1
  • Coffey’s Sparkle Minnow Brownie #6
  • Lil’ Kim Copper #4

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Just Add Vise Kits Live

Just Add Vise Kits Live

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Over 10 new Just Add Vise kits created by Ninch and John this last winter. They are in stock and already finding homes at vises near you.

New videos for the new additions. New packaging too.

Headhunters Fly Shop Just Add “Vise” Kits Live

These popular tying kits are built for the river tyer. For the tyer who wants to tie an individual fly.

Want to eliminate the confusion and buy just, just what you need? Ya, we do too.

Pick up a few when you are in the shop or you can buy them online here. Get a couple for yourself and one for your neighbor. He likes to tie too!

All the materials for said fly are included with hooks, beads if needed, thread, ribbing, body material, dubbing, hackles…the entire ball of wax as they say!

New Just Add “Vise” kits @ Headhunters Fly Shop

  • Tungsten Dart
  • Rusty Parachute
  • Buzzball
  • Little Green Machine
  • X-Caddis
  • Half Chicken
  • Pearl Lightening Bug
  • Crayfish
  • Unabomber
  • Zirdle Bug

With the return of the existing JAV Kits @ Headhunters Fly Shop

  • Wire Worm
  • Zebra Midge
  • Foxee Clouser
  • Rainbow Czech Nymph
  • Firebead Ray Charles
  • Pink Lightening Bug
  • Mozurri Minnow
  • Long Horn Beetle
  • Parachute Ant
  • Kreelex
  • Grape Slushy

What else do you need to know? Oh, the killer no nonsense video that accompanies each pattern. On the world wide web on Vimeo. They also live on our Headhuntersflyshop.com page in the Resources dropdown menu at the top right of this very screen! Check it out. Watch the videos and decide what to tie for your upcoming Missouri River trip.

Here is the video of the Zirdle Bug. Enjoy!

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Smith Howler

Howler Bros. gets in bed with Smith

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Check this collection out.

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Howler Bros/ Smith Backdrop Glass w/ ChromoPop

John and I received our front end Smith Howler Bros. sun glasses the Dockside model a few days ago and we are enjoying them. What is not to like. ChomoPop and Howler Bros together?

Fashion and function. Where Howler Bros. and Smith meet. The best of both worlds. Fish w/ a surf flair.

Remind you of any of the fly shops you know in Craig MT?

Howler Bros. gear arriving daily. Come in and see us for fashion and function!

Howler Bros. gets in bed with Smith.

Check out more here on the Howler/Smith Collaboration.


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a green cast

A Green Cast

There is a green cast upon the land.

One of the early signs of spring.

Blossoms a few trees as well.

There are a few indicators of spring that carry weight.

The spring green cast is indeed one.

When the Bluebirds arrive. When the Golden Eye finally head north. When the Robin shows its fat rusty belly. When the Osprey come home to Montana’s Missouri River.

Those are the true signs of spring for me.

It is coming now. Ol’ Man Winter is loosening his grasp.

The Missouri River has that spring-like green cast…

A sign of the season. A sign of today.

Missouri River Monday Fishing Report

Missouri River Monday Fishing Report 3.16.15

Missouri River Monday Fishing Report from Headhunters Fly Shop in Craig Montana.

Ninch says: If you are not willing to change flies and concentrate in select areas you might have a skewed view of how the fishing is right now.

Dewey says: Look closely to see those heads popping up. You gotta stare for while sometimes or you may not see them.

Mark says: Manage your winter expectations. I like to set the bar low everyday therefore exceeding even my own expectations.

John says: Try taking off the split-shot in really slow waters. The flies will have enough time to sink. Also try taking the slack out of the line enabling quick strikes for winter nymphing success.

Braden says: Huh? It’s fishing well sometimes, other times not as well. Just be here during the former.

Sara says: Streamer anglers make the world go ’round. Throw it til your arm falls off.

Max says: Go small and natural. Skwalas may be coming soon?

Julie says: Toss your 2 handed rod for another month. That’s what I’m gonna do. Then DFO for me baby.

That is the word from the staff here at the shop.

Had some guided trips out this weekend. Had a great time, learned some new things about the river, and caught some fish. Oh, and fixed my cast too. That was the word from Ben Hardy’s guest who has moved here for work He is excited to be back near the Mo. Originally from Helena, just down the road.

The Spring Special is here for the next 6 weeks through the 30th of April. Cheap lodging starting at $125/night here in Craig and beyond. Call the shop for availability after checking out www.craiglodging.com.

Spring Special Guide Trips for a mere $300. Headhunters loves to offer this spring pricing schedule for those who use it as a tune up for the summer ahead. Knock the dust off your rod and casting arm with your fishing partner, your wife, your kids, or your favorite person, you. Busiest the latter part of April and books backwards towards today. Great guides available as our entire guide staff is eager to get on the water. It was the guide staff that brought this to the table 7 years ago. They said, hey we are ready to work and look forward to getting back on the water daily. It has become quite popular at Headhunters and we too are jazzed about seeing you folks back here in Craig.

Water temperatures are moving upwards as the days become longer. 37F this March 16th Monday afternoon.

Missouri River Monday Fishing Report


Flows are holding at 4700cfs-ish. Water flows for the summer? Don’t know yet, but will have a better idea as the spring progresses. Snow on the ground at or about the middle of April is dictates long term summer flows.

Flies for the week? Midges could be the key to breaking the bobber winter curse. Bobber anglers the 2 best seem to be the Rainbow Czech and some sort of sow. Streamers? Kreelex is back. Sparkle Minnows too.

A touch dirty below the Dearborn as it moved from 200cfs yesterday to 381cfs as I write. Just be aware of changing water conditions starting now through the month of June. You can always call ahead to get the current wind, water, and shuttle services.

More an more people around as we move into the true spring period. Open daily @ 8am and late til 6pm.



New Breed Chicks Rule Molly Edition

New Breed Chicks Rule Molly Edition

New Breed Chick Mooly out with her family this past week.

Can she fish? Oh yeah.

She is no stranger to a fly rod. Molly spent her formative years in Jackson Hole skiing the winters until the snow became water. Then she would fish the streams until the mountains came ending the summer. Both she and her husband were engaged in the outdoor recreation business until the kids stared coming.

When she spoke about her youth, meaning post college days, Molly lit right up.

The last 12 years she and Greg have been raising 3 children in Minnesota. Now the kids are of an age where they can easily cox them into the rig for road trips westward with rods and skis delicately placed crammed into the back of the Family Truckster.

All the kids cast and fish well. Molly said they run the entire family out on the lake in a pontoon boat, motorized, with 5 float tubes stacked on the deck. Stuff each child into a tube and toss them off the back. When the troops are deployed she and Greg get far enough away from the kids so when the children run into trouble they re far enough away that they have to figure it out on their own. A perfect theory in my book. Teaching self sufficient fishing behaviors is smart. You gotta start them young with this tough love fly fishing program for it to be successful.

Just a little guidance, encouragement, coupled with distance allowing for self discovery.

Pretty smart Molly.

She is a great angler who is quite excited to get back to the western rivers as she stated she and the gang will be back soon.

While Molly was interested in her kids catching a few fish she was not all afraid to punish her husband. I don’t know what the final tally was but I think Molly may have edged Greg out.

Streamer Saturday?

Missouri River Streamer Saturday?

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]It’s coming. The time of year when the streamer junkies crawl from their dark fly tying dungeons and test their winters work on the Mo.

I would venture a guess that streamer time is here. Well, the front end of the streamer season at the very least.

Get your big stick out of the closet and get after it.

Streamer Saturday
Over 100 streamer patterns in stock!

Need a new Streamer Line for your gun? We got ’em. RIO, Airflo, Orvis…10+ streamer lines in stock for 5’s, 6’s, 7’s and a couple in the 8 too.

Streamer tips available too. VersiTips and Poly leaders from RIO and Airflo.

Streamer leaders round out the terminal end.

Flies. Streamer flies? Well over 100 patterns in the stuffed Headhunters Fly Shop bins. The largest streamer selection in the Tri-County area!

Yes it is streamer season and we love it. Bobber fishing gets us through the winter but streamer fishing is what many dream about.

Begin your 2015 streamer dream today.



