Fishing Meetings

Fishing Meetings

Fishing Meetings Mark is at Chico Hot Springs embroiled in Fishing Outfitter Association of Montana Annual Meetings. Fishing politics. Public Access issues. Lobbying. Legislative Issues. Madison River Recreation Plan. Negotiates Rule Making Committee Updates. And some general bullshitting. Mark is your Missouri River region director for FOAM. You can contact him if you wish to … Read more

Soul Saturday

Soul Saturday If you want me to stay Sly and the Family Stone


Soul Saturday If you want me to stay Sly and the Family Stone

Super groovy. Sly has a killer voice!

A legendary group from the past. Sly and the Family Stone made up of many family, Stone, members and a bunch of other cool cats.

I want this song to be my new “Walk Up Music” walking from the truck to the boat in the morning.

Or the Red Hot Chili Peppers version. Both really.

I’m down with the outfit. Kinda guide like. Floppy hat, albeit with holes in it. Some sort of scarf/Buff around the head and neck. Knowing you got game. Sure. For sure.

But rock stars are way cooler than fishing guides.

Have you ever seen the sticker that says…

Nobody cares that you are a fishing guide bro’

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Spring Special starts Friday March 15th


Spring Special starts Friday March 15th

Now that you have got your casting game moving in the right direction why not plan a Spring Training Guide Trip with Headhunters of Craig for $400?

Knock off the fishing rust so when you are up against some bank sipping brown trout later this summer you are in peak casting and fishing condition!

Headhunters Annual Spring Special starts today Friday March 15th.
  • $400 Guide Trips
  • Discounted local lodging
  • Missouri River March Madness (April too. Runs thru April 30)
  • All Day Fun
  • Great way to start the season!



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Practice Week continues with Tim Rajeff

Practice Week continues with Tim Rajeff


Practice Week continues with Tim Rajeff

Well, we agree with everything Tim Rajeff is talking about. You should too.

A key phrase he mentioned in the opening is that practice happens when you are away from the fish. Practice does not happen when you are staring at rising trout. Your cast does not have an opportunity to improve when your knees are quivering with the sight of rising fish.

Practice. Pros practice. Those who catch more trout practice.

Do you practice swinging your golf clubs? Do you see the Course Pro once in a while? Annually?

It’s not like we here at Headhunters are telling you to go out in the garage and lift weights!

It’s casting practice. 10 minutes. Fun stuff. Stuff you can do while drinking beer. Double fun stuff.

Develop your casting practice routine and catch more fish this year.

Headhunters is your Missouri River Eduction Source here in Craig Montana. We can help. Casting lessons available from our in house experts who are well versed in teaching casting skills.

Call today and we will get you set up with the right instructor![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”” video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

SA Casting Loop Video


SA Casting Loop Video

#1 error from casters that I see in the boat? They never stop the rod on either the fore or aft cast. Perpetual motion.

Analogous to throwing a dart, you must stop the forward motion of the rod.

You have to stop the rod. You have to. It is a must.

It is physics. I don’t make that poop up man. Many guests believe I am speaking gibberish.

And, some of them are right?

I always say that the fishing stuff spurting from my mouth is true. All of the non-fishing diarrhea emanating from my person? Straight BS.

See folks. Watch the video. I’m not making it up!

Watch that fellers rod stop on the front and back. It stops. Like your hand hitting a brick wall. It stops.

And there is a pause to let the line straighten. You cannot push fly line. No matter how hard or fast or whippy you try.

You gotta stop the rod. There is not a substitute for this.

Do yourself a favor in 2019 and take some casting lessons. BEFORE YOU COME TO THE RIVER.

You know professionals take lessons every day. Professionals have casting instructors. Yes they do. Honest. Speaking with Whitney Gould a couple weeks ago, who is currently the Women’s World Champion Spey Caster, while she was on a break from her casting instructor. Yes, the best in the world have casting instructors. The best in the world have casting instructors.

So, many of us do not fish 100+ days a year. We may only fish 3 days a year. Those anglers also need casting lessons. Honest.

The best in the world get coaching. Lots of coaching.

Guide Ben Hardy always says that when you come here you are not to practice your cast. The Missouri River is the SHOW! You don’t practice your baseball swing when you get to the World Series? Nope.

So practice happens before you get here. In your lawn on Sundays for 10 minutes a week. Or seek out a casting professional and raise the bar man. Preferably both.

