Margaritaville, Methods & Buck Flies

Montana Margaritaville

The Ron Bartek first annual Montana Margaritaville Ice Cream Social kicks off tomorrow (Friday the 9th) afternoon around 3:00pm. Come on by and have Ron pour you one of his favorite drinks. He claims to be an aficionado. We’ll see. Pretty sure I saw him hauling around some 1800 Silver today, so he’s off to a good start.

Izaak’s is providing some of their inter-galatically famous homemade ice cream as well. Both Saints and Sinners will be able to cool off after a day of fishing. Me? I’ll be doing both.

Ron will be playing Jimmy Buffet continuously, whether you are a Parrothead or not. Free Margaritas, so deal with it.

Dollar Fly Sale!

Enough of you commented on the blog and FB”liked” for us to finally throw down one of our popular $1 dollar fly sales. All small flies (reg. $2.10) will be $1, and all other flies will be half price. The sale will run from 4pm-7pm only. You can call in, but you can only do it between 4 and 7. I don’t care what your excuse is.

Sage Method

You can also try out the new Sage Method. The Method just hit the streets this week. If you like casting the latest and greatest, you cannot miss this.

This is the replacement for the Sage TCX. Like the TCX, it is way fast. Unlike the TCX the METHOD is light and has a bit more feel. Still a cannon, however. Bitchin’ red paint job to boot. Soggy Rod Mark even likes it. A lot. Come on down and check it out.

Should be a fun Friday at Headhunters. A lot of new folks in town. Fishing is getting better. Some pretty good hopper reports today.

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