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Bigfoot is a Speycaster

Bigfoot is a Spey Caster?

Seen yesterday on the Missouri River in broad daylight.


Bigfoot, Yeti, Speyfoot?

Bigfoot is a Spey Caster?

He’s a pretty good 2 handed caster. He likes SAGE rods. And he believes in catch and release.

He doesn’t eat trout? No, but he is fond of the Beef Brisket and a hand crafted Margarita at Izaak’s. Although he prefers Joe’s for activities after midnight. Who doesn’t?

We take all kinds of folks on guided Missouri River fly fishing trips. Some say we are the goto fly shop in Craig. Now we can add Bigfoot to our guiding pedigree. Not many can say that. Right?

Trust me, I’m a guide.

Bigfoot casts a single hander with ease too! And he is rocking the HH hat.


Notice Speyfoot is rocking the Headhunters Team Logo hat. He must be an online shopper as we have never seen him in the store. Gotta keep appearances to a minimum when you are as infamous as Speyfoot.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 3.12.15

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 3.12.15

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report for March 12th 2015.

All is well on the Missouri River. Some folks around as we are enjoying a little early spring. Earlier than normal for sure.

Guide trips out nearly daily as we move toward the Headhunters Spring Special. Cheap lodging already and good all the way through the end of April. Couple $300 Missouri River Guide Trips with lodging starting @ $125/night in downtown Craig…a perfect spring get-a-way. Operators standing by.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 3.12.15

Not terrible. That is the long and short of it. Inconsistent is and has been the word.

If you are going through hell, keep going.

    -Winston Churchill

That is my analogy of the month. Lots of anglers confused as to what is happening out there on/in that hallowed Montana river. The answer is just this simple. Fish are not being caught in every kick ass winter run. It just is not that kind of winter fishing this year.

The key seems to be to keep on grinding. All day long. Ramp to ramp.

What does that mean? Well to us it means to keep on keeping’ on. Keep changing flies. Fool around with depth. Look for winter water. Break down this big river into small river recognizable components. Find that soft inside spot, even if it is only 10 yards long and half that in width. Look for those mini winter jewels and toss your flies in.

It means that the streamer anglers gotta keep on chucking, keep on ducking, keep on stripping, keep smiling. Same deal. Look away from the faster runs and seek out the shallower and quiet tailouts, inside lanes, and the road less travelled.

Dry fly fellas? Creep and look. Plan ahead. Pray for overcast skies. Be diligent in your approach. Don’t get into a hurry.

Fly fishermen are famous for never giving up. For pushing through. For conducting totally stupid and inane behaviors repeatedly. We advocate those personality intricacies. Insanity is part of this, fly fishing, lifestyle.

Bottom line is just this. Fish are not being caught in every winter run. Do not get stymied based on the first 4+ runs you fish. While they may have sucked, the next run may hold the Holy Grail. It just might. You gotta keep going. Keep drifting. Keep casting. Keep fishing.

Understand that and enjoy the entire day. Fish for the fun of it. For the challenge. For the fellowship. For the love of the outdoors. For you.

So when we see you in the local watering hole, Joe’s Bar on the north side of Craig, we understand your plight.

It can be hell out there. The Headhunters key to success?

If you are going through hell, keep going.

If you still need some egging on, some flies that may work, leaders, fly line cleaner, split shots, hot coffee, a warm body to chew the fat with, sunscreen, and Fly-Agra Headhunters open daily @ 8am.

Future Fly Fishers

The Olsen Family fished with the Headhunters gang and what fun it was.

Finn caught this Rainbow late in the day and he was stoked.

We love that he was interested in keeping the fish in the water. #keepthemwet Fin!

Future Fly Fishers likes seeing young kids hanging out with their folks and fishing. Having a ball and fishing. Enjoying the outdoors and the family unit and learning about trout, flies, insects, conservation…and drinking Cokes and eating candy bars too.

That is all part of the experience.

Thanks Olsen gang. Hope to see all 3 kids back in Montana again int he future. Aidan, Kiki, and Finn. Safe travels during the rest of your trip as you head off skiing for a few days before returning to Minneapolis.


5 Tips for Better Missouri River Spring Fishing

Fishing Reports from the last week have been varied. Spring like conditions are ever changing and it pays to keep a few things in mind when fishing the Missouri River the next couple months.

The water can be green this time of year and it freaks a lot of fellers out. Should it? Flows are 4700cfs with water temps in the 35.5F frame. It should rise this week. The temps not the flows.

5 Tips for Better Missouri River Spring Fishing

  1. Go where they aren’t. The people that is. Break out and fish new water. Change it up. It’s busy up river…
  2. Go Big. Big attractor type nymphs can get the job done. Worms, Scuds, your big fat favorite slutty fly.
  3. Go small. Zebra’s and tiny black flies catch big trout.
  4. Go Slow. Watch all of the boats float through the faster summer water. Maybe they are busy drinking though. The rower, when drift fishing, has to participate. Those who don’t engage the oar blades with the water don’t catch as many. Winter and spring fish reside in soft, deep, boring water.
  5. Go Fish mid-week. Weekends when the weather is nice are pretty busy. Come out and fish Monday-Thursday and take advantage of fewer folks on the water. Plan ahead and capitalize.

Be smart on the water. If you are the type of guy that like to go out and get some to the net you have to plan accordingly. Following the same grind, the same float pattern, and the same plan does not encourage angler growth. Changing, keeping it fresh, and fishing new water is a path to development.

Don’t stop learning or trying. If you need some suggestions how to force change in your life, stop on by the shop. We’ll lead you down some new roads, channels, rivers…

Headhunters Fly Shop open daily at 8am and now open later for your late afternoon fly fishing binging.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 3.8.15

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 3.8.15

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report from Headhunters Fly Shop in Craig MT.

Warm weather brings the folks out and the fish up. Overcast skies help things too. Today? Sun is the forecast.

Some good reports for those out headhunting on Saturday. Enough midges to get s few fish looking up? How many? One is enough say most.

Flies that fellers were coming in at the end of the day and hoarding? Midge clusters primarily, but a few popped a single dry midge patterning as well. Reneballs, Buzzballs, Harrop’s Midge Cluster, Quigley’s Cluster, Royal Cluster, Matt’s Midge, Snowshoe Posted Midge and more.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 3.8.15
Curt Reynolds teaching the ins and out of 2 handed casting Saturday at Headhunters Fly Shop Free Casting Clinics

Those longer leaders are making their first real appearance too. RIO 12′, Harrop’s TroutHunter in longer lengths as well accompanied a few out the door on the way to the river this weekend. It’s time to update your gear from last fall. Dust it off, toss some out, and make sure you are ready for rising trout you may encounter.

As for the nymphers…good fishing in the right kind of water. Not so good in the wrong kind of water. Find the boring winter water. Which equals the good winter water.

Nymphs? All the good stuff. Pink, FireBeads, Sows, Scuds, Pink LB’s, Ninch’s Lucent Bead Sow, Worms, Caviar Scud, Zebra’s, Little Green Machine, S & M Brown, Two Bit Hooker, Indigo Child, Rainbow Czech’s, Amex, Newman’s Own Midge…

Streamer Bite. Not terrible. May not always be good, but there  are some streamer chuckers out there getting after it. Some good stories, some not so good stories. Slow is the key. The water temp dropped this last week back to the 35F mark. It will climb higher as we move into this spring like seasonable weather.

2Handers are out and swinging around the river. Top to bottom you can find great runs for exploring. Headhunters is your Trout Spey Store. Look us up if you have any questions you need answered in this sometimes confusing game.

Hi’s near and maybe above 60F this next week. Check out the weather report on the right sidebar.

Shop open daily at 8am and now open later as the weather permits. Some are coming out for an afternoon wade fish or an afternoon float.


March Missouri River Water Order

March Missouri River Water Order

March Missouri River Water Order has come down the pike from the water managers in Helena.

It will probably not be a terribly high water year. Just a guess really. The image above is June 2010 w/ Kelley Lasek on the boat ramp at Mid Canon. On it. That is the old road upriver of the ramp, looking towards the VIP Ramp.

I doubt we will witness that this year. I may have jinxed it?

