Missouri River Photos by Jon Covich

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]We had a visit from well known angler, photographer and tackle rep Jon Covich last week. Jon was taking his boys on a fly fishing trip through Montana before they had to go back to school. I asked these boys if they were excited to go back to school, and they both just dropped there heads and shrugged. Adair could learn something from these two. She likes school.

You’ve seen Jon’s photo’s on the pages of just about every fly fishing magazine over the years. You also may know him as a member of the Flywater Travel team. To see more of his photo’s go to www.joncovich.com, and here’s the direct link to his blog post about his trip.

Here’s a few of his great shots of the Missouri River.

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4 thoughts on “Missouri River Photos by Jon Covich”

  1. This must have been the guy who anchored 40 feet from me while I was wading last week. Banging around his boat and flying a drone for 20 minutes all around. Come on man, the river is pretty wide?! Give people space and quiet, especially if your in a boat hitting different holes all day.

    Maybe an article on ethics in montucky would be beneficial to non locals. We like our space, and treat others with the same respect … Too bad it’s not reciprocal.

  2. Jon Covich here. I just want to apologize to the gentleman who commented about my rude behavior on the Missouri. Sorry if we were too close to you…..I thought we were further downstream than we must have been. The drone is a bit annoying! I understand that, and will do better about staying away from people when we fly it. We were trying to get a shot or two of an angler casting to feeding fish from above. In any case, I apologize if we disturbed your fishing….we surely did not mean to.

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