Labor Day, Rocket to Uranus, Headhunters BBQ’s…

Rocket to Uranus playing Mountain Surf Rock  @ Izaak’s Log Jam Saturday evening August 31st…fun times here in Craig Montana this weekend. Use it as a kick off to your Labor Day Weekend!

Stop by for our Headhunters Every 2nd Saturday Free BBQ to get things rolling at about 1pm to lead into the nights fun at Izaak’s!

Sale items you ask? Oh yeah, we will be selling some cool fly fishing items that have to go out the door this Labor Day Weekend! Flies, bags, shirts, flip-flops.

Have a cold beverage here in Craig at Joe’s or Izaak’s and wander over for some deals on fly fishing equipment. Demo Rods, fly lines, reels, surf shorts…

Then surf on with Rocket to Uranus in downtown Craig!