Adipose Flow New Boat Smell for the New Year

Adipose Flow New Boat Smell for the New Year


Adipose Flow. New Boat Smell for the New Year

I picked up my new Adipose Flow yesterday. I’m pretty stoked.

Not long ago I thought I would row my Clackacraft Guide LP for life. I would have been just fine if had not rowed the Adipose Flow. Then, I became a believer.

New Boat Smell Adipose Boatwrks
Out with the old and in with the new. See you down the river old girl…

No compromises is the Adipose Mantra. I’m on board. Truly a perfect boat for our fine river. The skiff style has come on strong he past 10 years. All of the popular boat manufacturers offer a skiff design and Adipose is no different. Except Adipose does not offer anything but the skiff. No pointy ended type boats.

I once shot a TV show called The Gypsy Angler with Stu Apte. I had just started rowing my Adipose Flow. I was washing it out before the first day of shooting and the producer walked up to me and asked where my boat was. I said that he was looking at it. He then stated that it would not work for the show. I of course asked why not? And he said that the viewers would identify more with one of those Montana pointy ended boats more than this floating sandbox!

So we did the show with the sandbox. Much to the producers chagrin.

Not that I’m stubborn…

So I have my second new drifter in 4 years. Would I have rowed that one til I was buried at sea? Yes. But with some of the advances in the last couple years at Adipose I upgraded, bit the bullet, and got myself into a new one.

Adipose always Improving

Some cool new tweaks include a touch higher knee brace. Better shaped knee brace with a more defined hip and leg grabber. Positive closing side compartments. Narrower tolerances with the knee brace tubes. Way more solid. Improved trailer rollers with smooth bearings allowing easier cranking at the end of the day. Side tray locks.  Double front seat option and many more.

New Boat Smell Adipose Boatworks
Bass seat fitted for the hardcore streamer anglers of the Mighty Missouri River

The fit and finish is continually improving as well. Not really all that noticeable to the untrained eye but overall appearance is tight. A sound craft for sure.

Did you see the image to the right? My new bass seat option for hardcore streamer anglers. If you like to strip steamers you know that there is a ton of line at your feet, wrapped around the seat if you are standing, and tangles happen way too often. So two years ago a guest and I brainstormed this idea up. Why not put a tiny bass seat on the front or rear seat and rest on the seat using it as your third point for balance and cast away? Would it reduce line tangles on the seat? Would it work? Would it solve some of the problems?

I don’t know yet because the boat has a cover on it and is resting in my front yard full of snow. The river is slushy up to Craig. Really icebergy out there with shelf ice breaking from the shore and creating shelf ice islands floating throughout the river. But, I expect to put the boat in the water in the next week and test that bass seat out. The beauty is that the seats switch out easily (you can see the regular seat on the floor behind the bass seat) and I have the normal ultra comfortable seats ready to go. So a report will follow in the front end of 2016.

Outside Media who produces TroutTV just picked up Adipose as a sponsor. Look forward to seeing them drifting, fishing, and shooting around Montana and beyond in the Adipose Flow.

Row the Adipose Flow @ Headhunters Fly Shop

All of our rental boats are Adipose Flow Skiffs. Te perfect match for a tailwater river like ours. After using Clackacraft boats for rentals a few years the Adipose Concept was hatched on our deck with help of Headhuntes own John Arnold. He put together Tracy Allen and Mike Ward with a few beers from our now missing YETI cooler and one year later we had Adipose Boatworks manufacturing the updated High Country Drifters in the form of the Adipose Flow Skiff.

Clients enjoy the ease of rowing and freedom of movement as the two top reasons it has become a Montana river favorite. Now Adipose has boats all over the country and continues to grow in local, regional, and national popularity.

These fellers are great to work with with General Manager Justin at the helm these days and Marcie up front. Mike and Tracy are around but also pursuing other side projects. After huffing resin fumes for a few years everybody needs a break. Give Justin a call and get your new 2016 boat in the mold!

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MRDF 455 Lab Summer Quarter 2016


MRDF 455. Lab only. 3-5cr.(days) Summer Quarter. Class location Missouri River Craig MT.

Missouri River Dry Fly 455. PREREQUISITE: An intense desire to learn. Examines and explores Missouri River dry fly technique primarily with mayflies. Dry fly casting techniques will include reach cast, slack line presentations, wind casting, double haul, down and across presentations, tiny fly pattern ID, low profile casting situations, stalking movement procedures. You will learn that failure is a big part of the learning curve. Requires early mornings, patience, GINK, Frog’s Fanny, line cleaner, and a couple beers in the cooler. Class size limited.

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Headhunters University

Education comes first

Our business is built on education. It is even in our mission statement. Entertainment, information, education, and customer service for the Missouri River trout angler. And we practice those values daily. Whether it be your 1st day to the MO or your 1000th we know that you are interested in bettering your game. Stepping it up. That is why we believe so strongly in angler education.

From our free Trout Spey Clinics in the winter months to our always free casting lessons on our casting lane here in Craig to fishing with our experienced tenured guide staff and into the fly shop where our fish driven staff will help you with all things trout. Headhunters Fly Shop is centered around education.[/vc_column_text][us_grid columns=”2″ post_type=”attachment” items_quantity=”” images=”16267,16270″ orderby=”post__in” items_gap=”4px” items_layout=”gallery_default” img_size=”us_600_600_crop” overriding_link=”popup_post_image” breakpoint_1_cols=”2″ breakpoint_2_width=”768px” breakpoint_3_width=”480px” breakpoint_2_cols=”4″ breakpoint_3_cols=”2″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Sound like something you might be interested in? Summer technical dry fly fishing. Mayflies are the primary vehicle to success with caddis, terrestrials, and other attractors too. But the focus is centered on figuring out the often frustrating mayfly stage and emulating it perfectly. Behaviors of the summer feeding trout will frankly dry you mad. If you enjoy any of the concepts above you might be ready.

Pale Morning Duns, Trico’s, March Browns, Blue Winged Olives, Callibaetis will keep you busy whenever your calendar allows you to visit our 35 mile long campus. Even if you didn’t have good grades in school this venue is very accepting. Although the trout do make the final evaluation!

Have you ever wanted to go back to college? Yeah, me neither. But, but you have never wanted to stop learning. Why not enroll at Trout U here in Craig Montana.

A ton of the annual returning Missouri River anglers book these time periods a year in advance. In fact, most who know of this affliction, who are admittedly infected, have been a fixture for years, a decade, or even a quarter century. Most of their adult lives in the same place, at the same time…yearly.

Winter fishing on the Mo is a bitch. Summer is not.

The dream time periods for the class above include June and July. Another good window of dry fly action in the middle two weeks of May which falls around the Craig Caddis Festival and BBQ Cook-off Saturday May 21st. Another great session in the latter part of October. August is good too, but you might call the class

MRAF 305. Lab Only. Summer Quarter. Missouri River MT.

Missouri River Attractor Fly 305. Hoppers, ants, and your favorite generic attractor patterns are in vogue in August. Long cast, high floating flies, and spectacular brown trout eats will keep you busy for the month of August. Tricky, difficult techy small dry fly fishing available in the mornings with your afternoons filled with the big fly. For big trout.

Headhunters encourages daily learning

Headhunters is the education location while in Craig Montana. The education leader on Montana’s Missouri River. Whether you’ll be joining us reading this daily blog, enjoying the videos on Headhunters TV, or enrolling in Headhunters Trout University for the 2016 school year. We are all about education.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][us_grid columns=”2″ post_type=”attachment” items_quantity=”” images=”16271,16269″ orderby=”post__in” items_gap=”4px” items_layout=”gallery_default” img_size=”us_600_600_crop” overriding_link=”popup_post_image” breakpoint_1_cols=”2″ breakpoint_2_width=”768px” breakpoint_3_width=”480px” breakpoint_2_cols=”4″ breakpoint_3_cols=”2″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

It's time to work on your casting technique

It’s time to work on your casting technique

It really is time. You have the rest of the winter to get it done. It only takes a few minutes a week. And, you will reap the rewards for the entire season.

A building block for even greater accuracy, distance, and fun on the water. So what is holding you back? You can certainly spare 10 minutes a week. Get yourself motivated for better fishing this year.

But you must ask yourself these questions first.

  • Do you want to become a better caster?
  • Conversely do you want to catch more fish?
  • Do you want it bad enough?
  • Do you want your buddies to envy your dry fly cast?
  • Do you want to cast with ease in windy conditions?

Or are you comfortable with where you are currently at? If you are you need not read this blog. Skip the re-runs of Christmas television and spend a couple minutes with your rod in hand.  Or if you are at work…stash your fly rod in your trunk and practice a bit at lunch. Good idea huh.

Speaking of the windy conditions question above. Most anglers have trouble even with the slightest breeze. Newsflash: It is commonly breezy in many fishing situations. So what can you do about it? Practice. Practice in the wind.

The wind, light winds under 15mph, should not affect your cast. But for most even the lightest wind, light winds under 5mph, really compromise 99% of anglers. Don’t let that happen to you. Learning a few basic techniques can let you rise above the conditions.

A double haul gives you the tools to rise above the wind. Most folks believe the double haul is for distance, and true it can help for casting farther. But the increased line speed that the double haul creates is even a better answer to windy conditions.

Some tips for becoming that better caster include getting yourself into a casting lesson with someone in your area. They are easy to find. Go to your local fly shop and ask them who they would recommend.

I just thought of the casting at lunch program. It really does make sense. Get outside and cast. It’ll be good for you body, your mind, and all those fish you have not met…beware!

Make a plan for your casting improvement this coming year. It can be your New Years Resolution. 10 minutes a week is all it takes to move to the next level of caster. To the next level off angler. And then, happy fishing. It’s really that easy…


Tying the Pink Lightening Bug

Tying the Pink Lightning Bug


Tying the Pink Lightning Bug

Today on the Headhunters Fly Shop Blog we tie the Pink Lightning Bug. In conjunction with our popular Just Add Vise brand this video is purely simple. No talking, no postulating about materials, and no lengthly 13 minute tying videos here.

Short and sweet. Just the way you like it. Play it over and over if you wish without listening to the same lame tying jokes…what is a tying joke anyway?

This Pink Lightning Bug is one of the most effective Missouri River winter flies. Great anywhere, and any river USA. Pink is the color of winter. And all this time you thought it was the color of snow.

When snow is on the ground, think pink.

The Pink Lightning Bug is just one of the Just Add Vise kit members. Anglers and tiers also like the Rainbow Czech, Little Green Machine,  Firebead Ray Charles, and Kreelex for winter work. And do not forget about the Mozuri Minnow! All available at our online web store.

We think that Dangerous Dan Gard  brought this fly to the Missouri River. It really is a killer for 8 months of the year. November 1st through the historically high water month of May. Some even fish it into June. Others even longer. A fantastic fly for the subsurface set.

If you can tie this one you can tie the other Missouri River favorites like any of the Pheasant Tail derivations and the summertime trout finder the Purple Lightning Bug. Why not have them all in your repertoire.

The Pink Lightning Bug is not the only winter time fly of choice. Come in and see our vast selection of winter flavored flies for any winter fishery. Ninch, Braden, Sara, and Dewey can point you in the right direction. Pick up a couple Just Add Vise kits as well.

Fly Tying Night in America starts in January. Stay tuned for the Wednesday night tying sessions hosted by Headhunters Fly Shop.

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Sunday Shelf Ice

Shelf Ice Sunday


Shelf Ice Sunday

Be careful out there with the shelf ice building throughout the week.

Probably more this week too. Nightly temperatures have dipped well below the freezing mark allowing shelf ice to develop.

While shelf ice up and down the river corridor the slush does not start until about Mid-Canon. Then every mile you head downstream it increases exponentially. That may be too strong a figure, but it certainly increases enough to stop fishing by the time you get in the neighborhood of Gary Cooper Bridge abutment.

