New Flies for the Missouri River

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Once upon a time, Mark and I ordered all the flies for Headhunters. It’s a grueling task, especially when it comes to finding and having faith in new flies that we’ve never tried. These days, the Ninch does all the fly ordering (which I’m thankful for). Ben does an excellent job of finding new productive patterns, using his instincts and listening to the “word on the creek”.

While Ben takes on an extreme load for Mark and I, it means were not in tune with what we have in the bins. Nearly every day I walk by our massive fly selection and notice something I’ve never seen before. Today I picked out a few flies that – were I still guiding every day – I would definitely be trying right now on the Missouri. They have all of the elements I like in mid-summer patterns. While they are not all necessarily new patterns, they’re new to Headhunters and new to me.

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