Christmas Break Forecast

Things always slow down a little as the Holidays approach. Lots of stuff to do. I'm cleaning up the house before family arrives. You probably have some similar tasks that are preventing you from fishing or chasing birds.

Or you have a job.

At any rate, we expect it to be a little quiet until after Christmas Day. There will be a few anglers out there. Those that somehow have priorities completely in order.

The weather looks good for fishing this week, if you can make it. Not too cold, not too warm. Might even see a few midges on the surface.

There has been a little bit of green funk in the river lately. Not sure if it's related to some kind of turnover in the lake, or if it's just the Whistling Ducks muddying things up.

While we've been swinging only with flashy streamers, others have been pounding them with nymphs. As I mentioned the other day, there were plenty of rising fish on Saturday with the storm. Keep your eyes peeled and a few midge clusters in your box.


Looking at the long term forecast it seems as fishing should be on your holiday “to do” list. Looks great.

We typically see a fair number of anglers between Christmas and the New Year. If the forecast holds I expect that to be the case this year. And with the fair weather we've had, conditions in the lower canyon have been very good. No ice and plenty of eager fish.