Montana Spey Clinic



An excellent turnout for our first two-handed Montana Spey clinic of the year. The weather was nice, and we had a little glitch with our google drive sign up list and overbooked it. That’s OK. The weather was great – the best we’ve had in over a year – and the crowd was enthusiastic. All 18 of them, and we had some from as far away as Denver at this clinic. Might be the new distance record.

I continue to tweak our presentation and subject matter. We’re starting to get into the pure Skagit stuff a bit more, at least for those who want to learn “sustained anchor” techniques, as well as try Skagit lines instead of our preferred Scandi rigs. Ninch is your man.

I was glad to see several anglers really taking advantage of the gear available to them. Switching lines, rods, and tips to see how they’re rod reacts differently. It’s often dramatic. You just got to try it. Several attendees brought their own rods, and I think at least one or two of them will be looking for a different line. It’s so important that you get the right line for your rod. Try it, try it, try it…. That’s why we have all of those lines and tips at the shop.

And oh yeah, you can try them anytime your in town. Just swing by.

The ECHO Glass Spey Rod got a good workout, and most – if not all – of those who tried it loved it. We will have several more for demo (and for sale) by the first of the year. This rods really shined for those new to the sport. And veterans just love the funky, slow powerful action.

Our next clinic is Jan. 10th, weather permitting. Sign up now at the shop.[/vc_column_text][us_image image=”8550″ size=”full” link=”” onclick=”lightbox”][us_image image=”8552″ size=”full” link=”” onclick=”lightbox”][us_image image=”8551″ size=”full” link=”” onclick=”lightbox”][vc_column_text]After the clinic, Dewey just couldn’t help getting out there and nabbing a few nice Missouri River trout![/vc_column_text][us_image image=”8553″ size=”full” link=”” onclick=”lightbox”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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