A few Missouri River October Fly Fishing Tips

We are in full swing for the month of October. Lots of stuff happening. Not the big bugs yet but they gotta be on the way. Tons of Pseudo’s around almost every day. Overcast conditions are heading our way as we move past the middle of the week towards the weekend. Bring it on.


A few Missouri River October Fly Fishing Tips

  • Sleep in. No rush. The sun needs to rise for the bugs to move up in the water column.
  • Think opposite of the rest of the gang. Be smart and you too can stay out of the boat and wade fisher hatch. Think about it and execute your plan.
  • Blind fish some of your favorite water. You may be surprised.
  • You can employ all three disciplines for any given day. It is fun to fish all three during the day.
  • Don’t fish like a dick. It is quite rude.
  • Tons of non-local locals around and hunting some heads.
  • October is short. You should come out. It gets cold in November.
  • 3 words. B.W.O.
  • Overcast. 45F. Moisture in the air. Calm.
  • We love October.
  • A parachute Adams works well. Check out the shop for a vast selection of Cripples, Emergers, Spinners.
  • Make the first cast a good one. The initial drift is king! Honest.



2 thoughts on “A few Missouri River October Fly Fishing Tips”

  1. This post begs a follow up post of “What is fishing like a dick?”
    Is it catching a fish on the first cast after a long stint on the oars?

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