August is traditionally family vacation time in America and we love to take advantage of the slower pace here in Craig MT and on the Missouri River.
Fewer people around as we prepare for the fall time frame. The colors are starting to change and we look forward to cooler days, cooler nights, and the end of summer.
Summer will return again and so with it the mega hatches of PMD’s, Caddis, Trico’s…
But wait, we still got more in the tank. It is by no means over for you dry fly fanatics. And for you streamer junkies, well, we are just getting ready to rock.
Trico’s are still a player
Strong Trico hatches all over the river from top to bottom. Get out early, depending on the weather, and stake up. Some pod behavior, and some singles behavior. Some days the spinner fall lasts for hours. Others, not so long. If the breeze pops up, they may blow away.

Trico’s can run into September and with them come the Psuedocloens. Both small, both maddening. Terrestrials can bridge the gap between hatches, of falls.
The bushes are turning as we close the book on summer. Fall is in the air as porch discussions revolve around new streamer lines, OCtober Caddis patterns, and the change of wardrobe. We are still pimping the flip flops daily, but some mornings I wish for socks too!
The fishing is pretty good, not so good on most afternoons. We can expect for that to change soon. As we get ever closer to September, the fish will regain their voracious appetite and start devouring insects, crayfish, and small birds as they pass over head. Get out your 2X and tie one on!
Yes, more summer still ahead
We are not out of the summer sunshine yet though. Weekend excursions are still in the mix and tents RV’s are still wandering around the river and will be for a few more months.
Don’t let summer slip away, or by you. Plan a short trip to the Mo soon. OR, stock up on those sick days at work and plan your Fall Trip to the Missouri.
Fall is Awesome
You like cool crisp mornings? Giant brown trout sipping baetis?
Hot Toddy’s for your apres fishing warm up?
You do? Then the Missouri is on your agenda.
Great report see you guys in sept ready to wear my arm out.
Hey Mark,can’t wait to meet you! coming in Sept. (6th -14th) i LIke to tie flies. wondering what i should concentrate on thanks
Small PT’s, Zebra Midge, Psuedo emerger patterns, a few hoppers, cluster midge, Buzzballs…
Ill be there the first week. of Sept…..any favorite streamers come to mind.?
Skidish Smolt, Sparkle Minnow, Clouser Minnow, ESL, Dungeon, and small Orange Blossom Conehead.
Thanks Mark-awesome site!