Silly Sunday Scenery

A few characters from Montana Mike Ward of Adipose Boats and LG of America. Fishing with some cat outta Australia.

I guess he fishes a lot of salt and sets the hook pretty hard. Strip setting with 5X sometimes does not work. Actually never.

Real nice here on the Missouri River.


Enjoy your Sunday as these fellers break off a few more Trico sippers here on the Mo.


Less traffic this month. Should you come?

2 thoughts on “Silly Sunday Scenery”

  1. I laughed when I read this one…I also suffer from the dreaded “Tarpon Set”! Problem is I think the only cure is to fish, fish and fish until it’s corrected?


  2. Depends on who’s bigger and you’re more afraid of, your tarpon guide or your trout guide. Even if you don’t break off on a hook-set, fighting a trout using the butt of the rod reeks havoc on even 3 or 4x. So 2 things that need to change going from salt to a river.
    I spent 6 years getting schooled about using a strip-set, not a trout set, and then about fighting the tarpon with the butt of the rod, not the tip. Now tough to switch to trout. Takes me a week.
    Guess who the bigger guide is.
    However, learning how to cast in the wind in salt water fishing sure helps when trout fishing

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