Enjoy your Sunday. Good football on the TV today. Relax another day before many of you go back into the work fray. Good luck on that.

Again, be aware if you are wade fishing of the shelf ice situation. Also if you are wade fishing you should be aware of the icebergs floating downstream.

Most of the boat ramps have shelf ice protruding from them as well. Most boat ramps will certainly require a 4WD outfit this week. Or choose the flat entry and exit points.

Anywhere above Craig the ice in the river is pretty much non-existent. It really starts in the Mid-Canon area. So most are fishing upriver of Craig. Stop in and get an up to the minute slush, shelf ice, and fishing report from our crack staff here on site 364 days a year.

Be careful out there. Enjoy the week ahead!

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Headhunters Weekend Fishing Report 12.26.15

Headhunters Weekend Fishing Report 12.26.15

Looks to be pretty cold this weekend. Not cold enough to keep you off of the wage though. Hi’s nearing 30F. Much warmer than Christmas. A hi of 10F yesterday. Awful cold!

The reports from vacationing winter anglers have been good. Great nymphing with your favorite holiday flavor of PINK. Scuds, sows, Pink Lightening Bugs, Ninch’s BubbleYum, Barbie Nymph, Tailwater Sow, SWJ, and many more can round out your winter fly selection.

Water temps are holding in the damn cold range at 35F. It has dipped below the 35F mark to 34.5F this week. The water level is 3180cfs.

Headhunters Weekend Fishing Report

The swingers are getting cold feet with the cooler water temps. But the rewards are worth the frozen toes. You gotta give the fly some action in these cooler water temps. Without some intriguing motion the fish may not eat the baitfish. You oughta  make the bait appear tasty.

Want to start the new year off with a guide trip? $400 nymph or spey trips all winter long.

Another New Year idea is to attend our Free Spey Clinic on Saturday January 9th. Give us a hour and get on the list. The other winter Trout Spey Clinics are February 6th and March 5th.

Think about your summer trip to the Mo as well this holiday week. A good time to get your lodging and guide trips locked in. We are in the shop daily to answer your lodging questions. Craig Trout Camp has 4 options for you to choose from. The Craig House, Sutton House, Brown and Rainbow Cabins are the most popular rentals on the Missouri River. These properties book quickly so make your plans today.

Craig Trout Camp has lodging open for the week starting at $125/night. Sneak away from the holiday hub-bub and go fishing. Wander around the Missouri River with out pressure. Finish at Joe’s Bar for a winter night cap. Then get up and do it again.

Shop open daily at 8am offering shuttles, Adipose boat rentals and demos, flies, hot coffee, all the spey stuff you’ll need for the Mo, and warm respite from the river.




Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer


Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer

Happy Christmas Eve from downtown Craig Montana.

Pretty quiet this morning with temps in the low 20’s. Snow on the ground, Joe’s Bar serving Reindeer Beers this morning. Bailey’s is our drink of choice on cold winter mornings. Joe’s has that too.

Open for a spell this morning then off to feed the Reindeer powering Santa’s Sleigh.

Think of Headhunters Fly Shop like Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer. Guiding your Missouri River sleigh drift boat through insect filled runs along with calm overcast skies.

Hoping all of you get killer fly fishing gear of your fishing fantasies!

This original Rudolf cartoon from 1944. Enjoy your Christmas Eve…[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Trout Spey Video Scumliner Mediaa Switch it Up

Winter Trout Spey Video Switch it Up


Winter Trout Spey Video Switch it Up

Cold again here in Craig this morning. 26F is the projected hi temp and we have already achieved that.

I was out swinging yesterday afternoon. It was tough enduring the holiday weather conditions. Just 24F with a slight north wind. Chilly for sure. Along with the wind chill the ever growing ice clogging the guides I was at my personal comfort limit.

But, not impossible by any means. At least 10 vehicles out and about fishing the Mo yesterday and we should expect vacationing anglers from the regional area to sneak down for a quick fishing session.

The Headhunters gang is fishing in this video. Sara, Beth, Ninch, Mark, E Bitty fished a year ago November in the cold. As you’ll witness the video includes shelf ice, steam coming off the water, and lots of fish. Winter in Montana is made for skiing, hunting, snowshoeing, and swinging for trout.

Most of you should be traveling, hopefully to warmer climates for the holidays. And we know that most of you view this blog on your handheld devices so I thought I should post Scumliner Media Switch it Up trout Spey video today for you airport viewing pleasure.It really is a beautiful video. You may want to watch it twice.

We are open today til 6pm and tomorrow Christmas Eve we will be celebrating in the shop until about noon. Closed for Christmas Day and open again on Saturday morning @ 8am.

Safe travels to all you Headhunters out there. Enjoy Switch it Up! [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Why we love the shortest day in Craig MT

Why we love the shortest day in Craig MT

Why we love the shortest day in Craig MT

We have crossed over the Winter Solstice here in Craig MT and beyond.

The most important part of this yearly winter equation is just this…the days get longer from here on out until the Summer Solstice in June. Actually the sunrise gets later until January 7th.  But this historical day lets us breathe easier, sleep easier, and begin the warm summer thoughts we so love.

What do most folks do is get a little buzz on at the best bar in Craig. Uncle Joe’s Bar. Celebrating the first day of winter.

It is the first day of winter on the books, but we have been experiencing winter here in Craig  for a couple months. Snow on the ground, icy roads, fishy smells, and lack of traffic on the river, and hi-ways. Montana grinds nearly to a halt during the frozen months.

So now that we have established the front end of winter we can certainly understand the pics below. More snow in the forecast. Snow all week long with some cold temperatures near the zero mark.

Cold and snowy Holiday Week ahead
Cold and snowy holiday week ahead

We are counting the days until the winter is past us. But while we fantasize about warmer climates in FLA, the Bahamas, Southern America, and beyond we have found a way to pass the time here on the best winter trout swing fishery in the western United States.

Top 5 reasons we love December 21st

  1. Why the winter solstice is loved in Craig MT1st day of winter here in Montana. People love the 4 distinct seasons here on the Missouri River. Winter is the quiet season.
  2. Almost to a New Year. New Year, New Attitude. New Hope.
  3. 1 day closer to midge fishing. Historically mid-February brings the first evidence of midges to the Missouri River. This is our first real good hatch of the new year. The midge is an interesting insect. Unpredictable for sure. We of course will keep you up to date on this late winter early spring emergence.
  4. We still have 6 months of precipitation in front of us. Winters are relatively dry here in the rocky mountain range. April, May, June are wet ones. We pray daily to the rain and snow gods to bring us adequate water not only for the Mo but for all of the western states.
  5. And finally one day closer to summer and daily dry fly fishing. Until then we will just have to enjoy the spoils of winter here on the Missouri. Great nymphing along with world class winter swing fishing.
Holiday Week Fishing Report 12.21.15

Holiday Week Fishing Report 12.21.15

Monday morning here in Craig and we are adjusting nicely to the holiday week ahead. Most of you will be traveling to or from family and friends houses for the holiday. Any of you planning on doing some fishing?

We are open daily for the college kids that grace the river on their time off. Bozeman, Butte, Whitefish, Kalispell, Missoula, and certainly Great Falls and Helena anglers will be traipsing around the river for the next couple weeks. Be sure to stop in and se us for a hot cup of coffee or suggestions on fishing locales and definitely fly selection.

Montana Holiday Fishing Report
Some good Trout Spey patterns for Missouri River swingers

The boat ramps looked good yesterday all but the historically difficult winter boat ramp of Mountain Palace. No worries on the rest of them. Anglers are fishing all the way to Prewitt Creek with the most anglers of course up top. Not necessarily all the way up, but certainly above the lower reach.

Duck hunters are out in force too. So, look before you walk a mile into a swing run. You can find another perfectly good run elsewhere. After the new year the hunters will be cleaning their guns again counting the days til the next waterfowl season.

Winter Guide trips available for $400 if you are at all interested in a holiday guide trip. We generally do a few guide trips this week ahead. The day after Christmas is always a good time. Friends and family bugging the shit out of you? Send them on a trip with Headhunters. All inclusive winter trips with flies, hot soup, and education included. Swing and nymph trips are the way to go. Ben, Max, Brent, Kurt, Ryan, and Beth all available for winter fun.

Craig Trout Camp open during the holidays too. Rainbow and Brown Cabins @ $125 and the Craig House starts @ $250.

Missouri River Holiday Week Fishing Report

Pretty damn good for the most part. Anglers in the shop yesterday reported a good bite. Most of the time. Those who didi not get the hook-ups they wanted were found to be fishing water too much like summer water. The anglers in the slow and boring soft runs are having better consistent success. The most common way to not catch fish is always fishing the wrong kind of winter water.

Holiday Week Fishing Report
Try Ninch’s Bubble Yum for winter nymphing fun!

Swingers getting them with Clousers, buggers, Zonkers, leeches, smolts, and the Shock and Awe! Kreelex is a perennial favorite. Check out the Just Add Vise Kits for many of the flies we list here on this very blog. A very popular winter time activity is sitting at the vise preparing for your summer 2016 Missouri River trip.

Those nymphers out there are getting it done with winter fare. Pink flies are best. Try Ninch’s Bubble Yum Scud in #10 or #12. The Barbie is back in stock too. A red beaded fruity devil. The Amex, Rainbow, Tailwater Sow, a plethora of fire beads in the sow, scud, or soft hackled versions are always in favor…

We love to lead the bobber downhill with our fly line this time of year therefor seeing the take when it happens. Too much slack line is a killer. Want help on this concept? ask anybody at the shop for technique hints.

Same goes for the swingers out there. Lots of Trout Spey anglers flooding the river during Montana’s long winter. Ninch was explaining his tight line swing technique the other day. Again, not too much slack out there adding to his hook-up rate. Jigging the fly in that tighter line manner has proved to be successful when those fish are not as aggressive. But the word is that the fish have been pretty grabby out there in the swung patterns.

Nicnh is fishing a Skagit line with a medium (T-11) iMOW tip and a weighted fly. Deep and slow water has been his ticket. On the inside or along the winter inside seams. Great water above Wolf Creek Bridge for winter swingers and nymphers alike. Remember that Headhunters is a perfect place to try out your next Trout Spey rod on the river. The only shop on the Mo with 2 handed demo rods. And demo rods we have. 20+ to choose from. Also, need to find that perfect line for your existing spey rod? We got those too. Form RIO, OPST, and Airflo. Headhunters is your Spey store for all of Montana.

Flows at 3300cfs and temps at 33.5F. Typical winter levels for both. Watch for ice not he shorelines, check boat ramps for safety, and get your shuttle from Headhunters. Open daily at 8am. Open Christmas Eve 8-12pm. We are open 364 days a year. Closed Christmas to rest…




The Montana Warmwater Project

The Montana Warmwater Project


The Montana Warmwater Project

A warm water fly fishing video edition sent to us from Matt Devlin today on the Headhunters Blog.

Travis Bradford with the Montana Warmwater Project trailer for us to view today.

It is a Montana Fishing Film Festival official selection for 2016. You will remember the traveling Montana Fishing Film Festival from PMD Productions that Headhunters Fly Shop hosted the last couple years.

This last year the night before the annual Craig Caddis Festival. We will again host the Montana Fishing Film Festival Friday night May 20th. And again the night before the 10th Annual Craig Caddis Festival Saturday May 21st in Craig @ 4pm.

Enjoy this short tease if you are at work in this Monday morning. It will be OK if you are not all that focussed this week. It is the holidays…[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

A break in the weather

A break in the weather

Fishing weather has returned, albeit temporarily, for the weekend and front end of the week.

Although we have been loving the snow. A good feel of winter with snow falling most of the last week. And the week ahead looks like more of the same. More snow on the way.