March Missouri River Water Order

Looks like the general lack of snowpack has started to affect the outflows this spring. The managers, US Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation,  emailed today and stated that flows will be dropping to 4500cfs. Is that reason for alarm?

No not really.. But more common spring flows, the flows we like, are higher than predicted. Generally in a higher snow pack position the flows would be higher, or remain at the 5K mark for longer finally moving upwards to allow for an average run off period.

March Missouri River Water Order
Go Big Red!


Will we see low water this year? Maybe.

Mother Nature is the designer and she has yet to let us in on her entire plan.

The wettest months are ahead of us in April , May, and June.

Stephanie Micek of the BOR stated that the snow on the ground in mid April is really what dictates the spring run off period.

We are fortunate as many of you know that a non-fishing run off period is not what we are talking about. But we are talking about consistent flows above 4000cfs for the summer months. And what ever you desire for the spring and early summer flows are we can all agree that Missouri River water flows above 4K make the late summer and autumn period much nicer.

The projected flows for the summer ahead as you can see below. There really is nothing wrong with 10K for a couple weeks. My opinion here.

March Missouri River Water Order

If I was a gambler I would bet a case of beer on summer flows being…?

Friday Foto

Friday Foto

Friday Foto here on the Headhunters Blog.

Wednesday morning 12F.

Really damn pretty on the Missouri River in central Montana.

Weather nice this weekend. See you on the river or for apres fish at Joe’s.

Enjoy the continued spring foreshadowing.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 3.5.15

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 3.5.15

Looks like it will be warming all weekend long and into the near future.

You coming?

The fishing is good and could be great this weekend. Our last FREE 2 Handed Casting Clinic will go off on Saturday. Really warm on Sunday and thru Tuesday.

Some lodging available too. Call and get yourself a warm bed next to Joe’s Bar. And the Mo’.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 3.5.15

The nymphing game is the winner if you want to use the net. Winter fare is the key. Use split shot if you wish. A big bomb fly if you don’t. Find stagnant water and fish it hard. Hit everything.

Some dry fly stuff in the normal winter dry fly spots. Creep around with your binoculars and seek out the randomly rising trout. Cast, drift, cast, drift. Repeat.

Streamers? Yes. Smaller and flashy. Or smaller and black.

2Handed? YEs. We got the shit. All the good shit for DEMO at the store in downtown Craig.

Spring Special begins on the 15th. Get in today.

Shop open daily @ 8am. Starting on Monday shop hours 8-6 daily. Unless it is shitty. Then we will go home at 5pm. Just sayin.’

Fly Tying Night in America w/ Rainbow Czech JAV Video

Fly Tying Night in America w/ Rainbow Czech JAV Video

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]The most popular fly pattern in an inanimate menagerie not of animals but of insects…or simple representations of them.

And the Ranibow Czech stands a top of this long list of must haves for the Missouri River nymph patterns.

A best seller for Headhunters Fly Shop. Why not tie a box full at your vise in the comfort of your own home? Before you are forced to get a cup full at the shop this spring, summer, or fall.

Stop in the shop or we will pop a couple packages in the mail for you. They are not on the Headhunters Fly Shop web store as of yet, but I’m sure they will make a appearance this spring as well.

Fly Tying Night in America w/ Rainbow Czech Nymph Video
Just Add “Vise” Rainbow Czech Nymph #12 Tying Kit from Headhunters Fly Shop

HH Fly Guru Ninch and John are tying, filming, and putting together a number of new JAV fly patterns today in a location unknown. You will see them soon on our shelves here at the store. I’m sure a few of them may find their way onto this very fishy Missouri River blog site too.

Happy tying today as we have settled inside staring at computer screens today in Craig. 4″-8″ of snow on the ground here on the Mo’ with the outside temperatures falling below 10F this morning. Winter wonderland. Truly.

Wednesday Night is Fly tying Night in America here at the shop from 6-8pm. Our last organized, loosely, fly tying night of 2015. Come one come all. See you here tomorrow @ 6pm!




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Adipose Boatworks Helena Montana

Adipose Boatworks Helena Montana

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]While we love a ton of fly fishing products you could assume that we love a few even more.

Adipose Boatworks in Helena Montana is definitely one of them.

Tracy Allen and Mike Ward have done a bang up job manufacturing The Adipose Flow.

Adipose Boatworks Helena Montana
Tracy at the helm

You can actually see our Adipose love from the number of boats in our Craig Montana yard. Most of our guides rock the Flow with Peter Skidmore owning the 2nd Flow off the line 5 years ago. Now he is on his 3rd and still loving it. John Arnold had an early Flow as well. Now you can see over 10 Adipose drift boats on any given morning at Headhunters.

A few new things happening at Adipose this spring. My last visit Mike and Tracy filled me in on new additions and updates.

Locking hatches is the first one. Now you can insure your gear stays put with the locking hatches. Cool!

Side Anchor system for those who dig that sort of thing.

Adipose Boatworks Helena Montana
Rod cushions

Rod holder cushioning. Add this for fly rod health. Anchor cushioning as well.

Some sort of Pro-Lok Edge Oar System  which is a graphite high speed oar system that is integrated with the oar locks…super slick deal, lightweight, killer.  You will have to call the shop in Helena and speak with either Mike or Tracy for more info!

Last year we saw metal casting stanchions securing the knee braces. Floor mats fore and aft. Additional oars. An updated oar lock selection. Jack stands, spare tires, drift boat trailers…and more.

All kinds of cool boat stuff at the shop in Helena. Boat buckles, oars, locks, advice, plugs, Torqeedo electric motors, boat straps, anchors, ropes, Adipose Montana Canvas boat covers and the list goes on.

Adipose Boatworks Helena Montana
Locking Hatches new for 2015

Call and visit the boys anytime for a visit to the stuffed boat lot. Spec boats available today and for the near future. They do slide off the lot this time of year. Call the shop if you need to special order an Adipose Flow and arrange your new drift boat.

We are the Adipose Demo Center on the Missouri River. Call Tracy or Mike and arrange a trial on the Missouri River here in Craig. We also have a couple Adipose Boats for rent. These go fast so get your reservation in the books today at Headhunters Fly Shop.

Visit the Adipose Boatworks website here.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][us_grid type=”m” post_type=”attachment” items_quantity=”” images=”10792,10793,10794″ orderby=”post__in” items_gap=”” columns=”6″ items_layout=”gallery_default” img_size=”us_350_350_crop” overriding_link=”popup_post_image” breakpoint_1_cols=”6″ breakpoint_2_width=”768px” breakpoint_3_width=”480px” breakpoint_2_cols=”4″ breakpoint_3_cols=”2″][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Missouri River March Dry Flies

Missouri River March Dry Flies

A good month ahead as we prepare ourselves for the first real dry fly action of 2015.

As the grass becomes greener and the flower buds are trying to pierce the winter envelope we too are ready for the re-birth here in Craig Montana.

While we have been prepping for 2015 starting way back in 2014 we are happy to see more and more of your smiling and excited fishing vibe stroll through the door. Yes, welcome 2015.

And yes welcome, 2015 dry fly fishing.

Most anglers aspire to toss the dry fly at finicky bank sipping rising trout. Not all, but you could make an argument that at some point in the commonly taken fly angling path many of us turn our attention to fooling the big brown trout on delicately tied tiny dry flies.

I think that is fair to say.

The season is upon us and it truly is time to get on the vise and bang out a box full of midge and BWO flies fro the upcoming 2 months. March and April both bring ample opportunities to grease up that dry fly, put your head down, and throw a perfectly executed reach cast!

Missouri River March Dry Flies
Missouri River March Dry Flies available at Headhunters Fly Shop

Above you will see single and solitary midge patterns, clusters from Harrop and LaFontaine, parachutes, CDC flies, cripples, and emerges. All good patterns for the Missouri River and it’s often slack ass water dry fly situations.

What flies should you be tying? Or buying in the near future? Check them out below and above and get after it.

March 15th is the beginning of Headhunters famous Spring Special. So soon? Yes. Check it out here to fish dry flies in the next couple months!

Titan Rod Vault

Titan Rod Vault

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Our friends over at Strike Foundry put this together while product testing here last fall.

Who does not want a Titan Rod Vault. We here at Headhunters are big fans.

