Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 5.28.14

Great weather and not many folks around make for a great week.

Nice and quiet for the last time. For about 10 weeks. Then June, July, August.

With the increase in guests we have an increase in the dry fly bite. More bugs, more fish looking up. Got your plans yet? Call today for guides, lodging, information.

Missouri River Montana Fishing Report

More of the same with some changes too. Nymphing is the best way to get some in the net while the dry fly bite exists and streamer anglers are getting a few as well.

What will you do? Some of each if you wish.

The dry fly guys are finding a few during the day eating caddis down low. Low in the canyon, down low in the Cascade region. March Browns are all but gone til next year. But, but there are still some BWO’s around and the fish are on them. On them in a manner that many do not recognize. Baetis spinners are filling the mouths of late afternoon feeding fish. Look for softer spots where 9K cfs fish rise. Near banks for sure.

The trout are eating the dead bug. So whether you like to fish the spinner, a Harrops Hi-Viz works nicely or a Hackle Stacker too, or if you like the cripple approach that is fine as well.

The flows are holding int he upper 8k range and 8690 falls into that category. Water temps are 54F and just right for the time of year. Some movement throughout the day is normal.

Nymphers are still rigging their system with 6′-7 1/2′ from bobber to split shot. The worm and the Rainbow Czech Nymph are the most common top flies with the Caddis Pupa making a run for the top spot. The bottom fly can change through out the day and the hot ones are sows, caddis pupa, pink tops, Ray Charles, translucent pupa’s with beads, Purple Weight flies…

Streamer fans? Sink tips with additional sink tips with wither weighted or non weighted patterns depending on your tip weight. Banks are the focus of these anglers and they are picking up some fish daily. Overcast and hazy mornings help this parade of casts.

The weather has been downright pleasant. Too pleasant for some and just right for others.


The shop is open daily @ 7am and open later than the rest as we prepare for the summer months. We will stay on pace with your fishing schedules and always be here, be there, be everywhere for your Missouri River fishing needs!

We have some availability for the next week, maybe two if you need to get out and beat the heat, beat the summer pressure, or just relax and have a Headhunters Guide drift you down the river. Want to learn a new stretch or improve you reach cast? We can help…

Check out John’s Weekly Newsletter here if you want another angle and to keep in touch with a deeper conversation about the Mo!