Yep, we got high(er) water.

The Missouri River is higher than normal. It certainly is not High. High water is way higher than it is now. Like double. Does it affect our trout?

Yep. They just get bigger.

With an average trout int he 18″ range it is a hard river to beat. While the other great Montana rivers sell and spill out of their banks we just kep rolling along day by day enjoying the visits from our friends from around the state.

They use Headhunters for flies, shuttles, lodging, and any other needs that may arise while fishing out of town.

Remember the worm years of the past? Well while we do not have the worm hatch we had in 2011 we are certainly enjoying the higher water and the significant growth of our already oversized trout.

The trout above, photo HH Guide Jared Edens,  is a fish you may catch on any given day. While we do post the big ones on this blog it is nice to know that a normal fish here on the Mo is still pretty big.

Check out the fishing report from yesterday to catch up on all things Missouri River.

Did you read the blog last week about the water levels in Montana and on the Missouri River? Well review this here if you need to keep up to date on our local water levels and what will happen int he future. Read it all here.

We don’t mind the higher water here on the Mo. We do find it to slow the dry fly fishing down. But, but we still got the rising fish until a water level of? In 2011 we saw rising fish at 13,000cfs. So we have a bunch of room before the trout stop rising.

They certainly like to rise at levels below 13,000cfs.

What is join going to happen in the next couple weeks, the next couple months? Stay tuned.

Big Missouri River trout will certainly happen.


2 thoughts on “Yep, we got high(er) water.”

  1. Love your web site I try to read it daily this time of year. I shop only Headhunters when I come down from Kalispell because of your web site. I am still pissed at my fishing partner ( sales rep of mine) from Spokane who is getting married this summer, as Headhunters was not listed as a place to register at only Pier One that’s bogus

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