We have guided many through the installation process and many of our friends have a couple Titan Rod Vaults lashed to their fishing rig.

We have a couple in stock right now and ready to find a home on top of your truck or SUV!

EZ in and EZ out with rod protection first and foremost.


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Spring Special starts March 15th!

Spring Special Starts March 15th!

Our annual much appreciated and welcomed Sprig Special is nearly upon us here fishing Montana’s Missouri River.

Missouri River Guide Beth Langel fishing near Pelican Point last March shows us that the fly fishing season is here. Almost.

While we fish Montana’s Missouri River the entire year we certainly enjoy the spring, summer, and fall the most. Don’t get us wrong, we love winter fishing…just not as much as the rest of the year.

Simply because it is warmer, flip flops are more common, and those aquatic insects emerge daily to satisfy our dry fly addiction!

Yes indeed, cheap fishing and lodging for you and the entire family begins on March 15th. Round up a batch of friends that could be coerced into fishing for $300/day and getting in on some discounted Spring Special lodging too.

We have Craig Trout Camp cabins starting at $125/night with Sutton at $200/night and the Craig House which sleeps 6 going for a scant $350/night. The Beach House and the Trout House both in Craig proper are on sale too! Get in on this yearly spring madness sale and save some money.

The end of April, the last weekend, is full, almost. Before that time frame there are still some terrific guides and lodging options open. Call today to our Spring Special Hotline 406-235-3447.


Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 2.27.15

Winter is back. Temps this weekend may not creep above freezing.

Not many anglers out at all. Should you come? Should you tie flies at home? Should you draft your fantasy baseball team or get prepped for Spring Training? Your  choice. We will be here in the shop hanging out bullshitting about fly fishing and such.

Headhunters Spring Special Guide Trips $300

Spring Training should remind you that our Spring Special is active beginning March 15th  and running through the end of April. Call today for $300 Guide Trips and discounted Craig Are Lodging beginning with the Craig Trout Camp. Call the shop for our list of cheap spring lodging.

For those headed to the Missouri River this weekend…dress warmly. Stop in for fee hot coffee in you are int he neighborhood. Joe’s Bar has got a little something stronger if you like.

We have all of the killer new SIMMS cold weather stuff in stock. Socks, base layer, jackets, Slick rain jackets, gloves,a nd hats! Voormi high speed warm layering at the shop too. Stop in to try one on. Warm as shit!

We have more gloves in stock than all the rest put together! Honest.

Sale items left over from the fall. CHEAP! Make on offer and walk away with an armload of heavily discounted fly fishing gold!

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Flies? Here they are…Fish Finder Worm, Pink LB, Ninch’s Lucent Rainbow Scud, Ninch’s Thunder Bug, Rainbow Warrior, Caviar Scud, Little Green Machine, Frenchie, Peep Show, Purple Weight Fly, Red Headed Step Child, S & M Brown, Poly Wing Zebra Black, Amex, Rainbow Czech, FB Weight Fly, Pink Beaded Tailwater Sow, Barbie Nymph…over 200 winter specific flies in stock!

Streamers? Dali Llama Black/White, Kreelex, Coffey’s Olive Sparkle Minnow, Brown Bugger, Simi Leech, Schmidt’s UV 2 Bugger, Micro Zonker in any color, Olive Pig Pen Leech, Arnold’s, Mozurri Minnow, Warpath’s Egg-Sucka Whammy, and JJ Urchin Bugger.

We have the Spey Demo Section stacked with rods too. In now also RIO UniSpey 6/7 and 7/8 with a 54′ head and total length of the line 120′. The RIO Short Head Spey with head length of 44′ and total of 110′. Come in and see what we have going in the Spey/Switch Trout arena.

Dries? Buzzball, Snowshoe Midge, Royal Stacker Midge, Griffith’s Gnat, Quigley’s Cluster Midge, Dun Midge Cluster, Parachute Adams in many post colors, Harrop’s Hanging Midge, and much more.

Shop open daily @ 8am for any of your last minute fly fishing needs. Shuttles, flies, info, coffee, and generally good time bullshit form us here in Craig MT.



Just Add Vise UV Para Ant Video

Just Add Vise UV Para Ant Video

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Ants are flies that fish eat on the Missouri River.

Talk to any ol’ timer and he can tell you 12 stories about either floating any sort of rodent from a shingle…and a few stories about ants.

That’s truth there above. So today a Just Add Vise video from the aforementioned JAV fly kit only available at Headhunters Fly Shop.

Get your ants ready for the year ahead by tying this killer on the Mo’.

While we have many of our most popular flies online now, you will have to come in the store for the Just Add Vise kits. We have a small fly tying section as well with just enough stuff to get you through a tight spot if you need to whip up a few flies on your Missouri River fishing journey!


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Craig Caddis Festival 2015

9th Annual Craig Caddis Festival and BBQ Cook-Off

9th Annual Craig Caddis Festival and BBQ Cook-Off in downtown Craig Saturday May 16th. 10+ BBQ contestants this year with a parade @4pm, Food @ 4, Kids events and face painting @ 4, Silent auction with tons of items from local fly fishing businesses, lodging nights, gee-gaws, art, guide trips around the state, and much … Read more

Missouri River Winter Trout Candy

Missouri River Winter Trout Candy for Bobber Lobbers

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Nymphing is the primary fish catching method of any winter trout fishery.

The Missouri River is no different.

So why not toss the sowbug. We have a ton of sows in stock and ready for winter angling.

At any given time you can throughout eh sow or scud. Most of the time some sort of sow/scud is attached to the end of our nymphing rig.

30 patterns above for a diverse batch of not only anglers but of trout. Some with beads ad some without.

Add a split shot and watch these sink to the feeding lane of your choice.

Soft inside lanes in nearly stopped water. Fish it if you can stand it. Most new anglers to the Mo’ do not spend the time int he right kind of winter water. They will learn. Fish the painfully slow inside lines…if you can.


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River Etiquette

River Etiquette

A reminder early in the season about river etiquette.

We have all been at fault for making stupid mistakes on the river. Sometimes we don’t see someone when approaching via boat or foot. Sometimes we just make mistakes.

The bottom line is it is all about intent. Mistakes happen and we can apologize, make adjustments, and try not to repeat those bad behaviors.

If you treat others like you want to be treated on the water…we should have it all figured out. Follow that easy “Golden Rule” and we can all get along.

Blog reader Tony sent this reminder in to us and are passing it along to your the Headhunters Fly Shop Blog readers. Valid points made by Tony and one theme runs through all of his comments…be courteous to other anglers.

Tony wrote us an email a few weeks ago and we responded with our thoughts too. I believe that part of the issue is that not everyone has been introduced into the outdoor experience with the right tools. Mentorship may be lacking. If you do not learn how to treat others, how to respect nature, and how to act appropriately in the outdoor environment.

So when you do have the chance or opportunity to educate your friends, family, nephews, and your own children…do so. Show them how to act and how to behave. Just do the right thing.

Thank you Tony for prompting this annual blog.

Hi Mark,

I agree with ya 100% about the root cause, and thanks for helping educate folks so the experience everyone has is enjoyable.

I like your writing so I’ll pass on writing the blog, but would add:

1. Flying drones over people, not cool
2. Respect wade fishermen and keep distance, don’t work someone’s lanes
3. It’s a big river, don’t crowd people, give room when passing boats-waders
4. Don’t hog FAS, load up or unload quickly. If your rigging up, don’t block the ramp or the put ins
5. Look around and don’t back row into parties
6. Share. Try not to row around in circles (dam style) hitting the same hole over and over again when there are parties waiting to hit the same spot
7. Dont trespass on private land to get to a wading spot
8. Don’t park like an idiot and block gates

That’s about all I can think of. Looking forward to reading it. Having seen the Madison and Bitterroot turn into true bumper boat junk shows, I hope the Mo’ doesn’t follow the same course. Keep up the good work man!



Thanks for the comments Tony. We appreciate that you are taking the education to the public and helping make the river a nice place to spend the day. Everywhere and for everyone!


Headhunters Fly Shop Fishing Report

Headhunters Fly Shop Fishing Report 2.21.15

Headhunters Fly Shop & Guide Service with this weekends fly fishing report.

