Hopper Fishing Sucks. Sort of. Well, Not Really.

Because while you may only catch a few fish – let’s say less than 10 – they are all going to be fatties. Or pigs. Or hawgs. Or slabs. Or whatever you call nice fish. We call them “nice ones”.

Some anglers are saying that the hopper fishing is not that good. Maybe even terrible. I’m going to disagree. Scumliner can do that.

These pics are from our good friend Ron Bartek. Ron loves coming out to Montana and fly fishing the Missouri River. He always comes with a positive attitude. I like that. For Ron, being in Montana and fishing for trout is enough. Catching fish like these is gravy. Thing is, Ron always gets the gravy. It’s because he always comes with a positive attitude.

Missouri River Rainbow Trout

Kinda like Groundhog Day.

Ron’s buddy Roy has never been out this way. A rookie. He catches them as well. He has some double mojo going. A positive attitude plus a 50th birthday trip = success and fatties. Nice job Roy.

Missouri River dry fly fishing

Montana hopper fly fishing

These guys have been fishing with guide Nick Stipech, and have several more days in front of them. I would expect to see some more hawgs and slabs on the Headhunter from these two. Nick knows where, what and when. Plus, he has that PA.

Bu the way, Ron wants to spend this coming Friday afternoon putting on an “anti-BBQ” at Headhunters. Especially for those just getting off of the river. Starts at 3:00pm and involves Margaritas and maybe ice cream. Be there.

Positive attitudes. Here endeth the lesson.