More snow on the ground this winter means more water in the rivers this coming summer. The entire state, save for the Missouri River, was in really tough shape this last year. Not good at all. We squeaked by with average flows. Nothing high at all. Will we have the high water this coming year? Nobody knows. And if anybody tells you something…well you can believe whatever you want.

All we know is that we always prefer the more water option over the less water option every time. Big water beats the low water hand every time. We won’t know the outcome of the winter until later winter early spring period. Then we can get a handle on the winter precipitation and make some sort of random educated guess.

November and December here in our region, east of the Continental Divide, seem to be consistent in the early winter snows. The last several years we have flirted with real winter until we turn the last page of the calendar.

Then it seems as though winter vanishes. I want a real winter from Santa this year. I’m sure most of us embroiled in the fishing industry and those of you who love to fish Montana would wholeheartedly agree. Hands down.

Leave your note to Santa next to the milk and cookies.

So back to the Sunday Report here on the Headhunters Blog. Decent fishing out there. A break in the weather yesterday and today including Monday. Snow flurries could happen at any moment on any given day.

The boat ramps are pretty safe. Check the end destination before launching. Or check with us. We generally know the condition of the ramps.

The shelf ice is not and at all. There is some out there but not the terrible dangerous shelf ice that can make getting to the water on some occasions difficult.

Water temperatures are holding at 35.5F with water levels at 3330cfs. Cold for sure. Put on your wool socks before you wade into that ice bucket of a river. No slush in the river yet. The air temps have to get in the zero range for some time to make the upper river slushy or even ice-bergy.

Flies for nymphers? Pink. Flies for swingers? On the smaller side in both the natural colors or un-natural color ways. Both pretty effective. The patterns of the winter so far have been on the bugger side of life. Zonkers still on the radar. Leeches not a terrible choice.

See you on the water this week. Shop open daily @ 8am.


Summer Video in Winter Big Sky PMD’s by Todd Moen

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We have entered the 6 month countdown until the PMD’s arrive.

And I for one am damn excited. We have snow on the ground, high temps sometimes exceeding 40F, w/ a side of a brisk and chewy breeze.

Historically the PMD’s emerge sometime around the beginning of the 3rd week in June. We could see a rogue bug or two in late May. But that is just the first Pale Morning Dun tease.  A few more show in the 1st week. Again just flirting with us.

In a few days we also will enjoy the shortest day of the year. Conversely in six months we will enjoy the warm sunny days of summer. The longest day of year and the summer solstice. Did I mention the daily PMD hatches?

Todd Moen shows us SW Montana. We of course are here in central Montana on the Mighty Missouri River. IT is just like the video, but 50 times bigger.

Our large and long dry fly flats can have the feeling of an intimate environment just like the video. We truly love the summer time here fishing Montana’s Mega Hatch river.

Todd Moen of Catch Magazine brings us a much needed winter PMD tease today with Big Sky PMD’s.

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Friday Foto Headhunters Holiday Shot

Friday Foto Headhunters Holiday Shot

Friday Foto Headhunters Holiday Shot

We are in the full holiday swing here at Headhunters. The phone is ringing for fly fishing gift items and we are mailing gifts not only to Santa but to husbands, wives, friends, and families before the December 25th deadline.

You want us to pop something in the mail for you? Get on our online store or just give us a shout on the Holiday Hotline 406-235-3447.

Gift Card for Fly Fishers
Get a HH Gift Card for any amount.

Can’t decide what to get your Missouri River fly fishing enthusiast? How about a Headhunters Gift Card. How about a Guide Trip from Headhunters? Everybody loves a guide trip.

We can package your gift and send it off to your recipient if you wish with a note card. No problem. We got your back this holiday season.

We have in stock 22 sizes of SIMMS G3 waders and can get those off in hurry too. If you have been reading lately you know that John has written a couple articles about spey rods, lines, and reels. We have the best Trout Spey selection in Montanan and beyond. Not only do we carry all the cool spey gear we are familiar with it too. Got a tip question? Give us a shout. Need a rod for trout fishing and the appropriate line match whether you are in either the Skagit or Scandi family? We got it.

Bookings being taken daily for 2016. The phone is ringing. Julie is busy getting the coming year all put together. The peak summer months are June and July. If you are interested in either of these two white hot dry fly months you should get on the stick. Call today to get your lodging booked as well as your guide on the books. February is generally too late.

A couple Wish Lists from Headhunters today on the Friday Foto Blog.

Ninch wants…

  1. 100 pk. TMC 930016
  2. Fishpond Nomad Guide Net
  3. Just Add Vise Kreelex Mega Kit
  4. Sage ONE 3100 Trout Spey 11′ 3wt
  5. Hatch Finatic 4 Plus

Stocking Stuffer: Simms Nipper

Braden wishes for…

  1. SIMMS G3 Guide Wader
  2. SIMMS Vapor Boot
  3. Sage ONE 590 9′ 5wt. for dry fly fishing
  4. Sage Accel 790 9′ 7wt. for streamers
  5. SIMMS Bulkley Jacket

Stocking Stuffer: YETI Colster  

Braden says he is shooting for the moon. Why not. Maybe he has been extra good this year?

Mark’s wish list…

  1. SIMMS Hyalite Rain Pant
  2. SIMMS G3 Guide Wader
  3. KAST Raptor Glove
  4. RIO Scandi Short VersiTip Line
  5. Sage Trout Spey 2109 10’9″ 2wt for swinging soft hackles

Stocking Stuffer: One-two-three Fly Box

You can find most of these items on our convenient on-line store. We will ship it for free with any total over $50.




New Breed Chicks Rule

New Breed Chicks Rule

New Breed Chicks Rule with 3 Generations

3 generations of gals here on the Mo this winter.

Andy, Danielle, and Hannah fished in the damn cold weather a couple days after Thanksgiving. An afternoon fish session with boat heaters, hand warmers, warm hats, and hot soup. And a few fish to hand. Just awesome.

Snowing hard again today here on the river. The roads and boat ramps are dicey. Not great travel conditions. But hardy Montanans are used to hardships. We certainly live here for the river and take the added discomforts in stride.

Planning on coming out this weekend? We believe any temps aver 25F are not too uncomfortable for fishing. Below that temperature you can certainly be on the cool side. Ice in your guides is a problem.

New Breed Chicks Rule with 3 Generations

A couple inches have already fallen this morning. Really feels like more will fall today. Quiet on the river today. Really calm too. No wind to fouls things up. At least here in Craig.

Be sure to read the excellent 2015-16  Spey Rod Lineup & review yesterday on this very blog. And remember that we have all kinds of demo rods at the shop and ready to fish anytime. Even in the snow.

I love fishing in the snow. It is so quiet. Just you, the spey cast, the silent sound of falling snow, and an occasional tug!

Firday Foto Throwback

Friday Foto Throwback

This was  few years ago at the WC Boat Ramp.

Bob lighting up a winter cigar.

Winter time can be tough. So smoke ’em if you got ’em.

A bit of snow yesterday. Not much stuck on the ground. Sunday and Monday including the rest next week of may bring a bit more.

The weekend looks good for those who want to come on out. Light winds with nice daytime temperatures will let you fish without too much pain. Shoot, with temps at or near 40F you should be just fine.

Light one up if you wish. It may be the ticket to keep you warm…

First Call for Summer 2016 Fishing and Lodging

First Call for Summer 2016 Fishing and Lodging

First Call for Summer 2016 Fishing and Lodging

Heading into the Christmas Holiday in a couple weeks. You will be surrounded by friends and family. A good time to discuss your summer 2016 fishing plans.

It ’tis the first call for summer 2016 fishing and lodging plans. The mega booking time after the new year may be too late for the specific property you are after. Certainly guides get booked a year in advance so it is never too early to get your name on the books.

June and July are two months that do book a year in advance. If you have to come in any of those two months we suggest you get it done shortly. Those who wait til the last mine have less to choose from.

Get your Lodging @ Headhunters Fly Shop

The best properties in Craig MT
The best properties in Craig MT

Craig Trout Camp is our primary lodging and the favorite of long timers coming to the Mo. All 4 properties are right in town close to the fly shops and Izaaks. Joe’s bar too. And don’t forget the river.

Craig is one of those rare trout towns located right on the river. The Missouri River.

Craig Lodging is a web site with more than twenty nightly rental properties and RV sites in close proximity to the Missouri. It is a goto lodging guide for all of our favorite rental properties.

So why don’t you get some dates nailed down and give us a shout at the shop. 406-235-3447. Our booking experts are available 8-6pm daily. We can educate you further beyond the information provided on the lodging web sites.

Headhunters Guide Service

First Call for 2016 Fishing and Lodging
Guide Ben Hardy of Headhunters Fly Shop

Get your guides picked out as well. We have great tenured guides for your Missouri River fishing pleasure. Professional full time guides that call the Missouri River their home. A long time returning staff will treat you to a insightful and educational day(s) on the river that you will not soon forget.

You want to get hooked up with a rental boat during your stay? We have those too.

Want to travel light? Just bring your carry-on and we will supply waders if needed, and rods too. Headhunters is your one stop fishing shop. We got you covered here in Craig.

Headhunters operators standing by 877-DRY-FLYS or 406-235-3447.

This is the first call for 2016 booking. Don’t wait til the last call…


Wednesday Workshop Find the Right Water

Wednesday Workshop Finding the Right Water

At some point every conversation when speaking with new anglers to the Missouri River turns to this very topic. Whether spring, summer, fall, or winter the biggest part of the fish catching game is fishing in the right water. Finding the Right Water can be the most difficult part of cracking the code.

So often we blame the fly for poor performance. And maybe sometimes you are right. That fly might suck. Commonly it is the waster type you are fishing. Finding the right water is imperative for all seasons success.

So what does winter water look like? In a word…

  1. slow
  2. boring
  3. uneventful
  4. sluggish
  5. sedate
  6. leisurely
  7. unhurried
  8. downtempo

Get the drift? Commonly found at the bottom end on an island. On inside bends may be the primary location for this kind of water here on the Mo. Wherever you are fishing the winter season you must find the slower, or slowest water.

Fish just get cold. They do not like the cold temps either. We as humans aren’t big fans either. Not everybody can be snowbirds, or we would. Am I right?

The comfort temperature zone is in the 50’s for trout. Not in the mid 30’s. The metabolism of the trout slows as well. They are not in that “all fired up mode” that we so enjoy in the midst of trout gobbling PMD emergers. So keep this most important fact near the top of your list when searching for right winter water.

The best nymphing winter water is 3-5 foot deep with very little pace. Inside bends and tail-outs are both very good places to start. The thing about winter nymphing buckets is that there are very few really great ones. Maybe only one a mile.

If the water you are fishing feels too slow it probably is not. If the water you are fishing is moving that is good. If the water you are fishing is stopped. That is bad. It the kind of nearly pond like water that you would never fish in the summer. Unless you like tossing fry flies to those difficult scumlining scum suckers.

Fish the soft inside bend type water and figure it out. I commonly, when boat fishing,  do a few laps working from the bank side toward the center of the river to find the fish. They are in there. They really are. The trout live there.

Finding the right winter water is imperative for winter angling success. That is the initial battle any time out fishing. Enjoy winter nymphing here on the Missouri or your local river.

Remember: It is the slow stuff.



Missouri River Winter Fishing Report 11.8.15

Missouri River Winter Fishing Report 11.8.15

Missouri River Winter Fishing Report 11.8.15

One windy bitch here on the Mo. Truly windy.

Ninch above with a nice rainbow trout on swung Hot-Eye Kreelex at the Spey Clinic Saturday.

Fishable on Monday afternoon with some shores windless enough to cast. Up by the dam the fellows that endured the wind said it was good fishing. They also said that about an hour of punishment was ll they could take.

Down river there were some pockets that you could fish. If you are a renegade drive by bank angler you just cruse around the river until you find the right water.