Montana’s Missouri River is fishing well.

But, there could be some weather issues. Check the weather or call the shop for an up to the minute fishing report, or nasty weather report.

Loks like snow to me…

Bobber fishing is hit and miss. Sara said she fished three days this week and she fished the lower, the middle, and near the upper. Depends on the weather. The sunnier the better…who knows why. Maybe the sun penetration gets them moving. The bugs?

Dry Flies? Midges are the option. And a good one at that.

Looks like a good chance for snow flies too.

Midge clusters have been seen here and there. Find your perfect slack water arena for the midge mania and set on up.

We have a bundle of midge cluster and individual midge patterns for your Missouri River dry fly pleasures.

Flies like HArrop’s Hanging Midge, Buzzball, Trask’s Adult Chironomid, Brooks Sprout, GT Triple Double, Harrop’s CDC Cluster Midge, Quig’s Stacker Midge, HArrop’s CDC Spent Midge, Snow Shoe Midge, 2X Posted Cluster Midge, Griffith’s Gnat…and many more effective patterns for the Mo’!

Over 200 winter pink-ish fly patterns for the bobber lobbers. 40+ top water midge patterns. The largest streamer selection in the canyon. Bar-None!

Guide trips out weekly. Cabin rentals whenever you need starting at $125/night. Fly Shop open daily @ 8am.


Missouri River Spring-Summer Calendar

Missouri River Spring-Summer Calendar

Lots happening on the Missouri River this spring and into the summer months. Just wanted to outline the events, hatches, and happenings in the foreseeable future.

Missouri River February 2015

Almost over. The midges are out and some an be caught on top. March will bring even more topwater activity. February has seen an increase in water temps and the streamer fishing and swinging of flies has been productive.

Missouri River March 2015

March 4th. Fly Tying @ Headhunters Fly Shop 6pm-8pm A free for all with tying and fellowship. Te final fly tying night of the year.

March 7th. Headhunters last Free 2 Handed Casting and Fishing Clinic. Full. Demo 2 Handed Rods and Switch Rods avail daily. Your 2 Handed and Switch Trout Rod HQ in Montana.

March 14th. IF4 Event sponsored by Missouri River Flyfishers Hilton Garden Inn 730pm Tickets avail at Headhunters Fly Shop and at the door. HH will be there and representing! Look for our booth at the show and stop in for some killer swag!

IF4™ 2015 – Tickets On Sale Now! from IF4™ on Vimeo.


March 15th. Our famous Spring Special begins today and runs through the end of April. $300 Guide Trips, discounted lodging by at least 33%. The Craig Trout Camp and a few surrounding properties are on board for this fantastic inexpensive spring fishing retreat. Call today to book with our crack staff 406-235-3447.  www.craiglodging.com

Midges are in full effect and we begin dreaming about the BWO’s. They will not arrive in March, but fantasy is a big part of fly fishing! Better dry fly stuff in March with good to great midging. Nymphing and streamer fishing rock star. Swinging? Pretty damn good too.

Missouri River April 2015

Headhunters Spring Special continues all month long. Discounted fishing and lodging. Midges strong, BWO’s make an appearance, steamer fishing getting stronger, nymphing is great. Busy towards the end of the month and not so much in the beginning. The fishing is good in the front end of April and we have availability of both guides and nightly housing.

April 1st. Izaak’s open for business. Hooray! Great food available in Craig for the spring summer and fall.

April 10, 11, 12. McCune/Gould 2 Handed Casting Clinics. Sold Out. These world class casting instructors and guides are here to help with Sustained Anchor casting. Very popular. The clinics filled very rapidly and we added a 3rd date. Also filled. You could call and get on a waiting list maybe if you are so inclined.

Missouri River May 2015

Cadis Fest Parade!

May 16th. 9th Annual Craig Caddis Festival and BBQ Cook-Off. 4pm til 10pm. Live music, raffles, silent and live auctions, 10+ BBQ competitors, swag, kids events, all Craig businesses open, and the sort of kick off to summer on the Missouri River. Fundraising event for the Craig VFD. Fun for the whole family.

May is a month that over half of the Headhunters Staff just loves. Quieter than the coming months and it fishes extremely well. BWO’s, Midges, March Browns, some early caddis on the lower river. Fun stuff for dry fly guys, nymphing is ridiculous, and streamer fishing is as good as it gets. Many believe the fall is the best streamer fishing, but we would argue that May is tops!

Missouri River June 2015

Long use days with great dry fly fishing. PMD’s make their appearance in the 3rd week of June. Caddis are out and becoming stronger by the day. Our highest water is during this month. What will this year bring? Only Mother Mo knows.

Drift Boat Drive-In. A Montana Film event not yet scheduled. Keep it tuned in here for updates as they come.

June and July are the two busiest months on the Missouri River. If you have not booked yet, you may have missed it. Call for your June and July reservations today. Many of the guides and lodging spots book 51 weeks in advance.

Missouri River July 2015

Trico’s, PMD’s, Caddis, terrestrials. Need we say more. Very busy month on the Mo.

Headhunters 4th of July Party. Craig comes un-corked celebrating America!


That is the latest and greatest update on your Missouri River events, happenings, and hatches for the next several months. We are experiencing a great fishing early spring. More winter is on the way, but we are enjoying the warmer temps for the time being.

Call today if you need to book any lodging or guide trips. Headhunters open 7 days a week all year long for any of your trout fishing needs. Let us know how we can help.



Longhorn Beetle JAV

Longhorn Beetle JAV | Fly Tying Night in America

This pattern developed by John Arnold of Headhunters Fly Shop.

John also shot the video, tied on the video, and authored the JAV tune!

When do we use this fly on the Mo’? Well, when there are beetles around, Longhorns!

Many love to blind fish ants and beetles and terrestrials most of the summer and this Longhorn Beetle pattern fits the bill.

Tie on up today! See us at Headhunters Fly Shop in Craig MT tonight for our twice monthly tying nights. 6pm-8pm with a beer at the bar afterwords seems to be the program.

You in? See you tonight @ 6pm in Craig.


Public Land Use

Peter speaks about Public Land and Wide Open Spaces

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Peter today with this post about Public Land Issues and how he feels about them. Thanks Peter for you post and opinion.

I believe that the wide-open spaces that inspired our ancestors to test themselves against this beautiful but unforgiving landscape are part of what makes our country so unique. Public access to land is a right to all! I am a proud Montanan and I believe in the importance of public land.

The love I have for this state is only equalled by my family and friends. Without public lands, “Mother Montana” and I wouldn’t even know one another…and that love would not exist.

In my opinion the access and availability to public lands is what makes Montana so special! Without that, we compromise our state, landscapes and ultimately ourselves. I am Perter Skidmore and I believe in public lands, my feelings, and my opinions.

Come down to the Montana Capitol and let our fellow legislatures know that our public lands are not for sale.

The Rally be at high noon, on February 16th in the Montana Capitol Rotunda on the second floor.

     Peter Skidmore

Peter Skidmore enjoying the use of public lands.
Peter Skidmore enjoying the use of public lands.

Rally with Montana Sportsmen for your Public Lands


MTRALLYPOSTERWhat: Rally for Public Lands

When: February 16th, High Noon

Where: Montana State Capitol. Second Floor Rotunda

Who: Montana Wildlife Federation, Montana Wilderness Association, Backcountry Hunters & Anglers, Montana Chapter of the Nature Conservancy

Why: The Transfer of Public Lands is a hot button issue this legislative session. Powerful out of state interests are wooing our legislators to pursue a dangerous and economically disastrous path that would lead to excessive litigation and ultimately, if successful – less access and more taxes for Montanans. That’s why we’re jumping back on the bus and heading to Helena to fight back and make sure that the Legislature understands loud and clear that our public lands are not a toy for politicians to play with.

The Rally be at high noon, on February 16th, 2015 in the Capitol Rotunda on the second floor.

