Artifishal by Patagonia


Artifishal by Patagonia

Very cool and well done video about coastal waters and management thereof.

Worth the watch on this snowy Sunday here in Craig Montana.

And between football games, tying flies, and naps today![/vc_column_text][vc_video link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]

2 thoughts on “Artifishal by Patagonia”

  1. Just what we need . . . just when the Alaska Cod Fishery for 2020 is Officially CLOSED . . . due in part to Global Warming of the Oceans . I can only imagine what the next catastrophe will be.? The Drying up and burning down of the Olympic Peninsula Rain Forest ? Now I’m Officially Depressed . . . yet again for the Holiday’s . THANKS GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD, for nod doing a Damn Bit of Good Worth-a-Damn Globally !

  2. Thanks Mark for this riveting video.
    I knew a bit ……but now I know a lot more.
    I’ll pass it along to everyone.
    Knowledge is power….. and power is change.

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