I have had guests do just that. Get casting lessons. Practice for short periods of time before you arrive. Don’t go and practice for an hour. Nobody casts fro an hour straight. Shorter periods of practice, more often That is a recipe for casting success.

Do you know the outcome of practicing? More trout to hand. More success. Bigger smiles.

Yes, bigger smiles.

And life is too short to trim the smiles from your day.

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Pick up the Pieces Average White Band

Pick Up the Pieces Average White Band


Pick Up the Pieces Average White Band

I find myself singing this as we are walking around the shop shoveling snow from roofs, sidewalks, ice dams in the gutters, thinking about how to get the rental boats out from under the heavy white blanket, and dreaming of summer!

The air temps have been creeping from the basement the past couple days with some melt happening. The surface roads are clear. The parking lots and areas alongside the road are not. Still not a great time to head out fishing. But we will update you this week on the improvements along the river corridor.

Lots and lots of calls to the shop daily in regards the fishing scene. No scene yet fella’s. Maybe this week.

Making room for all of the cool spring gear that is flooding the shop. Flies galore, SIMMS, sage, Loomis rods, fly lines, sun gear, springtime fishing gloves…

The staff is bowling again today as we wait out winter. No fishing to be had, so we turn to bowling and beer. Closed early today for our staff outing.

I bet we are back on track late this coming week with shuttles, guide trips, and the like. The rental properties are ready to go for your Cabin Fever Guide Trips $400 starting this Friday!

While we continue to Pick Up the Pieces we hope you enjoy this video from The Average White Band.

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Izaak's Restaurant Craig Montana Hiring Staff 2019

Izaak’s Restaurant Craig Montana Hiring Staff 2019

Izaak’s Restaurant Craig Montana Hiring Staff 2019 Chef John @ Izaak’s Restaurant in downtown Craig Montana is hiring staff for the 2019 season. Cooks, waitstaff, dishers, bartenders…any and all are encouraged to spend the summer in a damn good fishing town. John is excited to open Izaak’s for his 8th summer and would love to … Read more

RIO Trout Spey Lines @ Headhunters Fly Shop

RIO Trout Spey Lines @ Headhunters Fly Shop


RIO Trout Spey Lines @ Headhunters Fly Shop

RIO Trout Spey Lines @ Headhunters Fly Shop. Yes indeed. With the snow going away in the next couple weeks we may be able to access the river out our back door here in Craig Montana. Maybe?

We have the RIO Trout Spey in both the Skagit and Scandi configurations. We also have both the Heads and the Integrated Lines. An integrated Spey Line is one that has the running line, integrated/included. Makes things pretty easy for the new spey angler.

Available in line weights 1-5, 180grains and up. Come on by and check ’em out.

We have been using this line for the last 8 months and we love it. Squeeky loves swinging soft hackles and the RIO Trout Spey Line is the ticket to ride! An easy caster that has enough horsepower to handle any of the VersiLeader sinking leaders that you need.

We also have the full line of trout spey gear from RIO, Scientific Anglers, and OPST. Tips, heads, integrated lines, all fo the IMOW & MOW tips, Sonar leaders, SA TC Tips, RIO VersiLeaders, T-8, T-11, OPST Riffle, Run, and Bucket Series tips, tippet rings, swivels, fly clips, tip wallets, line cleaners…Come on down for the only shop with all of the trout spey gear you need here in Montana, on any trout stream, and beyond.

Remember that we have the full selection of RIO Spey lines up to 600+ grains for Skagit and Scandi anglers.

Headhunters is your Trout Spey HQ. Feel free to call anytime with questions about grain weights, rod and line matching, suggestions on tips, heads, running lines, rods, and more.

Trout Spey Hotline: 406-235-3447

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IF4 in Helena Montana Friday Nite 7pm

IF4 in Helena Montana Friday Nite 7pm


IF4 in Helena Montana Friday Nite 7pm

IF4 in Helena Montana Friday Nite 7pm Grandstreet Theater.

The IF4 is sponsored by the local Pat Barnes TU Chapter. Come on down and support local fly fishing, conservation, and film!

I know they will have tons of swag, give aways, and the like.

Enjoy the film show. Enjoy your weekend. The air temps are gonna cross over the freezing mark.


Support your local fly club!