Guest speakers are:

Steve Bullock, Governor Montana

David Allen, President and CEO of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation

RSVP to attend the event here

Buses are available for citizens who wish to take advantage of them. Please RSVP for transportation by calling the Bus Coordinator associated with the town from which you will depart

Pickup Time: 9:30AM
Pickup Location: Scheels Parking Lot, Holiday Village Mall, 1200 10th Avenue South
Contact: Casey Perkins (406) 466-2600


Pickup Time: 10:00AM
Pickup Location: Butte Plaza Mall, 3100 Harrison Ave


Pickup Time: 9:30 AM
Pickup Location: CVS Parking Lot, 1914 Brook Street Shopping Center

Contact: Zack Porter 406) 823-0695


Pickup Time: 7:00AM
Pickup Location: Cabelas Parking Lot, 4550 King Ave
Contact: Cameron Sapp (406) 702-1138


Pickup Time: 9:00AM
Pickup Location: Albertsons parking lot, 2120 Park Street South
Contact: Jared White (406) 579-8943


Pickup time: 9:30AM
Pickup Location: Kmart Parking lot, 1126 N. 7th Ave
Contact: John Todd (406) 404-1000

Here is the link to the Public Lands Backcountry Hunters & Anglers site.
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Beth Hood Winter Travel

Beth and her husband Geoffrey Langel are off to the tropics for a month.

They sent this dispatch last week about their life of searching for killer saltwater flats, golf carts, and rod warranties.


Golf cart junkies!

Screen Shot 2015-02-08 at 2.43.02 PM
Full chill.

We spent the last 3 days driving a golf cart 7 miles one way down a bumpy, mud puddlen, no-see-um infested dirt road.

With every bump hit, the rods would bounce causing the guides to smash into the seat.  I thought for sure we were gonna break at least one rod.

The farther we drove the worse it got but we were on a mission to get north of San Pedro…where the flats go on for miles.

The first day, after almost 2 hours of driving on this godforsaken road we finally reach the beach. As the golf cart gets a flat tire.  We were in the middle of nowhere.  We ended up driving it with a flat for a mile or so and until we found somebody with a phone.

We called the rental place and they told us we were not supposed to drive that far. We must have overlooked that fact?

The roads to were far too bad consequently they wouldn’t come get us.

That first day was wasted dealing with and spending the day dealing with the flat tire. We never made it fishing that first awful flat tire ridden day.

But we did risk going back the next 2 days to see a couple permit tailing and few bones swimming around.

To date no broken rods. Yes, they really are tough. We’ve found that saltwater fly rods are built for people like us. A willingness to overcome, with saltwater dreams on our minds daily.

Thanks Beth and Geoff for the intel on the saltwater action to our much warmer southern direction. We too have saltwater daydreams…enjoy the warmer waters and much more palm tree landscaped arena’s.

Silly Sunday Spey Scenery

Silly Sunday Spey Scenery

Free 2 Handed Casting and Fishing Clinic yesterday hosted by Headhunters Fly Shop.

Full boat with 12 students and the weather actually did cooperate, mostly.

Calm and raining in the morning followed by wind, overcast, sun, calm, rain, wind…

No worries from the participants. Everybody was just awesome.

It may have been the most talented class we have had! The youngest crowd so far. Over half of the gang was under 35!

Silly Sunday Spey Scenery
Sara and Max cutting it up!

Many of the class enjoyed the opportunity to cast different 2 handed rods. Rods from SAGE including the Method 6126 (John and Mark love this rod!), 6119, and 7126. SAGE One 4116 and the 7116. Orvis Clearwater 11′ 6wt, Clearwater 11′ 7wt, and the Clearwater 11’9″ 7wt. T & T DNA in two lengths which the class thought was silky! And the T & T DNA is Ninch’s personal fav. Glass Echo Switch Rods including 11′ 6wt which Max is all in on this length, 12’6″ 6wt and the 12’9″ 7wt. And a few more you will just have to come in and see…

Remember we have better than 15 Spey/Switch Demo Rods for your pleasure. Headhunters Fly Shop is Montana’s Trout Spey HQ.

We have one more free 2 handed casting clinic on March 7th. Then Gould/McCune in April. The 11th and 12th with the 2 clinics that have nearly sold out. Just a few spots left. If we fill the 2 days we will add a 3rd day. Sustained anchor casts with these two world lass casters and instructors. Get in today!

Whitney Gould Mike McCune Spey Clinic
Silly Sunday Spey Scenery




Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 2.7.15

Cliff above on the water with long time friend and HH Guide Mark this last week. Today Peter is on the water with a a couple guests. This warm weather gets some folks in the guide boat and why not.

The weather continues to be the story.

Warm and quite windy on Friday and leading into today.

Today? Warm and windy, with some rain, maybe. If you are coming, call first if you are concerned about the weather.

Fishing? Good. Bring your big rod for the wind, or stiff, or what works best in sometimes difficult conditions.

Most are nymphing and finding success in soft inside bend type water. Split shot, bobber, and winter techniques will get you through the day.

Nymphs that rule: Pink LB, Ray Charles, FB Ray, FB Scud, FB Caviar, Depth Finder Worms, Purple LB’s, Little Green Machines, Zebra’s, red midges.

Some are tossing the streamer and stripping it. Try your luck with the big rod and see if some follow it? You gotta throw to know.

Streamers that are getting bit: Clousers have been all the rage. Black and blue buggers, olive buggers, Space Invaders, Skips’ Minnow, Skiddish, and the like. Brown Skiddish is on the way back along with the Kreelex.

Check out the Just Add Vise tying kits at the store for some of our favorite winter patterns. A perfect kit for tying 20+ flies with pattern and video included.

Missouri River Fishing Report

Water temps are creeping a bit higher during the warm spell. But with ice still on the lake, we won’t wee much improvement past the 36F mark. Water flows are @ the 4750cfs level. Normal.

Shop open daily @ 8am for all your trout fishing needs.


Hey Mister, got some info over here.


Midges on the water too. But don’t get your hopes up yet…sometimes they fake us out.



Friday Foto

Friday Foto

Big nice weekend ahead.

Spey Clinic tomorrow.

Lodging available for the weekend.

Guides out on the water.

Demo Adipose Boats out too.

Shuttles daily.

Some rain ahead, maybe.

Enjoy the lower river image today.



Headhunters Guide Peter Skidmore on his winter routine.

Headhunters Guide Peter Skidmore on his winter routine.

Peter speaks today about his normal winter routine and how he is counting the days until the 2015 Guide Season begins.

The Spring Special starts March 15th with $300 Guided Trips through the end of April. Get your name in the game by calling and booking Peter today.

Thanks for the update Peter and we look forward to another update later this month!


Winter activities….soakin!

During the winter I enjoy keep a pretty steady routine when not traveling.  Wake up, take a hike with the dog(sweat out the bad stuff) eat a nice healthy lunch, start cooking something in the crock pot,

A nice routine in my opinion.

When that routine starts getting old, it’s time for some winter recreation!  My wife and I are all about visiting hot springs throughout Montana! That’s our winter gig, as well as doing some snow shoeing and skiing.

Luckily those three activities usually go hand in hand!  So far we have soaked in 5 this winter. Bozeman Hot Springs, Boiling River, Chico Hot Springs, Boulder Hot Springs, and White Sulpher Hot Springs.

Number 6 is happening tomorrow when we head down to Elkhorn Hot Springs to soak and ski at Maverick Mountain.  Good times!

Nice bluebird powder day with a soak in some nice natural hot water afterward, doesn’t get any better this time of the year.  Especially considering how shot my legs are after a full day of skiing, rowing a drift boat all season doesn’t do much for that region of the body!

Hope everyone out there enjoys winter as much as I do, if not, maybe a ski and soak trip is in order!

Headhunters Guide Peter Skidmore on his winter routine.

Fly Tying Night in America

Our biweekly tying event is again in Craig tonight @ Headhunters Fly Shop.

6-8pm with Ninch, Max and Braden, Mark, and maybe additional Headhunters around.

Come one come all to this relaxed fly tying affair.

Watch this on Hans Stephenson’s excellent website and store, Dakota Angler & Outfitter in Rapid City South Dakota. Make sure you swing by when traveling or visiting Rapid City.

You could add a little rainbow coloring to this pattern to make it more Missouri River like. Or not. Both work well!




