Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 7.20.14

Late July and all is well.

The dry fly fishing has been fantastic and aided in part from the false overcast this last week from the fires to the North and to the West.

Now the smoke has been blown out by the wind as we head into the new week.

Sunday and a ton of non angler crafts will again float and drink while we fish and sometimes drink. It has been damn hot here so plan accordingly with the proper amount of water in the YETI Cooler. The weather will cool as we get closer into August and the water temps too.

The Trico’s will hold your interest for the morning session as they come off and spin in the mid morning hours. Some days they will stay on the water until well after noon.

Some days we have a good to decent PMD Spinner fall in the late morning as well. Hope that one of these events prolongs the dry fly bite. Some days we can have opportunities for fishing fish dawn til dusk. Lots of non-local locals here as the month comes to the end. August is a new deal.

Caddis are not around in the numbers that we are used to and they may come? I honestly do not really know the answer to that oft asked question.

We will keep you informed as to the dry fly and insect activity.

Flows are holding at the 4600cfs mark and the water temps are rising as the summer days pound on us. Not too hot though and while the weeds have begun to grow they are not a problem yet. The nights bring it to 62F and the days it can reach 66F. Let’s not have it reach higher.

As for the graph, the USGS Graph, it looks like they re-calibrated it and we are now at 4600. So was the 4K reading a farce?

Did I mention that August is a much cooler month here in central Montana and we will expect both the air and the water to cool.

Folks are spread out from top  to bottom and fishing at night as well. Choose your drift and enjoy it. Stop in for a shuttle if you like.

We are now open at 6am for coffee, flies, info, boat rentals, sunscreen, and much more too!