Missouri River Nymphing Report

The nymphing is pretty damn good. Find those buckets and work through them. Some of the holding lies can be small. Break it down into small stream components and get techy. You may have to adjust your depth, your bobber, but probably not your fly. Pink and slutty is the program for winter nymphers.

  • Firebeads
  • Ray Charles
  • Tailwater Sows
  • Arnold’s Sili Scud
  • Rainbow Czech’s
  • Amex
  • Pink Lightening Bug
  • Any bug Ninch tells you to use.

Missouri River Streamer Report

Not too bad here either. Slower water has been the key. Although a few fish have been taken out in the middle around good center river structure. Fish off of both sides of the top of island runs and the bottom end too.

Seems like fish have been holding in different water on consecutive days. The streamer eaters have not totally set up in their full time winter lies. So, fish both until you find a pattern.

The swingers have been out there too. Smaller patterns that are lightly weighted or un-weighted have been the better flies. Those heavily weighted big and ugly Madison/Yellowstone type flies don’t really get too much traction here in the winter.

Most of the streamer strippers using a dry fly line. Some are tossing them on an intermediate tip. Others fishing a RIO VersiLeader off of their dry line. Lots of ways to skin a cat. Use what you are comfortable with or try something new today. A fresh look is a good idea…honest.

  • Baby Sculpzilla
  • Small Buggers in any flavor
  • Thin Mint
  • Simi Leech
  • Kreelex
  • Marabou Clousers
  • Foxy Clousers

Missouri River Weather Report

Windy. Here is the forecast for today…

A 20 percent chance of rain after 11am. Partly sunny, with a high near 52. Windy, with a south southwest wind 41 to 46 mph, with gusts as high as 70 mph.

For the week ahead? Windy. Really windy. Rainy. And maybe snowy.

So if you want to come out and fish, it will most likely be uncrowded. You can probably walk into your favorite run.

Missouri River Flows and Water Temps

Missouri River Water Flows
Missouri River Water Flows

Pretty stable. That is all that needs to be said. Get used to it.

Still falling...
Still falling…

Still falling somewhat. But it should stabilize soon. A warm winter temperature range is 36F. A cold winter temperature is 33F. We like the former. The fish like it better too. You can now see why the fish will get in their winter holes. Deep, slow, nearly stopped water will be the hot ticket for the next three months.

At 37.5F we have officially entered into the full winter realm. Not many changes from here on out. Probably not until February will anything change. The next bug change being the advent of the Midges. So now we patiently wait.

Summer Employment

Not too soon to be thinking about Headhunters seasonal employment. We will need shop staff beginning in March, April, May. We like to start the interview process in January.  For you trout bums that want to be a part of the Headhunters Team begin putting together your resume. We will be accepting them beginning today. This is the professional outfit here in Craig. There is a reason that we have the longest standing shop staff on the Missouri. Think about it.

We live in a world of text messages, bad punctuation and spelling seen here daily, and non-professional behavior…we urge to to put your best foot forward. Those with the best looking complete resume including references will get looked at first. Just like in real life.  Get on board with the most recognizable fly shop in Craig. Headhunters.

Send your resume to both and  w/ RESUME in the subject field.

We are accepting resumes for shop staff, not for guides.

Weekend Re-Cap here in Craig Montana

Weekend Re-Cap here in Craig Montana

Monday morning here in Craig Montana.

A fun weekend here on the Mighty MO. Our first of several Free Spey Clinics went off without a hitch on Saturday. A few cancellations left us with a smaller group of about 15. Ninch, Sara, Beth, Dewey, John and Mark instructed the enthusiastic spey gang as they cast away until the late afternoon.

Weekend Re-Cap here in Craig Montana
Spey Rod demo’s @ Headhunters Fly Shop from Sage, Orvis, Echo, T & T

Most had not cast a Spey Rod before Saturday. All could get by after completing their first spey casting session. A couple brought their own rods and the remainder of the class used Headhunters extensive selection of demo spey rods.

We have the Sage Accel in 6wt, the 6126 and 7126 Methods are popular, and the Trout Spey Sage rods from 2wt all the way through 5wt.  The Orvis Clearwater is a fan favorite as well as the rods from Echo. We have the Echo Glass which is a great seller.  The 12′ 4″ 6 wt, 12′ 9″ 7wt as well as the 10′ 8″ 4 wt  and 11′ 6wt switch rods.The Echo 3 and Echo TR were enjoyed by the group. The  T & T DNA rounds out rest of our demo stock.

This vast selection of spey and switch rods is not matched any where in Montana. I counted 26 demo spey rods in the rack at the shop. And, and we have all of the lines you may need in the demo fleet too. Lines from RIO in both Skagit and Scandinavian versions. Airflo and lines from OPST are both very popular as well. All to try out on your own rod if you wish. Finding the right line for you, for your type of water, and for your style is of utmost importance. Headhunters is here t oasis you in that battle.

Happy guests at the Spey Clinic this weekend. If you are interested in the three remaining clinics you might want to give us a call and get your name on the list. Check out more info about these always filled free spey clinics.

Chatted with a couple of fellers from Kalispell after they floated the river on Saturday. Nymphing wa their game and the flies of choice included many pink flies. A Caviar Scud, Rainbow Czech, Amex, FB Ray in grey or pink and a few eats on the Zebra too. They said they enjoyed the lack of traffic. They will be visiting a few times this winter to see not only the sun here in lonesome Craig and to catch a few. They enjoyed the Craig Trout Camp Brown Cabin for a mere $125/night. Dinner at Joe’s Bar with a few beers. A perfect winter weekend.

Gift Card for Fly Fishers
Get a HH Gift Card for any amount.

Not as many anglers on Sunday as the wind blew about 100mph. Not really that windy, but it sure seemed like it. Partly cloudy and windy. The week ahead looks warmer again which generally means more wind.

We got the Christmas lights up at the shop on Friday. It ’tis the season. We are into it too. We do love the holidays. Christmas boxes going out the door daily as on-line fly fishing shoppers are getting their  family members and friends killer gifts from Headhunters Fly Shop.

A great gift for your favorite angler whether he of she be a Montana waters fan or not…is the benchmark of Gift Cards. The Headhunters Gift Card available in any amount. Why not get your sweetie a guide trip for 2016, a step in the positive direction for a fly rod, or a nice selection of flies for their upcoming ’16 Missouri River trip.

Having a ball in Craig Montana. Looking forward to the new year. Many returning guests booking their lodging and guide trips for next season. Open daily for any of your needs whether it be shopping, spey clinic booking, or getting your name on the books for the year ’16.

Happy Monday to you all!

Maybe this is why we live in Montana

A map of the 4G LTE coverage in Montana.

You can clearly see that Montana is not covered. We actually do have cell coverage here in Montana. All those giant Montana cities, of which a couple peak at the 100K population mark, have some pretty decent coverage. But if you like to watch the Sunday ball game on your phone…you may not like living in Montana.

A little misleading, my use of this image, but I think you feel me here.

While we complain about the lack of communication speed and options here in central Montana, and certainly in downtown Craig, we are not completely disgruntled about the lack of cell coverage.

Many clients enjoy the lack of cell signal here on the Missouri River.

No coverage? No ringing phone? No worries.

Although we do have the only cell coverage at a fly shop in Craig with our cell booster. Izaak’s has it too. That is why you see the stack of anglers sitting on our porch in the late afternoons. Checking in with reality.

While reality is difficult to hide from…Craig Montana offers a bit of real life solace. 

And we dig it.

Think Pink

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Think Pink today on the Headhunters Fly Shop Blog.

PINK is in. The nymphing anglers we spoke to yesterday were all over it.

So were the trout. Pink is the color. We are headlong into December and the remainder of 2015 including the first several months of 2016 will be covered in PINK.

We agree. Headhunters is full of Pink too.

Think Pink with the Pink Panther.


Highs in the mid-40’s today not he water. Some wind will accompany the somewhat sunny skies. Some out there swinging, some tossing the goober with pink under it.

Good football today.

What are you doing? Plan to spend a little time not he water this holiday season. It truly is a wonderful time of year.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Pink is the word.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][us_grid columns=”3″ orderby=”title” order=”” ids=”10346, 10449, 10333″ post_type=”ids” no_items_message=”” items_layout=”shop_trendy” items_gap=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Vedavoo. Made in the USA, Headhunters

Vedavoo. Unique, USA Made, Headhunters

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]A unique item for those you are shopping for that don’t like the run of the mill mega produced overseas items. Vedavoo Made in the USA buy real people for real outdoor activities.

This sling pack is perfect for those who are into just carrying the right amount of gear to the river. Not those overkill individuals. I love this sling pack. It rules.

Perfect for those who are anti-establishment. Not made overseas. Sewn right here in the good ‘ol US of A. The Vedavoo Tightlines Sling Pack available at Headhunters today.

Vedavoo is not a product line you will see at all fly shops. You will not see it at your big box stores either. You only see it at small specialty retail stores. Just like us here in downtown Craig.

Vedavoo Made in the USA

The Vedavoo Tightlines Sling Pack was designed to be the one pack that can cover your needs for 90% of the fishing you do.

Worn over your non-dominant shoulder (left if you’re right handed), the pack rides comfortably in the small of your back. When you need access to your gear, you pull the sling around to the front – where it lies comfortably and level across your chest. This gives you quick and easy access to your tools, flies, and tippet, but keeps your front clean and tangle free while you fish.

Frustrated by other “circular” slings that creep around or flop forward on you, our design was built to stay put on your back. Our offset design connects to the body of the pack at a point above the center of gravity – which means that the weight is already past the point of turn, and must be PULLED around to the front.

Minimalist, but not restrictive, the pack was designed to carry two full size flyboxes from Cliff Outdoors (ideal with a Super Days Worth and a Standard Cliff Flybox) in the gear pouch. The strap is built with two key pockets:

  • Behind the gear pouch is a velcro closure pocket ideal for thin items you need (but don’t want in your way). Things like leader wallets, granola bars, pocket flasks, peanut butter sandwiches, etc fit nicely here.
  • A small zipper pocket to hold your loose gear and other accessories you need to have quick access to. Stash your indicators, weight, chapstick, floatant and more here.
    On top of the zipper pocket is a strip of tool loops – quickly connect your key tools here for easy access in the center of your chest when the sling is pulled to the front. We suggest using at least four S-Biners (you can get them from us) – they are a great way to clip on your tools, and keep them isolated from the pack so they don’t spin on the loops.

See all of our packs and bags here on our online store…

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][us_grid columns=”3″ orderby=”title” order=”” ids=”9529, 9549, 9538″ post_type=”ids” no_items_message=”” items_layout=”shop_trendy” items_gap=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Friday Foto December Snow Edition

Friday Foto December Snow Edition

All is well here fishing Montana’s Missouri River.

Friday Foto today here on the Headhunters Fly Shop Blog.

Trout Spey Casting Clinic led by John tomorrow. SOLD OUT. The next one coming in January.

The snow pretty much melted yesterday with the roads all but bare and dry. Even the secondary dirt roads have thawed. The boat ramps should be all good too.

Looks like a nice weekend ahead of us. If the damn wind stays to a digestible level. Super windy Thursday. Not enough to keep anglers off of the water though. The SW wind leaves ample shores in the lee available for fishing.

See you for a coffee break at the shop this weekend. Open at 8am daily.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 12.3.15

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 12.3.15

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 12.3.15

Water levels are remaining at 3030cfs along with water temps falling below the 40F mark @ 38.5F last evening. The water is on the low side of normal. Looks like it will ram in that way for the winter season. Get used to the shallow and skinny water.

The runs are just right for swinging. Some are. I know that I have been in spots that are too slow based on the lower water levels. Yet some runs are playing just perfectly for the winter game.

Most of the talk in the shop is about the swing. Those who have been floating are focussed on the nymphing technique. Wade fishers too. Finding the winter type buckets with some thought about the medium slow. The fish may not be in the slowest of the slow tanks, but they will be there soon.