Hook: C200bl Size 14-16

Weight: Lead Wire

Thread: 140 Denier Ultra Thread

Body/Legs: UV Micro Polar Chenille

Back: Clear Cure Goo

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 2.4.15

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 2.4.15

Daily air temperatures are coming back out of the cellar. Although Tuesday we saw some flurries and temps back in the teens. Snow over the weekend cooled things off a bit, but it will comeback rapidly.

Temps in the 50’s again as the weekend approaches.

Headhunters events this week include our Fly Tying Night in America Wednesday@ 6pm at the shop. A casual affair with tying and fellowship. Our February Free Spey Casting Clinic is this Saturday the 7th. Sold Out again. Try getting in our our overflow back up list. We may entertain one more free clinic on March 8th. A Sunday. If you would like to get in on this call and get on the list. Clinics limited to 12 participants.

Kick Ass Winter nymphs include Rainbow Czech, Amex Czech, Ninch’s Pink Hot Head Sow, Pink LB, FB Pink Ray, FB Grey Ray, FB Caviar Scud, Choi’s Spicy Scud, Zebra, Red Zebra, Depthfinder Worm Pink, Red, Rose…some mayfly nymphs have been reported as usable like the Red Headed Step Child, Little Green Machine.


Some tougher fishing this last week with the fish not really all that energized until the afternoon. Could be the cold water temps. 35F is not all that comfy. Although it is up a bit.

Flows at 4900ish cfs. A common winter flow.

Swingers are out daily catching some fish up and down the river. Stop in for an up to the minute fishing report from one of the fishing staff at Headhunters. Ninch, Sara, Braden, Max, John, Mark, Dewey, and Julie. All fishing all the time.

The weather ahead looks good. Highs in the 50’s for the weekend. Some rain, no snow.

Cabins available for rent for a mere $125. Stay and fish in Craig this weekend.


RIO InTouch Fly Lines @ Headhunters Fly Shop

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]The new InTouch fly line from RIO came out last fall and now it is going on most reels that move through Headhunters Fly Shop. Anglers are noticing the difference too.

Why? ConnectCore is the answer. Airflo fly lines have had a non-stretchy core for generations and RIO has created a low stretch core called ConnectCore. And we love it!

RIO says...

When you rely on touch to know what’s going on in the depths, line stretch is the enemy.

Our ConnectCore lines open up new worlds of perception and sensitivity with ultra-low stretch performance. Soft, subtle takes become positive grabs, and without stretch to dull reaction times, hook sets are instant and sure. ConnectCore. The secret weapon for success.

The unintended result of changing the core is a subtle texture that is tangible on the InTouch line series. The intended result is quicker pickups from the water, better connectivity from hand to fly, better hook-ups, and far better cast-ability. Available today at Headhunters Fly Shop in Craig. All of the RIO InTouch Series fly lines are in stock and certainly the line sizes that suit your Missouri River needs.

Introducing RIO’s new ultra-low stretch InTouch fly line family from RIO Products on Vimeo.

Rio InTouch lines include the ever popular RIO Gold. America’s #1 selling fly line. This improved InTouch version is really terrific. I have gone back to the Gold for my softer more forgiving rods like the SAGE Accel and older rods like SAGE XP, Z-Axis, SLT’s, Circa’s, Winston, Scott, and may other rod makers match up well with the RIO InTouch Gold.

The RIO Grand is just awesome. Faster action tip flexing rods shine with this overweighed fly line.

The InTouch RIO Grand is a full line size heavier than the industry standard, and features more weight distributed towards the front of the line to easily load faster action fly rods. The ultra-low stretch ConnectCore provides groundbreaking levels of sensitivity for intuitively better cast timing, easier line lift and sharp, precise mends.

  • Easily loads fast action rods
  • ConnectCore improves cast timing, hook set and mending
  • One full line size heavier than industry standard

The RIO InTouch Xtreme Indicator Fly Line is our favorite for nymphing all over Montana. The high floating orange flavored tip gives you not only intelligent vision but an easily mendable fly line tool.

New for 2015. An incredibly advanded nymphing line, ideal for fishing indicators out of a boat.

The InTouch Xtreme Indicator line has been designed to be a very effective tool for anglers that fish nymphs and indicators out of a boat. The short head has a powerful front taper that casts indicator rigs with ease, and loads up with a single cast. Built with RIO’s ultra-low stretch ConnectCore Technology, the line allows for intuitively better cast timing, easier line lifts and sharp, precise mends. Lack of stretch also means faster reaction time when setting the hook.

  • Short, easy casting head to easily throw large indicators and flies
  • Ultra-low core stretch for maximum performance
  • Unique three-color SureFire system ensures unprecedented accuracy control

Ninch stated the other day that we have all of the InTouch lines in stock for your fly line updating this winter headed into spring. I agree with Ben. A perfect time of the year to inventory your fly lines and replace those that are due.

We have 10 SAGE reels lined up with all of the popular RIO lines like the Gold, Grand, Xtreme Indicator, LT, and Perception. Come in and demo any fly line you choose. Why not take out a couple lines to give them an honest try and decide based on actual results.

Headhunters Fly Shop is your fly line HQ in the central part of Montana. Great Falls, Helena, and Craig…we have the largest selection of fly lines in our region. Over 75 models on the wall for you to choose from. Single and two-handed lines from RIO, Airflo, Wulff, and Orvis.

And, don’t forget that Headhunters has an unconditional fly line guarantee. You don’t like it, return it, exchange it, refund it, get it right. We got your back in this sometimes confusing fly line world.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][us_grid post_type=”ids” no_items_message=”” columns=”4″ items_layout=”shop_trendy” items_gap=”” ids=”7462″][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][us_grid post_type=”ids” no_items_message=”” columns=”4″ items_layout=”shop_trendy” items_gap=”” ids=”6950″][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][us_grid post_type=”ids” no_items_message=”” columns=”4″ items_layout=”shop_trendy” items_gap=”” ids=”6962″][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][us_grid post_type=”ids” no_items_message=”” columns=”4″ items_layout=”shop_trendy” items_gap=”” ids=”8107″][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Brett Matula New Zealand Fishing Walkabout

Brett Matula New Zealand Fishing Walkabout

today a blog from Headhunters Guide Brett Matula. Brett has been with us for about 5 years coming form all over the NW. He has a background in sports education teaching snowboarding and fishing for 15+ years. The last couple winters Brett has been traveling the 5 off months between Missouri River seasons. Skiing and fishing, coupled with international travel will absorb those generally quiet winter months. Thanks for the blog and photos Brett. We can’t wait for your next journey!

Hey Mark…here is the New Zealand Blog and a few photos. Use them as you wish. I spent the last week in the DEEP at Mt. Baker.  Now it’s 52 in Glacier, snow’s all shot so I’m back in SEA headed home.  I’ve got another blog idea too I’ll get to you asap.

Hello friends! Brett here reporting about my trip to New Zealand with my girl Lena.

Brett Matula NZ Trip
Brett with this big NZ Bruiser Brown Trout

When I meet people and they learn I am a fishing guide; a common thing they say is, “It must be so great to FISH for a living!”  In truth; most full-time guides hardly get to fish at all.  We are merely facilitators of fishing.

This off-season I decided to take a fishing trip I’d been dreaming about for many years.  So my girlfriend Lena and I bought our tickets and made our plans to spend 5 weeks on the South Island of New Zealand.  The plan was to rent a 4WD vehicle and travel around the South Island backpacking, fishing, camping, and hiking by the seat of our pants.

No plan, no reservations.  We’d go where we felt like going, sleep in a tent, and explore the rivers on our own schedule.

Mtula 4 banner
Stunning New Zealand – Brett Matula Photo

Let me say that NZ has got to be one of the most spectacularly scenic places in the world.  It’s a very young island geologically and the sheer number of mountains, forests, and rivers is staggering.  The people are extra-ordinarily friendly.  Every farmer we stopped to chat with invited us to fish the river on his property without any hesitation.  Drinking in a rural pub was a good way to meet everyone in town.

The fishing itself was extremely challenging.  We found ourselves in the midst of one of the rainiest Decembers on record.  High rivers and clouds made sight-fishing difficult.  Sight-fishing is the thing in NZ.