Check out the IF4 Trailer Page here[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”″ video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

March 5th Missouri River Seasonal Status Update

March 5th Missouri River Seasonal Status Update

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] March 5th Missouri River Seasonal Status Update [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The water is high. The ice is too. Super High! Drove down the river today and it is higher than these photos tell. Flooding on some riverfront properties in the lower canyon. That little yellow boathouse you have seen in high water images above the big log … Read more

Gould McCune Spey Clinics Spring 2019

Gould McCune Spey Clinics Spring 2019

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Gould McCune Spey Clinics Spring 2019 Headhunters Fly Shop is excited to announce the ever popular Whitney Gould and Mike McCune Spring Spey Clinics coming Spring 2019. April 20th 2019: Intro to Spey Casting April 21st 2019: Intermediate/Advanced Spey Casting $200. Full day 8 hr class includes lunch and equipment if needed. Limited to … Read more

UMOWA Event Tuesday Nite Windbag Saloon Helena MT

UMOWA Event Tuesday Nite Windbag Saloon Helena MT

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] UMOWA Event Tuesday Nite Windbag Saloon Helena MT See you in Helena for the Annual Windbag Upper Missouri Watershed Alliance Fundraiser with Rob and Halliday Quist 5pm til? Come on down and celebrate winter, the Missouri River, and live music. See you there![/vc_column_text][us_grid columns=”4″ orderby=”title” order=”ASC” ids=”32460, 32465, 31525, 19629, 21260, 31094, 9048, 11096″ … Read more

Madelyne Joan Templeton

Caddis Fest Poster Submission Madelyne Joan Templeton

Caddis Fest Poster Submission Madelyne Joan Templeton Poster submission for the 13th Annual Craig Caddis Festival and BBQ Cook-Off from Madelyne Joan Templeton. This years fest is scheduled for Saturday May 18th. Always the 3rd Saturday in May. We have several to choose from and the vote for the Caddis Poster comes alter this week! … Read more

March 1st, more snow, weekend update

March 1st, more snow, weekend update

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] March 1st, more snow, weekend update [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]5 weeks of reasonably cold weather here in Craig along with February snow has kept us on our toes this past month. Actually it has kept us in wool socks and knee high boots. Stuffed full of hand and boot warmers! Tomorrow Saturday we are sort of open. … Read more

Chasing the Taper Trailer

Chasing the Taper Trailer


Chasing the Taper Trailer

I do own a couple bamboo rods made by the boys at Sweetgrass Bamboo Rods. They are both great. Love to fish them.


I do like the action, the history, and the look of that sweet bamboo!

Most of the time I do throw a hyper fast dry fly stick. Most do on the Mo. The right tool for the job.

You cannot replace the fantastic feel of casting, hooking, and fighting a dry fly fed brown trout with that classic piece of history.

Enjoy the trailer today on the HH blog.

Damn cold this morning at -9F with a 6″+ compliment of snow fro this last dump. We have to all the way til tomorrow to receive our next dose of the white stuff. Our winter is strong and it looks like we will have a favorable water season ahead.[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”″ video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Summertime Covers


Summertime Covers

Summertime is a few months away. Shucks. Snowing hard in Craig today. And the week ahead. Not many hints of summer out there. The river is frozen. It is wintertime. Not Summertime!

Been singing this tune to myself for a month now.

Now, time to impregnate your brain with it.

A great one from the Gershwin’s/Porgy and Bess mid 30’s.

The inter-web states there could be 25,000 covers of this tune.

Sublime is a good one with the lyrics changed. All of the Jazz greats covered it too. The 3 Queens: Sarah, Ella, Billie. The Chairman of the Board. And beyond. Musicians in every genre will continue to cover this unreal tune composed 80 years ago.

A few of them below. I do like the Willie versions.  It did not appear on his historic album Stardust, although I though it did until I looked it up. Stardust/Nelson is amazing.

The Sarah Vaughn version is haunting. Miles Davis is great and the Summertime cover is no different. The Herbie Mann Album @ the Village Gate is unreal. And the cover is fantastic too!

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Fly Arrivals this week @ HH of Craig

Fly Arrivals this week @ HH of Craig

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Fly Arrivals this week @ HH of Craig Jig Woolly Bugger Peacock/Black and Peacock/Brown both #8. Gonna be good for our swing crowd. And for the strippers! Tak’s Mini Rainbow #8 Olive Missing Link #20 Squirmy Wormie Jig Hot Pink and Blood Red #12 Morrish Mouse #4 I see lots of empty bins at … Read more

Friday Foto Is February Over Yet?

