The Trout Fishing Water Temperature Game

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Here are few Missouri River Water Temperatures that you may be interested in.

I know we have been waiting patiently chewing off my fingernails for a month now for the BWO Hatches that we are accustomed to on this great Montana river. While we do love to toss streamers in the fall, we also love to use that new dry fly rod that is begging to be cast…like your new SAGE One lined up with a RIO In Touch Gold!

We are always aware of the water temperature as we move higher in the spring months, but what is the higher end range for the baetis to start hatching on Montana’s Missouri River in the fall? According to this feller, we are right there at the number he states. So, let’s have at ‘er? No?!

Found this online, so I do not swear by the accuracy of this info. I stole it from the Frogwater Blog by author AJ Swentosky.

But, if you have been reading this blog for any length of time you understand that most of what comes from my keyboard is bullshit anyway.

So, with a grain of salt and a shot of shitty Tequila here are the numbers.

The Water Temperature Game

77°F – Upper limit of Rainbow trout survival

75°F – Temperature at which Rainbow trout stop growing

68°F – Temperature at which anglers should consider not fishing for trout

68°F – Temperature at which Browns and Rainbows start to become stressed

67°F – Temperature at which trout significantly decrease feeding

65°F – Temperature at which Brooks start to become stressed

60°F – Temperature at which Damselflies begin to hatch

59°F – Upper end of optimal fishing temperature for Cutthroat trout

58°F – Optimal temperature for PMD hatches

55°F – Optimal temperature for Quill Gordon, Hendrickson, Salmonfly, Trico, Green Drake and Caddis hatches

54°F – Upper end of optimal Baetis hatch temperatures

50°F – Preferred temperature for Cutthroat trout spawning

50°F – Lower end of optimal temperature for Crayfish activity

46°F – Optimal Brown trout spawning temperature

45°F – Optimal temperature for Chironomid hatches

45°F – Optimal Brook and Cutthroat spawning temperature

44°F – Lower end of optimal fishing temperature for Brooks, Browns, and Rainbows

42°F – Lower end of optimal water temperature for Midge hatches

40°F – Minimal water temperature for Baetis hatches

39°F – Lower end of optimal fishing temperature for Cutthroat trout

33°F – Minimal (not ideal) temperature for Midge hatches

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