Find those good looking inside lanes and fish it.

Split shot or not? Both ways work. Fishing the heavier tungsten lead flies will get it down with a  smaller midge like second fly. Those fishing split shot can fish any combo. Ipersonally go back and forth between the split shot or not theory. Really depends on the day.

Finding the fish is the first part of the battle. Once you locate them remember that type of water and fish it again. Return to your favorite runs first and then go exploring.

Most anglers fishing the upper half of the Missouri. It should remain the same for the winter. Not as much traffic on the lower end. It will freeze in the next couple months.

Some of the boat ramps can be a pretty sketchy in the snow. Stop in the shop and ask us of rth latest slippery boat ramp report. Be safe out there.

Shop open daily @ 8am.

5 Tips for Missouri River December Angling

Headed out for a December trip to the Mighty Mo? We think you should enjoy it. Here are a few Wednesday December tips for success.

  1. Fish in the heart of the day. If the temperatures are well below 30F in the morning, go have breakfast, and an early lunch. Then head out. Fish when the fishing is good. Period. The afternoons are far better than the mornings.
  2. Nymph in the soft water for winter hook-ups. Find the soft water and watch the bobber in the slow water. Hit it if the fly, or the bobber, moves a millimeter contrary to the current. Hit ’em all!
  3. Pink is the best color for winter nymphs. The Amex, Pink LB, FB Ray, FB Blooms Weight Fly…Pink is the answer. But, having said that the mayfly patterns still have validity. Through the month of December. Then…then totally PINK.
  4. Swing it. Fish the 2 handed rod. Trout Spey your favorite run. Learn something new this year. Swing the  fly of your choice. The fish can be in the bottom end of the run, on the drop-off, or even in the middle of the river. But more often  the fish are in the softer water. Look for the winter water. Search it out. Find it. Fish it. Twitch it. Swing it. Enjoy it.
  5. Enjoy the winter months. Not many folks around. Don’t crowd other anglers. There is plenty of water out there to fish. Find a run that you have not fished before. Discover new water while you have the chance. Seize the season.


Enjoy the winter months. December is awesome. The fish are still pretty active. The water temps are 39F. The fish will move on the fly. Not like the summer months, not like on a hopper, but they will grab it will conviction.

Some takes can also be so very soft. The tick tick tick of the small bite will drive you nuts. Cast again and let it happen.

Remember to sleep in and come late. Fish late. The fish like it when the sun comes off the water. But we also like the just afternoon bite.

This just in today. The water level forecast from the Canyon Ferry Water Operations Plan…

5 tips for Missouri River December Angling

Welcome to the Missouri River December

Welcome to the Missouri River December

December 1st. All is well. Cold as it should be.

A common winter question at the shop is “Do you really fish during the winter? When the weather is like this? Really?

Oh yeah. And we are not the only ones. Lots of local and regional anglers visit the Missouri River during the off season. Great Falls and Helena residents including Butte, Bozeman, Whitefish, and even Spokane and Billings don’t blink about heading over for a day, or three.

A short drive for most. A large reward for all. As I stated yesterday we are into one of our slowest periods of the year. Not fishing wise. Although it is not red hot. More like Snow, White, Hot.

Missouri River December Weather

Welcome to the Missouri River DecemberCold. Mostly cold and somewhat windy. When the sun is high is does not mean slower fishing. But, but the fish do not mind the lower grayer skies either. I prefer the latter. It just feels fishier when the clouds obscure the sun.

Keep in mind while the mercury reads 24F, the high and bright sun will make it feel a balmy 37F.

The wind is the variable that really, truly, nobody is a fan of. If is blowing the fishing conditions can be questionable. Always give us a call before you head out for the current conditions in Craig.

Average daily December high temperature is 35F with the low being 15F.  Average snowfall is 9 inches with the average precipitation coming in at 0.55 inches.

The upshot is cold weather and tough fishing conditions. Or for those who like the solace of the river in December…bring it.

Missouri River December (Non)Hatches

Kind of none. Some BWO’s around and some midges. More like the pink nymph fly hatch. Or a streamer Kreelex hatch. That is about it. Very little dry fly action. So, we go to the bobber and the Trout Spey Rod or a slowly stripped streamer on a single handed rod.

Welcome to Missouri River December
Lots of winter ahead of us!

So what do I do? Find that soft winter water. Most of the anglers that arrive at the shop in the morning get the same explanation about water types. We constantly hear bad reports from those trying to play the summer game. Meaning that they are fishing in good looking hopper type water. The faster, sexy type of water. Stay away from that stuff in the winter. It is no good. There are not any fish in that ind of water. The water temps are in the Hi 30’s for the remainder of the month and the fish do not hang out there. Period. So if you want some good winter nymphing action find the slow and soggy water.

It is more a question of where. That is what we are getting at here. Where. The slow pond like water is the right stuff. Where you would not fish in the spring, summer, or fall. The slower inside bends with some structure. Or no structure. Look for the most boring water you can find and fish it.

Trout Spey is King

We love to throw the 2 handed rod in the winter months. With the advent of smaller trout size spey/switch rods the Missouri River is a fantastic resource to learn a new game. And we have them all. We are the education location for all things trout spey. With well more than a dozen demo trout spey rods in stock we are Montana’s Trout Spey destination. Demo lines at Headhunters as well with the entire range of Skagit and Scandi lines.

The Missouri River has a ton of killer swing runs at your disposal. You will see fellers out there practicing, fishing, swinging. Landing fish too. Depending on the water depth and speed you can either attach a lightly weighted pattern, a  heavily weighted pattern, or an unweighted fly to the end of your switch rod. The fish can be anywhere on the swing, or twitch, or jig. Fish it, change it, strip it, swing it.

Craig Trout Camp Open All Year!

Open all year long!
Open all year long!

Craig Trout Camp is open all year long. We never close the most popular properties on the Missouri River The good news is the discounted off season price. Rainbow and Brown Cabins rent for $125/night and the Craig House starts at $250/night. Why stay anywhere else? Come out for the weekend. Fish, stay, relax.

Missouri River Off Season is Killer!

Lots of reasons to fish the off season. Low population of anglers. That is all I need to hear. But some like to catch a few trout for their troubles. No problem there either. Good fishing for those over-sized Rainbows. Stop in any time for answers, questions, coffee, a ton of BS, Christmas gifts, sale times, conversations…any and all.

Headhunters Fly Shop is your only daily fly shop on the Missouri River. We are here for you, the all seasons angler. And we love December!





Missouri River Montana Monday Fishing Report 11.30.15

Missouri River Montana Monday Fishing Report 11.30.15

Missouri River Montana Monday Fishing Report 11.30.15

Missouri River Montana Monday Fishing Report 11.30.15 is cold, but getting warmer.

The holiday weekend is over and we are back to work at the shop prepping for the upcoming weekend Trout Spey Clinic and shipping lots of cool gear on this Cyber Monday.

Missouri River Montana Monday Fishing Report
Fishing late November Missouri River Montana

Lead HH Guide Ben Hardy and Mark were out guiding on Saturday afternoon in the bright blue skies. The air temps at the Craig boat ramp read a high of 24F. But the sun made it feel like it was in the low 30’s!

Missouri River Nymphing Report

Nymphing was the game of choice with quite a few fish in Ben’s boat on a Firebead, a Tailwater Sow, and a Rainbow Warrior. Mark had success, albeit less, with a Bloom’s FB Rainbow Weight Fly, a Barbie Nymph, and Little Green Machine.

Missouri River Trout Spey Report

Swingers for the weekend reported successes in damn skinny water with floating lines. Some are fishing an intermediate tip or a Skagit line with a MOW tip of some sort. Strippers are out there too. They are getting them on a slower retrieval rhythm than they were a couple weeks ago. The trout are certainly in slower paced water as we continue the downward temperature spiral to the mid 30’s. Still some time until we reach that benchmark.

Missouri River Dry Fly Report

Dry fly guys? A few BWO’s on the surface on Saturday. Did see some fish moving near the surface and taking the first of the winter midge flies. Already exhibiting the winter like sporadic non sequential totally frustrating style of rise form. Total bullshit is what it is. As the winter progresses that will make more sense. After staring at the bobber for the next few months we will become coaxed into tossing the dry fly out there and letting it sit in pond like back eddies hoping for a lucky strike.

Missouri River Water Levels & Temps

Water levels holding at 3210cfs. Seems like a common flow for us this early winter. The fall, for the last couple months, has shown us that the lower than average water levels still are producing higher catch rates. The great nymph bite this autumn was enjoyed by many. While it didi not produce the historically good streamer bite in the fall like we are accustomed to. So, how do you balance all of that? Boy, if you figure out that equation give us a shout and we will pass it on to the masses.

Missouri River Montana Monday Fishing Report 11.30.15
Falling fast.

Damn close to the 40F mark. I have always though that we are truly into the winter realm when the wage temps fall below that 40F mark. So winter here we come. Are we ready for that kind of action? Well, bring it. A long way off from spring now. We will settle in for along winter ride.

The next couple weeks may be two of the softest angler pressure weeks of the entire year. The other two may be the first couple weeks of February. So if you like the pressure on the light to non-existent side of angling…you may like the next two week session.

Cyber Monday @ Headhunters Fly Shop

Order yourself up some kick ass Cyber Monday fly fishing gear today. Operators standing by if you want to call it in. Shop open daily 8am-6pm.



Silly Sunday Scenery

Silly Sunday Scenery

Relax today.

Tomorrow back to work.

The river is nice and slow.

The cold spell has dissipated. Now sunny blue skies for the near and long term future.

Chat with your family and friends and get that summer 2016 trip in the books. You’ll sleep better knowing it is taken care of.

Enjoy today. Nap. Eat. Then a long evening nap before Monday.


Simms Bulkley

SIMMS Bulkley Jacket Review


SIMMS Bulkley Jacket Review

SIMMS Bulkley Jacket
A good piece for 8 months a year!

Lots of interest in the New SIMMS Bulkley Jacket this season. With the recent advent of winter, it has been brewing but now it has certainly arrived, this insulated SIMMS wading jacket has received positive reviews from both the staff and Missouri River anglers.

The SIMMS Bulkley Jacket is an upgrade from the preivious model. Now insulated with Primaloft this will keep you warm in all but the coldest fishing situations. The previous model was not insulated, just a shell. This is a vast improvement!

I’ve been fishing and hanging and chillin’ in this jacket for about 3 months now. Just love it. Far better than I had imagined. Really enjoy  this piece. I usually layer up under the SIMMS Bulkley Jacket. I have been wearing a base layer with a wool top or hoody. Works quite well.

The length is just right for deeper wade fishing. We have not experienced high water in a few years but in this lower water era the Bulkley allows for exploratory wading without dampening your pocketed gear. High side pockets give you a place to keep your hand warmers. Better to keep those hands warm!

The external bellowed side zip chest pockets are roomy enough for larger fly boxes, tippet spools, GINK, and cigars. And that is it for pockets. You won’t lose too much gear because of the common fly fishing practice of over-pocketing. An added attraction is the YKK Aquaguard Vislon zippers will not let water enter your flies get damp.


SIMMS Bulkley Jacket
Perfectly comfortable in the cold, or the sleet, or the rain!

The killer features that I love about the SIMMS Bulkley Jacket include the dual draw cord bottom of the jacket. Pull on it and the bottom tightens up. A single handed release allows the garment to relax. The same dual draw cord system for the hood allows the angler to pull on one cord tightening up the hood for those nasty upstream winter winds. Then a single pressure point loosens the hood for easy removal. Again in the rear of the hood is the same type of mechanism. Tug on a single cord and the volume of the hood is reduced. So the problem of an uncomfortable hood situation has been remedied with the SIMMS Bulkley Jacket.

Two layer Gore-Tex keeps this piece lighter than your average insulated wading jacket. And who does not love the Gore-Tex brand. Rain, snow, sleet, or whatever Old Man Winter can throw at you will be dashed.