Friday Foto Is February Over Yet?

Friday Foto Is February Over Yet? Pretty tough to see your bobber in that ice and slush flow. But the sun is out today. And maybe tomorrow morning. Until the next snow storm hits us. And that will be Saturday morning, afternoon? We were busy yesterday shoveling the roof of the shop. Getting that snow … Read more

More snow, Hump Day, and Squeeky's unanswered questions

More snow, Hump Day, and Squeeky’s unanswered questions

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] More snow, Hump Day, and Squeeky’s unanswered questions Snow in the 10 Day Forecast More snow on the way. Currently snowing here in Craig with 3-5″ expected today into the evening. Not quite as cold coming in at 20F. That is OK with us. Had to plow out the shop and the cabins this … Read more

Headhunters Advanced Dry Fly School July 25-29 2019

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Headhunters Advanced Dry Fly School July 25-29 2019 What you’ve been waiting for this winter! We announce the Headhunters Advanced Dry Fly School July 25-29 2019! Yes, a few of your favorite guides we be teaching this Missouri River Dry Dry course. HH owners John Arnold and Mark Raisler along with long time Missouri … Read more

Gilman Grips Review

Gilman Grips Review We met Jeff Gilman this last fall. He brought over some demo oars coupled with his Gilman Grips. An exciting new grip. Yes, not much development in the oar grip arena the past 100 years. While we have had progress in blade design and shaft improvements we have not had any design … Read more

Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Project Video


Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Project Video

We couldn’t say it better ourselves. A film supporting the Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Act.

It truly is a special place. The entire drainage. Love seeing our friend Stefan Larrson in this short. Love seeing the beauty of the Blackfoot. We love the smell of the westside. The fishing. The feeling. The entire package.

Check out more @

We fish across the divide as often as we can get over there. It is just fabulous. Check in with Headhunters if you want to head over to the westside. Mark, John, Brett, Ben, Braden are all interested in helping you discover the Blackfoot.

Sign a letter of support if you want to your kids and their kids to enjoy the Blackfoot River for generations to come!

More snow in the canyon this morning. 6F and another 4 inches last night and this morning. Snowing now. Gonna snow-blow at the shop so we can get around!

Rarely see as much snow on the ground as we have now. It keeps coming. But the amount of snow here and the snow that we have in the mountains are two different things. We want more in the mountains. Here in Craig at 3400′ it really does not make an impact on our summer flows. At all. But it does show that winter and snow accumulation is indeed happening.

Long weekend. Watch conservation videos. Tie flies. Nap. Clean your fly lines. Organize fly boxes. Shovel snow.

Headhunters closing early Sunday for a bowling affair about 1pm.

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Pretty in Pink Happy Valentines Day

Pretty in Pink Happy Valentines Day!


Pretty in Pink Happy Valentines Day!

Psychedelic Furs with todays Valentines Day nod. Classic 80’s.

Kiss your wife or girlfriend as you hand her the flowers. It’ll take the sting out of you mentioning your fall Blue Winged Olive trip to the Mighty Mo.

Happy Valentines Day.

More pink stuff below. Pink Lightening Bug Vid. Pink flies for sale online store. Did you see the Water Projection Update on yesterdays blog?

Enjoy your day.

Still cold here. -9F right now. Actively booking the spring summer and fall at the shop. We may not be open right at 8am but we are in the shop daily during the peak of the elating hours. 10-5ish. Julie always avail for add’l booking and depositing duties at 406-868-5473.

The Headhunters Dry Fly School has a couple more openings but nearly booked. Spring Special trips are out there and start in Mid March running through the end of April @ $400/day. Discounted lodging as well available in downtown Craig @ the Craig Trout Camp.

February is the boring-ist month of the year. Not much happening locally. Nothing really. As the air temps crawl out fo the depths we will begin fishing again. Looking forward to that for sure.

Happy Valentines Day from all of us here in downtown Craig Montana.[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”” video_title=”1″][vc_video link=”″ video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][us_grid columns=”4″ orderby=”title” order=”ASC” ids=”11069, 30330, 30569, 29602, 30341, 29594, 31089, 11113″ post_type=”ids” no_items_message=”” items_layout=”shop_trendy” items_gap=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]

2019 Missouri River Summer Water Forecast Update

2019 Missouri River Summer Water Forecast Update

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] 2019 Missouri River Summer Water Forecast Update The shot above represents the drainage of the Missouri River here in Craig Montana. A big area. No? All looking up here in central Montana. Except for the air temperatures. Those will continue to be down. Snow depths have increased during the previous 3 weeks. Lots? No. … Read more

Walk Up Music. Apache. The Shadows


Walk Up Music. Apache The Shadows

This is the tune I want playing as I glide from the truck to the boat.

