New Breed Chicks Rule

Annie today with a nice Rainbow caught not he Mighty Mo with HH Guide Mark Raisler

Her husband Sam caught some too!

A scorcher today with dry fly fishing for Trico feeders for about 2 hours. Longer in some areas.

Thunderstorms building as I frantically write this late afternoon Hump Day post.

Some weeds in the river but not as bad as previous years. Honest.

Some more caddis around than the previous week. Trico’s strong. PMD spinner falls still quite impressive and the trout are responding.

Give us a shout if you want your gal on this website.

Hope you folks are having a fantastic summer out there in the world somewhere.

We are. Annie is too. Nice work today Annie on her first guided trip to the Mo. They say more next year!

We look forward to it!



1 thought on “New Breed Chicks Rule”

  1. Thanks Mark for the kind comments and treating us to a very fine outing on the Missouri! We just finished our second day with Headhunters and while our first day was epic, Nick put us on the fish today and our second day was out of sight with continious hookups, good conversation and laughs! Nick is a true professional! We appreciate you guys and will highly recommend HH to anyone interested in a Montana fishing trip!

    Sam and Annie Langston

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