Most folks just love the Primaloft Silver insulation with 100g in the body, 60g in both the hood and sleeves. Just like wool Primaloft insulation retains its insulating properties when wet. So, if you gal in, you’ll be good. A reminder…don’t fall in.

One thing that drives me nuts about most cuff systems is that they really don’t work and your line catches the Velcro tabs. But, no worries here man. The Shingle Cuff internal cuff system is bomber. Not only does the neoprene lined sleeve bottom provide a water tight barrier the velcro tightening system is rock solid. The Shingle Cuff is the way!

SIMMS Bulkley Jacket
All sizes of SIMMS G3 waders in stock!


  • 2 upper hand-warmer pockets & 2 large YKK® AquaGuard® VISLON® zippered fly box pockets
  • Shingle Cuff™ is watertight & eliminates line catch points
  • Dual draw-cord adjustable bottom hem
  • FABRIC TECH: 2-layer GORE-TEX® Shell fabric – waterproof/breathable; 100% nylon 70d rip-stop face; 100% polyester 20d rip-stop liner; Primaloft® Silver insulation 100g body, 60g/sleeves & hood – retains its insulation power when wet
  • APPROX. WEIGHT: 28.8 oz./815g


HEADHUNTERS STAFF SAYS: The Bulkley has long been a shop staff favorite, although we acknowledged it wasn’t the nicest jacket out there. For 2015 Simms has completely revamped the insulated Bulkley Jacket, and we would argue it is now one of the nicest fishing jackets we’ve ever seen! Quality construction using GORE-TEX and Primaloft create a super warm and dry jacket for off-season conditions. Whether you’re stomping through the rainforest in BC or trudging through thigh-deep snow in Montana, the Simms Bulkley jacket will keep you comfortable. We see the significant price increase as justified, considering the high quality of the new jacket, and the fact that we wear these nearly every day during the winter months.

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Happy Thanksgiving from Sub-Zero Craig Montana

Friday Foto w/ short fishing report.

Friday Foto with the Forest Anderson Craig Bridge today.

Damn cold the last couple days with snow coverage statewide.

Warming to day with anglers bound to be on the water. Gotta get rid of some of that Turkey Fat.

Swingers Unite. There will be some swinging going on for sure. Stop in for a chat about the 2 hander if you wish. Try something new this weekend. It is what the Pilgrims would have done.

Nymphers are looking toward the softer water arena’s for their subsurface success. Scuds, sows, pink flavors of LB’s, shrimps, Amex’s, and such. Some action from the mayfly side of life for a short time longer.

Stippers are getting cold hands. The water temps are such that lots of splashing, sliding water up the line can freeze quickly making your guides oversized and not too slippery.

Swingers are getting cold feet. Water temps are such that an hour in the water can make a fella want to take a stroll up and down the bank. 44F and falling daily.

Dry fly fellers are tying flies at home. Although apish or two could be up anywhere. Those in the know are in the know?

The weather coming up for the weekend is not terrible. Hi’s in the upper 20’s. But the sun can make all the difference. Makes it feel 10 degrees warmer. Or more? Coffee helps that feeling. At least for awhile. Joe’s Bar open @ 8am.

Shop open at 8am. Black Friday. Stop in for deals, sales, and all things killer int eh trout fishing realm.

Shop Small Saturday tomorrow. Shop locally and show your support.

Screen Shot 2015-11-16 at 6.00.04 PM


Happy Thanksgiving from Sub-Zero Craig Montana

A cold one here in Craig.

-5F this morning.

Ninch, Braden, and Mark spent a few hours huddles around the heater…then went home.

Holiday parties with football, friends, and good eats for the rest of the gang.

Open Friday morning when the temperatures reach the mid-20’s.

See you cruising around the river Friday. The weekend should be good with sun, the steaming river, and icy rod guides.

Winter Craig MT
-5 this morning. Warmer today as the sun warms the frozen tundra.



Kreelex Video

Headhunters Fly Shop Just Add Vise Kreelex Video


Happy Thanksgiving from all of us here at Headhunters Fly Shop in Craig Montana.

Enjoy your family, friends, food, and football.

A nap is a good idea during the afternoon game.

Then hit that stuffing platter, pie, and like the Dude would do…pour yourself another White Russian.

We’ll be int he shop til about noon. Then home to tip back a Holiday cocktail ourselves.

Check out the Kreelex Video today…[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Why we love the shortest day in Craig MT

One Cold Montana Holiday Week

Does not look like a good day to come out to the MO.

Tomorrow Thanksgiving Day met be a more conducive to trout fishing.

Damn cold and snowy here in Craig MT. Really too cold to fish.

Wednesday  Snow likely, mainly before 11am. Cloudy, then gradually becoming mostly sunny, with a temperature falling to around 5 by 5pm. Wind chill values as low as -12. Blustery, with a north northeast wind 21 to 26 mph decreasing to 15 to 20 mph in the afternoon. Winds could gust as high as 37 mph. Chance of precipitation is 70%. New snow accumulation of around an inch possible.



One Cold Montana Holiday Week

Temps to negative 12. Too cold. Stay home for the weekend and tie a few flies. Enjoy your family, watch football, and rest. 

Or we may see you this weekend. We have a few cabins open for those who want to stay a while.

Shop open Thanksgiving til about noon. Then we will drift home. You should too.

Still no word on the YETI Porch Cooler. But thanks for all of your support.

Think about your 2016 plans this weekend with you fishing buddies. Or your family. Give us a call and get yourself on the books. Sara, Ben, Braden and the rest of the gang will be available for any of your trout needs.

Swing on by and warm up your coffee. Happy Holidays.

Screen Shot 2015-11-25 at 9.22.50 AM
Looks like good fishing weather this weekend!

Winter Storm Warning

220 PM MST TUE NOV 24 2015











Montana's Missouri River Winter Image
A snow ridden Missouri River November 24th
Reward for Stolen Headhunters Porch YETI Cooler

Reward for Stolen Headhunters Porch YETI Cooler

The most famous YETI Cooler in Montana has been shoplifted.

But the thieving bitches had to cut the cable with bolt cutters before stealing it.

We talked about the reward for such an integral piece of our Headhunters porch culture.

Offering a guide trip as reward for information leading to the recovery of this 105qt YETI.

Yep, help us catch the asshole that will be drinking sour beer for life.

Bad Karma dude.

Missouri River Trout Spey Report 11.23.15

Missouri River Trout Spey Report 11.23.15

Missouri River Trout Spey Report 11.23.15

It’s been pretty good.

The number of good runs for winter fishing here on the Missouri River is what makes us feel fortunate to be here during the several cold and snowy months.

Great runs for winter swinging. The Missouri is full of them. A a fun time to be here because you really get your choice of them. Left and right banks provide you so much water that you will not get tired of this river. We never tire of the MO.

But we are trapped here. All winter long. Hence the two handed rod. An effective tool.

While dreaming of warmer climates we simply return to the Mother Missouri.

The fish are moving into the winter trout lies. Slower and lower. Softer and shallower too. The boring water. They are moving that way.

The fish in this last week had changed location from the previous week. 2 weeks ago the fish would get on the bite early in the swing. In the faster riffle water. And they would take it hard.

I saw less of that behavior this last week. The fish have been eating it for me in the latter half of the swing. Towards the bottom. On the dangle. Twitching it or short strips enticed a few fish to eat.

The twitch or jig was working well. Most of the fish ate it not on the swing, but when I was imparting action to the streamer. Or just after the strip on the pause. But nevertheless becoming involved with your drift is important.

A local fish philosopher once said…

You can either let it happen, or make it happen.

Choose the latter.

The great thing about fishing is that you get to choose how you do it. Every angler is different and has different ideas of how to get that damn trout to bite the hook. You can dictate your destiny. You getta choose the outcome. You get a seat at the spey retrieval table. Check out the video by Scumliner Media McCune Retrieval Techniques blog that precedes this post for more on this topic.

Skagit or Scandi? Flies too.

Flies for the swinger the past couple weeks include some of the streamer all-stars for all river systems. Including the Missouri River in that equation the flies we love include smaller lighter buggers. Those tossing a Skagit line have been using an Intermediate tip or a MOW tip with an un-weighted bugger. Black and olive have been the favorites.

Missouri River Trout Spey Report 11.23.15
Montana’s best Trout Spey selection here in Craig Montana @ Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service

Have not heard of Skagit fellers adding the bigger deeper tips. But they may be. It is so skinny most everywhere that many Skagit anglers are using dry tips as well. Or the lighter set for the water level of 3300 cfs. No weeds to contend with. The not as weedy season has rewarded us with a not so weedy fall and early winter.

Those throwing the sleek Scandi lines have been using the beaded Bugger. Lighter floating tips encourage a bit of weight in the pattern.

Clousers, buggers, R2R, a couple flavors of the ever popular Kreelex, leeches of all kinds, sculpin patters, the slender Marabou Clousers, Skiddish Smolts in trad., brown, and olive..and more.

Trout Spey Rod & Line DEMO’s. Best Trout Spey selection in Montana.

Remember that Headhunters has demo spey lines for you to try before you buy. Also remember that we stock all things Skagit starting @ RIO Skagit Trout Max 200gr and OPST Skagit 175 gr. on up to the 6, 7 and 8weight spey rods. We have the Scandi selections that nobody else has in Montana. We have the lighter spey  and switch lines from Airflo, RIO, OPST, and SA.

Backing, running lines of all types, leaders and tippets too. We are the Trout Spey HQ in Montana.

Rods from Orvis, SAGE, Echo, and more here available for DEMO daily.

November and December ahead…

We are just beginning our Swing Season. Pretty good so far. Much better than the not-so-great fall dry fly bite. The stripping streamer bite was hit and miss too. So as we move out of the unbelievable late fall/early winter nymph mania we are encouraged the the November swinging success stories.

December is traditionally a great Trout Spey month. Our clinics get under way, the river is devoid of any sane anglers, and the fish seem to be amenable to the twitchy trout swinging syndrome.

Come by and see us if you are interested, have any questions, want to sniff around a shop that digs the winter action, are lonely, need a pick me up, or got lost coming home from Bozeman and need to spend a long weekend in Craig MT.

The epicenter of winter angling in Montana. 




Silly Sunday Scenery Snow Spey Edition

Silly Sunday Scenery Snow Spey Edition

Snow on the Trout Spey rods Friday morning.

Looks like more of the light and white and fluffy stuff arriving this week.

Cold too. As we near Thanksgiving the temps cool off.

Silly Sunday Scenery Snow Spey EditionBeen a few anglers out tossing the trout spey rod this last week. A river survey via driving the frontage road a few times this week has shown that the spey rod is being employed on the Missouri.

A perfect tool for the wade fisher.

Check in tomorrow morning for a Scumliner Media Mike McCune video involving Trout Spey Retrieval techniques.

Remember our Free Troutspey casting clinics the first Saturday of every month. I believe the December clinic is full but you should check in with the shop in regards to the 2016 classes.

Have a great holiday week ahead. Some of you are traveling, some of you are hosting. We wish all of you a safe week with friends and family.

With water temps falling, look toward winter water.

With water temps falling, look toward winter water.

Those water temps are falling fast. It is time to look towards winter water.

We’ll be talking about this winter type water all swing season long. And for you nymphers in the audience you too will be getting away from that faster bankside water and moving across the river into the slow moving pond-like water.

With water temps falling, look toward winter water.

The water temps have fallen into the 45F and will continue to drop as we near December. The low point for the Missouri River water temp is about 33F. Some winters we do not get to that low mark. Some winters we hover in the 36F range. The fish like that better. Humans like that better as well.

With water temps falling, look toward winter water.

But we still have some time above the 40F mark. How long? Maye a couple weeks, but if that damn winter cold front rolls in this holiday week ahead of us we may see that 40F mark fall sooner than we would like.