Crossing Matula
NZ river crossing Lena photo Brett Matula

There are very few fish in the rivers; so blind fishing doesn’t work.  You don’t cast until you see the fish.  16-20 foot leaders are the norm.  Many times; I got into position behind a feeding fish, made what I thought was a good cast, only to watch the fish stop feeding and ignore my fly.  This can be a little frustrating after hiking for hours between fish.

But we didn’t let the bad weather stop us from getting out and looking around.  We hiked day after day in beautiful surroundings; camping along the rivers.  And those fleeting moments when a large sighted fish moved on my fly will not soon be forgotten.

Mtula 3
Beautiful New Zealand – photo Brett Matula

All in all it was a GREAT trip.  And not my last.  However I’ll do a few things differently next time.  I’ll practice my casting more.  I’ll probably hire a guide too.  And I’ll hire a helicopter to take us into that stream we spent two days hiking into; only to get cliffed out before reaching it.

But that’s another story.

Matula 6
Big NZ Trout – photo Brett Matula

Thanks for keeping us up to date on your travels Brett. Can’t wait to hear from you soon.

Brett is one of the Headhunters top guides and books well in advance. To book Brett for you summer 2015 Missouri River Montana vacation call 406-235-3447 today! Operators standing by…


The New Fly Fisher

The New Fly Fisher Missouri River & Headhunters Fly Shop on WFN

Here is the promo from The New Fly Fisher TV Show host Colin McKeown fishing with Headhunters Fly Shop Montana’s Missouri River on World Fishing Network WFN February 3rd 930pm est. Airing again @ 130am est and again throughout the week.

Where to watch in your neighborhood here.

Check it out below and see us on the Big Screen in your own living room coming up Tuesday February 3rd.

Check out more from The New Fly Fisher here and The New Fly Fisher Facebook page too!


TNFF10 EP5 HeadHunters Fly Shop (PROMO) from TheNewFlyFisher on Vimeo.

Super Ball

Seattle Seahawks Super Ball

John and Mark received this treat from Pete Carroll coach of the Seattle Seahawks.

The Headhunters Seahawks flavored logo T-Shirt that HH created in honor of the Super Bowl win this last year was passed on to Pete Carroll from one of John’s clients.

Super Ball
Signed from Pete Carroll to John & Mark


And then Pete sent this ball to us.


Go Hawks. Beat the Patriots!

Super Ball

Headhunters will be closing early to view, root, eat, and drink our way through the Sunday affair. #pm at the latest, but subject to change. See you Monday morning a@ 8am.

New Boat Smell | Sara's Montana Boat Builders Skiff

New Boat Smell | Sara’s Montana Boat Builders Skiff

Cool new, used, new to her Montana Boat Builders Skiff.

Cool wood components with this ultra sleek rowing skiff.

Stealthy too.

You have seen these boats. Good looking on the water and easy to row. Light for sure.

See you on the water Sara in this sleek dry fly boat!

New Boat Smell today with Sara’s Montana Boat Builders Skiff.

Headhunters Fly Shop Missouri River Fishing Report

Headhunters Fly Shop Missouri River Fishing Report 1.29.15

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]We have been enjoying the weather. Lots of anglers have sen too. IT may change in the near future. Not too extreme though as we move into the Super Bowl weekend.

Snow, or chance of snow, predicted for the weekend with highs in the mid 30’s. Seasonable temperatures return again this week. Anglers will come again this weekend.

Wednesday it fished well. Tuesday too. Guides out this week as the regional anglers get itchy.

Flies? The normal. One day the FB works well, then the next the Rainbow Czech no orange bead. Change until the fish respond. Split shot and a 6′ depth will suffice.

The water level is near 5K and that seems just fine. The temps are cool still but the fish while cold are eating well. Water temps have crawled up to 34.5F. Ohh, soo cold.

Big water is the theme of Montana’s Missouri River


Swingers getting the job done too. Mozuri Minnow, Skiddish, R2R, Dalai Llama, Space Invader, Kreelex, and other shiny stuff too.

Shop open daily with guides and lodging available.

Get your reservation for our Spring Special this week. Cheap lodging and guides from March 15th to April 30th. The weekend spots are filling fast. Get your name on the list. The last weekend in April is totally booked. The first couple weeks of April are filling too. Don’t wait too much longer for that time slot. Lodging dwindling rapidly for the spring rate.

Lots of winter gear flooding the store. SIMMS winter style is big in Montana. SAGE Rods for all seasons including Switch and Method’s in stock. The SAGE ONE continues to be strong as a favorite for all. Our all-new ONE Outfit is for fly fishers who know what they’re doing and who recognize that we’ve assembled our best tools and made them water-ready. This 9’, 5-weight ONE is perfectly balanced with a sweet Sage 4250 bronze reel that’s preloaded with backing, RIO’s ultra-low stretch InTouch Perception line and even a RIO leader. Don’t forget about the free travel rod case too. If purchased separately this package would be over $1200!

Keep in mind we are the fly line experts on the Mo. Always a money back guarantee when purchasing a fly line from Headhunters. If you don’t like it for any reason you bring it on back and we will make it right! Period. Fly lines galore at the RIO Superstore on Montana’s Missouri River.


While spring is on many folks minds…winter is here for another 3-4 months.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][us_grid post_type=”ids” no_items_message=”” columns=”4″ items_layout=”shop_trendy” items_gap=”” ids=”8107″][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][us_grid post_type=”ids” no_items_message=”” columns=”4″ items_layout=”shop_trendy” items_gap=”” ids=”8993″][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Fly Fishing Film Tour F3T

Fly Fishing Film Tour F3T 2015

The annual F3T Tour will be stopping in Helena for an independent show Saturday January 31st.

The Fly Fishing Film Tour is brought to Helena MT by Pat Barnes Missouri River Trout Unlimited. All proceeds from this event will benefit Pat Barnes Missouri River Trout Unlimited Chapter #55.

Tickets are $18 at the door.

Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service is again a major sponsor of the 2015 National Fly Fishing Film Tour. 4 nights lodging at Craig Trout Camp and 4 days Guided Fishing from Headhunters Fly Shop in the ticket raffle. This contest not available at this, Helena,  independent event.

Some key dates for cities near you:

  • Helena MT Jan 31st
  • Missoula MT Jan 31st
  • Livingston MT March 19th
  • Seattle WA Feb 5th
  • Portland OR Feb 7th
  • Rapid City SD and our boy Hans @ Dakota Angler Feb 25th
  • Atlanta GA March 11th
  • Key West FLA March 15th
  • Boston MA April 2nd
  • Austin TX and our bro’s @ Howler Bros & Diablo Kayaks April 30

See your community here on the F3T Schedule.

Enjoy the trailer Carp.

Mozuri Minnow Tying Video

The Mozuri Minnow Just Add Vise Video

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Mozuri MinnowJohn created this Mozuri Minnow based on the widely popular Yo-zuri Minnow that many of you are familiar with outside of fly fishing.

Toss this Mozuri Minnow and catch a few walleye, or those pesky trout too.

Great winter fly for us on the Mo. Not too bad for the spring summer or fall either.

Come in and get them tied by us in our overstuffed streamer bins, or come in and get a Just Add Vise Mozuri Minnow kit today.

Mozuri Minnow
Get yours only at Headhunters Fly Shop in Craig

No tying tonight in Craig, but next Wednesday we will again host our bi-weekly tying night @ Headhunters Fly Shop 6-8pm.

You ought tie this feller up. Or the always wildly popular Kreelex. We have that too in a JAV kit. Lots of winter flies offered in this perfect tie one fly kit. Enough materials for 20+ flies.

Shop these Missouri River favorites like Pink Lightening Bug, Grape Slushy, Rainbow Czech Nymph, Firebead Ray Charles, Zebra Midge, Wire Worm and may more!

Buy the Mozuri Minnow today at Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service today.


[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Get on the Mozuri Minnow with this set up. A RIO Skagit Max Short and tip it out with a RIO MOW tip. Tie on a short leader and your Mozuri Minnow. Swing on my fishy fiends.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][us_grid post_type=”ids” no_items_message=”” columns=”4″ items_layout=”shop_trendy” items_gap=”” ids=”8445″][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][us_grid post_type=”ids” no_items_message=”” columns=”4″ items_layout=”shop_trendy” items_gap=”” ids=”9048″][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]