Peter Skidmore explains Winter Guide Occupation Alternatives

Today’s Blog from one of our top notch Missouri River Headhunters guides Peter Skidmore. Peter sent this blog in from fantasyland. Cascade Montana.


If I were on death row receiving my last meal it would be a Chicago Style Hot Dog along w/ an ice cold Busch light!  No question!

Hello blog readers, I’m Peter Skidmore. I guide for Mark and John. It truly is winter now in Montana so I have a little R & R after a long 8 month Missouri River guide season. During this rest and relaxation period, I eat! A lot!

Most of my day revolves around figuring out what I want to make for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  I mix in quite a bit of internet browsing during this process. A few days ago I wandered upon the Vienna Beef website.  I have loved Chicago Style Hot Dogs for a long time.  It’s always been a dream if mine to open up a stand during the off-season and show Montanans what they are missing!

My hot dog cart dreams may come true!

Vienna Beef offers classes on how to manage your first cart called Hot Dog University. They also  offer all of their delicious products for sale on their website! Bang!

So, the other day I decided to get my first Chicago Style 16 Hot Dog Kit.

That’s right bitches! Vienna all beef dogs, poppyseed buns, celery salt, Chicago Style Relish (the shit that looks like slimmer juice from ghostbusters) sport peppers, and Plochmans mild yellow mustard.

Notice how they didn’t include ketchup people…that would be sacrilege, and punishable by castration!

The only things missing from this kit are the garden fixings, that would include fresh chopped onion, a dill pickle spear, and two tomato wedges.  These I picked up at my local grocer, all organic obviously.

Here we go, I boil a little water and toss in a few Vienna Dogs to do a little boiling weenie water.  Then I find time to steam my poppyseed bun.  Upon completion  I “drag it through the garden.”  All the fixings.

The correct order being Plochman’s yellow mustard, Bang. Chicago Style Vienna Bright Green Relish, Bang. Onion, yep. 2 tomato wedges. Oh yeah, dill pickle spear you know it. 2 sport peppers boooo-yah! And a dash of celery salt, boomshakalaka!

That is the good shit!

So for dinner this evening I’m inviting friends over to test out my skills. They will certainly let me know  if I past the test.  If I pass the test, if the bar is set high, if I truly am a Chi-Dog Master…I’m enrolling in ordering my cart and I will stand in the frigid temperatures of Bozeman Montana serving the drunk, unassuming college riffraff.

And I’m going to make freaking millions!!!!! Cheers.


9 thoughts on “Peter Skidmore explains Winter Guide Occupation Alternatives”

  1. “I’m going to Bovine University. I’m going to smell like hot dogs!”
    -Ralph Wiggum (The Simpsons)

    Get a Coney Dog recipe and I might have to seek out your cart in Bozeman.!

  2. SOL.
    Please…please… please email me when there is a deli in Craig.
    A real New York deli like Katz’s or Barney Greengrass or Russ and Daughters.
    Until then, I offer you the following trailer to view.
    Tight lines and good noshing from the Catskills.
    Happy Holidays!

  3. Curly gave me your name. (David Kerwick). I am married to his mother. So I guess I am his stepfather. He said I shoud talk to you about fly fishing. I have been fly fishin over 35 years and belong to the Fly Fishing Club of Orange Counry. I have fished Mt. a few times and thinking about a trip sometime in the spring. Mainly in the Betterroot area, which is new to me. What areas do you guide? David spoke highly of you. I live in So. Cal. And fish the Eastern Sierras a lot.

    By the way, we liked you blog on hot dogs. Since I am a native Californian I have never had a Chicago style hot dog.

    Tony Saltikov

    • Tony,

      We guide on the Missouri, the Blackfoot, and the Dearborn. We do not guide on other rivers.But, if you would like to visit about fishing in central MT, we would love to chat. Just call us 406-235-3447 7 days a week!

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