We are getting into the winter pace here in Craig. Late morning or afternoon starts with wade fishing the primary game in town. You could get in the boat but many of us locally would rather wade than play the drift boat game. Just way easier.

The flows are holding at the 3.3K level making wade fishing a dream. You can really wade into a toni of runs. Cruise around on the frontage road and approach your favorite run on foot.

I was out swinging a streamer yesterday afternoon and noticed a real change in the location of trout. No longer were they hanging in the faster water. Not many in the medium pace either. But a few. Most were shaded toward the softer side.

Last week while nymphing from the boat the fish were starting to frequent the slower water. Not all the time. But you could feel the shift about to happen. The nymph fish were still int he medium speed center river runs. But not for much longer. We will be navigating the boat on the soft, inside, boring water for the next 4 months.

With water temps falling, look toward winter water.
Swing Season is here on the Mo. Trout Spey Specialists @ Headhunters Fly Shop

The flies will change too. More on that topic later.

So as you wander the river in the next week or two, think about looking toward winter type water. The time is near. Until then fish the medium speed medium depth stuff.

Also still good swinging and stripping and nymphing pretty much everywhere fishing the Missouri River. Some fishing soft hackles, some fishing short leash nymphs, some a bit deeper, some hunting heads, some chucking and ducking, and some have gone to the 2 handed Trout Spey Rod exclusively for the Missouri River Swing Season.

What are you gonna do this weekend? I’d be looking for a touch of fall water before it disappears.

And if you have looked into the weather future you will get yourself out of the house this weekend. It may get a touch western this holiday week.



A good week(end) to fish?

A good week(end) to fish?

It certainly is if you like the snow. Snowed hard yesterday morning and made the roads a bit dicey. Cleared up in the afternoon with calm winds and overcast skies.

But the 20F air temp kept most off the river.

Lonely out on the Mo when the snow flies. And sometimes the wind blows too. Not quiet as cool.

And the wind the last couple days, meaning all week long, has been atrocious. Gusts over 50mph on Tuesday evening. Wednesday was no peach either with the snow showers. Today it is supposed to be a bit calmer. Fishable weather? Maybe.

The worse the weather, the fewer the number of anglers.

Not always a good idea to float the river. But always a good idea to get out there and cruise around with a  cup of coffee and a fly pole. The wind can keep you shoreside. And sometimes it should.

This weekend ahead looks like a winner. A great weekend to sneak out before the holiday ahead. Hopefully the entire week is awesome.

Weekend Weather
The fishing weekend ahead

We will see a bundle of college kids home for the holidays. And adults too. Look to us for your regional lodging and certainly we are an option for a Thanksgiving weekend guide trip. Bring out your family and enjoy some Missouri River Montana fly fishing fun.

Then make sure and keep us in mind for your Black Friday shopping experience. We’ll be open Thanksgiving morning til about 1pm for your turkey Day fix…



RIO Powerflex Plus Trout Leader and Tippet

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The RIO Powerflex Plus new leader and tippet is stronger. 20% stronger!

That is the upshot of this new product from RIO. Stronger!

The only thing you have to worry about are bent hooks!

RIO Powerflex PlusRIO Powerflex Plus trout leaders and tippet material has always been tough. This new nylon technology ups the game. New packaging for this well received leader and tippet material.

Available in 7.5′, 9′, and 12′ lengths in a convenient 2 pack. All you need for battling trout on our local resource.

We here at Headhunters are into all the coolest new products. On a river that harbors a ton of big Rainbow and Brown trout it seems that RIO has made this material for anglers just like us.

Next time that you stroll through Craig Montana stop in and see us. We will introduce you to the stronger RIO Powerflex Plus.

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Are you into Craiglandia

Are you into Craiglandia?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Are you into Craiglandia?

We are.

Craiglandia is a real place. One of your favorite places.

The Craiglandia Hoody is how to remember and live your inner Craiglandia at home. On your river. At the office. In your garage. Chillin’ on the couch rooting for your favorite team.

A cool gift for your neighbor, your brother, your husband, your wife, or even better…yourself.

Check out all the cool Headhunters Logo wear on our on-line store. We’ll pop it in the mail for you pronto.

Upcoming is the annual Small Business Saturday November 28th. While we all shop at large box stores…keep in mind your local entrepreneurs and specialty retailers. They appreciate the dollars, the business, and they understand supporting local and community events far more often than those big corporate guys.

Headhunters Fly Shop Shop Small Saturday[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][us_grid columns=”3″ orderby=”title” order=”” ids=”15171, 11322, 11727″ post_type=”ids” no_items_message=”” items_layout=”shop_trendy” items_gap=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 11.16.15

Good to great November fishing here on the Missouri River. Fantastic nymhing and swinging and some out there swinging the little soft hackled ones too.

The best in the nymph game is to head down the sow and scud road. Choose a big one and a little one. Most are leading with a larger Firebead like the ubiquitous Rainbow Czech in a 10 or a 12. How about Bloom’s Weight Fly in the FB Rainbow coloring. If you like to add the split shot your options grow like weeds in the summer. Then you can toss any type of larger sow/scud combo. Yes, most are leading with a larger fly up top.

Clark with his first Mo River Rainbow

For the tail fly the sow/scud is good too. A smaller sized 14-18 pattern is a a good choice. Some are tossing the BWO nymph as well. Pretty hard to beat a Little Green Machine or some sort of skinny derivation thereof. Black, red, rusty, grey purple, and olive flavored midge patterns are finding some fish daily.

Dry fly anglers are finding fish on leeward shores in the afternoon. Some BWO’s, Pseudocloeon’s, and midges of a thousand varieties are out there. Not in any huge numbers though. Search and ye shall find.

The dry fly game has been really quite difficult. Longer leaders and smaller tippet sizes are most certainly required in most dry fly situations.

Streamer fishers are chucking daily. Lots of this enthusiastic crowd around this last weekend. Some nymphers, a few DFO’s, with boat and bank big fly guys making up the majority. The weeds are not an issue as we are following up a not too weedy summer with this lower water late fall. Dry lines and intermediate tips are the most common. Both unweighted and weighted streamer can work. Find your water type and address each fishing mystery accordingly.

Don’t forget about the swingers. Every day I see more than a few 2 handed fellers out there. It is pretty common to witness a number of anglers in the winter months casting in our great swing runs. Again the water is on the shallow side so the Scandi set is all over it. The Skagit gang is doing well with either a floating tip or an intermediate set-up with un-weighted or lightly weighted patterns respectively.

Headhunters is Montana’s choice for Trout Spey. We stock all of the lines, tips, leaders, reels and rods for your Trout Spey adventures. Give us a ring if you need any info in regards to this two-handed game.

Lots of folks around this last weekend specifically on Sunday for late fall fishing. We have rental units in Craig beginning at $125/night. A great way to spend your weekend here fishing the MO. Lots meaning a few boats on the river. Solace mid-week is a given.

Water flows in the low 3K range. Water temps dropping predictably now as we move into the latter half of November. Should remain normal for the time being. I think the water managers are holding water now for the anticipated lack of winter here in the Rocky Mountains. I think. I am no meteorologist or water planner. Just sayin.’

Shop open daily 8am-6pm. Winter rates start today with guided trips @$400 and Craig Trout Camp cabins beginning at $125.


P.S. The fish on the upper river are huge. The Rainbows are big. Honest.

Silly Sunday Scenery

Silly Sunday Scenery

Howling again on Saturday! Blowing pretty hard. Overcast in the afternoon may have made the bite heat up.

Certainly a better post lunch byte than during the morning session.

Those trout out there look real, real, healthy. Big dogs.

Get in on some of the fatty bows on the Mo this coming week. A good mix of anglers here this weekend from Boise, C’DA, Bozeman, Calgary, Helena, Great Falls, and who could forget Havre.

Experiencing the trout dream daily here in central Montana.

The landscape is nearly all brown and tan ad shades thereof. Hence the B & W image today. Really the only color in our personal landscape is the Rainbow Trout.

That in itself will get us through the winter.

Saturday Fishing Report

Saturday Fishing Report

Some damn breezy conditions yesterday and today. Not many folks fishing.

But Sunday the weather will be much more conducive to trout fishing Montana’s Missouri River.

Monday too.

The short leash nymphing is still on fire. It will be good through the holiday. Sows and scuds is all you need to know. Firebeads are coming on strong.

More and more good streamer reports. Leeches, smaller buggers, and generally smaller patterns have been the right stuff.

Some are using a dry line to toss the junk. Others are utilizing intermediate tips and yet others are swinging them up with Trout Spey rods.

Guide trips out this last week and this coming week. Taking advantage of the quiet waters and solace on the river.

2 handed season is in full swing and lots of folks around swinging them up. How about you?

Some dry fly action here and there. Where do you find them?

Great wildlife around on the river as of late. That Moose has been seen a few times. Mink, Muskrat, birds of prey, deer, an elk, and more. A really nice tome of year for all who fish the Mo.

Stop in for a visit if you are in the neighborhood. We love to chat about fishing.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 11.12.15

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 11.12.15

If you love to nymph fish, November is your time. And if you love to fish near no-one, November is your Huckleberry.

Some fishing deep, some fishing medium depth, and most in the afternoons fishing in the skinny.

Sows and Scuds Missouri River Style
Sows and Scuds Missouri River Style

Sows and Scuds have been the keys to the nymph anglers success. If you must you can certainly toss a BWO pattern as well. The time for lots of fun fishing flies finding an opportunity to grace the terminal end of your line is coming to an end. Soon, you will be joining the Pink Parade.

Until then you can get by on Sows and Scuds. Rainbow Czechs, Tailwater Sows, Ray Charles, Rainbow Warriors, Two Tone Scuds, PLB’s, Barbie Nymphs.

The streamer fishers are getting along just fine. Not great number but some bigger rainbow to hand. The upper river is full of oversized piggy bows. Go try it. Full of ’em.

Not much for the dry fly bite again this week. A few BWO’s on the surface in the normal afternoon time period. You can get a few of the surface if you plan for your dry fly afternoon. Some successes for those on the search.

Stay true to the course if you wish to go this route. Stay true. There are not a ton of folks around so the opportunities that exist you can capitalize on.

The water flows are still lower than we like. But we do not have much control over that facet of the Mo. Or any of it for that matter. Flows are 3110cfs. Pretty dam low.

The entire river is fishing well. Top to bottom. Choose your reach and enjoy.

The wind has been bothering us a few days a week. But for the most part the November weather is acting more like fall than either September or October. It is the new fall. The month of November.

A long time Headhunters group has been out fishing this week. Year #8 for these boys from both costs. Why do they come in November? Good to great fishing with not many other boats around. They loike to have the place to themselves. We do too. A nice time of year for sure.

Days just move by at a slower pace. A nice pace. No rush to get on the water early. Wait till 10, 11, 12 or 1pm. Your choice. Fish til dusk. Perfect.

Water temps declining more rapidly than the previous week. We are currently at 48F. A degree every couple days.

Missouri River temps falling ...
Missouri River temps falling …

Will the baetis come? Boy I don’t know. They have not come in big numbers. Have been out a few days where the fishing was very good on top. Daily? No. This coming week? Maybe.

Looks like sun and wind for the weekend. Our two favorites. Will the fish care? No, they are all wet anyway.

We are in full swing mode here on the Mo. Lots of anglers stopping by and either lining up a 2 handed rod with our full compliment of RIO and OPST trout spey lines. We have  full bevy of DEMO Rods as well. Stop by and try one this weekend.

Trout Spey clinics the first Saturday of every month beginning in December. Guided fishing trips all winter long @ $400. Get a full day with your spey rod with a 2 handed guide trip. Why not. Tie it in with one of our free trout spey clinics. How about a night at the Craig Trout Camp to bring it all together.