Or after lunch when we mount up for a fast and furious afternoon.

It is already playing in my head but I would prefer it on the loudspeakers.

Then quiet when fishing.

What would be your walk up music to head out fishing? You know, just like a major league ballplayer. Walk up music![/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”” video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Andy Griffith Intro

Andy Griffith Intro


Andy Griffith Intro

Isn’t that the best TV intro of all time?

Father, son, black and white, throwing rocks, fishing poles.

Pretty good.

Shop closed today, and probably tomorrow. Below zero.

This happy song makes me think of summer. Warmer days ahead…[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”” video_title=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Drift Boat Sledding

Friday Foto Drift Boat Sledding Throwback Image

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Friday Foto Drift Boat Sledding Throwback Image Sara sledding through town with a quick stop at Joe’s Bar winter 2010. Oh, the good old days. It is drift boat sledding time in Craig again this season. Will we see you sledding through town? We’ll see a couple inches of snow falling from the sky … Read more

UV Para Ant Just Add Vise Tying Kit


UV Para Ant Just Add Vise Tying Kit

UV Para Ant Fly Tying Kit

The ant is a popular fly for the Missouri about 6 months of the year. Those who do not believe in the nat, that is OK. Ant believers are using the net more often! Both cinnamon and black ants are on the trout diet list! Blind fish it, sight fish it, just fish it to those finicky Missouri River risers!

What a great time of year to tie up some summer flies. February is not all that great for being outside, other than skiing! So if you like to hang out in your basement, in front of the TV, or at your work desk tying up some “summer love” be sure to include the UV Para Ant!

These kits are designed for tyers who have grasped the basic moves of fly tying, and are priced just as if you bought the materials individually.

The package comes with everything needed to tie 2 dozen flies, and has a material list included so you can re-supply when needed. You can watch our short “how-to” videos if you need help with a step or two. These are super popular, and are great for those camped out on the Missouri River or camped out binge watching Leave it to Beaver.


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Backcountry Film Festival Great Falls Feb 8th

Backcountry Film Festival Great Falls Feb 8th

Backcountry Film Festival Great Falls Feb 8th Join Montana Wilderness Association’s Island Range Chapter for the 14th-annual Winter Wildlands Alliance Backcountry Film Festival, featuring ten short films that highlight the human-powered experience, and the importance of protecting and caring for our winter landscapes. 14th Annual Winter Wildlands Alliance Backcountry Film Festival Friday, February 8 6 – … Read more

Headhunters Fly Shop Trout Spey Report 1.30.19

Headhunters Fly Shop Trout Spey Report 1.30.19

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Headhunters Fly Shop Trout Spey Report 1.30.19 The summary in the up front for those in a hurry. Headhunters Fly Shop Trout Spey Fishing Report Summary: Deep, uncomfortable runs, Skagit, T-8, handwarmers, 34F water temp, 4200cfs, some shelf ice, use caution, enjoy. Oh, and Olive. Good to great swing conditions out there right now. Honest. What? … Read more

The Beaverhead in trouble

Zinke and BLM Lands in Montana

Zinke and BLM Lands in Montana Zinke promised something quite different than he left in his legacy. Legacy, a funny concept. I think he promised to leave Montana in better shape than he found it? Editorial from Tony Bynum in the Missoulian. Scraped it from Moldy Chum yesterday. As former Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke rides … Read more

High Water in 2019?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] High Water in 2019? Questions daily on the phone and in the store in regards to the water potential for the upcoming season. What do we think? Lower water than last year. How low? How about average. Nothing wrong with average. Low water is a reach too. In the previous 27 years we have … Read more

Headhunters Advanced Dry Fly School July 25-29 2019

Headhunters Advanced Dry Fly School July 25-29 2019

Headhunters Advanced Dry Fly School July 25-29 2019 What you’ve been waiting for this winter! We announce the Headhunters Advanced Dry Fly School July 25-29 2019! Yes, a few of your favorite guides we be teaching this Missouri River Dry Dry course. HH owners John Arnold and Mark Raisler along with long time Missouri River … Read more