Fly shop open daily 8am for all your winter trout fishing needs. Shuttles, flies, lines, rods, coffee, and the best in Mo River info.



Veterans Day

Celebrating all veterans today November 11th.

We honor, remember, and celebrate the service of all US Armed Services in peace and during war.

Today we honor the bravery and service of all veterans.

We at Headhunters keep these men and women in our hearts and minds all year long.

Including today.

Sunday Fishing Report

Sunday Fishing Report

If you are not watching the Sunday Football Spectacular on your couch or cleaning the garage you may be fishing. Or hunting. Or napping on that couch.

If you are near the Missouri River you may be fishing. If you are fishing, “Good Luck!”

While luck is a piece of the puzzle, it plays a small role in the overall fishing picture.

The first thing I should have learned about trout fishing is that the biggest piece of that large puzzle is…

Either they are biting, or they are not.

And sometimes the trout have their mouths taped shut.

Sunday Fishing Report

The fishing is getting better daily. As John wrote recently the Two Handed game is heating up too. Streamer fishing, stripping it, is pretty good as well.

The nymph bite? Great. Short with scuds, sows, BWO nimps, etc.

Sunday Fishing ReportDry fly anglers? Pretty good. Not many bugs at all. And certainly not with the advent of the sun and the high winds. Two variable that do not equate in the dry fly game. Midge patterns can be good when the trout are eating shit that you cannot identify. Junk flies should be included in this conversation. Midge clusters, CDC Hanging Midge, CDC Midge Emerger, Purple Phase, Buzzball, Grifftith’s Gnats, and the like will get some attention.

The weather for the week ahead is filled with cooler temperatures and more activity. Rain, then snow along with not much wind. Much better than the sunny windy conditions we endured yesterday and today.

$400 Guide trips start on the 16th. Cheaper lodging too.


Visit Craig this off-season for a quiet on-season fishing experience.

Friday Foto

Missouri River Fall Friday Foto

Missouri River Fall Friday Foto.

A drifter of sorts.

Quiet river again Thursday. Today?

Fishing is pretty good. Not on fire by any means.

Better streamer reports coming in daily. The subsurface strippers are having success. Swingers too. Smaller unweighted patterns are getting bit. A dry line or an intermediate tip will suffice.

Not many bugs to be found. Not enough. A slow BWO season for sure.

A good weekend to fish. We have lodging and guides available. Shuttles for sure. Handwarmers, rental boats, and all the winter gear for those who like to stay warm.


When slumping, go back to the beginning.

When slumping, go back to the beginning.

Been in a slump this last week. I’m done guiding daily and it is time to take myself fishing.

I like fishing for me. I like fishing with me too.

But I have been sucking. Slumping is really too tame a description.

Fishing badly. Poorly. Really just awful.

So today I went back to my roots. I wade fished a couple spots that I use to love. That I spent an inordinate amount of time fishing at 20-odd years ago. I went back home. Back to the beginning.

The last spot of the day is a great wade fish run with soft water. Perfect for my soft hackle.

I had fished the soft hackle for most of the last week with limited success. A few fish daily, but not really the bite I had expected or anticipated. Pretty poor overall.

Mostly smaller fish with a few several breakoff’s of larger fish that I totally farmed.

Maybe I was fishing water that was too fast. Wrong flies? Poor swinging technique? Probably the latter.

As I stepped into the run I saw a couple soft movements of trout in really skinny water. Would my soft hackle bring a trout to hand? I felt quite comfortable in this run. Like a homecoming.

Memories of hours spent wandering around this island set with fishing friends flooded my head. Warm memories. Fond memories. Fishy memories.

The 7th cast a solid tug. Fish on.

Your are never too old to go back to the beginning.

Missouri River November Fishing Forecast

Missouri River November Forecast

Winter rates start on November 16th

Missouri River Winter Lodging

Craig Trout Camp is open for business with the Brown and Rainbow Cabins $125/night. Craig House which sleeps up to 6 anglers is also open all winter long. Full kitchen, killer living room with a big flat screen along with leather couches for afternoon napping.

Missouri River Winter Guided Trips

Trout Spey Guide Trips $400 . Get out on the water for the day with your favorite Headhunters Guide all winter long. Every guide trip is $400. Whether you use a single handed rod or a two handed rod. Your choice. The winter is a fantastic time to fish with not many, if any other boats, on the water.

Restaurants and Canyon Store

Fishing, Food, and Drink

Missouri River November Fishing Forecast
Craig Trout Camp open all year long!

Joe’s Bar is one daily 8am til 2am. Also closed on Christmas. The Frenchman and Me in Wolf Creek open daily until we here otherwise. The Wolf Creek Canyon Store is open for gas and convenience items. Beer too. We don’t know about the Oasis Bar. The bar is open for sure, but the food component? Call and ask for addt’l info on any and all of the above. We will point you in the right direction.

Craig Sewer Tax ends November 15th. Tax free purchases all the way through the winter months including all your Headhunters Fly Shop Christmas purchases.

Headhunters Fly Shop Upcoming Events

Wonen’s only Spey Clinic November 7th

Sold Out! This 6 student class is sold out. We are happy to offer a Women’s Clinic for the first time sponsored by Headhunters Fly Shop and with our two female leaders Sara Roholt and Beth Langell. Fun time this coming Saturday. Look on this site for any addt’l info in regards to Women’s Only events.

Headhunters Free Spey Clinics

Beginning in December. Sign up at the shop or on the phone for these 20 student limit 2 handed casting clinics. Swing Season is here. Get in on it. 406-235-3447 for more info.

Remember we have a ton of demo rods for the 2 handed enthusiast or the rank beginner. Rods from Sage, Echo, Orvis and more. We got all of the cool demo lines too. Skagit and Scandi spoken here. 

Missouri River November Fishing Forecast

Missouri River November Fishing Forecast
Fishing the lower Missouri River

November brings lots of things. It does not bring people. Quiet waters. Fish tom Dam to Cascade with some nice peaceful lack of pressure.

BWO’s should last until Thanksgiving. Some midges around too. Hot flies? Parachutes, cripples, emerges, soft hackles, and spinners.

The streamer bite is picking up. That is good for the past several weeks, the streamer season, has not been all that terrific. The swing bite is picking up too. Both are worth doing for the next several months.

The nymphing is of course very good. Short leashing in the lower water levels, as we are below 3K, is outstanding. Find the deep green and toss it in. Still finding fish in the obvious sexy water spots. That will all end when the water temps dip below the 40F mark. But enjoy until then. We still have til about that TDAy for those temps to hold.

Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service Winter Hours

Open daily 8am-6pm. New Winter Hours. We will roll with these hours through March ’16. Open 7 days a week. Everyday but Christmas. Lodging available everyday, and night, including Christmas. Stop in for that winter time free coffee on your way through, for a chat, for those Christmas presents for all your fly fishing friends. Pick yourself up something nice too…you deserve it.

We love the late fall and early winter period. Quiet. Perfect. Slow. Snow. Overcast. Occasionally windy. More often calm.

November is good.

Check out this Spey Video here.


Snow on Tuesday. Wednesday too…

Snow on Tuesday. Wednesday too…

Started snowing this morning. Still snowing this evening.

About 3″ on the ground. More falling from the skies.

Wednesday some snow in the morning. Later in the day?

Very few anglers on the water Tuesday.

Wednesday? Some predicted north winds. Switching around to the south in the afternoon. Call the shop for a wind update if you are local and have that awful cold fall fishing disease going around.


Top 10 Missouri River November Flies

Missouri River Montana November 2nd Fishing Report

Mark fishing with Zack Dalton on the annual RIO Products trip to the Mo last month. A fall day helped on this specific day. Zack claims that they will be moving the trip to November this coming year. Why? November is way more fall like. Overcast skies, more BWO’s, very few people.

Sound reasoning.

November is a good m0nth as we have entered the off season. Still lots happening so don’t get us confused with those trout fly shops that go to bed for 5 months. We have 5 months of Swing Season ahead. We have another month of good to great dry fly fishing staring us in the face. We are just about to settle in to our long winter run.

It’s really more like a slow walk. Just like the old bull young bull parable.

Some are nymphing out there but most are tossing the streamer until the dry flies present themselves. You could hunt for heads most of the day. But you do not have to go out all that early. At least I wouldn’t. Wait til 11 o’clock, which is the old before daylight savings switch deal 10 am. Make sense?

Top 10 Missouri River November FliesThe dry fly bite is good enough. The wind has been blowing like a nasty bitch leaving many of the bugs up in the air soon after they emerge into our atmosphere. The wind dries off those BWO wings too fast for trout to get all that interested. We like the cold, damp, cam, and dark days. We do pray for them.

As mentioned previously the month is quiet. We like it. Call the shop for an up to the minute report. Open daily at 8am. Running late til 6pm. We have all the new 2 handed Trout Spey goodies on the shelf including the shit hot trout spey flies in the bins. Rods, lines, tips, leaders, flies and all the info you need to make your Trout Spey Day a success. Rods from Sage, Echo, Loomis, Orvis and more.


Tease: Some new, yet classic, glass rods coming soon. Sure to pull at your reminiscent heart.

Top 10 Missouri River November Flies

Top 10 Missouri River November Flies

Top 10 Missouri River November Flies

These will get you through the front end of the month. Plus your fall favorites too. Bring it all when you visit the Mo this coming week or two.

In your boat should be a quiver of fly rods. Or just your favorite will suffice. Like your new Sage PULSE, the everything fly rod. In a perfect world you may have a streamer rod, a two-hander, a nymph rod, and a kick ass dry fly rod. Just bring them all.

Rig the dry fly rod with a Nymen’s BWO Cripple. Rig the streamer rod with your favorite fall killer, like a Olive Bugger. Rig your nymph rod with a Rainbow Czech Nymph and a Little Green Machine. Done and done and done.

Flies that we love for the next week or two include…

The flies are (L to R, T to B):
Nymen’s DOA Cripple BWO
Harrop’s Captive Dun BWO
Quigley’s 1/2 Dun BWO
Schmidt’s UV2 Bugger Olive
Mozuri Minnow
Tungsten Zebra Midge Murdered Out
Little Green Machine
Allen’s Holla-Back Girl Pink
Rainbow Czech Nymph

Silly Sunday Scenery

Silly Sunday Scenery

November 1st. A good month.

Nobody around. Rising fish.

Craig Ghost Town.

Just drift boats and out of work guides.


Above is Darcy Richardson of Fernie B.C. He and his brother Darren see us annually after Darcy has finished his guide season on the Elk River. Darren said they will be coming at least another 10 years for fantastic late October fly flicking. Dry fly and short leash will fill the day. At it does. Streamer fishing if you like.

They both loved the Sage ONE Trout Spey 2wt for soft hackled flies.

Now they have headed back north to the snows of Canada. No snow here. Shortly? Maybe.

See you wandering the back alleys of Craig.

Or on a lonely dry fly flat.

Why not Soft Hackle today.

Why not Soft Hackle today?

Been tossing the soft hackle for the last couple days.

More yesterday than the day before.

Got more on the softy-swing Wednesday.

Why not Soft Hackle today.
BH Pheasant Tail Soft Hackle

Really enjoyed the Sage ONE Trout Spey 2109. The 10’9″ 2wt with a 175 grain Skagit Head. 9′ 4X leader with a couple beaded soft hackle Pheasant Tails.

Fun stuff. Good feel and an easy caster. Could really feel the ticks and tugs of the fish nibbling on the terminal end.

We have both the 2 and 3wt Sage ONE Trout Spey rods in stock and ready for demo as well. Headhunters has a pretty good soft hackle selection as well. Better than most. A CDC BWO emerger will produce some fish too.

Overcast and some windy rain shit today. Perfect.

See you on the river sipping Bailey’s and coffee swinging soft hackles.


Thanks to Simon Gosworth of RIO Products for letting me take a couple shots of one of his soft hackle boxes.